As soon as the person in charge heard that there were Hong Kong businessmen involved, he immediately got excited. The presence of Hong Kong businessmen means that they can export. If they can export, they can earn foreign exchange.

Even if most of it is used to exchange for airplanes, it can still be used for national missions.

"Chairman He, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this!"

"That's good, as soon as possible. First come up with a construction drawing. The construction drawing can be mailed to our office in Kyoto. If it is available, construction will begin immediately."

This place was handed over to the construction team, and there was no one watching, which gave He Yuliang a headache.

There are not enough people, there are not enough people!

No, call Xiaodang back and take charge here?

Go back and recruit people, you must recruit people!

But forget about those stupid things in the yard, there are a lot of bad things and not a single good thing.

First call Han Shaowei and ask him to hire a team for you there. He will support you for a while and then replace them after you find suitable talents.

Oh, by the way, you’re here, let’s stop by the soap and soap factory.

"...Chairman He, it's not that we don't produce. You see where the tasks are. If we don't have enough time, we can work in three shifts. If we don't have enough machines, we can use local methods and do it manually. But the raw materials are not enough. I am confused no matter what. There is no other way.

Without oil, no matter how hard I try, I won't be able to produce even a piece of soap.

You don’t know, our inventory for half a year can’t even last three months..."

He Yuliang...

Unexpectedly, there is this aspect, this...

Suddenly, He Yuliang thought of an idea: "Can you use whale oil?"


"That's easy. How much does it cost per ton? I'll go north and see if I can get some for you!"

Although Maozi needs to exchange light industrial products for "scrap iron" and aircraft, it doesn't mean that they don't have raw materials that can be used here!

We can exchange whale oil for soap and sell it there. If possible, we can build a route from Sakhalin Island to Shenhai Port.

Load a batch of goods from Shenhai, then load a batch of goods from Tianjin Port, and then go directly to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk...

This is not just a matter of one route. In the future, once this route is familiar, it will be much easier to transport any good things back from there!

Moreover, it is not unusual for a large ship to be used for transportation.

Once Maozi and the others have reaped the benefits, even if they don't want to change, their soldiers will never let them.

At that time, it is really possible to report a grounding accident, say that the ship sank, and then sell the ship to He Yuliang.

Again, you know that I am more than just a civilian, but you need a valid reason to treat me as a civilian. When you make money, even if you see that I am not a civilian, you dare not say that I am not a civilian.

Chapter 446 Taking advantage of the east wind to burn Red Cliff

"Director Huang, let me tell you something. You have been staying at this kettle factory the longest. Now I need a few people to run an instant noodle factory in Shenhai.

In terms of management, who would be better to transfer? Also, I am planning to transfer some people in purchasing and sales, including those who manage the workshops.

Although the instant noodle factory is a food-related factory, the personnel management is similar. They all manage people and focus on production.

Do you think who our factory will transfer? Or it would be better to recruit them from outside! But one thing is, it must be reliable! "

"Well, there is a person, but I don't know if he is willing to go!" Director Huang of the Thermos Factory said, touching his chin.

"Let me ask. In addition, Factory Director Huang, we also need some talent reserves here. Two factories will be launched soon, so I don't even have enough factory directors now.

On my side, I only have this one thermos factory as a reserve. You can train more. Don't worry, I can still digest it with four or five factory directors. "

"so much?"

"More? I don't think it's enough!"

Factory Director Huang originally wanted to see what He Yuliang meant and whether he should be replaced. Otherwise, who would train so many factory directors these days?

Seeing that He Yuliang really needed a factory director, Factory Manager Huang stopped trying to hide it and started looking for connections. He immediately got two factory directors for He Yuliang.

One went directly to the Shenhai instant noodle factory to prepare, and the other went directly to the melon seed factory in Jinmen.

This is Tong Jianjun's father's technical investment, allowing him to test melon seeds with various flavors and whether they can be used to roast various mountain products.

This factory is not too big, with only 300 people. If we want to make money, we have to supply Maozi in the early stage. As for the future, we will talk about the future.

Seeing that the arrangements here were completed, He Yuliang went to the north again.

This time He Yuliang's arrival made Alexei directly greet him at the door. There was also General Novikov in the room. This time he was no longer cold-faced. With a smile on his face, he asked He Yuliang whether the repair ship should be converted into a fishing ship. How's it going?

He even said that if it is not corrected, he has the final say and can modify it at this port, or even just modify it and drive back next time. He Yuliang expressed his gratitude for this!

After getting to the wine table, what we drank this time was not the wine brought by He Yuliang, but their unique vodka.

He Yuliang was somewhat unable to drink.

But having said that, anyone who drinks with this group of industrial alcohol-blended people who can happily drink it must be careful.

After three rounds of drinks, Alexei began to complain that He Yuliang's delivery was too slow.

The planes here are ready, but the goods can't keep up.

Although two planes can be delivered in advance, the remaining two planes will take at least two years to transport according to the current transportation volume.

"Hey, I have no choice. There is only one railway. Even if I want to, I can't do it!

We can ship by sea, but you know exactly where our ships can go!

No more, no more! Drink! Drink!"

After drinking another glass, He Yuliang thought: "Hey, General Novikov, are the families of your fleet interested in making some pocket money?"

Novikov didn't know what national modesty was, and thought that He Yuliang's pocket money was pocket money.

However, the next words made Novikov's eyes light up!

"That's what's going on. You guys are catching whales here, and we need whale oil as raw material.

You have so many ships, maybe not as professional as them, but the number is enough to make up for the gap in this aspect, right?

Don't worry, you handle the fish well, I'll take as many as you have. And we can also buy cod!

Oh, by the way, you have a canned cod production line, right? If so, give me two! Old ones will do!"

Novikov's eyes turned green (as if they were originally green.)

He was full of Davari, and he wanted to take He Yuliang as his real father!

How many whales are there in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk? Let's put it this way, the Russian warships will hit a few whaling ships every year.

It's just that whales and cod are too cheap here in Russia, and the cheap ones don't look like meat. Cod is okay, but no one catches whales.

How much would it cost if it was caught?

Besides, this little country is just a running dog. Even if this whale is shit, I would rather let it stink myself than bring it to you, a running dog.

It can not only piss off the dog, but also make money, and can also pull all my people to my side, why not do it?

General? Haha, now you can feed the soldiers, you are a general, you can enforce discipline.

If the soldiers are not fed, once a war breaks out, I am afraid that the first to die will be these fat generals.

Novikov is not a good person, he knows the reason very well. While making money for himself, let the soldiers make money too, what a good deal?

What are you waiting for? Do it!

Since this side has agreed, don't be polite, and arrange it quickly after returning home.

For this, He Yuliang decided to communicate with the higher-ups first, because He Yuliang is going to play a big game.

First of all, this whale, after it is caught, canned food can be processed into cans, and those that cannot be processed into cans will be made into pig feed.

There is no need to talk about cod, just can it. Where to build this factory, we need to study it carefully.

He Yuliang meant to build it in a port city, but he didn't expect the arrangements to be so fancy.

As expected of a diplomat, he is nothing compared to them!

What happened?

After He Yuliang finished talking about this matter, he wanted to communicate with the superiors, but he didn't expect that the superiors asked him to return to Kyoto immediately, saying that there was an important meeting to attend.


"Tell me, Comrade He Yuliang, what do you think?"

"Oh, that's what happened. This time I went to Shenhai to set up a factory, and I took a look at the soap factory in Shenhai, and found that they were in trouble.

The biggest difficulty is that there is not enough oil for producing soap.

I thought that the Russians happened to have whales, and this whale can produce more than 40 tons of oil.

And these whales, even if the Russians don't catch them, will be caught by the ordinary people, so it's better to give them to us at a low price.

The oil can be sent to the soap factory, exchanged for soap and sold to the Russians, and the meat can be canned if it can be canned, and it can be used as pig feed if it can't be canned. The bones can be used as phosphate fertilizer.

And not only that, the cod there is also quite cheap. Usually, let their navy catch a few nets of fish to supplement their family expenses. Gradually, they have become accustomed to it and can't do without us.

It's not a high-tech way to can cod, and they have a ready-made production line there. As long as we find a piece of land, we can set up a factory."

Chapter 447 Calculation

He Yuliang paused here: "I think that relying solely on rail transport is too slow!

If we can transport goods by land and sea, we can save at least half the time.

Also, relying solely on squeezing our own rations to sell, it's okay to be hungry, but if we starve ourselves to death, it's not worth it.

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