Era of Disaster

Chapter 1150: The silkworm 9 changes


In fact, it is really not a good time to ask Bai Yi, because Bai Yi is still absorbing external power in the silk nest. △, but for Pu'e, the black crystal entered the silk nest and contacted Bai Yi. Fortunately, Bai Yi is still familiar with the breath of black crystal. After sensing the black crystal, he immediately stopped the attack of Silk Nest.

‘Pu’e’s life defect? ’Bai Yi’s idea came into the mind of the black crystal.

‘Yes, Master Bai Yi, is there any way? ’

‘Bring her, maybe, there is a kind of exercise just for her. Said Bai Yi.

When the black crystal brought Pu'e to the outside of the silk nest, countless dark filaments suddenly rolled up, and the black crystal did not stop, so he watched Pu'e pulled directly into the ground by the dark filament.

"Can Bai Yi really restrain the defects of the moth family?" Nancy asked.

"I don't know!" Black Crystal shook his head.

After being pulled into the ground by Bai Yi, Pu'e soon followed the veins of the silk nest and sank towards the depths of the mountains. Along the way, Pu'e looked into his eyes, his face full of surprise. Because, this underground silk nest world is really too large and gorgeous. As if entering another fantasy world, from the context, various nutrients continue to gather towards Bai Yi. I don't know how deep the depression was, before Pu E appeared in front of Bai Yi.

Pu'e stood in the center, looking at a huge cocoon more than ten meters high in front of him with awe. From the giant cocoon, huge veins are connected to build a huge world.

"Master Bai Yi!"

"Well, don't be so cautious, the life defects of the moth tribe, I know. In fact, my caterpillar also has this kind of defect. Among all people, my aging is also the fastest." Bai Yi said.

"Adult!" Pu E looked at Bai Yi with excitement. Since Bai Yi had this kind of defect before, and now Bai Yi is living well, does that mean?

"At that time I obtained the cultivation method of "Infant Seed" from the evil concubine. I can cultivate an infant fetus and replace the aging cells with new cells. However, this method will make my strength show a weakening or The state of stagnation. You know, no matter how powerful the newborn fetus is, it is impossible to compare with adults. So, although I used this method to delay aging, it did not completely solve the problem." Bai Yi said.

"Um." Pu'e nodded.

Pu'e understands Bai Yi's meaning, that is, although aging cells can be replaced with cells from infant fetuses, it is impossible to keep up with the original powerful force. How much power is contained in a cell of Bai Yi, this question is really hard to say.

"And after that, although I solved this problem, it was in the birth of a new world, and my life sequence has been perfected, so there is no such defect."

"However, this method is not suitable for you." Bai Yi said.

"It's okay just to be a baby," Pu'e said weakly. She doesn't expect so much, she doesn't need to completely solve this problem, as long as she can survive.

""Infant Seeds" is in the database of Baiming Building. As a deputy captain, you can check it out a long time ago. Didn't you learn?" Bai Yi asked curiously.

"I'm afraid I can't help but give it to the clan." Pu E blushed, and the weak look really felt good.

"It doesn't matter! Really, whether you make this request to Baiminglou or to the humanoid temple, you will definitely agree. Xiaoyu is the saint of your humanoid. For the growth of the humanoid, she But he won't be stingy with this thing." Bai Yi said.


"However, what I want to tell you now is not "Infant", but "Nine Variations of the Silkworm."

"Nine silkworms have changed?"

"Yes, a creature with the characteristics of breaking the cocoon into a butterfly can only practice. This kind of practice can form a cocoon once when its own strength reaches a sufficient point, and each time it breaks, the strength can be obtained. A large increase. In addition, this set of exercises also has a very powerful vitality. Even if it is dead, the soul will not leave the body, and the activity will automatically absorb the nutrients in the earth to complete a metamorphosis and rebirth. Of course, this kind of In the way of injury transformation, the improvement of strength is not as great as the first one." Bai Yi explained.

"Ah!!!" Pu'e was completely shocked.

"Then remember it well," Bai Yi said, and the sense conveyed this set of exercises completely to Pu'e.

"Master Bai, Bai Yi." Pu'e looked very alarmed.

"what happened?"

"Is this okay?" The weak Pu'e is very uneasy. Such a precious exercise, life-saving and power-up, is it really appropriate to hand it over to her.

"It's such a weak look, I really can't help but want to bully you, it is estimated that the black crystal is looking at you like this before pulling you to become the deputy captain." Bai Yi looked at the weak Qi Pu'e, all Can't help but ridicule.

"Master Bai Yi!" Pu'e lowered his head, his face flushed.

"Let you learn what you learn. There are not many people who have this kind of characteristics. There are no outsiders in Baiming Building. It is also wasteful to keep it." Bai Yi said. This was originally found by Fang Jinshi based on various information, and it is indeed a very powerful and anti-celestial exercise. But the exercises are actually secondary. If you do it yourself, you won’t be able to save anything. Bai Yi gradually explained some of the principles and main points of the Nine Changes of the Silkworm to Pu'e. It is important that Pu'e fully understand the whole set of exercises before practicing.

I don't know how long I have studied, I am absolutely focused, and Pu'e can't notice the passage of time outside.

"do you understand?"

"Understood!" Pu E nodded.

"So, I have one last thing to remind you." Bai Yi said again.

"what's up?"

"You can learn "Nine Changes of the Skyworm", but you can't copy it."


"Hey, didn't your captain teach you well? When you go out, you must teach her a good lesson." Bai Yidu sighed. "Listen well, the current exercises are specifically summarized by everyone according to their own attributes. Whether it is subtle or high-end, whether they are first or not, but basically, they are the most suitable for you. The most suitable for you, understand. For example My "Atmospheric Control" and Momo's "Dark Flame" can be learned as long as they have atmospheric control and flames. However, no matter how they learn, they will never reach the level of me and Momo."

"Who can match you." Pu E whispered.

Bai Yi couldn't help crying when he saw Pu's secretly talking. Does he mean that?

"Fool, I mean, their attributes cannot be exactly the same as ours. Even if they have the ability to control the atmosphere, but I still have the power of the psychic magic department. Although the two forces seem to be separate, they have always been inseparable. So, even if other people also have the partiality of atmospheric control, it is impossible for them to be fully suitable for my "Atmospheric Control", they can learn, but they will never reach my level. It is not that their talents are not as good as mine. It means that there are no two people in the world that are exactly the same." Bai Yi didn't know what to say to Pu'e.


"For example, a lot of flame power can be used in the Baiming Tower. In the upper floors, the similarity between Betsy's flames and Malvi's flames is almost 80%, but you must know that the flames of the two are completely different. Attributes. Betsy's "Burning Flame", Malvi's "Birth and Death", do you know why?" Bai Yi said again.

"Because everyone is different." Pu'e is not really stupid, just weak.

"Yes, everyone is different, so only the one that suits you best is the best. Others are fine, but since you are the deputy captain, you must pay attention to this. I hope you can Use yourself as a blueprint to create a set of exercises that suits you completely. Instead of obtaining a set of so-called higher-order exercises from other places, and finally learn something different. Forcibly practicing those exercises will only distort your own essence. Only." Bai Yi said.

"Why does the vice captain have to create his own exercises?" Pu E asked.

"Think about it yourself." Bai Yi said angrily.

Heijing chose Pu'e as the deputy captain because he was so bully, he didn't want to explain this simple question. The deputy captain is already a core member. If you can't even do this, let's resign as soon as possible. As for others, it is not forced. After all, many people prefer to learn things from their predecessors with ease.

" take off your clothes!" Bai Yi said again.

"Take off, take off your clothes!" Pu E suddenly opened his eyes again, looking at Bai Yi in shock and fear.

"You can get the most comprehensive contact without taking off your clothes, and you can better absorb the nutrients from the outside to complete the first change of the Nine Changes." Bai Yi said. In the sense, Pu'e looked weak. Bai Yi couldn't help but want to laugh, this feeling, how to say, Pu E is actually still very beautiful, he is almost like forcing a good girl to do bad things.

After Pu Yi heard Bai Yi say this, he slowly began to undress.

Bai Yi couldn't stand it anymore, and directly controlled some dark silk to roll over, and with a few clicks stripped Pu'e's clothes. Pu'e shivered all over, and tears were coming out, and he clutched his chest and lower body. Unfortunately, his figure was so good, but this posture seemed very tempting. Bai Yi once again controlled Dark Silk to hold Pu'e, and in Pu'e's scream, he dropped it directly into a bulging bag nearby. There is a variety of essential nutrients that Bai Yi has absorbed from this mountain range.

The rich energy essence around him immediately drowned Pu E. Pu E swallowed a big mouth directly because of screaming... sticky.

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