Chapter 71 Thrilling

"Police, don't move, you've been surrounded!"

"It's bad! Get your weapons!"


He Yuliang pushed the door open with his shoulder, threw the clothes high into the room, and then rolled forward and entered the room!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three double-barreled hunting sounds rang out almost at the same time.

He Yuliang saw the flames spurting out from the muzzle of the hunting rifle in the inner room, and the steel balls turned the clothes thrown high into rags.

He Yuliang raised the gun~

"Pah! Pah!"

After two shots, he jumped forward and rushed to the inner room. A black shadow was about to point the gun at him, and the two were only two meters apart.

He Yuliang was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and took a step~


The gun went off, and the tiles on the roof flew everywhere!

"Come in!" He Yuliang turned on the light and sat on the edge of the bed, panting.

Although it didn't take long for He Yuliang to make such a quick move just now, his spirit was highly concentrated and his adrenaline was soaring. These few shots were not easy!

Two were killed and one fainted!

This is He Yuliang's record!

When He Yuliang came in, judging from the flames from the muzzle of the gun, two shots hit the chests of the two people in the innermost.

This is not a TV show. He can still hold the machine gun and shoot after being shot several times. Generally, if someone is shot in the chest, he will be basically killed within ten seconds!

For the last one, He Yuliang raised the muzzle of the gun that had not been turned yet with one hand, followed by a knee lift, which hit his crotch, and then a gun handle towards his neck...

When the police came in, they turned on the lights and saw that two people were bleeding from their chests, and one was curled up on the ground with his legs clamped.

In addition to the three shotguns in their hands, there were four or five wrapped explosive packs in the corner that seemed to be used for blasting mines.

After a careful search, they were scared and broke out in a cold sweat!

In addition to the explosive packs, there were also two wooden handles and grenades!

Fortunately, Captain He solved it quickly, otherwise something bad would have happened!

After a while, Director Zhang came in: "How is it? Are you all right?"

"It's okay! Fortunately, I taught you, otherwise it would be dangerous today!"

Xiao Yu showed the pile of things to Director Zhang, and Director Zhang's eyelids twitched when he saw it.

At this time, He Yuliang stood up: "Director Zhang, hurry up and find the basement. There must be someone they kidnapped in this yard. Look for it quickly!"

"That's easy. Basically, the vegetable cellars in the courtyards of our Kyoto are in the same location!

Xinmin, hurry to the vegetable cellar and have a look!"

"Okay!" Wang Xinmin looked at He Yuliang carefully, and when he found that he was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing Director Zhang's instructions, he responded and ran to the vegetable cellar with two people.


The people from the police station are back. It can be said that they have won a great victory today. Except for Captain Guo, no one was injured.

He arrested so many people who gathered to fight, and also destroyed a kidnapper's den...

And all of this was mainly due to He Yuliang. From interrogation to arrest, He Yuliang is really good at both literature and martial arts!

These four kidnappers did kill people, and more than one. Two were found in the vegetable cellar alone...

"Surprise interrogation, they must explain everything clearly." Director Zhang slammed the table and set the rules.

"He Jiao, you have been busy all day today, go back and have a good sleep! Go see Lao Guo for me tomorrow!"

"Okay!" He Yuliang nodded.

This credit is not for one person. He Yuliang has already received enough. The rest is left to Director Zhang and others!

Director Zhang also held his breath. He asked for a long time, but didn't get anything. He Yuliang asked the kidnapper's hiding place in a few words.

Now that they have been caught, Director Zhang held his breath and wanted to fight a comeback! If I don't find out how old he was when he wet the bed, I won't be named Zhang!

Director Zhang adjusted his hat and went straight to the interrogation room...


He Yuliang had a thrilling experience today. Although he entered the house and caught the kidnapper in a flash, He Yuliang used almost all his skills!

The clothes went on top, and the person went on the bottom. Try to curl up into a ball so that the people inside ignore you, and then estimate their positions based on the gunfire.

The chest was chosen because the target is large, easy to hit, and can quickly make the opponent lose the ability to resist.


Looking at the starry sky, the cold wind blew, He Yuliang tightened his clothes. The bicycle can't be ridden anymore, so he can only push it. Find a repair shop to repair it tomorrow!

And the coat was first cut by a knife, and then sprayed by three double-barreled hunting rifles~ There is no need to sew it now.

"Oh! I lost money! I don't know if the institute will reimburse it..."

It's too cold, so I'd better get a cotton coat first~ and learn about Xixixi's military coat.

He Yuliang pulled out his coat and put it on...


The next morning, before He Yuliang got up, he heard a noise outside...

"Knock, knock!"

"Who is it?" He Yuliang had just fallen asleep in the middle of the night and was still a little dazed. He got up and rubbed his face.

"Brother! I! Open the door quickly! Something big has happened!"

"Wait a minute!" He Yuliang quickly got up, dressed, and opened the door...

He Yuzhu hurried in: "Brother, something big has happened. Someone chopped off your bicycle wheel..."

He Yuliang...

"That's it?"

"What? Is this a small matter? An old man is looking for clues outside..."

He Yuliang hurried out: "Uncle, don't look for it. The bicycle was chopped off by the thief when he caught the thief yesterday."

"Oh, did you use the knife? Is Daliangzi hurt?" Auntie asked quickly.

"No, it's just that I caught the thief too late yesterday, so I'm a little sleepy."

"Liang Zi, your job is very dangerous, you must pay attention to safety!" The first man thought for a while and then said.

"It's not that dangerous. Something like yesterday won't happen once in ten or eight years."

Everyone was concerned for a while, and He Yuliang simply said a few words, because he still had to go to work, and seeing that He Yuliang was fine, everyone dispersed.

I looked at my watch and thought, don’t sleep anymore, go see Team Guo and get your bike repaired.

Brown sugar, red dates, pork liver, that's it. He Yuliang always felt that it was not good to go there empty-handed. Captain Guo had lost so much blood, so it was just right to give him something to replenish blood.

He Yuliang was too lazy to eat breakfast at home. Fried liver and steamed buns served as a way to reminisce about the delicacies of the past.

After eating and drinking, He Yuliang pushed the bicycle to the repair stall. Both the front and rear rims and the wheels had to be replaced. The steel rims were cut out, and the inner tubes were not replaced. A pair of ~ 40 for the new one and 32 for the old one. .

Of course, the two replaced ones can be discounted by 5 yuan. This is because the spokes of the car are good and can still be used.

After changing the wheels of the two cars and feeling full of energy, He Yuliang flew into the car and went straight to the hospital...

Chapter 72 What is this?

"Comrade nurse, may I ask, in which room was the police officer sent yesterday?" He Yuliang asked a nurse as he grabbed her.

"Police security? Third floor, 316!"

"Thank you, comrade nurse!"

He Yuliang went straight to the third floor and found the 316 according to the number plate. There were beds in the two rows on the left and right. Captain Guo was lying at the end on the right, by the window.

A woman next to her was feeding him food, and tears fell down her cheeks.

"Captain Guo! Don't get up, don't get up! You are our great hero. Zhang Suo specially asked me to come and see you, and tell you what you want to know to put your mind at ease."

"Here comes Professor He! People at home, hurry up and get me a glass of water!"

"Don't! Don't! Don't! I can come here with enough food and drink, so I won't bother my sister-in-law. Also, Captain Guo, don't call me Director He. You can call me Xiao He or Liang Zi. We are not in the institute." , it’s a matter of personal relationship.”

With that said, He Yuliang put the things on the table, brown sugar, pork liver, dried dates, and lotus root.

They are all blood-replenishing things. Guo's sister-in-law's eyes were shining as she looked at them. She was worried about Lao Guo's nutritional problems these days, but...

"He~Xiao He, these..." You have to find out who gave these, you can't be confused.

"Oh, I bought it when I came here. It's not worth much. There is a surprise interrogation at Zhang's Office. I have the most leisure time, so I came here to take a look."

"How bad is this? You saved me yesterday, and today..."

"Don't be like this. If you are like this, I can't stand you anymore!"

The two of them didn't have much contact with each other. He Yuliang risked his life to save him yesterday, plus the things he gave him today. After chatting for a while, they got along well.

"Yesterday's kidnapper..."

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