Era of Disaster

Chapter 1071: Go to East


Mastic tested it several times in front of Bai Yi, and each time, when he brought the link device, his cognitive computing power was automatically occupied. Even if the operation is completely a pile of useless things, it will not let him idle. In this case, even if it is Mastic, it is impossible to hang on the network without restrictions. It is better than ordinary people, but he basically insists on seven or eight days, so he has to stop and rest.

"You are really scared of me leaving here."

"I'm not afraid, I just don't want to." Bai Yi said.

"Well, is there anything fun to recommend?" Mastic was too lazy to ask Bai Yi this question, but asked.

"Isn't it more appropriate to wait for you to find yourself."

"If you don't say it, I don't have anything to entertain you here, you can go." Mastic has completely regarded this place as his own territory, and said to Bai Yi without looking good.

"Then I will go first. By the way, remember to cherish the life now, if you are not sure, don't try indiscriminately. The power to treat prisoners like Bai Minglou is rare. I don't think you like the first few. In that year, it was like this alone hanging here, right." Bai Yi said.

"What to try?" Masic began to act silly.

"Hehehe!" Bai Yi also didn't care, and smiled gently, and left the room.

After coming outside, you can find a small and small house suspended in a dark and silent void. Twelve chains spread out from the void, as if they were not blocked by the laws of matter, and penetrated into it, binding Mastic inside. What to try, needless to say, Mustic knew it himself. If he really wanted to go back to the tethered chains in the void, the real seal suppressed, Bai Yi certainly did not mind.

After Bai Yi ordered the dark part here again, he left the place.

Although he left, Mastic's daily life, as well as his various actions on the consciousness network, will be sorted out and then processed.

I don’t know if Bai Yi used himself as a template, and there are really no loopholes; or Mustic knows that it is a period of special attention, so there is no special action. Even, there is no refutation that his cognitive computing ability is forcibly occupied by Bai Minglou. In short, the current Mastic is very peaceful and does not have any extraordinary behavior, as if it is really satisfied with the current life.

After Bai Yi paid attention to it for a while, he didn't put all his energy on Master. That quantum light brain is not just a decoration. After Bai Yi's perfection, even if Masti can really find a way to break through, it is estimated that it cannot be done in a short time. In any case, in simple terms, Bai Yike is no worse than Master.


So, the brain of knowledge!

At this time, Bai Yi turned his energy back to his previous center of gravity and began to quietly realize and think. Although Bai Yi spent a lot of time in other places over the past three years, it cannot be said to be a waste. It is better to say that it was Bai Yi’s participation and understanding of the quantum light brain and consciousness virtual brain in these three years that gave Bai Yi more comprehension.

However, it is not enough to just realize this!

The vital biological wisdom brain is still missing!

Ye Ye’s ideal is to become a real life. Although she now has a body and a soul, she is still different from the real life. The body of a puppet is always limited to the body, and has great limitations. It is not enough to understand the law. Of the three kinds of wisdom brains, only biological wisdom brains are the closest to life... No, it is a kind of life itself, and it is the most suitable for night and night.

But the cultivation of biological brains is impossible to spawn, and once spawned, it will surely affect the future potential. Therefore, even if Bai Minglou quickly researched both the quantum light brain and the consciousness virtual brain, there is not much way for the biological wisdom brain.

Therefore, if Bai Minglou wants to study the true biological wisdom brain, he can only go to...East!

Moreover, Bai Yi can only pass by!

Because only Bai Yi can truly and thoroughly compose the attributes and characteristics of the biological intelligence brain, and then master the real points perfectly. The other changed a person, no matter who it was, and it had nothing to do with strength, it was impossible for Bai Yi to get exactly the same experience. And to realize this kind of thing, there is no way to transfer it to others.

"I plan to go to East Star Field!" When Bai Yi announced the news, everyone was surprised.

"What, Bai Yi, are you kidding me?" Woolf yelled suddenly.

"No, I'm not kidding, but serious." Bai Yi shook his head and said his reason. Bai Yi explained this, and others immediately understood that Bai Yi was really not kidding. Among the people here, only Bai Yi has the brain of knowledge, and he also has a very good understanding of the quantum light brain and the conscious virtual brain. Only after he has thoroughly understood the biological wisdom brain can he organize and merge the three. No one else in the past, even Mo Mo, could replace this task.

"Isn't it possible to directly find the main star ring of Tianma Luo in East Star Region?" someone asked.

"Impossible, although there are a lot of people in the East Star field, but it is impossible to compare with the complete East Star field. And, you think the other party will use the biological wisdom on the virtual beast ship. Can you check it with me? So, if you want to quickly understand the biological wisdom brain, you have to go to the East Star field, and I can only go by myself." Bai Yi said.

"I'm going too!" Mo Mo said.

"No!" Bai Yi shook his head.

"Bai Minglou can not be without a day, I or you, there must be someone to stay." Bai Yi shook his head. Bai Yi knows what it means to Momo want to follow himself. It is nothing more than wanting to be together, but this is not to travel or honeymoon. It must not be allowed to follow Momo.

"I just want to follow my father." Mo Mo said stubbornly.

And the topic discussed next is obviously not a question that Bai Yi can't go, but a question that Mo Mo can follow. But obviously, Bai Yi did not relax at all on this point. In the end Momo could only give up helplessly, but Bai Yi did not find out that Momo had been in contact with the night.

If you want to go to the East Star Field, you must have a spaceship, otherwise even if the East Star Field is the closest star field to the solar system, it is impossible to fly over by your own power.

As for the space ship, Bai Ming Lou really has it, and it's the East Star field.

Several people from the [Frei] family who were chased to the top of the solar system, as well as the virtual beast ship they and the soldiers were riding. Soon, several people got the news, and then came to the Baiming Tower. Amphora, the eldest lady of the Frye family, currently opens a simple drink shop in Sifangtian, and seems to be used to a quiet life. Amphora's younger brother Ryan, and the loyal housekeeper Yelda.

Of course, following a few people, and their team.

"So, there is no problem going back, but I hope Lord Bai Yi promises me one thing." Ryan faced Bai Yi with a slight anxiety. Speaking of them, Ryan and Amphora were the first people to join the Baiming Tower, but because they were too marginalized, they couldn't remember it.

"what's up?"

"I hope to go to East Star with my teammates." Ryan said seriously.

Bai Yi couldn't help but looked at the other people, Ryan's team was the same team as Bema. Captain psychic pig Bema, other members, East Ryan, flesh-formed armor is the crystal phoenix left by the original Alotiya, the bear bear Luo Luo, the slug clan soft, flame bird cone, crystal magic spider Colorful pattern. After so many years of experience, Bema already has the strength of LV4, and even other members are outstanding leaders in LV3.

Originally, at this time, it was still unclear exactly who those people were to go to East Star Territory. Unexpectedly, Ryan made such a request.

Bai Yi thought for a moment, then nodded.

Originally, the Baiming Building required many people to pass. After all, a huge spaceship cannot be controlled by just a few people. And after reaching the top of the star field, it certainly needs to use different manpower. Bema and their team, although all of them are humanoid races, have their own abilities, and they may be used for very important purposes.

Now that it has been decided, there is no delay, Bai Yi itself is not the kind of slow-tempered temperament.

The Virtual Beast Ship has been repaired long ago. When it was discovered this night, it knew the importance. Even, much of the knowledge of the East Star field is derived from the above analysis. It can be said that among all the extraterrestrial domains ~ ~ only the East Star domain, which is the best known by Bai Ming Lou.

Following Bai Yi left, there are Vera, Nancy, the third team captain Tsukazaki, the tenth team captain Ernest two. Only five of them are masters, all of them are LV5. And the other people below are innumerable, and people in every aspect include a lot.

Soon, under the shield of the Eye of the World, the Void Beastship rose towards the sky and flew to the faraway void.


At this time, Amphora and the three others were looking at the void outside, no matter who it was, they were very emotional. At the beginning, I came to the solar system because of the escape. I have lived a stable life for so many years. I did not expect that they really have a day to go back.

Over the past few decades, I don't know what happened to the original star ring.

When Amphora sighed slightly, he suddenly heard a commotion from the spaceship. When Amphora passed away curiously, she realized what was going on.

Under the cover of night and night, Momo, the white princess, has concealed Bai Yi and boarded the virtual beast ship!

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