The key is that the Russians are not allowed to lay off workers...

Chapter 466 Xu Damao is out

If Khvatov is not supported by the two strong projects of whaling and fishing, his fleet will not only support the production of the shipyard, but also make it difficult for everyone to have enough food.

This is also the reason why He Yuliang wants to go there in person. He wants to study and see if Khvatov will still hold on to what he has in his hands this time.

Their new ship is about to be launched. If the old ship is not sold, it will require a lot of manpower and material resources to maintain it...

This time, I will show my face. Within half a year, I will take over the gap of buying airplanes, just in time to rectify the internal industry.

Those who should be divided will be divided, and those who should change their careers will change their careers. After all, such a large thermos factory has so much output. Without the Russians, there is no place to digest it.




Alexei gave He Yuliang a hug, and then looked at Anna next to him.

"Oh, my dear daughter, I miss you so much."

"Hey, Dad, how long have you not washed your face?"

Alexey's old face turned red.

"Alexey, I won't stay long this time, please do as you please. Your New Year is coming soon, so you have to prepare well.

In the car outside are some gifts prepared by my family for you, and there are also gifts prepared by Anna. They are all over there."

Alexey rubbed his hands: "I'm sorry! I have to go home as soon as possible, but don't worry, I have told Artyom about everything here, you can talk to him if you have anything."

He Yuliang had no objection.


In the following days, the proportion of food here at He Yuliang increased a lot, including vegetables and the like.

There are also pigs purchased by the feed factory, which are slaughtered here and then shipped to Maozi. The sales speed is quite fast.

The feed factory made a comeback in just one year, and not only that, it also led to the prosperity of the pig farming industry in the surrounding areas.

It depends on the sales contracts signed this year and the feed on credit. By June, we can export a batch of live pigs.

The situation is very good!

As for Hunchun, the goal has been achieved. The hot sales of canned cod can only be regarded as a pleasant surprise.

In Longjiang, in appreciation of He Yuliang's contribution to the feed factory, he was invited to Longjiang Farm to give advice.

In fact, they just wanted him to show up. Everyone knows that He Yuliang runs a factory and makes money.

He Yuliang's appearance here can at least make the pig farmers feel at ease.

He Yuliang has nothing to do during this period, so just take a look and promote the feed.

Alexei didn't let He Yuliang wait for long. He came back to work after the New Year. Anna changed into a polar bear fur outfit, like a little polar bear.

He Yuliang hadn't started the talk yet, but she was clamoring to go back to Kyoto. There was no way, Alexei and He Yuliang sent Anna on the plane first.

Of course, necessary inspections cannot be omitted, otherwise it would be embarrassing to bring a pink bomb.

When I went there, I brought a lot of bags, and when I came back, I still brought a lot of bags...


Watching the plane go away, He Yuliang, Alexei and Novikov began to negotiate the contract on the right track~

With the transportation of ships, He Yuliang's light industrial products that hit the plane can be quickly transported to the Russians.

From the looks of it, there will be about half a year of transportation, and it should be almost done.

At this time, He Yuliang and Novikov will study the follow-up~

"Davri, I wonder if you have any ideas about the rest of our ships?" Novikov asked tentatively.

"I definitely have an idea. Not to mention your ships, even if it's an aircraft carrier, as long as you sell it, I can sell it.

Let's not talk nonsense. I can buy it at double the price of scrap metal, but if you give me a hull, I can't take it.

We are all smart people, don't pretend to be confused. I just want to buy your ship. I don't need the weapons, but you can't touch the ship's power system!

As for the rest, you can do whatever you want!"

He Yuliang said it clearly this time.

That's right, you dismantled it into a bathtub last time, do you have the nerve to dismantle it like that this time?

This time, the two sides discussed for more than ten days in total, but did not reach a consensus. He Yuliang saw that nothing could be done in a short time.

And there is such a saying~It's not a good deal to rush.

I'd better calm down first.

So, after another fruitless effort, He Yuliang took a helicopter back to Kyoto...


"I'm back!"

"Uncle He, why did you come back so late? This is my gift to you. Try it on and see if it fits you..."

Anna jumped and brought a piece of brown bear fur clothing...


Let's not talk about whether this thing can be used in Kyoto. Just wearing this clothing will make you chased by hunting dogs when you go out~

Which blind bear came down the mountain again?

"Anna, I won't wear this for now. Let your aunt modify it, and then I'll try it again. It shouldn't fit you..."

"Oh, okay! Why doesn't it fit? I think it fits you well."

After Anna returned this time, she bought almost all the furs of brown bears and white bears in the town.

The He family was given fur clothes from top to bottom, and the three brothers He Chenan, He Chenguang, and He Chenyuan also received a deer antler knife.

However, He Yuzhu confiscated it directly: You can't take this thing. You are too young and don't know the severity. With a sharp knife, you will be murderous...


"Hey, uncle, where is Zhuzi?"

Looking at everyone eating, only He Yuzhu was missing, He Yuliang asked.

At this time, Ran Shenghe spoke: "Zhuzi, the Xu Damao who used to live in the backyard is back. He is in a very embarrassed state. Zhuzi will go to settle him down."

"Xu Damao was released? Then why didn't he go to Hongxing Commune? Based on my understanding of Xu Damao, it is impossible for him not to go to Qin Jingru."

He Yuliang was puzzled. This Xu Damao was not a tough person. Qin Jingru said that she would reserve a room for Xu Damao in the three-story building in Hongxing Commune. How could he not go there when he came out?

"Puff! Cough cough cough cough! Dad, you really said the same thing as my second dad, he also wanted to go, but don't forget, my brother lives there!

After Xu Damao went back, he would have met him first, because they were enemies and were extremely jealous of each other.

Xu Damao didn't even see the treetops of the Red Star Commune, and was chased away by my brother. In the end, he didn't even enter the village!"

This is really unlucky!

Xu Damao, who didn't have much ability to begin with, met Banggeng, how could he be good?

Chapter 467 He walked from south to north

What happened? Actually, Xu Damao was released in early November this year. He performed well there and was released early.

After Xu Damao came out, he naturally had to go to the Red Star Commune first, because it had been so long, and only Qin Jingru had seen him a few times.

Qin Jingru also left him 10,000 yuan from selling the house, so how could he not go?

However, Xu Damao never dreamed that the first acquaintance he met after he came out was Banggeng!

"Red Star Commune, are you going to Qinjia Village?"

"Yes, of course not? Wait a minute! I'll kill you!"

Xu Damao was lying on the car asking for the price, but was kicked out by Banggeng.

Then he rode on Xu Damao and swung his fists to beat him.

How did he beat him? Let me tell you, after Banggeng beat him, Xu Damao didn't get up for ten minutes.

Later, when he got up, he felt that there was no place on his body that didn't hurt.

However, he still heard the harsh words Bang Geng said clearly~

"Xu Damao, I tell you, if you dare to step into Qinjia Village, I will give you a discount! Bah!

Oh, by the way, let me tell you one more thing, my aunt has found a partner, you'd better get out of here!"


Xu Damao knew that Bang Geng was a man who didn't do anything for others and didn't do his job properly. If he really said this, he would dare to block him in Qinjia Village.

Moreover, if Qin Jingru found a partner, she would definitely not say anything good to him if he went over to her.

The key point is that Xu Damao knew Qin Jingru too well, she flattered the powerful and trampled on the weak, and was greedy for money...

It would be fine if there was no comparison, but with the comparison, I guess she wouldn't even look at my current miserable appearance.

Hey, there's still some money in my pocket, and I still have a mobile phone in my hand. After selling it, I can collect some travel expenses and go to the south to do business.

I just don't believe that I, Xu Damao, can't make a comeback...


He can make a comeback, but ~ Xu Damao is already in decline. He has made money and has not lost anything, and he has lived there for a year ~

A year ago, going to the south could make money, but now, you have to go north to make money.

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