

"No way! No matter how Qin Huairu says that I have helped her all these years, how can she be so cruel? Destroy my marriage?"

"Let me tell you a story: There used to be a shopkeeper. Every time he passed by his house, he would put two coins in a beggar's bowl and do a good deed that day...

...The beggar actually said: You don’t have any money, so you shouldn’t use my money to support your son!

So, when your charity becomes their habit, they will not be grateful and will only think that you are giving less!

The Jia family is afraid that if you get married and support your family, you won't be able to support them anymore. They'll be ready early in the morning, and they want to eat you up and kill you!

You are the only one here who is complacent because of those charming eyes! okay! I won’t say anything more. I will go to Aunt Yang’s place with your sister-in-law tomorrow!

Zhuzi, forget about your revenge. I'm here, so you don't need to vent your anger!

Besides, just watch, the third uncle will not end well!

I was tired now, so I went back to sleep, while Zhuzi cleared the table and washed the dishes! I am leaving! "

"Eh? Why am I washing the dishes? Shouldn't it be rainwater that washes the dishes?"

"Silly brother, you are really stupid! Don't you understand what I said? You saved me a beating!

Think about it, I will help you go to Ran Qiuye to talk things over tomorrow. You and Ran Qiuye are on a blind date, can I still beat you?

How are you going to go on a blind date after the fight?

If you want to get married, you will go to the other person’s home to meet Lao Taishan. At this time, I can’t even hit you! You and Ran Qiuye are not young anymore, and it will definitely not take long to get married. When you get married, my eldest brother will not be able to hit you!

Compared with this, what do you wash some dishes? "

"Hehehe! That's right! Then you can go back too! I'll wash the dishes!"

"Silly brother! I'm leaving!" He Yuyu jumped to the next door!

"That's not right. If eldest brother doesn't hit me, what does washing the dishes have to do with you? He Yuyu is just here to play tricks on your second brother again!"

Good guy, this mere He Yuyu made him remember it!

"Shuyun, I'm going to get you a bedding, but you're still sleeping in the same room as before. We haven't argued the case yet. It's not good to be seen!"

As a public servant, I should set an example and abide by the law, right? "

He Yuliang hugged Lin Shuyun and went back to the room to get the bedding. He Yuliang packed a new single bedding, so he should do something emergency first!

Tomorrow, ask the third aunt to summon three more aunts to do four sets.

He Yuliang thought for a while and took out the money again. He Yuliang counted it, and found a total of more than 1,300 yuan.

I spent some money on buying my own furniture, some money on repairing the kang, and some money on the remaining bits and pieces!

He Yuliang carried the quilt to the opposite room and laid it on the kang: "Shuyun, since we are a family, this money should be yours! Our money and tickets are all here!"

There is also a share of Zhuzhu. When Zhuzhu gets married in the future, he will give it to Zhuzhu’s wife! "

Chapter 104 Meeting the Old Lady

Lin Shuyun took a look at the wooden box and said, "Hey, there are so many!"

"My salary here is only one month, and the rest is what I mailed back before, and Zhu Zhu saved more than 200, and his salary last month was 50!

I gave him ten dollars in pocket money!

I will give Zhuzi a thousand of these money when he gets married, and the rest is ours!

Also, you have to remember your salary after Zhuzi. If you add it to this thousand miles, we will save it slowly in the future. My salary is ninety-nine a month, so I can save money very quickly! "

"It's up to you! However, the pillar is so big, and you still control him like this, can it be done?" Lin Shuyun said.

"What's wrong? You don't know that Zhuzhu has a soft ear and can't listen to soft words. A few kind words from Widow Qin can make him pay obediently! So you can't let him there!"

Hey, dad doesn’t care, mom left early! The eldest brother is the father and the eldest sister-in-law is the mother. You will have to worry more in the future. Follow me and you will have nothing to worry about! "

"Yuliang, don't say that, I'm willing to worry about it!"

Early the next morning, He Yuliang carried noodles and eggs, and first took Lin Shuyun to the deaf old lady's house: "Grandma, look who I brought to you!"

"Who is it! Whose family does this girl belong to?"

"This girl, this girl is your grandson-in-law! Her name is Lin Shuyun! Are you happy? Shuyun, this is grandma!"

"Hello grandma!"

"Hey! Okay! Okay! Okay!"

The deaf old lady was so happy. She looked at Lin Shuyun, looking left and right, her eyes full of joy.

After chatting for a while, the deaf old lady started playing again. Even if Lin Shuyun spoke slowly and softly, she could still hear him. When He Yuliang spoke, she could not hear a word!

Lin Shuyun glanced at He Yuliang proudly, who was sitting there with a stinking look on his face.

"Everyone has a daughter-in-law and forgets their mother. Grandma, it's great for you. If you have a grandson-in-law, you forget your grandson!"

"What did he say?" the deaf old lady asked Lin Shuyun, pointing at He Yuliang.

"Grandma, he said that grandma is a good person and asked me to be filial to you!"

"Haha! Good kids! They are all good kids!" The old lady looked at Lin Shuyun with even gentler eyes!

He is a good boy who knows how to protect his man and does not send messages back and forth. At first, I thought this child was straightforward in speaking, but I didn't expect that just like Liang Zi, she was a scheming and kind-hearted girl who knew how to get things done!

After chatting for a while, the eldest mother came over: "I heard people talking in the house from outside. It turns out that Daliangzi is back! This is... eh, this girl looks familiar!"

"It looks familiar, Shuyun. This is Auntie. This is Lin Shuyun. She's my wife. I'm going to get the certificate today. When the rain issue is finished, we'll have to let the uncle worry about us!"

"Hello, mom!"

"Okay, okay, okay! Good thing! Good thing! Lao Yi must be very happy about this! I'll tell Lao Yi!"

"Hey, eldest mother, eldest mother...

Why! This is the first time I have seen a aunt in a hurry. Shuyun, you order a bowl of noodles for grandma. I will go to the aunt's place first.

It's not easy for me to come over to see you, and it's not easy for you to come over. I'm going to make a ward call first. I originally thought we'd talk about it tonight! "

After saying that, He Yuliang got up and went out, while Lin Shuyun cooked for the old lady. They asked and answered questions, and the two chatted happily.

"Master!" He Yuliang said loudly, opened the door curtain and came in.

"Liang Zi, I heard from your aunt, have you found someone? Where is he from? What is the situation in the house opposite, and who is there..."

Yi Zhonghai looked happy!

"Slow down, slow down, tell me one by one, I'm here, I'm afraid I can't ask questions clearly?

Originally, I wanted to tell you this at night. I thought you had to go to work early in the morning and would not have much time. But my aunt saw it and I thought I might as well come over to save you from guessing!

As for this person, I should have seen him before. Didn't the street arrange for four temporary residents some time ago?

She was one of them. When I sent her home, it must have been a coincidence that her parents fell in love with me.

After asking for my opinion, I thought it was good, so I decided! "

"which one?"

"Lin Shuyun, even if she came out to wash clothes and carry the basin on the first day, the other three would hardly be seen.

Of those three, I never saw them come out except to go to the bathroom. "

"Oh, oh, oh. I have an impression! What are Liang Zi's plans?"

"Master, that's what I thought. I'm going to get the certificate first. The letter of introduction issued by Shuyun and the others is also time-limited.

As for the matter, I'll take care of it after the rainwater side is finished! Simply set up a few tables in the courtyard and let everyone have a good time. "

"Okay! The arrangements are complete! If you need me, just ask!"

"It's essential that you help me fix the omissions. Just don't be too troublesome when the time comes."

"No! This is a good thing!"

"Oh, by the way! One more thing, aunt, this is fifty yuan, when will you take the time to give it to the old lady!

If grandma wants to be strong in her life, she must give red envelopes, but the little money she has is all saved between her teeth. I dare not take it for fear of shortening my life!

Grandma has to pay ten yuan for the rainwater, twenty yuan for me, and the same for the pillars.

I'll give grandma money to make a face, so grandma won't get angry! I'll leave this matter to my aunt! "

"Zhuzhu? Is Zhuzhu going soon? If you don't come, I want to tell you that he should have less contact with the Jia family during this period!

The Jia family is not short of food. I gave them twenty kilograms of white flour two years ago, and thirty kilograms of stick noodles after the new year.

I was afraid that their family would pester Zhuzi because they had no food to eat. But some time ago, they said something about introducing a partner to Zhuzi, and blood was all over the floor!

In the end, for some unknown reason, Zhuzi almost gave the third uncle a chance to win!

The daughter of the Qin family is such a big fool before she even enters the door, so Zhuzi should be more careful..."

"Don't worry, sir, it's not that one! I'll go take a look this afternoon. If nothing else happens, she will come over to meet Yuzhu tomorrow! It should be about the same."

"Liangzi's vision is still good. If you think it's okay, you can't be wrong!"

"Don't say that. It's necessary for the uncle to check..."

The uncle personally escorted He Yuliang out. He Yuliang turned around and handed over his hands, walking towards the backyard...

Yi Zhonghai came back with a smile, took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet, and held a small wine glass.

"Lao Yi, are you drinking this early in the morning?"

"Happy today! Have a drink!"

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