When he was in college, I drove him to the train station to sell steamed buns to support him. Now that the government is open, selling steamed buns is no longer profitable, and the family needs my eldest brother to support him.

It would be fine if he married a rich girl who could help support the family, just you~"

Qiao Erqiang looked Ye Xiaolang up and down~

"Others are poor and can still be called jingle bells, but you are poor and don't even have jingle bells. We have five brothers and sisters. I am getting married soon and there are three left.

My eldest brother has to pay for the marriage. If he marries you, he will have to sell his blood!

Hey, don't you have any objections? He has to meet my needs first, and he has to pay back what I gave him at home first.

You, lean back! Or if you want to get married, you can help my eldest brother pay back one. I have no objection to this lady who doesn’t even have a dingdong. "

"You, you, Qiao Yicheng, let me tell you, don't think you are so great, I, Ye Xiaolang, don't have to be you!

And you, you are just a worm that eats your elder brother. With a younger brother like you, your brother will be a bachelor for the rest of his life. "

Qiao Erqiang smiled: "I know Zhang Chao."

"Admit it, we just know each other, what's so big about it? I, I, I..."

Before Ye Xiaolang could finish his words, he left in a panic!

Qiao Erqiang glanced at Ye Xiaolang who was walking away. He should not be entangled in this response, right?

"Fire eyes, what are you looking at?" Song Qingyuan bumped Qiao Erqiang, who was building an awning, with his shoulder.

"Let me see what kind of monster she is. She seemed to have revealed her true form just now. Si Chen, the hen, crowed just now. Oh, oh, oh, did I hear you right?"

Qiao Erqiang looked at Song Qingyuan and Qiao Yicheng seriously.

"Hahaha! What a dazzling monkey! He can see so accurately!" Song Qingyuan knew what kind of person Ye Xiaolang was.

Because Liu Xiaomeng wanted to pursue Song Qingyuan, but was afraid that Ye Xiaolang would expose her background, so she acted first and exposed Ye Xiaolang's background.

Coupled with Song Qingyuan's personal connections and his subtle vision, he could tell at a glance that Ye Xiaolang was a monster!

It's just that there is no way to explain it to Qiao Yicheng.

Qiao Erqiang glanced at Song Qingyuan ~ You seem to be saying that I am a monkey?

"Brother Song, that lady who didn't even have a ding-dong just now said that my brother will beat you for the rest of your life."

Song Qingyuan was still watching the fun and laughing. He didn't expect the fire to burn him. What do you mean by beating me for the rest of his life?

Song Qingyuan reflected for a moment before remembering, beat me for the rest of my life? Be a bachelor for the rest of your life? I = bachelor?

Song Qingyuan...

Although what you said is true, Brother Song is very unhappy!

"Okay, okay, don't put on such a bad face, haven't you understood yet? I said you have so many brothers and sisters to support, and this lady without a jingle ran away immediately.

She should marry someone who owns a car, a house, and both of her parents are dead, preferably someone who jumped out of a golden pile.

Even those who jumped out of a rock would not work because they were too poor.

When other people meet as a couple, it is said that meeting is fate. Meeting her is like having bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Brother Song, you can find out if there are any good girls in your circle, and maybe you can help her find some clues.

My eldest brother, you can also see that, if there is nothing else, just this character and talent, that is definitely enough.

As for family status, we definitely can’t compare with connections, and we have a filthy father, but we should be able to compare with money.

Not enough compared to the previous ones, but more than enough compared to the inferior ones..."

"Well, I'll look for it!" Song Qingyuan nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, he's not reliable and you're going crazy too, what are you doing! And you, Qiao Erqiang, are making trouble! He's still a bachelor himself, so you want him to match me?"

Qiao Yicheng said unhappily when he saw the two making fun of him like this.

"Okay! Let's eat your food! Why can't he be a bachelor? What suits you may not be suitable for him. Besides, he is so familiar with him, so he may not be embarrassed to take action..."

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes!"

After a period of banter between Qiao Erqiang and Song Qingyuan, Qiao Yicheng finally turned over Ye Xiaolang's article for the time being.

They found a small pavilion and sat there to eat. Song Qingyuan was very happy for Qiao Yicheng when he saw that Qiao Yicheng and Ye Xiaolang had separated.

I almost fell into a pit!

However, seeing Qiao Yicheng like this, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

Chapter 691 One thing happens after another

Song Qingyuan chatted for a while, and saw that Qiao Erqiang had no intention of enlightening Qiao Yicheng, and even added insult to injury and took pleasure in others' misfortune.

Song Qingyuan frowned.

"Hey, the second best, who is this Chao? Why did I panic when I found this Ye Xiaolang when you mentioned Zhang Chao?"

"I'm a creditor, who can't pay back what I owe? It's a trivial matter, just like a plaster to remove a sore.

People can only grow by experiencing love. My eldest brother is just like Tang Monk. He is prone to attracting monsters and ghosts. This is normal.

If you can't bear this little blow, what will you do in the future? He is a boy who is in good health. Sooner or later, monsters will come to your door..."

"You can do it!"

"Okay! Okay! After you finish eating, I'll go back as soon as possible!"

Master, with your naked eyes, how could you know that she was transformed into a demon?

We broke up so suddenly,

Just go and never look back.

Before leaving, I had a deep understanding of the situation.

How many past events are in my mind.

Ah, the mountains are long and the water is long..."

Qiao Erqiang sang a Peking Opera recital in front of him, and then sang "The Sorrow I Can't Dispel".

This is really treating myself as Sun Wukong!

"Hahaha!" Song Qingyuan laughed and leaned on the table.

Qiao Yicheng's matter has been successfully resolved. Without Ye Xiaolang's torture, Qiao Erqiang will not regret this action even if he may miss Xiang Nanfang.

A good pig at home, let rotten cabbage from six hundred miles away be stewed? Let's take a break.

Even if he can't meet Xiang Nanfang, Ye Xiaolang still has to crawl!

For Ye Xiaolang, this is not a matter of being unkind to others. This can easily torture her to death. It is not uncommon for her family to be broken up and her family to be destroyed.

Qiao Erqiang shook his head. He had already hinted wildly at Song Qingyuan. I hope he could take the blame.

Look, if you meet a scumbag, Qiao Erqiang will check and stir things up a few times. You really can't wait a few years for the Qiao family to stop keeping a low profile and find someone who is a good match.

There was nothing wrong with the Qiao family, but it made Ye Xiaolang crazy!

After coming back, he threw his bag and said, "I'm so angry, so angry!"

"Oh, what's going on?" Liu Xiaomeng was watching the excitement.

"This Qiao Yicheng is a loser, and this Qiao family is a big burden!

I didn't know it before, but it turned out that although Qiao Yizheng's salary was high, he still had to support a bunch of younger brothers and sisters.

Xiaomeng, I think there is something wrong with your vision. What Qiao Yicheng is wearing might be fake!

How can their family spend so much money and have no clothes? "

"Impossible! His clothes are definitely real! However, maybe they were given by Song Qingyuan.

What's wrong? From what you said, did you two brag? It doesn’t matter if you brag about it, I’ve already said it, this Qiao Yicheng doesn’t look like he’s from a rich family.

He doesn't have the temperament of a child from a wealthy family. He doesn't smell like money. Don't you believe it? "

Liu Xiaomeng gloated, I didn't catch Song Qingyuan, and you didn't catch Qiao Yicheng, I'm still better than you!

At least I can't chase the big boy, you can't even deal with a poor guy. Liu Xiaomeng's sense of superiority arose spontaneously.

The trouble on Qiao Yicheng's side was solved, but the hidden danger on Qiao Erqiang's side appeared~ Huang Wenhua was released from prison.

After so many years in prison, Huang Wenhua went to the police station twice more after he was released. The last time he got out was after selling his house.

A house was sold for so much money, which made him realize that the outside world had changed.

The first time he went in was for the Bawang meal. He thought the restaurant owner was ripping off customers and not paying them.

I was taken back and educated, and then I learned that the current price of goods was just this, and the boss didn’t ask for more.

The second time he was caught was when someone touched him. As a result, he really beat the person who touched him, and the beating was serious by accident.

This was a terrible situation. He was detained for six months without any further explanation, and his house was confiscated by the law for medical treatment.

Although there is not much money left from selling the house, Huang Wenhua also knows that times have changed and he cannot be as arrogant as he was a few years ago.

Big radio broadcasts on the street, all day long propaganda "The era of bills is about to pass, and we are about to enter the era of no bills..."

For him, although he didn't understand it, he felt it, and the times were changing rapidly.

What Qiao Erqiang heard was business opportunities: the era of money is coming, and when wages and prices skyrocket, many people will become rich.

The outlook on life and values ​​will be distorted by money. Regardless of good or bad, the times are progressing and developing, like thousands of people flowing into the sea, it is unstoppable!

A few days ago, Qiao Erqiang heard from a friend at the train station that there was a fat man asking about Qiao's steamed buns. Qiao Erqiang casually asked about his appearance and knew who it was - Huang Wenhua.

Qiao Erqiang thought about it and decided to send Ma Zhiyong to live with Sanli in Kyoto for a while, but Sanli would have to worry about his studies for a while.

Thinking of this, Qiao Erqiang came to the school and wanted to ask for leave from Ma Zhiyong. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Huang Wenhua at the gate of the school.

"What are you doing here?" Qiao Erqiang grabbed Huang Wenhua's collar.

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