Era of Disaster

Chapter 1081: Really bad


When the experiment in Bai Yi's hands was completed, others were unclear. As the researchers who have studied here for a long time, can it be unclear? What Bai Yi is doing now is the direction they have been working on. Perfect integration of biological wisdom brain and flesh armor, but will not form an independent consciousness, just become a simple calculation tool to help the master mobilize powerful power.

Such carnivorous armor is what they have always wanted to achieve.

But at such a time, in the hands of someone who shouldn't be here, was this goal achieved?

"Ring, Ring Lord, his..." The person in charge of the research base immediately pointed to the embryo of the virtual beast suspended in front of Bai Yi. Even if you are not completely born yet, you can feel the powerful pulse inside. It is completely different from the defective products that have not yet been completed. It seems that the naked eyes can see the powerful force that fluctuates inside.


"That's the full-form fourth-generation flesh armor." The person in charge said suddenly. They don't know how many times they have tried it, so when Bai Yi finished it, even if it didn't pass the test, it felt at a glance.

"What!" Bauer just felt that his heart was not enough. It was obviously retrieved just now, and that person was not here at all. As a result, others immediately came up with a fully formed fourth-generation flesh armor. Can Nima not be so funny, not only Bauer, but even other people's hearts feel weird and incredible.

"I don't know what this... how to call it?" Bauer deserves to be the ring master of the Star Ring, and he quickly calmed down and asked sincerely.

"You want this," Bai Yi said, holding the embryo in his hand. Obviously, it is more than ten centimeters away from Bai Yi's palm, as if suspended in the air.

"Yes!" Involuntarily, Bauer answered Bai Yi's question.

"So, even if I stayed here for a while to compensate, don't thank me." Bai Yi said, throwing the embryo over.

Bauer took it silly, and the two guards immediately wanted to stop, but it was obviously too late. Unlike Bai Yi's hands, Bauer had just received the embryo, and from the place where he touched, he suddenly stretched out countless granulations, and then grew rapidly into Bauer's body. The pain that forcefully grows in the body is simply unbearable. In particular, Bauer had another carnivorous armor in his body, so he immediately fought in his body.

Countless blood squirted outwards continuously, and Ball shuddered like a leaking sieve.

"Lord Lord!" the others shouted in a panic. However, at this time, even two quasi-LV5, there is no way to stop this situation, can only look at Bai Yi angry.

"I said it was compensation." Bai Yi spread his hands, still very leisurely.

At this time, the battle between the two carnivorous armor was also more intense. Originally in Bauer's body, it is considered to be the top flesh armor, and it is still mature, but this time, under the attack of this new flesh armor, it gradually began to retreat. It didn't take long for this fleshy armor to voluntarily detach from Ball's body as if he wanted to take the initiative to escape. Even if you don't have your own wisdom, you also have a life instinct.

However, before waiting for this flesh armor to flee, countless tiny threads stretched out and grabbed the flesh armor back.

It was indescribable to describe the form, as if Bauer's pores had become countless small mouths, constantly swallowing this flesh armor into it. It didn't take long for the original flesh armor to be completely swallowed up. Then Bauer's body surface quickly grew out of a grisly armor.

Hardened flesh!

These hardened flesh and blood are almost comparable to the top metal, and the strength is very amazing.

At this time, Bauer suddenly opened his eyes, and the breath of the real LV5 suddenly rumbled. In addition to a few guards and two quasi-LV5, those researchers with little strength immediately lie on the ground. It seems that he didn't expect such a thing to happen. After a while, Bauer's expression recovered from his daze, and then looked at him with a dreadful armor in a daze. In addition to the grim, it seems that even the appearance has been slightly adjusted by Bai Yi, without losing strength and beauty.

Gently clenched his fist, and suddenly produced an amazing burst of gas. Bolton, who had some doubts about this feeling, realized this real power.

"This lord!"

Paulton looked at Bai Yi in the past, and respectfully called Bai Yi an adult. After clearly feeling the power of this power, Bauer realized that Bai Yi was important. It was only when he looked at it that Bai Yi disappeared under everyone's eyelids. Obviously so many people are here, but no one finds out how Bai Yi left.

At this time, Bai Yi had already arrived outside, and then looked at the door.

Bai Yi's mouth showed a mysterious smile, and then flew out. Being able to complete the research of the Salon family so quickly can be said that the knowledge accumulated by Bai Yi is indispensable. Moreover, the Salon family thinks that it is a ‘new type’ of powerful flesh armor, which has actually appeared long ago. Otherwise, what were the East East strongmen who had arrived in the solar system. Although there are some differences between them, the general principles are similar. Bai Yi just made a copy and perfected it.

It is indeed the flesh-formed armor in your mind, the real power of LV5.

It's just that it's hopeless and desperate to get hope quickly!

Bauer didn't know Bai Yi's nasty joke. At this time, he was completely immersed in this powerful force.

It's just a pity that at this time, even anyone knows that Bai Yi is a very powerful being. Perhaps, even the innate gods above the East Star field might also be. Although I don’t know why the other party came to the institute and helped them complete the research, it is clear that they just missed the opportunity to make deep contact with the other party just now.

Although it is a pity, it is clearly not the time to pay attention to this matter.

Gaining strong power, Bolton thought of counterattack, but, before leaving, he still had some things to deal with.

"Have you seen the process of the experiment that the adult just made?" Ball asked the researchers.

A group of researchers looked at each other immediately. At that time, who still has the mood to see what Bai Yi is doing. In other words, Bai Yi's time here is obviously not short, but they don't remember what Bai Yi really did.

"A bunch of fools. In short, the adult's testing site is here. You must learn the other's techniques and improve the cultivation of flesh armor as soon as possible." Ball said indignantly. Although the flesh armor on him is already a true LV5, after all, there is only one, and the embryos of other flesh armor are still defective.

"Yes!" a group of people replied immediately.

"Then, I'll leave it to you here. Let me show the guys the real power." Bauer didn't scold too much. As the Lord of the Rings, he also knew that the power that Bai Yi showed just now, it was impossible for a group of people like them to really discover something.

After the staff here expressed their gratitude and expressed their loyalty, Bauer flew out. Although this is the first time such a powerful force has been used, it is not too easy to deal with biological wisdom brains.


By this time, Bai Yi had returned to the Baiming Tower.

"I'm back, what's the harvest?" Nancy asked.

"There are some realizations, but the biological intelligence brain there can only be regarded as a single body, and it is far from the expected one. What I need is the super biological intelligence brain with macro computing and co-ordination capabilities. It is estimated that the general world is Not found." Bai Yi explained.

"Ah yes, let me know Ernest, and later he will probably go to a real LV5 guy." Bai Yi said to the outsiders.

"Yes!" The people outside answered immediately, and then went out.

"What's the matter?" Nancy suddenly wondered.

"In fact, it is not an important thing. It is to use the other party's tools and conditions to try the integration of biological brains. If you are not careful, you will complete what the other party is studying. The real meat with LV5 power Colonial armor, and there are supporting biological brains to assist in calculations. Then, when I left, I felt that it was quite embarrassing to have stayed with others for so long, and it was used as compensation to the other party." Bai Yi looked innocent. Said.

" You deliberately." Nancy laughed when she heard the words.

"How come, I am a good person, but it is real LV5 flesh armor."

Nancy was amused by Bai Yi's bad taste. It is estimated that Bai Yi wants to really test and stimulate Ernest and let him realize his true potential. Otherwise Bai Yike is not interested in playing such a thing. It's just a pity that the Salon family, I don't know what this feeling of alternating between heaven and region will be.

Bai Yi didn't know the bad taste, at this time he only felt the powerful power in his body. He flew out at dozens of times the speed of sound. At the beginning, Bauer worried that he would bump into something because of his reaction, but soon, Bauer discovered that he didn't have to worry about such things at all. The biological mind in the flesh armor handles all this well. After personally feeling the simplicity and power of this flesh armor, Bolton rose with even greater confidence.

A sudden stop, as if suddenly appeared, Ball suspended in the air, looking at Ernest opposite.

And at this time, Ernest also got the news from the Baiming Tower, knowing what the guy was doing. Ernest smiled helplessly on the face, and Lord Bai Yi was really bad.

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