At this time, Qiao Yicheng, whose face changed, also reacted: "Aunt Wu, that's what happened. I also heard from Erqiang that there is a good news in your family.

Isn't that right? It happened to be Sunday and I was thinking if you need help, please tell me!

If you need tables, chairs, benches, pots, dishes, etc., just go and get them. If it's not enough, lend it to me to help mark it or something.

We are all neighbors. If you have any questions, please speak to me! We are also the children you have watched grow up, so don’t look outside the window. "

"Okay! Okay! Okay! You and your brothers and sisters should come early! And your father, please help me and accompany my family..."

"Hey, Aunt Wu, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed with your in-laws. From now on, my brother's name will be used to pay all the gifts. My dad won't invite anyone, and he won't care about anyone else.

Hey, by the way, Aunt Wu, have you bought all the groceries and everything? If there is anything missing, please tell me.

I am now doing some shopping in our street. I can get you the scarce things just by saying a word.

If you are stumped, you can speak up!

Brother Dajun will get married once in his life, and he can’t do it without ostentation! "

"Really? Do the top two still have such a way? That's right, our Director Liu is your aunt! Don't say that, Aunt Wu, I won't be polite.

Everything else is easy to talk about. I have prepared the meat, vegetables, etc. in advance. I can just buy them when the time comes. It’s just that the wine tickets are too hard to find.

When relatives come over, you can't serve them too casually. Do you think you can get it? "

Aunt Wu's eyes were filled with anticipation, and the army next to her looked impatient.

He is already working, and he has been looking for so long but still hasn’t found a good wine that will hit the table. How can he, a child, get good wine?

My mother is really a case of random medical treatment. If he can get it, I...

"Wine, it's easy to tell! Brother Dajun, is it foreign or white? How much is it? From Fenjiu, Guojiao, to Laobaigan, as long as you name it, I can get it for you."

"You? Really? I've been looking for it for a long time and haven't found it..."

"Look! Look! Aunt Wu, look!

Brother Dajun, there is a saying that goes well, dragons have their own dragon gates, rats have their own paths! Aunt Wu sent you to school not to ask you to drink.

Finding wine should be left to professionals like me. This is called shortcomings! "

"Gaoyou, don't underestimate your second best brother, he is on good terms with the stationmaster of our street and the train station!

Look at Yicheng's suit. It was also bought by the second strong man, right?

Even though he is a relatively small person, he still earns more than 40 yuan a month..."

Aunt Wu and Qiao Erqiang exchanged business blows.

Dajun was also a little ashamed of what he had just done to look down on others, and the atmosphere became much more lively.

But to be honest, this army is really not a thing. In his family, when a mother pulls him, she has a wife and makes a living, so he will be cruel in his actions.

Maotai wine costs 8 yuan! I ordered eight bottles in total!

The cost of the drinks alone was sixty-four!

Six bottles of this wine were consumed at the banquet, and the remaining two bottles were used when returning home.

However, this also made Aunt Wu's face change, and she felt heartbroken!

"Sure! I'll bring it to you tomorrow! Forget the drink tickets, we have been neighbors for so many years, and Aunt Wu has taken good care of us. If you say anything else, the relationship will fade away!

But, brother Dajun, you are lucky enough. Other wines are fine, but there are only eight bottles of Maotai left. "

When Aunt Wu heard that she didn't need to pay for the drinking ticket, her smile immediately bloomed: "How embarrassing is this! It's not easy for you..."

"Hey, I've been an old neighbor for many years, but I'm out of town. My clothes are threadbare. When I asked Aunt Wu to sew them for you, I never told you that it wouldn't be easy..."

"Aunt Wu, Brother Dajun, stay here! Let's go back first! Again, if you have anything to say, please speak up!" Qiao Erqiang said with a cupped hand.

Chapter 622 Helping Aunt Wu buy wine for her family

Aunt Wu and her son drove the two brothers to the door. If it takes two more steps, it will be at the door of Qiao's house.

Seeing the two brothers entering the gate, Da Jun and Aunt Wu said, "Mom, are these two kids reliable?"

"Is it reliable? How come it's not reliable? You know, Qiao Erqiang sells steamed buns at the train station. There are many people on business trips who are caught off guard and use other tickets as food stamps.

Qiao Erqiang was so timid that he exchanged all these tickets for commonly used tickets in our street. If he exchanged them elsewhere, he would earn at least twice as much in a month! "

"Then isn't he speculating?"

"Speculation? What kind of speculation does it mean to give it to the streets? At most, it's internal control! I heard that the job of the top two is under the streets.

I saw twice that the food stamps he used to buy food were stamped with a special red seal for internal procurement in the street.

Moreover, Director Liu, the speculator in our street, is the aunt of the second strong man. She used to not go out with them unless she wanted to see Qiao Zuwang.

Now that Wei Shuying is gone, several children are not doing well, so they come here to help. I didn’t expect that Qiao Erqiang would still have these two moments..."

The two of them walked towards the house while talking...

"Second Qiang, why did you get him a drink? Can you see, that army doesn't even care about us two!"

"Haha! He looks down on us too much, who is he?

Besides, didn’t he think highly of it later? I even handed you cigarettes!

Remember, face is given by others, and face is earned by oneself. Let's go, this is the first shot for us to establish a family!

Aunt Wu is not evil, she just likes to gossip about other people. Let's help her. She can spread what I want to say. "

"That army is too snobby, I don't like it." Qiao Yicheng said stubbornly.

"Are you Nuwa? If you don't like it, do you think that everyone is made by you yourself? Why should people look the way you like?

If you don't like it, just stop contacting me? Then how will you enter society in the future?

If you don't like many people and don't interact with them, then I can't even buy soy sauce because I feel sick when I see Li Heman's face where an old sow sat on him.

There are not so many things that go well in a person's life. Life is only about 37%.

If you are annoying him, keep a smile and stay away from him. There is no need to offend him.

If you get along well, you should pay attention to each other and leave three points of courtesy. Don't let people look at you without depth. "

Qiao Yicheng nodded and kept it in mind.

"Okay, let me ask you, when Aunt Wu holds a wedding, who do you think should go to our family? How to spend the money? Whose name should be written?"

"of course……"

Eh? Qiao Yicheng was dumbfounded. It seemed like nothing, but when you think about it, it was a lot.

And when he went to see Qiao Zuwang for dinner today, Qiao Zuwang told him to stop running around these days to avoid being seen when he was doing errands at Aunt Wu's house.

"Look! There's a lot going on! Let me explain it to you~

On Sunday, I still have to do business, and I can’t stop doing this. When the time comes, take Sanli and Simei with you.

Although we have no mother, we are still very strong-willed and there is no need to behave like a dog just for the sake of food.

Don't say you don't know. Although the children are brought to the banquet by adults, they are not even counted. Are they just like dogs under the table?

There are no adults in our family, so we might as well just not go.

Second, don’t tell Qiao Zuwang about our gift. If necessary, ask him for the gift money and see what his attitude is.

This is a gift we just give, it has nothing to do with him. When writing the gift account, you should write Qiao Yicheng, you know?

Others will definitely ask, why not write about Qiao Zuwang? You don’t need to explain, just laugh it off.

Nothing you say is right, it’s best not to say anything! When the time comes, someone will naturally explain it to you. Once you become famous, we will not be implicated in whatever dirty things Qiao Zuwang does in the future.

Third, I don’t worry about you helping me, but there are some things where you should take the lead. If you don’t take the lead, don’t take charge.

There are many people who are much older than you, and there are many people who are more capable than you. You will see what they do when the time comes.

If he is wrong, make a note of it so that you don't make the same mistake in the future. If he is right, learn a little bit by yourself. Open your eyes tightly and open your mouth slowly. Follow the crowd and don't stand out.

When you come back, Aunt Wu will definitely bring you some leftovers. Don’t ask for them. Refuse politely. She will definitely send them to our house at night...

Don't be impatient, these are all things you should learn. It will be you who will establish a family in the future. You are the face of our old Qiao family.

You are the face, I am the face, understand? "

Qiao Yicheng nodded. It was getting easier and easier for him to be persuaded by the second strong man now, but it wasn't bad. He was much better now than before.

Qiao Yicheng looked at the shoes on his feet and felt happy.

"What are you doing?" Qiao Zuwang saw that Er Qiang had gone back to the house to sleep, so he came out and asked Qiao Yicheng.

"Oh, I'm going to Aunt Wu's house. Isn't Aunt Wu's house holding a wedding event on Sunday? Erqiang and I will go see if we can help."

"He's out of his mind. Are you out of his mind too? It costs money to eat at their house!" Qiao Zuwang was anxious.

"Courtesy reciprocates. Can we live with neighbors without going? If we don't go, how will we get along with each other in the future? Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors."

Qiao Yicheng retorted.

After such a long time, Qiao Yicheng is no longer so afraid of Qiao Zuwang. With the help of his second wife, he has free money, and the father is not doing his job properly.

Not to mention caring about the children, he didn't even bother to say hello, so naturally Qiao Yicheng didn't respect him that much.

"Eh? Reciprocity? You are a kid, do you know what reciprocity is? If she comes, she owes us. If we don't go, what will happen to her?"

Qiao Yicheng...

Is this a call? The second strongman really got it right. If he really followed his advice, this neighbor would really be elsewhere in the future.

The next night, Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Yicheng packed eight bottles of Maotai in cloth bags and took them to Aunt Wu's house.

"Aunt Wu, eh, Brother Dajun, is this the study banquet? Where do you want to put the wine?"

"Bring it in, bring it in! Xiaoyou, these two strong men are enthusiastic, just like Shuying back then.

Without this wine, the banquet would have been much worse! "

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