When he came to the office, Li Dazhi pinched some tea leaves and poured some water from the thermos into it.

"Tell me! Why did you change your career? At your age and with your ability, you wouldn't have changed your career so early!

what happened? Sit down and talk! When you stand and talk, I feel like my heart is beating with fear. Every time you stand and report, you either run away from the military disciplinary committee or get into trouble..."

The tea cup was placed on the table. The red table was covered with a piece of glass. There were several photos pressed under the glass, all of which were in military uniforms. He Yuliang also saw himself inside, smiling brightly...

"Company commander, how dare I! Without you to support me, I would have walked around when I saw the military discipline committee..."

"Okay! Isn't the co-authorship still mine?"

"How can we? There are no adults in the family, so the children will grow up!"

"You brat, I didn't expect you to have learned to be glib in the past few years! Tell me, what's going on?"

He Yuliang explained why he changed his career.

Li Dazhi pointed at He Yuliang's nose: "You! You! You..."


Can you ask me to tell you something good? Can't you bear it? You! "

Li Dazhi was so angry that he turned around several times.

"Where to change jobs?"

"It should be the police station in our street!"

"Hey! You! You're so annoying! Also, what's going on with you? You haven't changed your job yet, so why are you spending so much money? Believe it or not, I threw it away for you? Take it away quickly..."

"Don't bother me! Company Commander, you know, we were very rich just now with the transfer tickets and so on. It's useless for me to hold them. We don't have much money..."

The two of them fought like a fight for a long time. In the end, Li Dazhi became anxious. He Yuliang had no choice but to accept Li Dazhi's twenty yuan.

He Yuliang still underestimated the emotions of this era. Although he and the old company commander had not seen each other for so many years, after meeting him, He Yuliang could still feel the deep care and concern, the same care as if he were his own child.

How can there be such a thing in future generations? Don't say that the tea will get cold when people leave. Even if people don't leave, the tea will get cold!

"Old company commander, I'm here today, and I want to ask you for a favor. As for my father, he abandoned my brother and sister in my second year as a soldier and ran away with a widow. He said he wanted to settle down. I want to visit them in Baoding, so..."

"Visiting? Are you looking for trouble? I'm telling you, don't go too far!

What is your name? What to do? I'll ask the film police. "

"My name is He Daqing, he is a cook, and the widow's surname is Bai."

"Okay! Just wait a moment..."

Baoding is not a big place, and the police officers know almost every household there. He Daqing is a cook no matter how bad he is, and he often makes banquets for others. He is somewhat of a celebrity. Li Dazhi quickly found his address.

Li Dazhi held the note, and He Yuliang was about to take it: "Hey! I'll say it again, just vent your anger, don't go too far!"

"No way? I just went to visit! How could anything happen?"

"Don't come here! If you want to visit, I'll send two police officers there with you!"

He Yuliang waved his hand quickly: "No! No need! Private matter! It's just a private matter! Don't bother the old company commander!"

"You brat, I know what you're doing when you stick your tail out. And you're still telling me lies! Go ahead! Don't go too far!"

"Okay! I'm going now!"

"Come back for dinner tonight!"

"No, I don't know what's going on at home. There is a train back to Kyoto in the afternoon. I'm afraid I won't be able to catch it if it's late!"

"Then remember to write and contact us!"

He Yuliang waved his hand to express receipt.

After leaving the door of the police station, He Yuliang took out a piece of paper with the address written on it. He Yuliang smiled, asked about it, and went over...

Li Dazhi called the police officer: "Go and have a look near He Daqing's house. Leave him alone if his nose is bruised and his face is swollen. If this kid wants to break someone's arms and legs, scare him away!"

"Yes, director!" The film policeman went out.

"Dong dong dong!"


"Dong dong dong!"

"It's coming! It's coming! Who is it?"

A woman walked towards the gate with three shaking steps...

He Yuliang took a look and saw that the small courtyard was pretty good, with side rooms on the left and right, and a separate courtyard. This old guy could get along like a fish in water anywhere!


The door is open! A pretty widow who still retains her charm looked at He Yuliang: "Who are you looking for?"

No wonder He Daqing followed him to Baoding. At such an old age, he can still see the beauty of the past, but his eyes look a bit mean, which ruins the overall beauty!

"Is this He Daqing's house? I heard that he makes good banquets?" He Yuliang looked at the yard.

There is a happy word on the left side room, which is quite new. It seems that the white widow's child has also been married in the past few days.

"Yes! This is He Daqing's family. This comrade wants to make banquets? I'm not bragging. My Daqing family is definitely good at making banquets!

The successor of the authentic Tan family cuisine can be ranked high in Kyoto...

Qing! Qing! Someone is looking for you to serve as a dinner party! "

The White Widow turned and walked towards the right wing...

He Yuliang followed into the yard, moved his hands and feet, and looked around at the furnishings in the yard.

"Hey! Here we come!"

He Daqing opened the door curtain and came out of the west wing. He was stunned when he saw He Yuliang in the middle of the yard~

Why does it look so familiar?

Looking carefully again, He Daqing looked at the young man in military uniform in the middle of the yard in horror: "Why are you here?"

Chapter 6 Father and son meet

He Yuliang smiled and looked at He Daqing: "Why can't I come? Don't hide! I can find this place, and it's useless for you to hide!

Come out and talk!

I'm going back to Kyoto soon, do you have anything to say?"

"Who are you?" The White Widow saw that something was wrong! This didn't sound like something to be said at a banquet!

"It's none of your business! Come out!"

He Yuliang waved his hand like he was chasing away a fly, and then waved at He Daqing.

He Daqing walked slowly to the stone table under the tree and sat down.

"Yuliang, although Dad and your Aunt Bai are engaged in Laibao, I have not let Shazhu and Yushui down!

Shazhu took over my shift at the steel mill, earning 22.5 yuan a month. Counting the road I paved for him before I left, he will be the team leader in less than half a year!

Adding the seniority salary, it is 27.5 yuan a month! Enough for Shazhu and Yushui's expenses.

Besides, I also send 10 yuan a month, and I have been mailing it for five years in a row. They are not hungry or cold..."

He Daqing spoke more and more smoothly, and his confidence became more and more full, which made him feel confident to confront He Yuliang!

"What? Uncle He, you also mailed money to Kyoto's home? Uncle He, we are a family. If you don't give me money, how can you give it to outsiders?

And you! Who are you? Dare to show off in our house! Believe it or not, I will throw you out..."

Listening to the conversation between He Daqing and He Yuliang, the widow Bai's family also guessed He Yuliang's identity!

Thinking back to the time when his silly son brought He Yushui to Baoding, he cried like a tearful man outside the door, but under the threat of Bai Guafu, He Daqing didn't dare to go out at all.

Bai Guafu thought she had completely controlled He Daqing, but she didn't expect that this old man would mail money to Kyoto! What's going on?

Five years, six hundred yuan is gone!

Seeing Bai Guafu's son coming to pull He Yuliang, He Daqing was shocked: "Don't!"

Bai Guafu's son thought that He Daqing asked him not to do it, so as not to let He Yuliang suffer, and his hand stretched out a little faster!

He Yuliang grabbed Bai Guafu's son's hand with one hand and twisted it: "Haha! Do you really think that I have been cultivating myself in the past few years of being a soldier?

I have killed more people on the battlefield in India than the flies you have hit! Asking me for help? Who gave you the courage!"


With one kick, Bai Guafu's son was kicked three or four meters away!

"You dare to hit my brother? Brothers! Someone is looking for trouble! Beat him up!"

Three or four people came out of the room, rolled up their sleeves and rushed out!

He Yuliang moved his hands and feet: "I have been holding back my anger for a long time, and today is the perfect time to release it!"

When He Yuliang was in Luoguxiang, he was very good at fighting! He was even more outstanding in the military competitions, and his boxing and kicking skills have become instincts!

How can they, a bunch of idiots, be able to do it?


Bai Er of the Bai family was grabbed by the back of his head by He Yuliang and pressed on the stone table. His nose was bleeding and his whole face was flattened!

He rolled his eyes and fainted.

He Yuliang let go of his hand and let Bai Er fall freely to the ground!


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