After all, if you look for a thief, you may not be able to find it, but if you look for a fool, there will definitely be evidence!

But I didn’t expect that Silly Zhu’s chicken was not from the cafeteria! Isn’t this weird?

"Then this chicken definitely doesn't belong to Xu Damao! Let's adjourn the meeting!" Seeing that He Yuliang was suffering every second, the first man hurriedly wanted to announce the adjournment of the meeting!

"Wait a moment!" He Yuliang raised his hand to stop everyone.

"Xu Damao's chicken hasn't been found yet, how can we break up the meeting? I just said, we must find this thief today!

I, He Yuliang, met a thief on the first day I returned to the compound. I am still a policeman. If I don't catch him, where will my name, He Yuliang, go? "

"Brother! Where can I find it! He also got Xu Damao's chicken from a fellow villager. He came and went wherever he came, and he didn't have anything to do with it!

Besides, he has no life. It’s such a cold day. Brother, you just came back and you’re freezing because of this terrible thing. How unlucky it is! If you can't, Xu Damao, I'll pay you a dollar, and we can pull him over! "

Chapter 15 Just barely got the name

As soon as He Yuliang heard He Yuzhu's words, he became angry! He looked at Qin Huairu with cold eyes.

That pitiful appearance just now was just for my stupid brother to see. As expected, his stupid brother was stunned by the look and just made such a stupid move!

He Yuliang was so angry that his appendix almost disappeared into his stomach! I gave you two thousand dollars to clear your name, but you actually sold out all your good intentions just because of a pitiful widow!

"He Yuzhu!" He Yuliang said word by word, looking over with cold eyes!

"Haha! Are you going to apologize? Did you steal it? You don't seem to know the seriousness of the matter yet! I will tell you today!

Do you think it’s okay for you to admit this? Let me tell you a truth~ Anyone with my status, such as those who work in the police, government agencies, or streets, has a word called political examination!

That is what political inspection means!

If there are direct relatives, such as father, mother, brothers, sisters and other direct blood relations, as long as they commit criminal acts and fail the political examination, they will go home and lose their jobs!

Even if I marry a wife and her family has immediate relatives who have committed crimes, it will also affect my promotion and evaluation!

So I would like to advise everyone, if you want your children to become officials or police officers in the future, then don't commit crimes!

So, now He Yuzhu, do you still want to compensate Xu Damao? "

"I didn't say I stole it!" He Yuzhu muttered quietly.

"If you didn't steal it, how can you pay for it? Did you burn a lot of money? Look at you, you are wearing rags and slovenly. At twenty-five, you look older than me, who is twenty-seven!"

With that kind of money, you might as well buy some clam oil and rub it on your old face! "

"Coax!" Everyone laughed when they heard what He Yuliang said!

He Yuzhu touched his face and didn't dare to say anything. He couldn't beat his eldest brother, and he couldn't speak out, so what else could he do?

Moreover, after hearing what the elder brother said, what I did was really wrong! If it only affects you, then you'll have to do it. My brother's job may collapse because of this, and I don't dare to carry it!

Seeing that He Yuzhu had stopped talking, He Yuliang turned around and asked Xu Damao: "Da Mao, when did you find out that the chicken was lost?"

“It’s gone when I get back from get off work!”

"When you got off work, did everyone in the compound get off work? What's the time difference?"

"I came to have dinner with my boss today. I got off work a little late, but not too late, only ten or twenty minutes!"

He Yuliang nodded: "What time do the left and right wings of the backyard get off work? Is there anyone at home? Did you hear the rooster crow, or did someone other than the backyard enter the backyard?"

"No one was at home. When we got off work, we went off work normally. We cooked at home and didn't go out at all! We didn't hear the rooster crow, and no one came to the backyard!"

"My family got off work later than Xu Damao. The children should have been at home, but they were playing wildly on the street. I didn't find them until I came back!"

He Yuliang nodded: "That means Damao's chicken was lost when everyone was at work.

Let me analyze it, this chicken must not be stolen by an adult, for two reasons! First~ If the adults take action, I won’t leave you alone!

Secondly, your chicken was obviously stolen while everyone was at work, only children had this time!

Moreover, this child is definitely not one! A child cannot eat a whole old hen!

Now, I give you a chance! If your children stole Damao’s old hens and ate them, they would definitely have very little for dinner, or they might not be able to eat at all!

Based on this, you can tell whether your child stole the chicken!

Today, I am also being generous. For the sake of my children, I admit it now and just compensate Xu Damao’s family! I won’t arrest your child and send him to a juvenile detention center!

Once you enter a juvenile detention center, you will have nothing to do with institutions in your life, and it will affect your brothers, sisters, and the next generation!

But, if you don’t say it! Let me find out, then I'm sorry, you will be sentenced to juvenile detention center!

Since you clearly know that your child stole the chicken and you still don’t tell them, it proves that you, as a parent, are not capable of controlling your child!

You don't even care about stealing things and you help hide them. You definitely can't control the child, so let me send him to the juvenile detention center to take care of him!

Moreover, let me also say that according to the law, if you conceal a crime and fail to report it, you can also be detained! For the sake of my neighbors, I won’t arrest you!

Now let’s talk about who has two or more children who didn’t eat tonight! "

He Yuliang glanced at everyone, his eyes lingering on Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu.

Jia Zhang's fat face was pale, Qin Huairu still looked pitiful, to her silly brother!

But this time Sha Zhu was quite persistent, and simply turned his head away from Qin Huairu!

Qin Huairu looked at He Yuliang with a pitiful look again, and He Yuliang almost passed out!

I can't afford your expired mouthwash green tea, I don't have such a heavy taste!

In order not to let his eyes suffer, He Yuliang looked away!

Unexpectedly, He Yuliang's eyes lit up when he dodged like this. He thought He Yuliang was shy!

If He Yuliang knew what Qin Huairu was thinking at this moment, he would definitely spit on her face with a big sticky phlegm! I'm afraid he was blinded by his thoughts!

Qin Huairu didn't know, she didn't know who He Yuliang was. After all, when she came, He Yuliang had already joined the army!

Jia Dongxu would never say anything about a person who could scare him away with a glare. After Jia Dongxu died, no one told her!

Jia Zhangshi knew, but she didn't have time to tell her!

Qin Huairu thought He Yuliang was just making a lot of noise but not doing anything, so she sat there confidently, calm and composed.

He Yuzhu was a little anxious! The analysis just now by the eldest brother was so thorough that he almost named someone!

Qin Huairu, how can you still sit still? My brother is a man of his word. He will arrest you if he says so! Do you really think you can get away with it?

"My child ate a lot! He ate six steamed buns. If I hadn't stopped him, there would have been two more that wouldn't have been enough for him!"

"I only have one child, only four years old. He can't even beat an old hen when it's thrown in front of him! Not to mention stealing a chicken!"


"Stop! Talk about those who meet the requirements, and those who don't meet the requirements, don't talk! Now I'm going to say it, listen, those who meet the requirements raise your hands, and those who don't meet the requirements don't talk!

Who has two or more children? Those who meet the requirements raise your hands!"

More than a dozen people raised their hands! Including Qin Huairu!

There are a lot of children these days. He Yuliang subconsciously glanced at Xu Damao, and happened to make eye contact with Xu Damao...

He Yuliang...

Xu Damao...

He Yuliang: It's a bit embarrassing!

Xu Damao: Are you polite?

Chapter 16 Precise Positioning God's Perspective

He Yuliang cleared his throat and continued~

"Whose child is at home this afternoon? And the older child must be between seven and fourteen years old, and the younger one must be over five years old?"


Several arms were put down! There are still seven or eight raised!

"The older child is a girl, you can put your hands down! Killing a chicken or stealing a chicken is not something a timid girl would dare to do!"


Four or five more were put down!

These are all in the open, and they can't deny it even if they want to!

Qin Huairu saw that only she and Luo Laowai were left with their hands raised, and her heart trembled a little!

Everyone knows the situation of Luo Laowai's family. Although there are three children in their family, which also fits the situation He Yuliang just said, it is definitely not the children of Luo Laowai who stole it.

Why? Haha, Luo Laowai's youngest son is indeed within the range, only six years old, the oldest is twelve, and the middle one is nine years old, but~

"Okay, call all your children out, I'll ask them one by one!"

"Um, Policeman He, right? I can't call them out, why don't you go to my house and ask?"

"Klimah, why are you so stupid?"

Good guy, when He Yuliang heard Luo Laowai's Tong Xiangyu version of Mandarin, he directly threw two dialects at him!

That means it's straightforward, why don't you understand the situation?

Luo Laowai was dumbfounded, when did Policeman He become a Hanzhong person?

In a hurry, Luo Laowai said a lot of things! Not to mention everyone, even He Yuliang didn't understand.

What is this?

There are wrong names, but no wrong nicknames, otherwise why is he called Luo Laowai, when he is anxious, his mouth is crooked, and the words he says are naturally incoherent!

At this time, someone nearby came to Luo Laowai's rescue: "Daliangzi, Luo Laowai's child can't be called out. It's true that he has three children, but he only has one set of cotton clothes. Whoever goes to the toilet wears it!

I said Dalianzi, you don't have to go. If Luo Laowai's child steals a chicken, only one child can be born, and he can only eat at home. It's impossible!"

He Yuliang nodded: "That's right! Okay, then your family is left, you call the child out!"

Qin Huairu almost cried! How come the investigation went so smoothly, and only her family was left? Is her child so obvious?

How could she know that He Yuliang had seen all the chickens, the God's perspective, I have seen all the cards, and I still can't trap you, count me as a loser!

At this time, Qin Huairu spoke: "Police He..."

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