"Davri, don't worry about this. After we finish the plane, we can talk about other things."

Now Alexei is a little afraid that He Yuliang can't do it. This time Alexei came with a mission.

Let's see what kind of power He Yuliang is. This has both planes and ships.

"Woo woo woo!"

"Hey, I'm finally home! Alexei, it's up to me next!" He Yuliang rubbed his hands and looked at the fishing boat converted from a repair ship in the distance, his face full of excitement.

A naval ship came to negotiate, and He Yuliang came forward and then went to Shenhai Port.

"Alexei, my friend, this time you are in my territory, the people in the fleet, all the food and drink are mine!"

"Davri, compared to this, I want to see your factory more! Next time I can arrange ships to transport according to your production."

Alexei still hasn't learned to be deceitful, and is more honest.

"Of course! I have an instant noodle factory here. The instant noodles produced are delicious, but the sales have been good, so I didn't take them over.

Since you are here, Alexei, I won't hide it from you. If you like the instant noodles, the next batch~

No, instant noodles will appear on your ship."

He Yuliang said with pretended generosity.

Haha, the instant noodle factory has only started mass production recently. As for whether it is popular or not~isn't it a matter of He Yuliang's words?

Alexei doesn't want it? Impossible! Such a good thing can be eaten by just soaking it in boiling water. How could he not want it?

Chapter 452 Alexei's Visit

"Woo woo woo!"

After a week of sailing at sea, Alexei's fleet arrived at Shenhai Port. The port was busy, but it was the first time that a warship entered the port.

"Alexei, leave everything here to them. I will take you to see my factory."

Everything has been arranged here, including accommodation and dining.

The higher-ups were thinking of arranging it by them, but He Yuliang looked at the receptionist who obviously had a military style, so he decided to forget it.

There may be loopholes in my reception, but that is what should be there. If there is no loophole at all, that is the biggest loophole.

When unloading the ship, the director of the soap factory came to pick up the goods in person: "Deputy Director Liang, I will give you all the materials. When I need the goods, you can't refuse."

"Don't worry, as long as you provide oil, I will definitely give priority to you!"

"Thank you very much. I have foreign guests to entertain today. I will treat you to dinner another day." He Yuliang patted Director Liang on the shoulder, let Alexei get in the car, and went all the way to the instant noodle factory.

"Alexei, this is my instant noodle factory. There are various flavors in it. I will have someone send some to the ship later. You can try it and give some opinions.

No need to cook, just put the seasoning packet in it and boil it with water.

In the winter, it is absolutely delicious to drink a bowl of hot noodles."

Alexei looked at the rows of factory buildings, the trucks of flour coming in, and the rumbling machines, and nodded secretly.

He Yuliang called the factory director and told him to send 1,000 kilograms of instant noodles to the ship on the seashore, mostly pickled cabbage flavors, and the rest, they probably don't like it very much.

After the explanation, He Yuliang brought Alexei to the restaurant...

Eat, drink, and have fun...


"Alexei, do you see that? That's the spring cabbage that will be sent to you. There will be another batch of cabbage harvested in winter.

These ten thousand acres of vegetable fields, I can plant whatever I want. You can tell me if you need anything, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, carrots..."

It's not even Kyoto yet, but Alexei is already dazzled. This is an instant noodle factory, more than ten thousand acres of vegetable fields, and a roasted nuts factory...

"In front is the thermos factory, which is also my largest factory, with more than ten thousand employees, and the thermos productivity ranks first in the country!"

He Yuliang took Alexei on a tour of Kyoto and visited various factories, including those tanks and all-terrain vehicles that were being cut.

When Alexei saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Davri, you are a pure businessman, and you have gained the friendship of our Okhotsk Navy.

I will try my best to help you get whatever you want in the future, as long as you swear: not to get involved in the conflict between countries."

"Alexei, I still know who I am. I am a businessman, and just a businessman. I cherish our friendship, so I will never lean towards any side.

Let's go to my brother's restaurant. He is one of the most famous in Kyoto. Many officials in the past asked him to cook!"

"I am honored!" Alexei now thinks that he has a comprehensive understanding of He Yuliang's situation. This is a business partner who can cooperate frequently.


After testing each other, the atmosphere left by He Yuliang was more cheerful. Alexei took the whale oil as payment and took away some light industrial products needed to replace the aircraft.

This time, all the stocks of Shenhai Soap Factory and all the stocks of instant noodles were taken away. As for the fried goods and the incidental things, no one took it seriously.

He also took a lot of thermoses, supplementary food, and clothes.

He Yuliang saw Alexi off at Shenhai Port. He planned to walk along the railway and take a look at the two factories.

All the way to Hunchun, He Yuliang saw what speed means. Ports, roads, factories...

This small place became lively all of a sudden.

The cod has been delivered for sale, but how should I put it? This batch of processing is a bit disappointing. It should be improved after folk recipes are collected.

Canned cod adheres to one principle - cheap, and calls on everyone to use canned cod instead of some meat.

To be honest, He Yuliang has no intention of interjecting. What should be explained has been explained. Do I need to teach you how to implement it?

Feed the food into your mouth.

It's just doing your duty to take a look. Moreover, there are many national affairs on it. He Yuliang doesn't think he has such a high IQ to participate.

Moreover, at this time, we are still very powerful. These are all names that have been earned through hard work! The first in the army!

Green military uniform, red collar badge, half-stance horse stance and slanted gun, the strongest single soldier on the surface.

This was all won with blood, the only army that suffered 100% casualties and no one retreated a step.

As for the sea borders? When our country's sea borders were determined, the international popular three-nautical-mile determination was adopted. The leader at that time said:

How far can our coastal defense artillery fire?

Answer: Twelve nautical miles!

Then why three nautical miles or six nautical miles? Wherever the artillery can reach, we will set it there?

At that time, it was the first country in the world to set a twelve-nautical-mile sea border.

How magnificent!

He Yuliang didn't think he could have a say in this mighty and domineering foreign policy, so they should figure out the country's affairs themselves.

I took the train and came to the pig feed factory by the river. I could smell the fishy smell from a long distance away.

There is no way. The current production environment and mechanical equipment cannot be pollution-free. Looking at the factory discharging wastewater, He Yuliang shouted~

"Stop the car!"

"Chairman, this is so unpleasant, let's get in the car!"

"Is this the wastewater discharged from our factory?"

"Yes, it is directly discharged into the river and washed away directly, without any impact."

He Yuliang carefully observed the plants on both sides of the ditch. Some of them are yellow, probably smoked.

"Remind me when you get to the factory, and ask the factory director to collect some of the wastewater discharged from our factory. I will take it back to Kyoto to see if it can be turned into treasure and made into fertilizer.

I don't ask for money, just reduce pollution! I don't want to leave a pollution source for Longjiang Province!"

The driver secretly gave a thumbs up in his heart. This is a good boss. If you don't make money, who will?


When he arrived at the feed factory, the factory director greeted him at the door. He Yuliang got out of the car and said, "Let's go, let's talk in the conference room! You should know that I don't like formalism!

As long as you do a good job, salary increase and housing allocation are no problem. If you don't do a good job, it's useless even if you set up a longevity tablet for me."

Chapter 453 Being rejected

He Yuliang is still so concise and capable in doing things.

"Tell me now, what difficulties or problems do you have! Time is limited, speak quickly."

"Chairman, the feed in our feed mill is mixed with whale jerky, bone meal, soybean meal, attractants and other substances.

After eating, the pigs are sleepy, love to eat, are not easy to get sick, and grow rapidly, which is not much different from the international ones!

The only difference is that our local pig breed is not very good. If it is a white pig from Russia, it will grow even faster.

It can be said that our pig feed can be sold!

However, the only thing now is that no one raises pigs on a large scale.

One is that they have never raised them like this, and the second is that they are afraid of diseases.

And some people say that if you raise hundreds or thousands of pigs, you can't even afford the firewood money for boiling water to make pig feed..."

He Yu Liang knocked on the table and listened to the factory director's talk: "Have you come up with any plan? Sales, this area is under your charge, tell me!"

"Report to the chairman!"

"No need to do this, no need to do this, this is not the army, just say it if you have any ideas."

"Yes, chairman!

My idea is to cooperate, order the price of pigs, purchase at a protective price, and sell feed to farmers on credit without interest or at a low interest rate.

In view of large-scale breeding, the most favorable conditions are the army!

The army can keep part of the pigs raised, and the rest can pay off the feed they sold on credit.

Anyway, the Russians are in great need of pork, and they can digest as much as they can.

With the army taking the lead, military dependents can breed on a small scale. As long as the military dependents make money, there is no need to worry that the members will not care!

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