
"Okay, don't eat the beef and steel! Yun Zhao, did you gain anything from this trip?"

"It's good. Life is getting better and better for everyone. It is estimated that all aspects of food, clothing and housing will become more and more market-oriented.

There is no restriction on purchasing tickets on the train anymore. Unlike in previous years, you cannot take the train without a letter of introduction.

Dad, I have a bold guess. Dad, do you think there will be a day in the future when you won’t need these tickets to buy anything..."

"No way, how can we ration without votes?"

"Rationing is because there is not enough, so supply is based on tickets. If there is enough in the future, won't there be no need to ration?"

He Yuliang's eyes lit up, and then he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: The reason why he was able to prosper was because he knew the direction of development in a few decades.

I am not much smarter than anyone else. People of this era have given me too many shocks, such as the fifth master who knew that house prices have increased, and Xiaodang who has broadened his horizons and boldly predicted that the ticket will be canceled in the future...

"Okay, don't think about what you have or don't have. Let's eat quickly. Has the uncle delivered it?"

"Sent it over, and Chen Yuan also ate there. Good guy, I just went to check it out, and this Chen Yuan was running around while eating, and the old man was chasing after him with a bowl.

At home, I would have been slapped early, but at the grandpa's house, the three of us were having a good time. "

"Hey, why did you bring mutton back today? What happened? Did you buy too much mutton?" He Yuliang said while looking at the dishes on the table.

"No, it was given by the director of the woolen mill. When the director saw the foreign currency, it was like meeting his relatives. When my aunt and I left, we took it to the train station and personally put it on the train.

A large piece of mutton was given, as well as a large amount of beef jerky. "

"There is a lot of mutton at home, why cut this? Yu Yu, when you get home later, take the mutton back to satisfy Miaomiao and Dongdong's cravings.

That beef and steel of yours~ My eldest daughter can’t even eat anything when she goes to school, so you two can get half of it…”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"What's wrong? Is this happening?" He Yuliang was confused.

"Brother, brother, what you just said, Xiaodang has already guessed it in Tianfu Pavilion. Although it is not exactly the same, the meaning is exactly the same."

"Oh, what's the matter? It's been more than ten years now, can you guess what I said is not because it's normal."

"Yes, more than ten years have passed. I remember that Sophora japonica was just a little bigger back then, like a kitten. Now she can stand alone."

Seeing Sophora japonica today, busy in Tianfu Pavilion, very decent, He Yuyu was also very emotional!

"Okay, let's eat! Didn't you burst into tears when I came back? You were already talking about marriage at that time.

The most irritating thing is Zhuzi, good guy, the first thing he said when he saw me was: Brother, didn’t you write a letter saying you were dead...


If I really died, how could I write this letter..."

"Brother, when did that happen? Why do you still mention it? Besides, you have been a soldier for more than nine years. At the beginning, you still had letters, but later you didn't even have letters. You still received so many letters at home. Who wouldn’t give it a second thought?”

He Yuzhu felt a little embarrassed in front of the children.


Chapter 326 Lin Shuyun’s Business

On this day, He Yuyu took Xiaodang to one of their subordinate units, the Red Star Cloth Cutting Factory, and went directly to the factory director's office.

"Hey, Technician He, what brought you here? Sit, sit, sit! What can I do? If I can help, I will definitely help!

But you also know the situation of our factory. The efficiency is not very good, and all the existing workers have been laid off..." After seeing Xiao Dang, the factory director had a guess in his mind and greeted him warmly.

At Xiaodang's age, and because He Yuyu brought it, the factory director thought he wanted to arrange a job for Xiaodang.

It's just that their factory's efficiency is really low now, their competitiveness is poor, their machines are seriously aging, their work skills are low, and they are too dependent on upstream and downstream industries.

The cloth coming out of the Red Star Cotton Mill is ordered by the garment factory. They cut it directly into shape and then send it to the garment factory.

That's it. In the past, you could still try big pot rice, but now it's not competitive at all.

Some time ago, the factory director also got mad and went to work with the boss to get a batch of machines, thinking of updating them~

The result is still the same.

This is not about the machine at all.

He Yuyu can't see this situation? He quickly said: "Director Zhao, I know that your profits are not good, so I am bringing you good news!

Let me introduce you, this is my niece, Jia Yunzhao! There were forty rolls of woolen cloth and twenty rolls of chinos, and a bit of silk lining to be cut.

Give half of it in foreign exchange coupons or foreign currency, and give the remaining half in money. You can negotiate the exact amount yourself. I won't interfere, I'll just give you a lead. "

"What? Half of the foreign exchange coupons and foreign currency? This is good! This is good!" Director Zhao even has a problem with his job here, let alone foreign currency.

Although foreign currency is easy to obtain in Kyoto, Director Zhao's half-dead factory makes it almost impossible to obtain even domestic currency, let alone foreign currency.

The rest is left to Jia Yunzhao.

Although Jia Yunzhao's negotiation skills are immature, fortunately, the initiative is here, not to mention that there is not much to figure out at this time, everyone is only half-measured, and there is nothing to lose.

He Yuyu stood aside, drinking tea and watching the negotiation between the two with interest. During this time, He Yuyu fully realized the power of foreign currency.

No matter what kind of factory you are, as long as foreign currency is involved, the factory director will immediately greet you personally. Foreign currency is definitely a stepping stone.

I bought twenty rolls of pure cotton twill fabric from a factory. This was the fabric produced by the new machine. Even the garment factory had to wait. However, as soon as the foreign currency came out, the goods were shipped immediately, and the green light was given all the way.

In He Yuyu's view, this is the correct use of foreign currency. As for going to the Friendship Store, it's such a waste!

Soon, the two of them agreed on the price, and then Director Zhao personally sent the two of them out. After that, nothing happened to them!

On this day, He Yuliang took the money to Na Wu's house, had a meal on the second floor of Tianfu Pavilion, and bought another front house of Na Wu.

Lin Shuyun also applied for suspension, and then got together with the street director with whom she had a good relationship, and made a plan!

Naturally, the place to treat guests is Tianfu Pavilion in Zhuzhu.

Lin Shuyun looked at the four street directors, who were looking at murals and clothes in the glass windows.

Although they are street directors, they have never seen this before. He Yuliang said that he should surpass Lao Mo on the second floor of Tianfu Pavilion. That was not just talk.

This private room, in the eyes of foreign guests, is definitely better than Lao Mo's splendid one.

"Deputy Director Lin, your brother-in-law's restaurant is pretty good!"

"Hey, it's just average. It's better than him at the steel rolling mill. Our Zhuzi is kind-hearted and has brought so many apprentices. Now the steel rolling mill is laying off employees, and there are a lot of apprentices in the canteen. He feels bad for whoever is being laid off, so he just grits his teeth and stamps his feet. I laid off my own job and brought out a few apprentices to open a restaurant like this.

Apart from anything else, our Zhuzi craftsmanship is really good. Let’s take a look at what you’re going to eat and I’ll treat you to it. "

After a while of pushing and shoving, the four directors and three deputy directors ordered four meat dishes.

"Let me tell you, Deputy Director Lin, it's fine if we eat down below, but it's too..."

"Everyone, I have resigned. Deputy Director Lin, please stop yelling. I am here today to tell you something.

I have stayed in our Hongxing Street for the longest time and have the most thorough understanding of it. Let me talk about our Hongxing Street first.

Although our Hongxing Subdistrict has strived to eliminate poor families for so many years, there are too few projects that can help, just a few~

Pasting matchboxes, lining shoe soles, sewing insoles, and these are sometimes not available, at most they will only make them hungry and full, and they want to get rid of their poor status. These are simply a drop in the bucket.

Be it the matchbox or the soles and insoles of the shoes, we only have them if they are given to us by the higher authorities. If they are not given to us by the higher authorities, we can only live with them.

Now let alone the odd jobs assigned to the streets, even the largest steel rolling mill in our Hongxing area is laying off employees.

So I thought, can our street have its own industry, or its own related households?

In this way, not only will there be a steady stream of work for them, but they can also start their own businesses without relying on others to make a living..."

Several street directors often interacted with people, and they were just fine people. They were obedient and listened to their voices. When Lin Shuyun said this, they felt certain in their hearts.

Since Lin Shuyun dared to say this, she must have been convinced.

Director Li of Hongxing Street didn't say anything. He and Lin Shuyun had already discussed this matter. Lin Shuyun had even obtained a business license here.

"Deputy Director Lin, you are talking about the common situation in various streets now. Our street has no matchbox tasks last month. I am worried about how several needy households will celebrate the New Year."

"Yes, my own industry says it's easy, but it's not just one or two things that are difficult to achieve.

In addition, this street needs more work than one or two people. Our street actually occupies a train station. The street has provided money to open a few shops selling food, but it is only a drop in the bucket. "

"Your place is not bad. There is a train station. Look at our street. There is nothing. There are only a lot of bachelors, and no girl is willing to marry here.

Not to mention the city, people in the countryside turned around and left when they heard that they were from our street..."

Lin Shuyun's words suddenly became a complaint. They could see that there must be a way out for Lin Shuyun, and there were benefits. Whoever complained more could always eat two more bites than others.

They said it all at once, and each one was more miserable than the other. According to what they said, there were many poor households in their streets who could not make it through this new year.

Always on the verge of starving to death.

Chapter 327 Getting ready to start

When Lin Shuyun saw this situation, it was absolutely smooth.

"Everyone, this is what I'm here for.

You may have also heard that I have been suspended from work and am ready to think of a way out. If nothing else, fortunately I can still mend things. Did you see the clothes in the window? That's all my doing.

Of course, no one has bought one of these clothes for three to five years, so I thought of another way! "

After saying that, Lin Shuyun took out two windbreakers, one black and one red, and a suit and a pair of trousers from her bag.

Then there are a bunch of bits and pieces of fabric, some for sleeves, some for linings, and some for collars...

"Look, everyone, these are the ways I have found!

I got the fabric from the woolen mill in the grassland and our cotton mill, and cut it in the cloth cutting factory.

Sewing and mending is not difficult for anyone. It costs one penny to sew a sleeve, one cent to sew a collar, and ten cents to save a piece of clothing...

I roughly calculated that if a person has a sewing machine, it is not a problem to earn two yuan a day. If you are faster, you can also earn three yuan!

The solution adopted by our street is ~ the street purchased a batch of sewing machines and let the needy households take turns to use them.

Those who don’t get a turn can use needles to sew some buttons or sew some hems.

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