Era of Disaster

Chapter 1095: Hidden truth


While Bai Yi and Mo Mo were talking, the battle outside was in full swing. ︽ At the beginning, no matter whether it was Peggy or others, they were still very restrained. After all, even if they were going to leave the Xinghua family, Peggy did not think about killing. But when the battle progresses to a more intense level, it is not so easy to control. After all, Peggy is mostly using the power of Momo now, and is not so familiar.

It's just that the guests in and around the Xinghua family are no longer surprised to describe.

Because the strength and talent that Peggy showed in the battle has exceeded everyone's imagination. These guests looked at Peggy with great envy. Such members, such disciples, can be regarded as core members in any family, and they are highly valued. But in turn, these people secretly rejoiced in their hearts, such a talented younger generation, as a result of this forced marriage, was forced by the Xinghua family.

Xinghua family, this time losing money!

Originally Bai Yi came out and wanted Peggy to use his blood to activate the biological brain, but looking at what he is now, it is estimated that there is no chance. If you want to activate the biological wisdom brain, you can only go outside. Going outside, probably only steal the biological wisdom brain away.

Bai Yi held his eyebrows and smiled unconsciously.

Because, Bai Yi has no plans to refrain. In order to improve Ye Ye's intellectual brain, what Bai Yi is doing now can be regarded as a relatively unscrupulous means. After all, the Xinghua family has never messed with Bai Yi or anything. It had been a great surprise to steal other people's things. If they still steal the other's biological wisdom brain, it really doesn't fit Bai Yi's character.

After a slight smile, Bai Yi set his eyes. Perhaps, Bai Yi did not want to do this, but in order to perfect Ye Ye's intellectual brain, Bai Yike would not be so pedantic. In fact, before coming here, Bai Yi had basically thought of what would happen. No one is willing to share their knowledge casually, so if you want to get those things, you can only use some means.

Not every place, like the previous Salon family, has hatred against the Frye family.

"Don't let people die, the Xinghua family and Baiminglou have no holidays, and we can even say that our behavior seems to be in vain. Take Peggy away, leaving a complete mixed-hole epilepsy, which is regarded as Xinghua. Family compensation." Bai Yi said to Mo Mo.

"Dad you... ok!" Mo Mo was surprised, and then nodded.

"It seems that I have to be a thief once. It's very unrealistic to take Peggy to start the biological brain. Even if it starts, I don't have enough time to explore it carefully, so I plan to'borrow' one to go back." Bai Yi said.

"Borrow~!" Mo Mo did not feel Waner, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Now, if you really follow the rules completely, there are indeed many constraints. In short, we just remember this thing. In this matter, the Xinghua family does not owe us anything, but the Baiminglou. If you owe the Xinghua Family, if you have the opportunity, you must make up for it." Bai Yi said.

"Okay!" Mo Mo nodded seriously.

Momo's character is mostly just for playing now, and he definitely doesn't take tossing others for granted. Leaving the mixed point epilepsy is nothing for Bai Yi and Mo Mo, and it will not really cause huge uneven marks. After all, the real change of Peggy comes from Mo Mo's teachings, not others. Even if the mixed-point epilepsy is left, there is no such a huge effect. At most, it can only stimulate part of the potential of the disciples of the Xinghua family.

After the agreement between Bai Yi and Mo Mo, they immediately separated again. Bai Yi returned to the previous place again, and Mo Mo is paying attention to the changes here, and must not cause real casualties.

Fortunately, Peggy did not intend to kill anyone, so she had enough restraint.

With Momo's power coming and secretly helping out, Peggy actually rushed out of the Xinghua family and flew out towards the outside. Moreover, Peggy's speed is incredibly fast. Except for a few masters, when the people behind are chasing, no one can be found.

Momo flew with Peggy at high speed, and it didn't stop until a long time later when there was only one person behind.

Peggy originally wanted to ask something, but soon discovered that her body was out of control.

"Do you still want to escape!" The head of the Xinghua family wore a special flesh-formed armor and stared at Peggy fiercely. You don't need to think about what happened afterwards. You all know how much this junior smeared the face of the Xinghua family this time.

"Hello, the head of the Xinghua family!" Peggy suspended in the air and opened her eyes suddenly.

"You...Peggy!" The head of the Xinghua family just wanted to continue to say something, and then keenly found out what was wrong.

"Did you see it? Sorry, my whim has caused such a huge trouble to the Xinghua family." Mo Mo is in charge of Pei Ji's body and said to the opposite Xinghua owner.

"Who are you, which one is the god?" The star-headed master was shocked.

With a whimper, a volume of Faju flew towards the opposite star flower master. The Xinghua family master suddenly took it cautiously, fearing it was the other party's trap.

"You don't need to ask who I am. All in all, I'm sorry this time, causing so much trouble to the Xinghua family. Rest assured, I didn't mean it to the Xinghua family. How important it is, but it is a little compensation for the Xinghua family." Mo Mo said after the other party received the Fajum.

"So, I'll say goodbye... ah, yes, this time I am in love. By the way, I also borrowed a biological wisdom brain from your family. If there is a chance, we will definitely repay it." Mo Mo said, There was a slight dark ripple immediately behind Peggy.

Master Xinghua was still in amazement. When he saw the ripples, he suddenly threw it over, but was blocked by a force, and he could only watch Peggy disappear here. As the head of the Xinghua family, he was not an ignorant person, he immediately recognized it, but this is the use of space. (Underworld around Momo's body!)

Is the other party really a congenital deity of a certain department?


The owner of Xinghua suddenly reacted to what the other party said, and then flew back towards the back. Borrowing a biological wisdom brain from the Xinghua family, is this a deliberate transfer of them?


When the owner of the Xinghua family returned to the family, someone suddenly reported in secret that one of the top biological wisdom brains of the Xinghua family was gone. Even the guards around did not know how to lose it. There was no damage and no traces around it, as if the top biological brain had disappeared out of thin air.

"Homeowner, shall we..."

"Wait!" Xinghua's head pressed his eyebrows and stopped those who wanted to act.

"You are not allowed to disclose this news with anyone else. In short, let's deal with the endgame here first." Xinghua said. Before the situation was known, the owner of Xinghua did not want to disclose the unknown existence at will. After all, they are subordinates in the Esoteric department, and they are not so free to move. If they are suspected by the people above, they are called unlucky.

"Yes!" said the subordinate immediately.

At this time, the Xinghua family was already in an endgame, and the people who were knocked out did not know much. The guests here were very surprised, because they did not expect that a younger disciple like Peggy could really rush out of the Xinghua family with his own strength. This is not to say that the strength of the Xinghua family is not good, but that the strength of Peggy is really unexpected. However, looking at the faces of those in the Xinghua family, they knew that the other party was under a great deal of anger.

Soon, someone left with an interesting leave, and after there was one, there was a second, and more and more people left.

No matter how huge the event is, it will eventually subside. When countless guests leave, the injured person is also rescued, and finally gradually quiet.

"Homeowner, the number of serious injuries is 324, and the number of minor injuries is 1587." The following personnel reported the casualties.

"There is no death?" This result, even the Xinghua homeowners were extremely surprised, how fierce the battle was at that time, he could clearly know, but in such a fierce battle, there was no death?

"No one died!"

"I know, let's go down." Xinghua Housekeeper waved his hand at the bottom.

After all the people left, the owner of Xinghua opened the fortune book obtained at that time. "Mixed Hole Epilepsy", which is very comprehensive, has Bai Yi's deduction from beginning to end, and some ideas afterwards. Of course, because of the time issue, this is not a particularly amazing thing, at least there is no such kind of effect. But that's how precious it is.

After careful owner of Xinghua found out that this thing is really comprehensive, and it is not as scattered as in the travel notes above.

At this time, the inexplicable existence said again, and the owner decided for a long time before deciding on one thing.

Press down!

The fight was so intense, but no one died. Although the other party borrowed (stolen) a biological brain, it seems that the other party is not particularly thorough. At least, the other party exchanged this complete volume of mixed-epilepsy. It is best to hide this matter before you know the true identity of the other party.


Soon, the outside world learned that Xinghua Jianji had forced Xinghua Jianji, and the strength shown at the wedding banquet, Xinghua Jianji could almost be hailed as the most outstanding young woman of the young generation. The Xinghua family was really lost this time, and it was really ashamed and lost.

However, what everyone does not know is what really happened inside. Although on the surface, the Xinghua family seems to have lost money, but it has got a real mixed hole epilepsy. This is very important to the development of other younger generations of the Xinghua family.

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