Era of Disaster

Chapter 102: Inverse flower pupil

As early as this period of time, Bai Yi had already found a lot of useful things in the city. Compass, map, solar electric light, semiconductor radio, etc., are all very useful things during the journey.

"Bai Yi, is this thing bad?" Woolf played with the semiconductor radio.

"I don't know, maybe it's bad." Bai Yi lazily perfunctory.

Obviously, the semiconductor radio was not damaged at all. But everyone has been doing this for a long time, and has never heard any sound. If it’s not that this thing is not big and does not take up space, it is estimated that Woolf has already thrown it away.

Bai Yi is teaching Momo to write, both in Chinese and English. Although New Zealand's environment has become so cruel, Bai Yi does not think they will always be in this world. One day, Momo must also enter a peaceful society. Momo is still illiterate at that time.

It has been a week since leaving Taihapi, and they have also walked a distance. After leaving the city, Bai Yi and they discovered that instead of becoming dead, New Zealand now became colorful, and various gene fusion organisms were unusually active. Of course, if you don't have enough strength, this kind of activity is fatal.

Within a few moments, Hylois, Werner, and Poo also came back, with the processed ingredients. Not just meat, but also recently discovered edible vegetable plants. Next, it was time for Woolf to show his talents, yes, it was Woolf who did the cooking. Anyway, under this condition, whoever cooks is almost the same. Without materials, Bai Yi can't make any special food. After such a long time in the wild, not only Bai Yi can cook, everyone can make almost the same food.

Woolf threw the semiconductor radio into the leather bag next to it, and then ran over.

Just when the semiconductor radio dropped in the animal skin bag, a human voice suddenly came. This sudden sound scared everyone. Woolf thought he accidentally smashed out a human. After a while, all the people looked at the semiconductor radio inside the hide bag.

Bai Yi passed, picked up the semiconductor radio, and then carefully adjusted the frequency, the original fuzzy sound gradually became clear.

‘Huntville has a place where mankind unites. It’s safe and has enough weapons. No matter what you become, as long as you were a human before, you can come here and everyone will live in this world together... "The sound inside the radio basically means that.

Bai Yi spread out the map and found it for a while before discovering the so-called Hunterville on the map, a very small place, a small town in New Zealand that was not even a city.

"Let's go and see." Bai Yi said.

Everyone has no objection, and looking for other humans is originally the purpose of everyone. Suddenly learned of other human news, everyone was in a good mood. Anyway, the more humans there are, the more hope there is for everyone. Bai Yi was delighted, and he started again, making a bunch of food. Anyway, although Woolf would cook things, there was a little difference from Bai Yi's things.


Hunterville is just below Tehapi, just walk along the Longitiki River, and this is also the direction of Bai Yi along the way. Perhaps it was because they were closer to Hunterville, so they received the voice. In less than a day, Bai Yi and they came to Hunterville.

Far away, before entering this small town, Bai Yi and they heard the screams and fighting.

what happened?

A group of people in Bai Yi thought that this place was attacked by monsters. They suddenly accelerated and ran into the town. It can be seen that the people here do not operate this place in this way. All the places are very broken. Bai Yi and they really can't see where there is a safe place. But at this time, when they didn't care about it, Bai Yi rushed into the town and found that the two groups were fighting together.

One group of them is estimated to have more than 20 people, all of them look fierce, while the other side has only five people. They are also ugly. In short, there is no normal human in New Zealand.

Now the side of the five has three dead, and fell to the ground, while the remaining two are fighting crazy. Especially the guy who looks like a horse's head is even more entangled with the enemy. However, the difference in numbers is so great that many of the more than 20 people on the opposite side are still watching jokes. If there is no accident, the remaining two will be killed in less than a while.

Bai Yi's sudden appearance made everyone stunned for a while, and then came out a guy more than two meters high from the twenty people standing opposite.

This guy looked like a tiger walking upright, with a tiger pattern floating around on his body, and a pair of huge wings on his back. At first glance, this wing knows that it is different from the ornamental wing on Woolf's back and should be able to fly. This guy looks vicious, but he is very polite.

"Sorry, sorry, are you humans who have heard the radio here, we are hunting a few monsters that have broken into the town. No way, although we have a good fighting power, the defense of the town has not been perfect." This tiger Said the head man.


Bai Yi looked at the two people who had fallen to the ground and stood still. How to say, the three people who fell on the ground and the two who stood, did not seem to have much to do with humans. However, there are so-called normal people in New Zealand now, if we say monsters, then these twenty-something standing next to them, like the guys playing tricks, aren't they even more terrible?

"Boom, they... aren't!" The guy standing next to him like a horse's head immediately wanted to say something. But his changes were obviously even in his throat, and he couldn't say a complete sentence at all. But at this time in anxiety, the speech brought horse hiss and other voices.

"They are...!" At this time, another person who was still standing suddenly shouted loudly, but just said a few words. Behind him, the guy with the right hand, the big pliers suddenly closed. Only halfway through this guy's words, his head flew directly. This kind of overwhelming behavior made Bai Yi too late to save the guy.

"Sorry, sorry, the red crab is too excited. Every time he hunts a monster, he always has to hunt it completely. It is because his left hand was bitten by the monster when he was too careless." The tiger head said . And at this time, the guy who had taken off the man's head with a pair of pliers took a step toward the side. It was indeed only the big pliers in the right hand, and the left arm was gone.


"Maybe we didn't come at the right time, just saw the scene of your hunt. You don't need to continue this kind of bad lies. Obviously you use broadcasts to spread lies, and then attract other security-seeking humans to come here. Needless to say , Your purpose is not to provide a safe place, just treat them as prey, right." Bai Yi rubbed his temple lazily, and seemed not to be nervous about the scene in front of him.

The tiger-headed man heard Bai Yi say this, and couldn't help Zhang Kuang laughing. Indeed, continuing to pretend to look like a clown, as Bai Yi said, Bai Yi they came too cleverly, otherwise they can dress up.

"Looking at your attitude doesn't seem to exclude this kind of behavior. You have also killed other people. How about, whether you want to stay or not. Every once in a while, there are always some fools coming here, than playing outside to find Food is much safer this way." The tiger-headed people saw that Bai Yi and their five people on the other side were two pets. Although they have more than 20 people on this side, they dare not say that they have eaten and lived up to Bai Yi steadily, so they can't help but invite them.

The Matou originally thought that the savior had come, and after hearing the words of the Tiger, he could not help but fall into despair.

"Huh..." Bai Yi breathed out slowly.

Bai Yi opened his mouth, when everyone thought that Bai Yi would agree, Bai Yi suddenly showed a very innocent smile towards the opposite The kind of innocence, spontaneity, sunshine, let the group of people on the opposite side It felt like spring blossoming, but the next moment-"Sorry!" Bai Yi a simple sorry, all people's faces froze.

"Ha ha ha ha." On Bai Yi's side, several other people laughed all at once, without encountering dangerous panic.

"Huh... that's a pity." The tiger-headed person was also touched by Bai Yi's every move. At this time, Bai Yi refused suddenly and couldn't help getting angry. The tiger head waved his right hand, and a group of more than twenty people flew towards Bai Yi. Although they were not deceived in advance and let them eat the herbs, but there are more than twenty people in this side, can't they solve a few people?

Bai Yi looked at the tiger-headed man with a cold smile on his face. When the tiger-headed man rushed, Bai Yi greeted him unavoidably.

Reverse flower pupil!

Bai Yi's eyes were officially renamed. The previous mimic pupil can only indicate the original shape of Bai Yi's eyes. Moreover, the name of mimic pupil is too easy to directly associate with the source of Bai Yi's eyes. Finally, after deliberation, Bai Yi's eyes were officially renamed, from the pseudo-flower pupil to the current reverse-flower pupil. Bai Yi's eyes are indeed mysterious and domineering just like the same colorful flower with reverse growth.

The tiger-headed man flew towards Bai Yi, but was only looked at by Bai Yi's eyes, and then he realized a moment of trance in his consciousness. Then, there was no chance to wake up. Because, Bai Yi walked past him as if walking, and the sharp sword teeth had pierced through this guy's ear. Now in New Zealand, ordinary vitality is not critical, so Bai Yi will directly attack the inside of his head.

With a slight murmur, the tiger-head fell to the ground unclearly, and even to death, he didn't understand what happened.

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