Zhu Zhu has been single for so many years, so she takes at least half of the responsibility! Just now, if Qiuye didn't know the inside story, how could you meet Zhuzi again?

Hey, by the way, did Zhuzhu tell you why he didn't get married at such an old age? "

"Ah, I said it! But, it's not because of that! I said my sister is studying..."

"I knew he must be evading the most important things! One of them was because of Widow Qin's sabotage, and the other was because of his sworn enemy Xu Damao~

He advertised his affair with Widow Qin every day, and he said it in a decent way, so that's why it happened! "

"Hehehe! Sister-in-law, save some face! Save some face!"

"You're still hiding it! If you don't explain it clearly at this time, will Qiuye still be able to get along with you? It's all facts. Just make it clear and let's talk about it!"

"Sister-in-law Lin, her name is Shazhu..."

"Oh, this! Zhuzi, you can tell yourself..."

He Yuzhu scratched his head and embarrassedly told the origin of his nickname.

"Oh, it's so late, I should go back now!"

"Zhuzi, why don't you give me some autumn leaves!"

"Hey, yes! Teacher Ran, let me give you a gift!" He Yuzhu stood up quickly at this time, holding his gloves to give Ran Qiuye a gift!

"What's your name, Teacher Ran? It's so kind to call it Qiuye! Go ahead!"

Lin Shuyun watched the two people pushing their bicycles out of the door and smiled.

"Comrade He Yuzhu and Sister-in-law Lin are amazing!"

"I don't think so. My sister-in-law is very reasonable and never speaks loudly."

"Comrade He Yuzhu, what do you like to do in your daily life? Do you have any hobbies?"

Hobbies? Drinking, smoking and looking at the widow, taking out and beating Xu Damao ~ this can't be said!

"Usual, normal, usually I read a book or something...

Well, I usually don’t have any hobbies. Books know me, but I don’t know books. "

He Yuzhu looked at Ran Qiuye and just looked at him, lied half-heartedly, and handed over his gun directly!

"Actually, I don't know what my hobbies are. I usually cook in the kitchen and tell stories with the people in the kitchen, and the day goes by!

When you get back, prepare the seasonings and check the inspection tools. The house is really ugly and you have to tidy up the house. This time will be gone! "

Ran Qiuye nodded: "I didn't see it, but your chef is quite busy."

"It's alright. If you don't have to entertain people after cooking in the steel rolling mill, you can have more leisure time! Besides, I belong to the master chef, so I can go there later in the morning!

Usually I also take on private work, making banquets for people, etc., so I am busier!

Now that I think about it, my hobby might be cooking! "

"Cooking is not considered a hobby! Oh, my house is right in front of you, why don't you come in and sit down?"

"No! No! It's not the time yet! It's not good to go empty-handed! Qiuye, look at what's going on between us~"

"This is too fast. I'm not ready yet. I also need to ask my parents for their opinions..."

"It should, it should! I watched you go in..."

"Then, goodbye!"

He Yuzhu saw Ran Qiuye go in, got on the car, and walked back...

"Qiuye, who was the person who sent you back just now?" Ran's mother asked.

"Oh, he lives in the same compound as a student in my class. He is very enthusiastic. Seeing that it was getting a little late, he sent me back because he was afraid of danger!

Hey, Mom, how did you see it? "

"I saw it from afar. I don't know what happened. I was afraid of embarrassing you, so I didn't show up."

Chapter 117 Didn’t escape after all

"So kind? Who are his family members? Where does he work? What kind of job?"

"Hey! Mom~"

"Hey, you are not young anymore. In the past, you could just be picky. If you are young, let your temper be yours!

Your dad and I have also been abroad for a long time. Who would have thought that you would get married after you are eighteen in China? After twenty, you are considered older.

Hey, I originally thought of keeping you for a few more years, but I didn’t expect that I would delay you..."

He Yuzhu returned home, frowning and thinking. He didn't look up until He Yuliang called him.

"Brother, tell me, does Qiuye agree or not?"

"You, think about it slowly! Oh, by the way! Shuyun, give Zhu Zhu 30 yuan, as well as some meat stamps and food stamps! Zhu Zhu, you can find out for yourself.

When Ran Qiuye has a day off, take a day off, buy two movie tickets, and take her to the movie.

If it's time for dinner, treat her to a meal! When you have nothing to do, send some snacks over. "

"Brother, how expensive is it to eat out? I'll invite Ran Qiuye over, and then I'll show off my skills..."

"Don't worry, it's not that far yet..."

"You stupid Zhu! Come out! This is outrageous. You are bullying our orphans and widowed mother...

You heartless person, why don't you bother our Huairu? Come out here..."

He Yuliang frowned: "What's going on?"

At this time, Lin Shuyun spoke: "What else can happen? Zhuzi and Ran Qiuye were talking today, and Widow Qin went to wash Zhuzi's clothes!

After I stopped her, I threw the basin away from her! I've never seen her like this. Ran Qiuye is here today, otherwise I won't slap her in the face!

He really bullied no one in our He family! "

He Yuliang slapped his chopsticks on the table: "Let's go! Go out and see what this old godly woman Jia Zhang wants to do!"

He Yuzhu stood up, and He Yuliang glanced at him: "Don't go, go to the backyard and find grandma, tell grandma that Jia Zhang is making trouble again!"



At this time, the uncle and the aunt came out. The uncle saw Jia Zhang like this: "Hey, sister-in-law, what's wrong with you? How did He Yuzhu offend you again?"

"It's not me. My Huairu cried after she went back. She cried for so long! She cried because she left his house."

Yi Zhonghai's face darkened: What happened to He Yuzhu? He Yuliang is still at home, how dare he?

"Sister-in-law, don't be anxious. We are all from the same compound. Zhuzi can't do anything! Why don't you ask Qin Huairu what happened first?"

"What could happen? What else could happen? A man and a woman, what else could happen..."

"Jia Zhang, shut your stinky mouth! If you dare to say something groundless again, I'll knock out your teeth!"

When Jia Zhang saw He Yuliang coming out, her voice dropped by two degrees: "This has nothing to do with you! I'm looking for He Yuzhu! It was He Yuzhu who made my Huairu cry!

I'm looking for him! He Yuzhu, come out!"

"You can't find He Yuzhu here. I blocked your daughter-in-law's way and threw the basin. She walked fast. If she walked slower, I would have hit her face!"

"Okay, it turns out to be you, a bitch... Oops!"

Just as He Yuliang was about to step forward, a cane hit Jia Zhang's head directly!

"Little girl, who are you scolding?"

"Oh, old lady, I didn't scold you!"

"You can't scold my granddaughter-in-law!"

"Do you have grandchildren? You don't even have children!"

"You little dead girl, dare to say that I am extinct! I will beat you to death, dare to talk back to me?"

"Oh! Oh! Old lady, you..."

Jia Zhang was beaten away by the old lady. At this time, a lot of people were already surrounding the middle courtyard.

Seeing Lin Shuyun's confident look, the old lady exchanged glances: "What happened today? His second aunt, call Qin Huairu out!

This compound has never bullied a widow. If she is really bullied, even though Zhuzi is my grandson, I will not show any mercy!

If she doesn't come out today, I will be angry and I won't be able to sleep. No one can sleep tonight!"

Qin Huairu was listening in the room, thinking of letting her mother-in-law make a fuss and ruin He Yuzhu's reputation, but she didn't expect the matter to get out of hand!

If this matter is told to others...

No, we have to find a way!

Qin Huairu's tears came as soon as she said it! The second aunt hadn't entered the room yet, and Qin Huairu was crying so hard that she almost died!

Qin Huairu was pulled out by the second aunt.

"Tell me, granddaughter-in-law, what happened?" The old lady paused her crutches and said.

"Grandma, Zhuzi and Teacher Ran were having a blind date today. They were chatting when Qin Huairu came in with a basin and said she was going to wash Zhuzi's clothes!

She put all the clothes and underwear in her basin!

When Yuliang came back, Zhuzi's clothes had used up two kilograms of oil! She didn't wash them! She, a widow, was washing the underwear of a bachelor in front of his blind date. What did she mean?

I say, Qin Huairu, Zhuzi has provided you with food and money for so many years. It's fine if you don't remember his kindness, but why are you trying to break up his marriage..."


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