Era of Disaster

Chapter 1120: Not optimistic


Okay, here is the back area, why can we still meet so many enemies here?

Gal Tororo watched a large number of Xigu astral people in front of him, and couldn't help but feel bitter. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d And at this time, Anyue Tassel had already flew towards the front. While passing by, Anyue Tassel shouted at him: "Don't be dazed, keep up."

"Yes!" Galtororo replied subconsciously.

"Come on, be careful of the deputy captain getting angry." The other team member also followed, and said to Gartororo.

"She, the deputy captain is an ice character, can't make a fire." Galto Luoluo said suddenly, but he had no confidence.

Why did you ask Galtoro to be in the Third Guardian? Galtororo himself wanted to know. After being rescued by Bai Ming Lou, he had nowhere else to go, of course he could only follow Bai Ming Lou. Galtororo did not expect that he had just arrived in an unfamiliar star field, where the war between star fields was about to break out.

What are you doing funny about me?

Gartororo has never heard of the war between the stars. When he was in Duqi Star Field, what kind of fight between right and evil, the struggle between the sects was already fierce. As a result, as soon as he came to this strange star field, he gave him such a big scene? Moreover, you really have no problem in treating guests like this? The deputy captain An Yue tassel, who had fought him once, was really welcome, and directly pulled him into the Third Guardian.

"Vice captain An Yue, I'm not your Bai Ming Lou, right." Gal Tororo chased up and asked.

"Now it is." An Yue tassel turned his head and looked at it.

"It's so easy, do you want to be so ridiculous, do you not fear that I am a bad person?" Galtororo was crazy.

"I asked Master Bai Yi, Master Bai Yi said that you have no problem, and your mind is acceptable." An Yueliu said.

Gal Tororo went crazy for a while before he realized what Amoy Tassel said in the words. I asked Bai Yi and said that his mentality was acceptable. Could it be that his mentality was thoroughly understood by the other party when he was completely unaware. Shouldn't it be so ridiculous, considering the mighty powers of Bai Yi and Mo Mo, Galto Luoluo suddenly couldn't resist. However, in the end, Gartororo asked deadly: "But why did the vice captain pick me?"

"The captain got lost in the Void Ovary, and there is no captain for the third ghost guard. Although your Tier 7 bone is not very reliable, it is also a LV5 Pro God Realm. Anyway, it is also a valuable cannon fodder when necessary. ."


"What do you do by asking this question yourself?" Jiang Xin, who was next to him, patted Gal Tororo's shoulder and almost laughed.

Galtororo was shocked by the words of Anyue Tassel, but when he heard Jiang Xin say this, he suddenly felt relaxed. At this time, the Xigu Xingyu people who came to the back area somehow in the front also collided with the third Hades.

Ice pattern sword silk!

Anyue tassels flashed a few flash steps from the headed crowd instantly, the crystal ice silk cut across the air instantly, and the pouting voice continued. More than ten people in the front instantly saw sharp cuts from the key points. Then, with a ding, An Yue Tassel collided with one of the others.



When Anyue Tassel collided with one of them, everyone said in their hearts. Although I don't know the purpose of a Temporal Realm coming here, it will never be a good thing. At this time, Jiang Xin, who was still ridiculing, had already rushed up. Even if they don’t have a real master of the gods in their third guardian, it is impossible to flinch at this time.

Galtororo did not think at all at this time, and greeted another master of the gods.

Captain Tsukasaki of the Third Nether Guardian got lost in the Void Ovary, and now there is not even a real Master of Divine Realm in the team. Sure enough, is he a high-level cannon fodder, and when he inspires his seven-vein diamond bones, Gal Tororo is still thinking about it.

On the other side, Jiang Xin also relayed the news of the sudden encounter with the enemy back to Bai Ming Lou.

The two immortal realms, if Tsukachi is here, are certainly not in doubt, but the third guardian of the present is very dangerous. Fortunately, the deputy leader An Yueliu Susula came over with a'cannon fodder' and it was really used as soon as the game started. Moreover, in the experience of the void ovary, Anyue Tassel has basically been close to the edge of the Prosperous Realm, so it is still no problem to support it for a while.


The lightning flashed like a stream of water, Jiang Xin had just reported the news, and had already swept through the air, and the vice captain An Yueliu of the Soviet Union dealt with the master of the immortal realm.


When receiving the news reported here, Vera immediately reacted there, and immediately began to appoint personnel. Although I don’t know why there are two masters in the realm of God who came to such a deep area, but it will definitely not be a good thing.

"Let the Seventh Guardian go." said a one-meter-five-year-old teenager, the golden hair of broken hair was very elegant.

"Yes!" Vera immediately agreed.

"Captain, haven't you recovered your strength now?" A full and tempting woman followed Randolph, reminding.

"I know, so of course it is you who will do it."

"Why," Xia Qiqi said sadly. As she lowered her head, the pair of weapons on her chest seemed to bounce twice.

After Randolph and Xiaerqi left, Vera took another look at all the current fighting situations. There is no doubt that the power of Bai Minglou is very strong, and there are dozens of masters who can be pulled out of the Divine Realm. But when faced with Emperor Tianxi, Bai Minglou was not enough. At this time, it was only the relative cooperation of other forces that could keep the situation flat. In particular, the top masters in the Baiming Tower have been completely contained.

Emperor Tianxi, for the time being, is not a cause for concern, because no matter how strong that guy is, he can only get stuck at the gate of the astral world.

However, under Tianxi Zudi, there are still six star generals.

The first star will be: Masti, this guy needless to say.

The other five stars will be absolute masters. The special second star, Offi Buck, is the same as Mastic, a real LV6. Only Mo Mo can stop each other. Fortunately, the remaining four have not yet reached that level, but even so, it is also the top level of LV5, close to the level of LV6, even in the Baiming Building, only a few people can compete with them.

Bai Minglou (Woolf, Wuliang), Zhongxue Mansion (Qing Shiyu), and the humanoid Papua (Frida), these four were able to stop these four masters.

Moreover, in addition to these top-level masters, there are nearly a hundred other gods in the realm of the gods, which really dragged down most of the power of all parties.

Of course, the masters of the solar system's galactic domain have not come out, such as the four directions and the eight poles, but if you think about it, it will be very scary. This is still a star field in Xiguxingyu. No, it's just Tianxi ancestor emperor. Other Xingzun in Xiguxingyuyu who do not submit to him don't know their attitude. If at this time, other star domains come together again.

Therefore, even if Randolph had not recovered his strength, Vera had to let him out to save the field.

After integrating the battlefield in her mind, Vera found that the current solar system situation is still good. However, this situation will change immediately after other star domains are released.

Gently smeared on the projection of the solar system's ring-shaped star field, starting with the thirty-first star ring, more than 50% of the part was completely red by Vera.

"Teacher, are you so confident?" Shalo asked.

"Yes, this is the result of my thinking about the better. If other star fields also join the battle, the solar system star field will be at a disadvantage immediately. Half and half of the solar system star field will definitely be in the early stage by other star fields. Give full encroachment. At this stage, we have fought for countless lives. If we haven’t grown up by half of the encroachment, we have enough strength to compete with all invaders... genocide.” Vera looked at Sha radish.

Sarah was also extremely silent, because Sarah knew that Vera was not talking nonsense.

Growing up is not just a person's business. It means that you really have the power of LV6, or that the meditation of Baiming Building really has the strong power you expected, or that what other forces have studied is enough to compete with other top-level gods in Starfield. .

"We, will hold on until the moment of the counterattack arrives."

"I never doubted this!" Vera also smiled softly, but the eyes were very quiet.


【Seventh Guardian】

Captain: Randolph, Smart: To maximize the integration of his own strength, he can fully use his own strength in each attack, which is an ultimate manifestation of "technique". Randolph’s senses to outsiders are nothing special, because almost all of his fighting power is embodied in the ‘tech’ aspect. Ordinary attack, he can exert more powerful skills than ordinary people. However, on the surface, there is really nothing surprising about it. Randolph died once in the battle of Bai Yi's resurrection. Although he was resurrected afterwards, his strength was gone. Although it has been re-cultivated, it still has only the strength of the LV3 pinnacle, and only has experience. Because of its strength and slow growth, Randolph now seems to be only a 12-year-old golden retriever.

"Basic Technology"-

"Spirit Skill"-Knife Skill? Flashing, Separation of Consciousness, Painted Dance of Blades, (The Limit of Skills, Return to Essence)

Deputy Captain: Xia Erqi, the ability of Thunderbolt, was once the executive officer of the Bright Council, a plump and gentle big beauty. She knows how to protect herself, so she joined Bai Ming Lou in the new era. When Randolph had not recovered his strength, it was Xiaerqi who helped handle the affairs.

"Basic Skills"-Thunder Fight

"Barren Thunder"-


Once dead, there are three captains who have not yet recovered their strength, the fifth Mingwei, the centipede (hundred centipede centipede), the eleventh Mingwei, Jinjila.

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