This made Wang Xinmin very embarrassed! This instructor He is really an open-minded person, who is generous in his work and nice in his words, making it impossible for people to refuse.

"Xinmin, you help me fix it first, I'll go to the guesthouse to get something and come back soon!"

"Instructor He, don't worry! It will be done when you come back!"

He Yuliang smiled, kicked the motorcycle, and went straight to the guesthouse...


When he arrived at the guesthouse, he greeted the people inside, opened the door, took out the luggage, put it all in the sidecar, took out the rope, tied it up a few times, and let's go! Back to the police station!


Back to the police station, handed in the motorcycle, and Wang Xinmin had already pushed the bicycle over!

"Instructor He, try to see if the brakes are smooth? If not, I'll adjust it for you!"

"It's almost done! You'll get used to it after riding it for a while!"

Chapter 12 Is it so intense just after returning?

Wang Xinmin took a rope and helped He Yuliang put the luggage on the back seat and tied it up carefully.

He patted it and it was very stable: "Oh, by the way! Instructor He, when are you going to work? I will gather with the police officers of our security team so that we can get to know each other!"

He Yuliang estimated the time: "I really have some personal matters, which cannot be completed in a short time!

According to common sense, how many days of vacation do I have?"

"According to common sense, the onboarding process takes a week, and then there are three days of vacation to arrange your own affairs!

Instructor He's onboarding process and housing allocation only takes most of the day, and the extra days can be counted as vacation!"

"That's not necessary! Three days! Three days, today Monday, I will come to work on Friday!

I won't wait until the end of get off work today! Tell the director, the luggage is in the car, I can't go in to say goodbye!

Oh! By the way! Take this, you and the director each have a box! Let's go! "

He Yuliang took out two boxes of Huazi from his pocket, stuffed them into Wang Xinmin's pocket, rode his bicycle and ran away quickly...

"Hey! Hey? Teacher He..." Wang Xinmin took two boxes of cigarettes, shouted twice, and shook his head helplessly. This Teacher He really spends money lavishly...

Wang Xinmin looked at the cigarettes in his hand, let's go, report to the director tomorrow! The director had already left work when He Yuliang picked up his luggage!


"Let's go! I, He Yuliang, am back again!"

He Yuliang rode towards the courtyard...


"Ding Lingling!"

He Yuliang rang the bicycle bell and entered the courtyard!

Eh? What's going on? Usually at this time, shouldn't the third uncle Yan Bugui be guarding the door to get the wool? Why is there no one here today?

He Yuliang came in quietly: Oh! The most classic scene of Qinman, the whole hospital meeting! I didn't expect to catch such a scene!

From two-dimensional to three-dimensional! So fresh!

No! Although the whole hospital meeting may not be the ones shown on TV, it seems that every time the whole hospital meeting was held, it was related to his cheap brother, who was either criticized or took the blame!

Thinking of this, He Yuliang's mood immediately became bad!

He Yuliang's eyes turned, and suddenly he thought of a way: quietly enter the village, and give them a surprise when he got there!

Thinking of this, He Yuliang carefully pushed the bicycle into the yard and walked quietly inside.



The whole hospital, one or two people from each family, were sitting on the benches brought from home, watching the excitement happily.

In the middle were still those families, Xu Damao and his wife, his cheap brother Sha Zhu, and the one next to Jia Zhang, should it be the pretty widow Qin Huairu?

Qin Huairu, He Yuliang felt that the director was full of resentment towards this name~Ru, the word means to feed cattle and horses!

(What cattle and horses?)

Word meaning~Ru vegetarian: eat vegetarian food, do not eat fish and other meat. Mu Ru: eat fruits of trees to satisfy hunger. Ru Wei: eat wild vegetables.

What they eat is not good!

Look at the first two words~Qin Huai! The first thing that comes to mind when you think of these two words is the Qinhuai River pleasure boat, right? What place is that?

This name together~is very meaningful! She gets food by being beautiful, and she lives like cattle and horses. Isn’t this the right way to explain her life?

When He Yuliang was walking in, the people sitting on the edge saw him. They were originally ready to watch the group crosstalk of Sha Zhu at the whole hospital meeting. Why did someone come to block their view?

It’s also because there is no entertainment these days. In addition to the three uncles and the necessary Sha Zhu at the whole hospital meeting, few people care about why the meeting is held!

Just take it as a joke, free crosstalk is delivered to your doorstep, who needs a bicycle!

Of course, in order to avoid blood on their bodies, everyone except the main ones moved back.

They were already at the edge, how could they be happy to be blocked from view? He was about to get anxious, but when he saw the person blocking him, he was like seeing a ghost.

He rubbed his eyes, looked carefully, and was about to shout, but He Yuliang immediately put his finger to his lips to silence him.

The first person who saw He Yuliang was panic-stricken. The person next to him should be his wife, who whispered: "Who was that person just now?"

"Him! Sha Zhu's brother!"

"Sha Zhu has a brother? Why haven't I heard anyone mention it?"

"He joined the army at the age of 18, and went to the south. I don't know who said that he died in the south!

I didn't expect him to come back! Hehe! Now there's a good show to watch!"


"I tell you, before the age of 18, Sha Zhu's brother was a big shot in our Luoguxiang.

That's Nanluo He Yanwang! The person who makes the whole Nanluo tremble with a stomp of his foot! Do you think the second uncle is so powerful?

He was blocked by the twelve-year-old He Yuliang for half a month, until the old lady in the backyard came out as a lobbyist, and the second uncle apologized to He Yuliang! He Yuliang spared him! "

"Ouch! Twelve-year-old is so natural..."

He Yuliang walked along, booing all the way, and walked behind his cheap brother with a hunched back.

The second uncle was speaking: "...Xu Damao's family, a chicken was stolen, and at this time, someone was stewing a chicken on the stove!

Maybe this is a coincidence, maybe it's not a coincidence, right! I discussed it with the first and third uncles and convened a meeting of the whole hospital!

Now, please invite the most experienced first uncle in our hospital to preside over this meeting! "

He Yuliang heard the second uncle's speech from a distance. The repetitive words were really better than a speech!

After talking for a long time, he said a lot of nonsense about something that could be solved with two sentences!

He said this over and over again, but He Yuliang knew the theme of the whole hospital meeting!

It's the chicken stealing stalk that can't be overcome! It's also because of this that Sha Zhu has a reputation for stealing chickens. Not only did he lose the chicken, but he also lost money and reputation.

That's not all. Because of this, Sha Shui almost ruined his good marriage! Originally, the wedding was scheduled for the New Year, but it was changed to the eleventh. What exactly did He Yushui go through during this, only God knows!

When watching TV, watching Sha Shui constantly pitting his brother, if there was no He Yuliang doesn't believe in private grudges!

The first uncle was holding a big teacup and drinking water. When he heard the second uncle's last sentence, he looked at Sha Zhu~


Straight! The first uncle's eyes were straight! As an eighth-level fitter, his hands can shovel out micron-level workpieces, but his hands are shaking like sieves!

What's going on? Did he see a ghost? It's more terrifying than seeing a ghost! Because he saw the King of Hell! What King of Hell!

The key is that he is still a guilty ghost! If he has a guilty conscience, how can he not be afraid when he sees the King of Hell?

The second uncle Liu Haizhong saw the first uncle blurt out the word "what", and then he was stunned!


Liu Haizhong looked at Sha Zhu and was silent! Yan Bugui took a look, took off his glasses and wiped them...

Chapter 13 Classic scene of stealing chickens

"Hey? Talk! What's the matter? Ask quickly if you have anything to say! It's so cold..."

"Dang! "

He Yuzhu was just wondering, and then he felt a gust of wind on his head, and then he was hit on the head with a chestnut!

"Ouch! Who..."

He Yuzhu was furious at that moment! He covered his head and looked back to see who dared to stroke the tiger's whiskers and hit the Siheyuan God of War with a chestnut. Did he want to live?

Looking back, he saw a young man in military uniform, looking at him with a smile.

"Brother? Aren't you dead?"

He Yuliang...

This kid, why hasn't he learned to speak human language in so many years?

"Second Zhuzi, which grandson did you listen to? Who died? I'm demobilized!

Hello, Uncle One, Uncle Two, Uncle Three! Are you holding a meeting of the whole hospital? I haven't seen you for many years! You are so kind!

Taking advantage of the meeting of the whole hospital, everyone in the compound is here, give me two minutes, can I say a few words? It's also considered introducing myself! "

"This is a meeting of the whole hospital...

Okay! There are many new faces in the courtyard. You haven't been back for nine years, so it's time to introduce them to me!" Yan Bugui said.

There was no way. When the first uncle saw He Yuliang, he looked like he had seen a ghost. Because of the awkwardness between him and He Yuliang in the past, the second uncle had a dark face and didn't say a word!

When the third uncle saw this, he could only speak for himself. He originally wanted to not give He Yuliang this opportunity. This was a meeting of the whole courtyard. It had always been the home court of the three uncles. When did they give up their seats to others?

But looking at the appearance of the first and second uncles, and thinking about He Yuliang's past achievements, he thought about giving him a chance!

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