"Oh? Oh! Oh! Okay!" Yi Zhonghai was startled, what kind of devil is this He Yuliang doing?

Ignoring the flustered Yi Zhonghai, He Yuliang took the teapot and washed himself before going back. The meal should be ready. After the meal, there were still a lot of things to do!

Chapter 26 He Yuzhu looks like a new uncle

The steamed buns of Erhe Noodles, the steamed buns with cabbage and bacon have been put on the basket, and the steamed buns with cabbage and bacon have been stewed.

"I'll watch the fire. You go back to the house and put on your clothes. Don't look sloppy all day. Also, find me your grocery book, tickets, etc."

You will make an order for me later. Come back early tonight and prepare some dishes, and I will treat the three uncles and aunts to a meal! "

"Why are you inviting them to dinner? One is Yan Laoji, the other is an official fan..."

"Shut up! Can you talk about this? Watch your mouth and your attitude! I haven't said anything about you yet, look at how thin Yu Yu is..." He Yuliang glared.

"Yes, yes, yes! Brother, I won't say anything anymore! I was wrong!" He Yuzhu quickly apologized.

"Watch your mouth! I said it. Let me rephrase it. He is nice to you. Do you want me to break my promise?"

"Brother, stop talking, I was really wrong! If you mention it again later, you will slap me!"

"Okay, stop playing tricks and go change clothes quickly. Can you ride a bicycle?"

"Brother, you don't have to carry something like this to kill people. It's just a bicycle! I'll learn it in a moment!"

"Still not!"

"Brother, you are going a little too far. The quilt is folded like tofu. If someone comes in here, I will be dead!"

"Then why don't you fold your quilt properly? What happened to you would be enough to shoot you in the military camp!"

"So I'm a cook!"

"Are you quite proud?"

"Yu Yu! The meal is ready! It's time to eat!" He Yuliang saw that the time was almost up and shouted towards the house next to him.

"Brother! Hahaha!" After a while, He Yuyu came out with a messy head of hair.

"Hurry up and freshen up. What does the girl's house look like?"

Erhe Noodles' steamed buns were the first time He Yuliang had eaten whole grains in the past few days. Maybe it was because his body was used to it, but it wasn't hard to swallow. However, He Yuliang rejected the taste in his heart.

However, He Yuzhu and He Yuyu ate quite deliciously.

"Snoring in thin air..."

He Yuzhu...

He Yuyu...

He Yuzhu had just eaten a steamed bun, and He Yuzhu still had half of it left...

"Brother! What are you doing?"

"Damn it, they say soldiers eat quickly, brother, you are not eating at all, you are cheating!

Let me see, let me see! Five minutes at most! Brother, we are at home, not marching in a hurry, so there is no need to be in such a hurry, right? "

"Get used to it! Get used to it! You eat while I sit here and talk to you."

"This is not a starving year. If it were a starving year, we would both starve to death if I eat at the rate I am eating!"

"Starve to death. As long as I'm here, I won't starve to death!" He Yuyu took a hard bite of the steamed bun.

"Did you see it? Did you see it? Brother, you came back to Yuyu to support you, and you started to do things like this!"

"did not see it!"

"Yes! The big one is rare and the little one is delicate, but half of his body was cut off after being beaten and angry..."

"Come on, look at your new clothes. I haven't left you behind. I prepared two watches for you yesterday. Who can let you down?

I'm telling you, the milk powder, malted milk, and candy bars are definitely for my nephews and nieces.

My brother said yesterday that according to your age, children should be running all over the floor. Look at the gifts that my brother brought back, most of them should be given to you. What's the result? "

"Yes! Yes! Yes! My fault! My fault! Speaking of which, if my children run away all over the floor, think about what my brother brought back, and what will happen to you?"

He Yuliang watched the excitement, but he didn't expect the fire to spread to his side: "Hey! Zhuzhu, you are a bit heartless. When did I turn aside to you?

I didn’t bring many things with Yuyu because I thought Yuyu was too young and I’ll take care of him for a few years..."

After the three of them finished eating, He Yuliang went to practice riding a bicycle with He Yuzhu. Instead of following the steps, He Yuliang directly taught him a faster method...

"Brother, my stupid brother learned it so quickly?"

"Why are you talking? I paid attention yesterday and didn't mention you. Why did you call me stupid brother? Do you want to be stupid?"

He Yuyu...

"Okay, don't yell like that in the future. You're not smart to begin with, but if you yell like that, you'll be even stupider!

Hey, by the way, when will you go to work? "

"I have an evening shift today. I can leave in the afternoon. Brother, what can I do for you?"

"Oh, did you see? The opposite street is assigned to me. Let's clean it up later. I will live there from now on."

"An upside-down house? It's cold in winter and hot in summer. Why are we assigned such a house?"

"That's what I asked for!"

"Brother, stop bragging. I can give it to you if you ask for it?" He Yuyu's eyes were full of doubt.

"What's that look in your eyes? You're too young to know that Director Yang from the street is my mother's best friend. We only live in a house, and I'm asking for a downgrade. Can she still give it to me?"

"Director Yang, is this my mother's handkerchief?"

"Of course! Otherwise, why do you think I had the confidence to be so arrogant back then?"

He Yuzhu was sitting on the bicycle seat with his legs crossed on both sides of the car, looking confused.

Is this something humans do?

He taught me how to ride a bicycle and told me to push forward with two legs. When I am balanced, when should I push my feet?

Who practices cycling like this? Aren't you afraid that I will drop the paint on your new car? This is Xiao Erbai's property, are you so relieved?

But after He Yuzhu watched He Yuliang tell him how to operate it, he turned around and went back. This was the only way He Yuzhu could learn!

Wearing a military uniform, a military coat, a canvas coat tied to the back seat, a watch on his hand, and a bicycle~

In addition to not being able to ride a bicycle, He Yuzhu feels so beautiful!


He Yuzhu kicked the ground with both feet and ran towards the steel rolling mill...

"Hey, Silly Zhu is very energetic today. Are you going on a blind date? Bicycle, military green uniform. Is this the new uncle coming to visit?"

He Yuzhu grinned: "How can I, I don't have a partner, how can I be the new father-in-law?

My brother gave them to me. My brother is back! It’s just that this bicycle is not very good. It belongs to Feige and cannot carry anything. My brother said he would buy me a permanent one. "

"Your brother?"

"My eldest brother, He Yuliang! Okay, I should go to the cafeteria. Let's talk when we have time!"

After He Yuzhu finished speaking, he sat on the bicycle seat, pushed his feet on the ground, and started walking using He's bicycle starting method!

When they arrived at the cafeteria, everyone was silent as soon as He Yuzhu entered the room.

Ma Hua glanced at it, rubbed his eyes, and looked again: "Master?"

"What's wrong? I don't know you!"

"We know each other. It's the first time we've met Silly Zhu, who looks like a new uncle. Whose clothes did you steal? It's just that there's a saying that wearing a dragon robe doesn't look like a prince!"

Liu Lan looked at the newly dressed He Yuzhu and couldn't help but say something sour.

Chapter 27 He Yuzhu changed his gender?

"Hey! How are you talking? How are you talking? This is a military uniform. How brave are you to obey the military uniform!

Liu Lan, there is something wrong with your thinking. We are all gay. Why are you talking about being a prince in a dragon robe? You have to change your feudal ideas! "

"Si Zhu's body is pretty good, he looks like someone from the compound!"

"That's right, this is what my eldest brother brought back from his demobilization. It was specially given to me. It's not even upper body yet!"

He Yuzhuzhu said coaxingly, stretching his arms as he spoke.

"Master, this is your watch! Why is it different from the ones I've seen?" Ma Hua saw the watch on He Yuzhu's wrist at a glance.

"How can it be the same? You can't even see this watch in Kyoto, let alone buy it!

Does Ah San know? My brother got a reward for fighting there! These are all old American stuff, we can’t see them here! "

"You always talk about your brother, your brother. Who is your brother? Who is your family? Please introduce me!"

"What's wrong? Do you still have ideas? Tell you! No chance!

My brother is demobilized at the platoon level and assigned to our Red Star Police Station. He earns a salary of ninety-nine a month. You can’t even think about it! "

"What are you doing, what are you doing! What are you doing around here? You don't want to cook! Work, work!"

A group of people were holding He Yuzhu's canvas coat over their heads, and they were all looking at the luminous function of He Yuzhu's watch.

While they were studying, the head chef came over, looked at them gathered together, and shouted angrily.

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