Era of Disaster

Chapter 1110: Absolute life field

Bai Yi and their group quickly entered another environment. Starting from far away, the mixed substances gradually began to separate. Instead, the world gradually became solid. The place looks full of broken boulders and blue-yellow gravel, and the sky is as low as it can be reached. But even so, it still makes Bai Yi feel intimate, at least, here is already like normal earth.

Although the environment is changeable, the range of each environment is very large. Even a small place is no less than a small country on the earth.

For example, the space in which this boulder is suspended is larger than that of Japan in the past, and it is more three-dimensional.

After this period of understanding, everyone knows that the virtual beasts here are generally similar to the environment in which they live. So, seeing the environment here, everyone began to guess what attributes of the virtual beast living here.

There are Bai Yi and they exist. Even with such a huge range, it is not very difficult to find the virtual beast. In fact, even without them, other people can roughly feel where the virtual beast is. This is the unique coercion that belongs to the Divine Realm. Even if there is no special performance, it has a slight impact on the surroundings.

A group of people gradually flew towards the front in the gap between the boulders. The airflow around was changing rapidly, and countless small currents gradually swimed in the airflow, hitting everyone's LF force field and crackling. It can be said that without reaching LV4, there is not enough defense, don't even think of this environment. Various special environments do not need other dangers at all, which is enough to make people die.

Stopped in a gap of hundreds of meters in diameter, here should be regarded as a relatively wide open space in this cloud-electric suspended rock.

"The front is where the virtual beast is, you can adjust it yourself." Bai Yi said.

"Yes!" Yumiya Yuko and Anyue Tassel immediately replied.

Bai Yi did not move the three of them, just watched them prepare. In fact, although Bai Yi has discovered the virtual beast, they have not yet seen Yugong Xuezi. A group of people approached carefully toward the front, and after walking a few kilometers, they found a virtual beast.

A virtual beast like a snake!

The length reaches thousands of kilometers, and the whole body is yellow and dark scales, surrounded by the electric current of the silk cloud, which is hovering at the most center of this cloud-electric suspension rock.

When Yugong Xuezi they found this big guy, this virtual beast also found them.


Yugong Xuezi and others suddenly found that the Yundian current spread all around suddenly tightened, as if bound, making them completely immobile. Moreover, the luminous stones around them also moved quickly, squeezed towards them. The scene of landslides and cracks is like a broken world.

Needless to say, everyone immediately began to dodge.

And at this time, the snake-shaped virtual beast actually moved immediately, swimming towards them quickly.

"Retreat first!" Yugong Xuezi said suddenly.

After hearing Yugong Xuezi's words, everyone suddenly broke free from the shackles of Yundian, and then fled towards the outside. After more than ten seconds, others knew how timely Yumiya Yuko's orders were. Wherever this snake-shaped virtual beast swims past, the boulder seems to be dissolved by the power of cloud electricity, forming a flowing substance. Even though they had retreated first, they were still chased enough.

Bai Yi and the three watched Yugong Xuezi run away in embarrassment, secretly overwhelmed.

After more than two hours of escape, everyone was chased by the dog and fled, and then escaped from the chase of this virtual beast. At this time, Yugong Xuezi they only knew what kind of pressure the consciousness of the sea faced with the immortal realm. It's as if this space is completely controlled by the virtual beast, which is the other party's "world". From the front, it seems that Bai Yi's killing of such virtual beasts is very simple, but when it is their turn, let alone killing, it is extremely difficult to connect close.

Nancy jumped out in a few strides and entered Yumiya Yuko among them. Even if they all escaped together in the end, nearly half of them were seriously injured, and three of them were almost dead.

Bai Yi didn't say anything, but it was not a joke.

Pure heart water world!

A circle of water-like spots of light shrouded everyone in and suddenly pushed out all the messy energy and breath.

Water is more powerful!

The soft water healing power fell from Nancy's hands and immersed in everyone's body to repair their injuries.

Nirvana regeneration!

For the three people who almost hung up, Nancy even surrounded the three people with the unique Nisen Ganlu, and then penetrated into them. This is the product of Nancy's endless nirvana, which absorbed the power and merged with herself. This power is especially effective for people who have just died or are dying. It is a force that is almost regenerated from Nirvana in desperation.

(In the beginning, there were three people who absorbed Momo's unrelenting nirvana: 1. Angelira-Shinie's pupil, 2. Nancy-Nisen nectar, 3. Malvi-life flame.)

It is because Nancy is there that Bai Yi and they do not worry, as long as they are not completely wiped out with the soul. Then even those who just died can be saved in good condition, and Mo Mo is still here. Of course, although they can't die, these three people basically don't have to think about shooting. This injury requires at least a long time to recuperate.

"So, let's first analyze the general ability of this virtual beast and who is allowed to play." Yugong Xuezi and Anyue Tassel began to convene team members to discuss.

Soon, the two decided on the team. Before they had so many people, they wanted to see the breath of Linshen Realm. Now, there are really only three.

Yugong Xuezi, Anyue Tassel, Wu Hongxin.

The first two are deputy captains. This is the first time they have faced Prosperity Realm, so they will not let them down. Wu Hongxin chose him not because of his previous request, but because of his ability. During the previous escape, everyone found that the huge stones contained high metal content. After Wu Hongxin used his life field to control these metals, he could block the dissolution and move the snake-shaped virtual beast Block it.

"I said I am still very useful." After Wu Hongxin was selected, it was immediately overwhelming.

"Then, after the discussion is over, let's start." Yugong Xuezi and the three people immediately began to discuss.

In fact, this snake-shaped virtual beast looks completely different from the three of them. But really, Yuko Yukiko had never thought that they could actually kill this virtual beast. Now the three are mainly trying. With the first touch, the three of them approached more carefully this time. However, before they approached, the three were still found.

With a swish, the snake-shaped virtual beast swam faster than before.

just now!

When the snake-shaped virtual beast swam into a space, the three said abruptly. At this time, Wu Hongxin suddenly pressed his hands against the boulders around him, and his life field was completely open. The rumbling sounded, and the surrounding rocks suddenly moved, squeezed towards the snake-shaped virtual beast. The snake-shaped virtual beast is indeed very powerful, but the body is too large, so the first step of the three is to use Wu Hongxin's power to limit his activity space.

Obviously, the snake-shaped virtual beast can also control these boulders, so before the boulders are closed, they suddenly slow down.

However, the control method of the snake-shaped virtual beast and Wu Hongxin are different. Although I don't know how to control the snake-shaped virtual beast, Wu Hongxin's control method is the metal contained in it, just like a large net, the metal components inside are connected in series, in addition to control, it also becomes more rigid .

When I fled before, I only had a brief confrontation, but I still didn't feel it, but now when confronted head-on, Wu Hongxin suddenly felt a stuffy inside his nose, and his nose bleeding suddenly bleed out.

So strong!

This is the power of Proximity, his life field seems to be squeezed by the other party.

Ice line ice fast!

Anyue Tassel flew out without attacking, but also used his own power to help Wu Hongxin control this virtual beast.

Since both of them are in control, it is of course Umiya Yukiko as the attacker. Yugong Xuezi also pulled out his long knife, as if the surrounding space was shaking, Yugong Xuezi instantly cut out a knife. The powerful and sharp impact suddenly flew out, but suddenly stood still in the air.

Three seconds, nine consecutive swords!

Almost every knife, concentrated Yugong Yuko's strongest explosive power. With the power of Wu Hongxin and Anyue Tassel, they can only trap this virtual beast for three seconds.


Yugong Xuezi's sword was flat and suddenly wiped out of the space. The power of the nine knives that concentrated on the most explosive force suddenly merged into one, and then instantly fell to the position of the snake-shaped virtual beast about seven inches. Although I don’t know if the point of this virtual beast is like a real snake, it’s always right to try.

A buzzing tremor, the power of nine knives in one hit the aperture outside the snake-shaped virtual beast, and suddenly produced an amazing wave. The original condensed power suddenly broke out, and it was more violent than the frost-freezing frost of Anyue. The field of the Divine Realm of the snake-shaped virtual beast was broken, and a huge wound appeared. The escaping sword gas was cut through the boulders, leaving a huge gap of several kilometers deep.

"I'm going, what is the ability of the deputy captain, why haven't I seen it?" a member of the Tenth Guardian said with surprise.

"You haven't seen it?" Others were surprised, they were all inside a ghost guard, how could they not know the power of the vice captain.

"I challenged the deputy but the deputy captain only used a knife." The player touched his nose in a taunt.

"You're so courageous that you don't even know the strength of the deputy captain and dare to challenge it." Another team member grabbed the guy's neck and looked ridiculous.


Yumiya Yuko: Absolute life field.

Absolute life field: The energy of Yumiya Yuko is nothing special, pure and pure, but the life field has its own unique changes. The strength of other people will always become weaker and weaker as they move away from the body. This can be easily understood without examples. But Yugong Xuezi's life field is like the absolute life field in the body, which can achieve a completely non-destructive transmission attack.

To put it simply, Yugong Xuezi broke his sword at the nearest distance, even if the knife flew thousands of kilometers, as long as he did not leave Yugong Xuezi's life field, his strength would not be weakened by half.

This is the life field of Yumiya Yuko's life stage, and after knowing the sea environment, he can still and move his attacks at any time in the life field. A maximum of nine consecutive times is equivalent to the fusion of the nine strongest attacks.

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