"Hey, you're not afraid of anyone saying anything about you."

"If you are upright, you are not afraid of slanted shadows! What am I afraid of?"

"Well, don't say that I won't give you a chance. In three days, we will still be here. You come here and say that if everyone agrees, then you can go."

"It's a deal!"

He Yuliang didn't think much about it. He thought that the most he could do was invite the old chief over and a few people from the bureau and hall.

Easy to say!

But he didn't expect...

"I'm going to... check with the director. You're not honest. Why did you invite this old man here? Why am I, the director of a small police station, bothering this old man?"

"Are you afraid now? It's too late! Go in!" Director Cha also saw He Yuliang like this for the first time.

"Hello, chiefs!"

"Didn't I say that you have a nickname called He Yanwang? Why are you sometimes afraid?"

"It's not fear, it's respect. I always feel that there is something inappropriate about me..."

"Okay, you are the protagonist today, go ahead and let me see how you convince us."

At this time, Director Cha handed over a speech. It was serious. He Yuliang was in his system. He couldn't be embarrassed no matter what, right?

He Yuliang walked to the front, took the speech, first saluted, and then~

"Dear heads..."

He Yuliang read a few words and put down the speech. It was quite satisfactory and not interesting at all!

"This, although the meaning seems to be similar to me, but it is not what I mean, and I am not interested in reading it. I just want to learn to walk in Handan!

I am just a big-headed soldier with little education, so I might as well say something like a big-headed soldier.

Of course, I was quite lucky as a soldier. I only fought in one battle in the south. Anyone who has experienced a war does not want to go into another war.

Although the glory and romance of blood and fire were more about the blood of my comrades, I wished I could kill them all so that my descendants would not have to experience the sorrow of watching the people around me die.

When I came back, I professionally became a police station instructor, catching bad guys.

The most profound memory I have is when I caught a group of kidnappers. The steel balls sprayed from the double-barreled nozzle hit my coat like a sieve.

I say this not to express my merits, but everything I have done is the entrustment of those heroic souls. In four words, the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

But now there is a new type of crime, commercial crime. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. This is a war without gunpowder.

Shang, he can be an auspicious person who protects his family and country, or he can be a ferocious evil beast. This requires the law and the actions of the forerunners.

The law cracks down on evil businessmen, and the first movers take the lead! Set a good example for those behind you.

There are profiteers and Confucian businessmen, like the businessmen who were approved some time ago. Although they are rich, they are of no benefit to the country or the people.

A business can only be called a business if it benefits the country and the people, otherwise it can only be regarded as a vampire taking advantage of the loopholes.

Back then, when we were fighting on Asan's side, a charge was sounded, we charged, and we won!

Changed jobs, committed crimes, this is the Charge, we charged, and we won!

The country is never afraid of war, and the same is true for business war! I have never been afraid of charging. As long as the charging horn sounds, it means victory.

I want to fight in the business war again as a soldier to show them what a military spirit is!

I will leave a bullet that belongs to me at the Red Star Police Station. If I change color, please use this bullet to wash away my sins.

I've finished speaking. Thank you, Chief, for listening to my speech. "

He Yuliang saluted and came down.

"Good boy, go back and wait for the notification. We are studying it."

He Yuliang was taken out...

After returning to the office, He Yuliang continued to work and tried his best to explain everything at hand clearly.

When He Yuliang was about to write his resignation report again, Director Cha called. He had no other explanation, just three words~.

After arriving in the hall, Director Zha couldn't avoid scolding him, threw a small notebook to He Yuliang, and then left.

Director Ni explained to He Yuliang: After the decision from above, his alarm number will be retained. If immediate family members continue to enter this door, the alarm number can be reactivated.

Given the title of honorary consultant, accordingly, if He Yuliang encounters a difficult case, He Yuliang is obliged to help make suggestions...

He Yuliang took the honorary consultant's notebook and asked, does this count as a peaceful breakup?

"Go through the handover with the new director as soon as possible. I'll be watching you in Kyoto! Never forget that our Kyoto Police Station is your natal family."

Director Ni patted He Yuliang's shoulder and said.

"Thank you Bureau Ni!"

He Yuliang came to the Hongxing Police Station. Today is the day of handover. He voluntarily handed over the gun and handcuffs. The epaulettes, police number, and hat were all wiped by He Yuliang and handed over to the logistics department.

"Stop whispering and work hard. I'm going to make a fortune. When you have money, donate a batch of police cars to our station so that you don't have to chase a thief and have to use the 28-year-old police car."

He Yuliang tried his best to liven up the atmosphere, but everyone was still active.


"Bureau Ni, why did you come here in person?"

"As you say, the only one of my men, Tiger General, is going to the sea to do business, why can't I come and curry favor with him?

What did you just say? You've made a fortune, don't end up in trouble by donating a police car!

Come on, no need for me to introduce this, right? Your inner support does not avoid relatives! "

Director Ni gave up his position and Wang Xinmin came out.

He Yuliang formally saluted each other and Wang Xinmin, and then said with a smile: "You are more familiar with this place than me.

Come on, the necessary formalities have to be followed. Everyone applauds and lets the new director say a few words. "

The handover ended smoothly. He Yuliang had a good rest at home for two days, and then took the children and the elderly to visit various ancient architectural attractions in Kyoto.

For this reason, a camera was specially bought. This was the first time He Yuliang played with the children, which made the children very happy.

"Liang Zi, your father and I discussed it and the big friend has made arrangements here, and I think everything is fine.

The two of us have spent this year and visited various places. It is not a problem to live here forever. Tomorrow, we will go back. "

On this day, after returning, He Yuliang's mother-in-law proposed the idea of ​​returning to her hometown.

Chapter 435 Doing Business

How can He Yuliang do this? But the old couple had made up their minds. He Yuliang and Lin Shuyun discussed it and after emergency consultations, they decided to keep them for one more day.

The two of them took the foreign exchange coupons to the Friendship Store and bought a lot of things the next day. On the third day, they sent their parents home.

Arriving at his hometown safely and smoothly, a large group of enthusiastic villagers welcomed him back to the village.

The old couple took out the photos and displayed them on the kang with a group of old neighbors. Dayou's parents came over and asked Lin Shuyun about Dayou's situation.

He Yuliang was commanding a group of teenagers who were installing the antennas for large color TV sets...

"Yuliang, what are you going to do? How about coming to Jinlin Clothing?"

On the way back, Lin Shuyun tentatively asked He Yuliang.

He Yuliang closed his eyes and rested: "No, I haven't been with the children for a long time. What should I watch after they start school?"

"Okay, you have always been an idea person, tell me what you want to do, our family is not short of money!"

"Hey! Let's talk about it then!"

He Yuliang completely let himself go now. When he returned home, he became responsive to requests. He took the children around and made some modifications in the yard from time to time, trying to restore the original style of the courtyard.

Nothing advanced inside was left behind.

Yi Zhonghai came out of the bathroom and wiped his face: "Don't mention it, it's really comfortable to install this thing at home and take a bath or something.

Liang Zi has always been a spender. "

"It's not a solution even if it's like this all the time. It's all commonplace! I'm not afraid of anything else. I'm just afraid that Shuyun will have opinions." The eldest mother said.

"Hey, let's, don't worry about that! The two of us are doing well. Liang Zi has always had the final say over them. Besides~

Liang Zi is a man of ideas. Whether it’s a clothing store or a restaurant, it’s all Liang Zi’s idea. He doesn’t necessarily hold back anything big. "

On this day, He Daqing is continuing the temptation of He Chenyuan to learn to be a chef every day and repeatedly fails.

This He Chenyuan is quite like He Chenan~ Before I tasted delicious food, I really wanted to learn to be a chef! After eating, he turned his back and refused to admit it!

Sure enough, after He Chenyuan refused to admit his fault again, He Daqing sighed in frustration!

"Hey, you said that you insist on becoming a soldier, and you insist on becoming a policeman when you change your career. These children either want to be policemen or soldiers, or none of them want to be chefs..."

"If it doesn't work, just pick a hard pass, pass it like a pillar!" He Yuliang joked with a smile.

"Then how can I give it up? These are all my grandchildren."

He Yuliang...

Well, my son is willing to hit me. When I come to my grandson, I even sneeze to the side for fear of scaring the child.

"Okay! Okay! If you have nothing to do, just go to the Zhuzhu Hotel and keep an eye on it, and let Zhuzhu learn and improve your skills.

Stop studying these little guys. If they wanted to learn, they would have learned it when Zhuzhu taught it.

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