"You don't understand. This is not about the courtyard at all. This is He Yuliang's bullying! Why can't you say it?"

"You two go back, you can't control this! Let her talk, I want to hear what she has to say!"

"No matter what you say, it can't change the fact that Ran Qiuye lives in the courtyard! Without a certificate, they are not a couple. If they are not a couple, they should not live together. There is nothing wrong with driving her away!"

"Haha, first of all, let me emphasize that she has no place to live now! Moreover, the two of them do not live in the same house!

Also, do you understand love? Do you know how to write the word love?

You are a little girl, a flower has not bloomed, and you are involved in this kind of thing. I won’t talk about Liu Guangtian. He has his own purpose. He also admitted it just now. He did not listen to Liu Haizhong because of He Yuzhu’s words. Take revenge!

What's going on? When did an excuse for retaliation become a valid reason? This is simply a farce directed and performed by the two of them! "

He Yuliang said that Yu Haitang was speechless. At this time, He Yuliang asked again: "Oh, are you Yu Haitang?"

"Yes, what's the matter? Do you want to retaliate? I..." Yu Haitang immediately seized the opportunity and wanted to bite back!

"Don't! Don't! Don't! I'm not as dirty as you think! I never hold grudges, and I avenge them on the spot!

I heard that you have an ex-partner named Yang Weimin? I heard you guys broke up, right? "

"I have never denied this! No one stipulates that the person you want to marry has to be successful, right?"

Chapter 153 Crying at Haitang

He Yuliang nodded: "Yes, you are right! But I am confused, Yang Weimin is still the same Yang Weimin, why did you break up with him after you had a good relationship with him before?

Can't get along? No, you two haven't been together for a short time, right?

What's going on? It used to be Yang Weimin, but now he is not Yang Weimin? I never heard that Yang Weimin has twin brothers and younger brothers! "


Everyone around laughed!

Ran Qiuye is a teacher herself, and her quality is high enough. After teaching in primary school for so many years, she has never punished a student corporally, and she has always tried her best!

Many of the children in the compound were taught by her, and the parents also remembered Ran Qiuye's kindness!

Ran Qiuye behaves in a low-key manner and does not quarrel with others. He is very popular in the yard! It can be said that he is more popular than He Yuliang and He Yuzhu combined!

If Yu Haitang was targeting He Yuzhu, perhaps no one would say anything. However, if it was targeting Ran Qiuye, the people in the yard would say nothing, and they would not be very happy in their hearts!

When He Yuliang said this and everyone laughed, Yu Haitang was a little embarrassed!

"Why are you laughing? This is a matter of attitude! It's much more important than love!"

He Yuliang nodded: "According to your statement, the relationship with Yang Weimin before was love, but now we break up with him, it is because of emotional discord.

That's right. Husband and wife are birds of the same forest. When disaster strikes, they will fly separately!

I bother! That sounds grand! What is the use? If you know how to talk or not, you can listen!

When Uncle Yang Weimin was the director of the factory, you were in a relationship with him. Now that Director Yang is in trouble, you break up with him!

Is that because you are not emotionally compatible? You mean Yang Weimin has no money and no house! You can’t take advantage of Director Yang!

Otherwise, if this person hadn't changed, why did you fall in love with him at the time, and then your feelings were at odds with him as soon as Director Yang swept him away? What's going on? Director Yang's sweeping the floor has also caused your emotional discord?

Don't treat others as fools. Just like you, whoever lives with you will be unlucky for eight lifetimes. You are not living with people at all, you are living with houses and money!

I can't control what happens to you, but don't use your tactics on others! I think the second pillar of our family is good and will never be abandoned.

Whether it’s love or faith, they are both firm enough! Your view of love is your view of love, don’t apply yours to others!

Your shamelessness brings out the greatness of others!

That year, Mr. Zhou took "Butterfly Lovers" to Geneva and moved everyone!

This is the charm of love. Love has no benefits, but steadfastness makes people moved!

As for you! hehe! I’m not shy about talking about you! "

He Yuliang became so cruel that he tore Yu Haitang naked with just one sentence!

"You! You bastard! Wuwuwu!" Yu Haitang ran away!

"Bah! You are like this, and you are dumping others. Whoever you dumped is the one who has accumulated good deeds from your ancestors!

Yo, grandma is here! Shuyun, look at you, why are you torturing grandma? This yard is a bit messy, grandma, please walk more carefully and don’t fall..."

"Where is my second grandson?"

"Grandma, Zhuzi is fine. Let the security department call him away for questioning! Grandma, where is my medal?"

Lin Shuyun handed over the box. He Yuliang opened the box and breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he was worried that they would panic and bring the old lady's badge. Unexpectedly, he picked it out!

He Yuliang pinned each medal on his body, fourteen in total, and there was also a very conspicuous first-class personal merit!

"Did you see? I have done great service for the party! I have shed blood for the country! You get these medals from me, and you are looking back to find fault with me!"

You should be glad that this is not ten years ago, when I, He Yuliang, acted according to the principles.

Now, do you have anything to say? "

"No! No! Absolutely not! We only respect fighting heroes, and this medal is what we learn from!"

The parents looked at He Yuliang's chest of medals with cold sweat on their faces!

Prodigal child, why did you mess with this guy? Just with this medal, the kids in the compound would have to go back to cry in a deserted place if they got slapped!

This He Yuliang is even more difficult to deal with. He used to be a gangster, but now this gangster can actually be reasonable!

This Liu Guangtian is the same, why did you mess with him? You are from the same compound, don’t you know what He Yuliang is like?

In fact, he really blamed Liu Guangtian wrongly. Although He Yuliang was famous ten years ago, he was very low-key in the compound. People knew that he went out early and came back late every day, but they didn’t know what he was doing!

"So what you mean is that everything today was Liu Guangtian's personal behavior?"

"It's definitely his personal behavior! We will deal with this matter seriously!"

"Then you make your own decision. Your thoughts are still good and your awareness is quite high! Okay, I won't make it difficult for you. You don't have to submit your ideological report!

However, since this is a personal behavior and Liu Guangtian is from the same compound as us, I can't hold him responsible.

It seems that I don't care about the relationship with neighbors, but I have to teach him a lesson. My suggestion is~ This time Liu Guangtian's family should pay for the medical expenses of these people!"

"He Jiao really gave them enough face! Then~"

"Go, call a taxi and send them to the hospital! Second Aunt, don't cry, take the money and follow!

Otherwise, I will ask Second Uncle and Liu Guangtian to go to the police station for questioning for provoking trouble!"

"Okay! It's okay, young people in the yard, help carry these people to the cart at the door!"

The first uncle asked everyone to help carry the people. The yard was full of people, which was not good to look at!

He Yuliang took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to Yi Zhonghai: "Uncle, I'm going to go back to my room to change my clothes. I'll leave the cigarettes to you!

Dear neighbors, I'm sorry for being so rude! I can't stand not changing my sweaty clothes!"

"It's okay! It's okay! You do your work! We'll take care of this!"

"Yes! Yes! You go do your work..."


"Liu Haizhong? Dare to arrest my grandson? I'll go to his house later. I want to see how biased Liu Haizhong is. Big portion!"

"Don't! Don't! Don't! Grandma, Liu Haizhong is going to have bad days ahead, so you don't need to help this time!

Don't get angry with that thing, it's not worth it, it's not worth it! This time, Zhuzi will go, and if they don't beg Zhuzi on their knees, Zhuzi won't bring them back!"

"Okay, just know what's going on!"

"Grandma, Auntie, don't leave either, just eat here today, my cooking is not as good as Zhuzi's, just make do with it, don't be disgusted!"

Lin Shuyun said.

"I'll go help!" Ran Qiuye followed him out!


Director Li looked at He Yuzhu, who was tied up and sitting opposite him with his legs crossed, and felt a headache.

Chapter 154 Director Li was in a dilemma.

He asked the head of the security department next to him quietly: "Don't you know that he is the younger brother of the instructor of the Red Star Police Station?

The key is that this instructor has a good relationship with me. You haven't taken political classes for such a long time, nor have you written ideological reports. Every time you are evaluated as advanced or have your salary increased, it's just a matter of one sentence. Don't you know the reason?

Originally, I asked Sha Zhu to go to the workshop just to give him a warning. He Yuliang didn't come, which was already very cultured!

Now you have arrested Sha Zhu with all his hands tied, what should I do? There is not even a way out. !”

The head of the security department also had a sad face: "I didn't know who taught Shazhu's brother, but now I know!"

"Hehehehe! Director Li, can you make a decision for me? I was tied up and brought here.

Oh, good guy! You held a seminar next door and left me here! Moreover, you are so far away from me, don't you think you are a little out of touch with the masses? "

He Yuzhu saw them whispering over there. Although he was too far away to hear clearly, he could tell from their expressions that Director Li had a headache!

Then why should I be polite? Those who have grievances should avenge them, and those who have hatred should avenge them! It's time to be proud. If I don't speak up now, then there will be no chance.

It's okay to have awe of Director Li before, but now it's obvious that Director Li is not as good as my brother, so why should I be afraid of you?

Director Li glared at the head of the security department: "I'll settle accounts with you later!"

The head of the security department was also wronged. It was all because of that old guy Liu Haizhong. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have gone to the courtyard, let alone bumped into He Yuliang...

"Hehehe! Comrade He Yuzhu, right? Why are you tied up? How can you treat the workers like this?

Why don't you untie Comrade He Yuzhu? Don't say it's right, even if it's wrong, I won't allow you to treat workers like this!

Workers are our confidence and our backers. How can you do this..."

Director Li signaled the head of the security department to untie him!

He Yuzhu dodged: "Slow down! Slow down! This was tied up by my brother himself. My brother knows that I was wronged, but this matter is a private matter of the steel mill after all, and he can't use his power to oppress others.

Although he knew that I was wronged, he still tied me up!

But my brother has explained that only Director Li can loosen the rope!

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