Era of Disaster

Chapter 1169: Dispatch


Hei Yao falls, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't imagine the amazing scene. This is the most desperate disaster for the people on the Xigu star field, but they simply don't know what it means.

The spiritual luck above this star field has been cut off.

They have no future!

The Xingjie door opened, and a group of people from Baiming Tower came out of it. This place is inside a huge mountain abdomen, and there is a special isolation circle outside, and it is still left by the real dark part of Baiming Tower. When the Astral Gate opened, the dark part staying here suddenly concentrated.

Several people wearing the captain Yuori appeared one after another, and the dark part here suddenly lowered their heads.

Sure enough, this incident has alarmed the headquarters of Baiming Building, so many captains actually appeared. However, before these people's minds were finished, a figure emerged from it again. Mo Mo came out from the inside, in simple attire, but with unimaginable majesty.

"Barton, where are they now." Mo Mo asked.

"Minister Barton and the three of them are not in the central area. When the last news came back, Minister Barton was on the 452th star ring, Lord Heloise was on the 1137th star ring, and Lord Monroe was on the 13th star ring." The commander of the dark forces staying here answered immediately and respectfully.

"Submit all the information here, all."

"Yes!" The dark army replied immediately, and then took all the information.

The information in the dark part is recorded in the way of sensation crystal. There is a special encryption method in Bai Ming Lou, which can be read only by the special personnel in Bai Ming Lou. When Momo got the consciousness crystal here, he immediately held it in his palm. Nothing was done, Momo's hair fluttered, and Momo opened his eyes two minutes later.

"You dark department continue to stay here." Mo Mo said.

"Yes!" answered the captain of the dark department.

A group of Momo flew out towards the outside immediately, and then came to a space teleportation array in the nearby Xigu star field. The power and technology system of Xigu Starfield are very perfect, so there must be something like the space teleportation array. Otherwise, the star field is too large, and if it takes decades to go from one place to another, it is not conducive to unification and stability.

The Space Teleportation Array was not hit by Hei Yaotianhuo, but when they came here, there was already a lot of chaos nearby. The fall of Hei Yao is a real desperation for Xiguxingyu. A kind of hysterical destruction, it is even more than the end.


Without others acting, Felix unfolded his coercion. In an instant, all the people who were still in chaos in the hysteria were crushed.

Mo Mo ignored these completely unmovable people lying on the ground, and walked to the space teleportation array, only to find a lot of broken places.


"Yes!" There were also various scientific and technical support personnel who came with Ming Wei, and immediately began to repair this space teleportation array. The solar system galaxies have long absorbed a lot of knowledge of the celestial fields, so they are also familiar with this aspect. Now that so many technicians are there, it's very quick to get started.

A group of people who were ruined in the wild were thrown out like garbage, and the people in Baiming Building began to repair the teleportation array. Fortunately, this group of people is just ordinary people, and the damage to the space teleportation array is not very huge. It didn't take much time, the space teleportation array has been roughly repaired.

"It has been roughly repaired, but it is still damaged. It is estimated that it will not be used many times. If you want everyone to transfer it, it will be difficult." The person responsible for repair said.

"Got it, Shalo and I went to the 452th star ring, Guan Shile and Felix went to the 1137th star ring, Woolf and Bemira went to the 13th star ring. The captain acted first, the others were led by the deputy captain , Auxiliary action." Mo Mo said.

"Yes!" The others answered immediately.

Soon, several people disappeared through the teleportation array. At this time, the deputy captain who stayed here and the personnel below looked at each other. They all understand that the next battle will definitely be extremely fierce. Even the maid of the guardian and the housekeeper, it is estimated that only the captain and the chief maid have the ability to fight. Others like deputy captains and squad leaders can only do a little auxiliary action at most.

"Our class A passed twenty people first, okay." Shen Yin said.

"Of course no problem." Several other deputy captains nodded.

"So, the first twenty people came with me." Shen Yin said, and then immediately separated the twenty maids and sent them over. Shen Yin is the squad leader of Bai Ming Lou's maid Class A, which is regarded as Salo's direct class. When Mo Mo came over, of course Sarah followed, and Sarah followed, and of course her immediate class would follow.

"I'll go first!" Munnar, the deputy captain of the Fourth Guardian, said to Fia.

"Well, okay, I'll look at other people here." Fia nodded. Then, Fia looked at the ninth guardian: "Lin, you take ten people with you, and go with the captain of Munar, and keep up with the captain."

"Yes!" Lynn, who was called by Fia, answered immediately.

"Where are we two?" Eliana, the deputy captain of the first Mingwei, looked at Xiaochao, the deputy captain of the twelfth Mingwei.


"Of course I will go first, right." Eliana blinked.

Xiao品's mouth suddenly opened, and then nodded. There is absolutely no way to refute, because Arianna and Munar are different from them. Although the two of them are deputy captains, but their strength has reached LV5. Arianna is a veteran of Bai Ming Lou. If it is not to assist Woolf, it is absolutely qualified to be a captain alone. And Munar got the charm of the plant, has its own charm of hibiscus.

Soon, the following group of people also followed, but only less than thirty people passed, and this space transmission array could not support it.

"Stop, you can't use it anymore, otherwise there will be an error in the transmission, and you will be lost in the turbulence of the space." The responsible scientific researcher found the transmission array damaged again, and said suddenly.

"Can you continue to repair?"

"Yes, but the value of the cost is too great, it is not worth it. After all, we only use this teleport array temporarily, it is better to look for another intact teleport array. The public may have been destroyed, but in those large countries or families Inside, there should be a private one, and it should be well preserved." The researcher suggested.

"Then set off immediately." Fia and Xiao Chao immediately said to the remaining people. Only with dozens of people in the past, I don't know if it can be useful.

Soon, a group of people in Baiming Building disappeared here. Until this time, the people who had been suppressed had climbed up. After such a thing, the hysterical destruction of the past has subsided a lot. After all, lying on the ground all the time is enough for them to calm down. Calmness is indeed calm enough, but they are more puzzled and dazed. Everyone looked at each other without knowing who they were. Obviously at a glance you know that it is a different race, but it has extraordinary strength and breath.

Is Hei Yao's fall related to them?


The place where Momo and Sarah came was the 452th star ring, which is here in Patton. As soon as it was delivered, a wave of attacks fell.

"Go away!" Mo Mo said impatiently.

With a quick sweep, all the people outside flew out. At this time, Mo Mo and Sha Luo couldn't help but be glad that they came over in time, otherwise the teleportation array here would be destroyed. At that time, they did not know where they would be sent. Ignoring those who fell to the ground, Mo Mo and Sha Luo waited for a while, until Shen Yin came here with twenty people.

"Shen Yin, you take them to guard the teleportation array, and make sure that no one comes over and then keep up." Sa Luo said.


"Then let's go." Mo Mo looked at the sky, confirmed a direction, and immediately flew out with Sarah.

As Mo Mo and Sha Luo walked away, those who had been swept away felt pressured and then got up. However, it may be the reason why Mo Mo did not really attack them. This group of people actually targeted Shen Yin and their 20 people. In complete despair, this group of people has lost their normal judgment, and in this case, they still want to shoot Shen Yin. Unfortunately, they just kicked the alloy plate, which is definitely faster than suicide.

At this time, Barton happened to be in a fierce battle. Barton is unclear as to whether it is a real Jade Disc, but what is certain is that some people have invested a lot of fakes in order to confuse audiovisual.

Concealed the breath, Barton chose to shoot suddenly when the two of them were Barton is the dark part, of course, the main thing is to use covert means. With the power of extreme penetration, Button suddenly appeared and inserted into the battlefield. When the three were completely unprepared, Patton snatched this piece of Jade Disc. The sudden appearance of Barton shocked the other three. They did not expect that someone was hiding nearby.

However, although it was grabbed, it was also more dangerous, and Button suddenly became the common target of the three. Moreover, without knowing what mark one of them left on him, he could not actually hide.

"Trouble!" Barton was surrounded by three people and could not help whispering.

But Barton was not afraid, but excited. Barton is called a mad dog, but it is not without reason. His heart is darker and mad. If it is not controlled by Bai Ming Lou, it will be a madman who has no way to put it outside. So this time, Barton just showed a hint of bloodthirsty smile.

Inexplicably, the other three clearly gained the upper hand, but felt a trace of coolness. They do not know that this is the difference from the dark department, the dark department, but the department of full-time secret killing. Even if the absolute strength is not as good as people, many times can take away the other's life.

What's more, Button is the secret minister of Bai Ming Lou.

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