Era of Disaster

Chapter 1075: Recovery family

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In the heart of Yeluda, it is actually a pity, because of the power of Bai Minglou, he had a deep understanding of the time he lived in the solar system. If you use the power of Baiming Tower, then it is easy to restore the original Frye family. However, Yelda was still very faithful, and since Amphora did not want to do this, he could only hide this idea.

Soon, Bai Yi got the information sent.

There are not many unexpected places. The biological wisdom brain at the top is, of course, in the hands of the top society. In the 1044 star ring, the top-family family is called the Salon family, which happened to be the group that drove the Frye family out of here, so Yalda said whether he should use the power of the Baiming Tower.

"Do you want to restore the Frye family." Bai Yi said to Yelda after reading the information.

"Ah!" Yeruda suddenly shuddered, thinking that Bai Yi knew he wanted to use the power of Bai Ming Lou.

"No, absolutely not." Yalda suddenly explained nervously.

"What are you doing so nervous?"

"Invite Master Bai Yi to spare his life, and use the power of Bai Ming Lou to restore the Frye family is only my proposal. If you want to blame, blame me. The lady itself does not mean that." Yelda knelt on the ground , Is completely incoherent. Now several of them can take refuge in Bai Ming Lou, if Bai Yi had any bad thoughts? Words, then they are finished. At this time, he can only take all things to himself.

"Using Baiming Building, hehe." Bai Yi smiled slightly.

"Aren't you now a member of the Baiming Tower, get up. I'm not trying to test you. I really want to ask if you have restored the meaning of the Frye family. East Star Field is an extraterrestrial field, Baiminglou itself needs to establish a stronghold, which is an extension of external power. I just think that you are an Eastman, and originally the owner of the 1044th star ring, so it is more suitable. If you are not willing, then forget it "Bai Yi explained.

"..., I still need to ask the elder lady." Yelda opened his mouth, eager to say yes, but in the end said this.

"Well, it's better to make a decision quickly, which is related to the way we take action later." Bai Yi said.

"Yes!" Yeruda walked down with a slight excitement. Even people who know Bai Minglou are not particularly familiar, but Yelda knows that people like Bai Yi are not necessary to deceive him. That is to say, if they agreed, Bai Minglou will definitely help them restore the Frye family. The most critical thing now is the wishes of the young lady. If Amphora still doesn't want to, then she can only give up.

Bai Yike no matter how Yeruda went to tell Amphora about it, looking at the information in his hand, Bai Yi knew that it was almost time to start acting.

If you only want to obtain the information of biological wisdom brain, then Bai Minglou can of course use the powerful force directly to find out clearly without the knowledge of other people. However, if the Frye family wants to restore the original family, then there are some superficial means that are needed.

Yelda soon told Amphora what Bai Yi meant, and he didn't know how he persuaded him. Soon, Amphora came to Bai Yi with Ryan.

"Thank you, Lord Bai Yi, for helping to restore the family."

"Well, then, let's start to discuss how to act." Bai Yi didn't care about these hypocrisy, and immediately said.


Since you want to restore the Frye family, then Amphora can't keep hiding. Soon the old deployments of the Frye family knew that the descendants of the Frye family who had been missing for decades had returned, and this time the other party was very strong. Not only Miss Amphora at the beginning, but even Ryan has grown into an excellent young man.

To truly reoccupy a star ring, economic share, political influence, etc. are all very important.

Of course, strength is also an indispensable part, but it can only be a secret action. It is always impossible. Bai Minglou really ran out and wiped out the other party.

Fortunately, these things don't need to be done in Bai Ming Lou. The Frye family has developed here for nearly ten thousand years and has a lot of heritage. There are still many old deployments in the past. After the return of the Frye family, there was strong support, and this group of loyal old deployments immediately became busy.

All this was done in secret. When the Frye family was exposed in one breath, the Salon family suddenly found out that it seemed that the sky had changed a little when they did not know when. Unconsciously, the power of the Salon family was actually eaten up by a large part.

And at this time, the next election of Xinghuanhuan is coming.

As the heir of the famous Frye family, Ryan is the protagonist in this vortex. And his teammates are his helpers. Of course, behind them, there is a more powerful Baiming Tower.

All of this is done by the following people. Bai Yi and Mo Mo's true goals have never changed.

At a commercial reception, Bai Yi and Mo Mo came here together. This is not Bai Yi they are interested in this kind of thing, it is because after the following people inquired about the news, the Salon family is studying the latest type of biological wisdom brain, perhaps not comparable to the top of the East Star field , But it's certainly not bad. And it was only some core members of the Salon family who knew where the secret research institute was.

And at this reception before the main election of Xinghuanhuan, the original important figures of commercial affairs will come out.

As a representative of the strong return of the Frye family, Ryan caught everyone's attention. As for Bai Yi and Mo Mo, they are not with a group of little guys at all.

"Ryan, the one who was beaten at that time only knew how to find her sister's little ass." An Eastman who was a few years older than Ryan naturally came to Ryan's side, and then whispered, with a mockery in his mouth. Smile.

"You are, Drake? Salon!" Ryan immediately recognized the original'enemy' after the other party spoke.

"Unexpectedly, you dare to come back!"

"The lost, of course, need to be recovered."

"Ha ha ha." Drake Thrall suddenly smiled lowly, and then picked up the cup. Inside is a drink similar to human alcohol. After a seemingly polite toast, Droque turned and walked in another direction. "That's right, when your sister ran away, I was sad for a long time. After all, she was a veritable star-ring flower. This time you are back, then I look forward to it."

"Asshole!" Ryan said fiercely.

"Why, do you want to do something on this occasion, just your strength..." Drogk suddenly provoked.

Generally speaking, in such a "noble" occasion, even if there are any grudges, it will certainly not be a big deal. But how could Drake know what status Amphora was in Ryan's heart. So when he heard Droker involved the subject with his sister, he suddenly became angry. Ryan followed Bema all these years together, always free and casual, so Ryan really shot this time, and mercilessly.

A flash step suddenly approached the opponent, hit his knee, and then punched the opponent's big face with a punch.

Although Drake had been alert when Ryan moved, he wanted to defend, but he never thought that the young man would have become so powerful.

Eaststar is best at carnivorous armor. At this reception, no one wore that thing. The flesh armor has been lost. In addition to the people at the top, the average Eastman is really nowhere near stronger. At least, this Drake is not a strong man at all.

There was a sudden pain in the abdomen, and when Drake hadn't responded, he punched heavily in the face.

With a crackling sound, Droc suddenly flew up, flew out like a human cannonball, knocked over a table, and mixed the various drinks on it against the wall, just like a sauce meat shop In the same way, blood mixed with wine suddenly splashed, and even a crack appeared on the wall.

At this time, those who talked looked in this direction in amazement.

Even if Bai Yi and Mo Mo are not here, they immediately know what is happening here. However, neither Bai Yi nor Mo Mo meant to come forward. Because, in the eyes of the two, this is not a big deal at all. Now that the Frye family has returned strongly, the subsequent conflict is a matter of time. Now, it doesn't matter if two youngsters will set off the war.

The Salon family immediately surrounded, and behind Ryan ~ also appeared a group of his companions, as well as other Baiminglou people.

At this time, Bai Yi knocked on the door of a room.

Inside the room, several people were discussing very important things, and they were shocked when they heard the knock on the door. Because, it is not empty outside, the bodyguards on the bright side and the secret guards are there, why suddenly...


"Come and ask something." Bai Yi said.

The people inside put on fleshy armor and opened the door very carefully. As the core masters of the Saron family, there are also the current politicians on the 1044th star ring. These people's caution and caution are not ordinary. Only when one of them carefully opened the door, it was found that it was a man and a woman, and there seemed to be no danger.

"Who are you, this is not where ordinary people can come."

"Don't be nervous, just have some small questions to ask." Bai Yi said. I1292

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