Even Lao Mo would compare it with a bra, saying that bra is worn by the Russians and does not reflect the beauty of our East at all...

I don't understand it either. Anyway, my brother said something about cultural invasion, saying that the descendants of Yan and Huang should be proud of their heritage, and that if the private rooms are well built, they can shock foreigners.

I don't know if it will shock foreigners or not, but with the money I spent, it has already shocked me. "

Although He Yuzhu didn't say it very clearly, the big boss heard it. This restaurant has a lot of ideas!

The big boss also specially inquired about He Yuliang. He fought in the south. After returning, he also performed very well in the police station. He also wrote a book on interrogation. He did not advocate violence and mainly used psychological analysis...

And those who have served in the army have a significant characteristic - a strong sense of nationality and a strong sense of patriotism.

Based on He Yuzhu's skills, the big boss is not worried. If something else is added, it may be a little unpredictable.

"Oh, then I want to see what this private room that can shock foreigners looks like!

By the way, you have set up such a big stall, do you have enough money?"

He Yuzhu nodded: "Now all the money is spent on my brother. The money saved by my family has not been used. The money is enough, but my brother is setting up a stall like this, I am afraid that I can't make it back!"

"Then what is the difficulty you are talking about? Is there anyone blocking the business license? ”

“Absolutely not. I didn’t even go there. My sister-in-law brought it to my house. We are in trouble. No one else can help, but you can!”

“What’s the matter?”

He Yuzhu scratched his head: “This is it. The house has been bought and the style has been decided, but the name has not been chosen yet. I thought you would put up a plaque for it.”

“Hahaha, this matter! Okay! I’ll think about it. You can come to get it next time I cook!”

“Okay, then I’ll come tomorrow!” He Yuzhu nodded immediately.

Big leader…

“You! Three days later!”

“Brother, here you go! I got this for you! I don’t care about the plaque!”

“Big leader’s handwriting?” He Yuliang hurried over to open the rolled rice paper. There was not only a signature but also a private seal on it.

He Yuliang nodded happily: “Not bad! Not bad! The big leader really supports you. ”

“That’s right, we’ve been friends for more than ten years…”

“Okay, okay, you’re out of breath when I say you’re fat, tell me, what did the boss say?”

“He didn’t say anything, he said he’d bring the kids to see it when it’s open!”

“This boss is really good to you, Zhuzi, remember, since the boss is giving you so much face, you can’t lose the boss’s face, and you can’t pay less taxes, and you need to use real ingredients when cooking.”

“Of course, I can’t do anything that would ruin my craft, and I can’t do anything that would ruin my character.”

That day, He Yuliang came to the police station with rice paper to ask for leave, and wanted to ask Master Zhao who would make the plaque better.

By the way, he also wanted to see how the project was going. Although Huaihua was watching, there were some things she might not be able to see.

Master Zhao’s vision was still limited, and he still had to check it himself.

Just as he was about to leave with his bicycle, Wang Xinmin came over: “Brother! Brother! Wait a minute, wait a minute. "

He Yuliang stopped: "What's the matter?"

"Brother, I heard that the second brother is not in the steel mill anymore, and is going to start his own business? He also opened a big restaurant and is renovating it?"

"Yes! I've been busy with this these days. What's the matter? Is there anything?"

Wang Xinmin was unusually embarrassed.

"Brother, do you remember Aunt Zhang, the joint defense officer?"

He Yuliang thought about it carefully and nodded: "I have some impression that the son chopped up his brother-in-law and then went to jail?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! That's the one. His child is called Zhang Degui, nicknamed Zhang San. He just got out two days ago.

Although he was impulsive at the time, he was released from prison after all, and it was hard to find a job.

In addition, his family didn't have much money, so he didn't have the capital to do business, and he didn't dare to do it.

Let me put it this way, Zhang San is now picking up scraps to sell, but no one in the scrap collection station will take him in, and he has to ask his mother to move him there.

I thought, this is not a good idea. If he looks for a job, no one wants him. If he does business, he has no capital. And given his situation, there is no guarantee that his business colleagues will be jealous and tell others about his crimes, and then the business will fail!

Now no one will take him in, this won’t work!

I thought, if my second brother’s restaurant is so big, if he needs someone, I can arrange for him.

Don’t worry, big brother, I have seen Zhang Degui, he is definitely not a naughty person, he is an honest man...”

Zhang San? He is the one with two children? The lawless maniac mentioned by Teacher Luo? Zhang San, who claims to have only two pieces of skin left in the criminal law?

“How can he be called Zhang San? "

Wang Xinmin...

Brother-in-law, can you focus on the business? I'm talking about finding him a job.

"Oh, there was an older brother in his family, but that's it!"

He Yuliang also realized that what he said was wrong: "Ahem! Okay, I'll go to their house and take him with me."

Chapter 303 You can do this?

According to his memory, He Yuliang came to Aunt Zhang's house.

Aunt Zhang was still sitting at the door basking in the sun. When she heard the sound of the bicycle, she turned her head and looked over. She thought it was Wang Xinmin, but when she saw it was not the case, she sat back again.


He Yuliang held the car brake and got out of the car: "Aunt Zhang, do you still remember me?"

Aunt Zhang looked at it carefully: "He Jiaojiao! Oh, He Jiaojiao, who has been here with Daminzi before, why do you have time to come here today?

Not much has happened here recently, and no petty thieves have come here..."

Aunt Zhang is still very enthusiastic. Although this joint defense officer is inappropriate, she will still help if the neighbors have something to do.

"No, Aunt Zhang, I'm not here for inspection this time. I'm here to see your noble family."

"Looking for San'er? Did San'er make any mistakes? He just came out, how can I live..."

"Hey, Aunt Zhang, don't be excited, don't be excited! Why didn't Da Minzi come to me today and say that Degui has no job now?

My brother has opened a big hotel. He needs a night watchman. He can open the door in the morning and do some simple cleaning. I would like to ask Degui if he is willing to go. If he is willing to go, come with me and have a look.

As for the salary, it's twenty-eight a month, but since we're an individual, it's okay to split things up, but pensions and housing splits are out of the question, and there are various kinds of tickets, but not this. "

"Work? But our third son was released..."

"It's okay, Da Minzi said he is an honest man, I believe it! My brother believes it too! Do you think you can get him back and let him come with me to have a look?"

"Okay, I'll go look for you right now. Please wait for a while. San'er shouldn't be far away. I'll go right away..."

After a while, Aunt Zhang came over with a young man. When she saw He Yuliang in the distance, her steps became much smaller.

"He Jiaojiao, this is my son, San'er, please call me!" Aunt Zhang pulled Zhang Degui and introduced him to He Yuliang.

"Hello, Comrade Public Security! My name is Zhang Degui."

The way he nodded and bowed was almost humble.

"My name is He Yuliang, don't be so polite, Wang Xinmin is my brother-in-law, a young man, straighten your back.

I just talked to Aunt Zhang once, but I still want to hear your opinion~

This month's salary is 28 yuan. Since I am self-employed, I don't have this payment or pension.

But when the hotel is doing well, it will distribute some things.

If you go there, you'll be responsible for doing the night shift, opening the door in the morning, doing some simple cleaning, and nothing else.

If you are willing to go, I will carry you over to identify the door. The store is currently being repaired, and carpenters are staying there at night. If you agree, you can go to work tonight. "

"Comrade Public Security, isn't this twenty-eight a bit too much? Now the state-owned temporary workers are only sixteen and a half yuan, or maybe sixteen and a half."

"I'm not going to tell you, twenty-eight, there is no pension, otherwise it would be the same as the state-owned enterprise, so who would be an individual?

Don't think you are special. Your salary is the same as that of the waiter, and even the order clerk is higher than you. Don't just complain when the time comes. If you agree, come with me and have a look. "

Zhang Degui thought for a while, and Aunt Zhang pulled his sleeve and asked him to agree. Aunt Zhang's idea was that this is a job anyway. Zhang Degui is not young anymore and has a criminal record. It would be better to have a job and start a family, right? .

Zhang Degui thought a lot and finally nodded: "Public Security He, I will take this job. If my salary is higher than others, then I will quit."

"You brat, you are quite principled. Get in the car." He Yuliang said with a smile.

"Comrade Public Security, I just ran away..."

"Come on, I'm riding and you are running. What do you mean when people see you? Stop talking nonsense and get in the car."

"Master Zhao, you're busy!" He Yuliang came in with the words.

"No more busy, all that's left is to finish! Why are you here today?"

"Hey, I need your help with something, don't you?"

"what's up?"

"Look, this store is almost finished, but the most important thing is still unfinished, the plaque! No, my brother asked someone to write the plaque, and I want to ask you, who can make the plaque well, and what about the money? It’s easy to say, just ask for it.”

"Make a plaque?"


"Still looking for someone?"

"You! Bring me the words!"


"Comrade Public Security, do you know? Uncle Zhao is good at this!"

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