Era of Disaster

Chapter 1174: script


During the chaotic period of Neiyu, the breath of birth was born. (wWW.VoDtw.coM)

Countless races have fought, resulting in boundless murder.

The strong players in all star fields ignore their lives, ignore their own leading responsibilities, compete for destruction, and finally break the star field.

Heiyao fell, and the star fields gradually shattered.

Supreme Sovereign can't bear the collapse of the Neiyu Great World. He was born and used the magical powers of the boundless to rise into darkness and build a new world.

Of course, the Supreme Venerable is also furious!

For their own selfishness, the powerful in each star field regards the universal life as nothing, but it is indifferent and ruthless, and the sin is extremely serious.

In order to stabilize the new world, the Supreme Venerable transfers the Quartet world, builds the abyss of the Nine Domains, and holds the selfish powerhouse under the abyss, as the foundation of the Nine Tripods, and atonement for their sins.

Thousands of years later, because the world was destroyed too much, the new world was gradually going to ruin.

At this time of annihilation and demise, the sons of various groups of spiritual fortunes were born, and the spiritual fortunes of the world were raised. It's a pity that with this amazing talent, I don't want to repay the world, but rely on my own talents to stir the world and do whatever I want.

Supreme Supreme once again surrendered it with boundless supernatural powers, taught the way of teaching, and finally lost his way and returned to the road!


The death hook swiveled, and suddenly cut out, as if penetrating the space, pushing all the people around. Then Mo Mo grabbed the new piece of Jade Plate.

The people around saw Mo Mo's movements, and then looked at several other people in Bai Ming Lou. They could not help but looked at each other and chose to give up.

The four captains and three other masters who do not lose the captain level. Especially, the white princess led by the leader is really too fierce. The power to control the fate of death can be said that no one is not afraid.

After all the people around retreated, Mo Mo did not continue to press, but let Woolf stop them.

At this time, everyone in Bai Ming Lou had reunited. Although there were some twists and turns, there was no major problem. After the confluence, everyone discussed the current situation, but there was no news. As a last resort, Mo Mo can only place the target on the other Jade Plate.

I always feel that I might get some useful news from these Jade Jade Discs.

Now Momo holds the third piece of Jade Plate.

The reason why others will give up so easily is because there are so many Jade Discs in the world, everyone knows that most of them are fake, only one is true. Therefore, if there is no certainty, no one will fight desperately. If they die for a fake Jade Disc, it is really not worth it.

"The third movie!"

"Isn't it true that you have got the real Jade Disc, why do you have to fight for other fakes?" Woolf asked. Only he can ask this question to Momo so carelessly.

However, Mo Mo only looked at Woolf, but did not answer.

"Did you make a gesture on purpose?" Bemira explained to Momo. "If we stop doing this, those outside who are paying attention to us may think,'Why don't the people in Baiminglou do it anymore? Do they get the real Jade Disc?'. And now we are still in Competing for other joint jade dishes can create an illusion that we have not obtained real joint jade dishes, so we will continue to spare no effort to find real jade dishes."

"It's troublesome!" Woolf frowned, but still understood.

Mo Mo looked at Bemira again, but still did not answer, neither acknowledge nor deny.

Once again, the ban was forcibly broken through brute force, and after checking the contents, Momo bounced out the Jade Jade Disc, and Sha Luo, who stood closest, took it in his hand.

"Is it fake?" Felix asked.

"That's for sure. It's really already obtained. This piece of course can only be fake." Monroe replied immediately.

It is indeed fake, just like the second film, but it is not what they think. Among the few people, only three thoughtfully. The first one is Patton. Although it often looks crazy, Patton is not dull, otherwise it will not be promoted to the position of secret minister. The second one is Helois, who has served as the consul in Bai Ming Lou for many years, and he knows how to think about it. The third one is Guan Shile. The Chinese-born captain of elegance is obviously thinking too.

Because Mo Mo's attitude is very strange!

Although Mo Mo is not usually the kind of character who jumps out of activity, but this time, it seems too silent. Obviously, he has got the Jade Disc from Hejie, but he does not have any joy.

"Master Princess, shall we continue?"

"No, wait, I think about it!" Mo Mo shook his head.

"In short, let's go down first." Mo Mo said, taking the lead to fall towards the ground.

The fall of Hei Yao, the climate above the Xigu star field has undergone great changes, especially the temperature difference. Where there is a sky fire, it is like a furnace, while in other places, the temperature drops below the freezing point. The light is dim, the temperature changes drastically, and the creatures and vegetation on the Xigu star field begin to die on a large scale. The entire Xigu star field is shrouded in a burst of dead air, and a star field is about to go to destruction.

However, this kind of problem is not a big deal for everyone in Baiming Building, and soon the house source guide was released.

Mo Mo sat alone in the room, thinking about something quietly, and no one outside came to disturb him.

As most people think, since the first piece of Jade Disc they obtained is true, then the latter is fake, isn't it for granted?

However, Mo Mo always felt that something was wrong.

What's wrong, Mo Mo couldn't remember it.

Put that piece of "really" Jade Disc in your hand again, and the various information in it gradually appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness. From the part that can already be seen, there is a way of smelting of spiritual transportation, and there is a combination of Dao and Boundary. The way, there are still rules of understanding. Although there are more things in it that can't be seen, judging from what can already be seen, it's almost certain that it's...'true'.

Momo held the Jade Jade Disc, his thumb popped up randomly, flicked, dropped, flicked, and dropped in the air.

At this time, Sarah knocked on the door with black tea, and walked in: "Master Princess, you really can play, but that is the Jade Disc, if you come to play with coins, are you afraid of being broken, although not? It may break."

Hearing this sentence from Sha Luo, Mo Mo immediately grabbed Hejie Yudie: "What are you talking about?"


"No, I know." Mo Mo seems not to ask, but just a subconscious sentence. And Momo's next move surprised Sarah.

Momo held the Yujie Yudie with her thumb and forefinger, then violently exerted force. Slowly, the power in Mo Mo's hands increased, and even the steel had to be pressed into powder. And the crunchy sound came from Mo Mo's hand, as if it would be broken in the next moment.

"Sir Princess!" shouted suddenly with surprise.

Sarah's voice immediately alarmed the outsiders, and Woolf rushed in from the outside, almost knocking the door out of a big hole. Others were a little slower, but suddenly felt Mo Mo's power fluctuate, and thought what happened, suddenly rushed over.

When everyone came in, they just saw the scene of Momo's power burst.

Fortunately, the Hejie jade dish is worthy of the Hejie jade dish. The material looks very unusual. Although it sounds crunchy, it does not break. However, Mo Mo's actions completely puzzled the people who came in.

"Destroyed, anyway, already know the contents." After a while, Felix suddenly said. In this way, other talents understand that this is the case. If you already know the content, then it does not matter if you destroy it.

"No, I don't know all the contents. In fact, more than 70% of them are hidden and not seen so quickly." Mo said.

"Ah, why do you want to destroy it?" Bemira suddenly puzzled when she heard Momo say so.

"Yes, why!" Mo Mo said in reply.

"It's really hard enough." Mo Mo said, and the shrinking death hook appeared in Mo Mo's hands.

Other people saw Mo Mo's movements, although they all didn't understand, but surprisingly, no one stopped. Even if, like Woolf and Bemira, they feel that they should not destroy the Jade Disc, after all, there are still more than 70% of the content that has not been seen. Jade Emperor Tianxi's joint jade dish, and it is still hidden deeper, who knows what is good in it.

But No one moved, because this is Mo Mo's decision.

The death sickle was directly chopped on the Jade Disc in the world, and the powerful impact immediately shattered the source guide house, and the four walls of the house almost became shattered. However, Mo Mo brutally and forcefully cut it down. The sound of Ding was crisp, and under the slash of death sickle, this piece of Jade Disc finally could not support it and became two halves.

Moreover, Mo Mo's movements have not stopped, his wrists turned, and the death sickle pulled out an afterimage.

Like a small crusher, the death sickle completely comminuted the Jade Disc in half into powder. Then, with the sound of Peng, a sigh of relief nirvana rose from Mo Mo's hands. The precious Jade Disc in the eyes of outsiders burned so thoroughly that there was nothing left.

After doing this, Mo Mo looked at the others.

Others have looked at Momo for a long time. Although they don't understand it, they also know that Momo should have other orders.

"Continue to find the next piece of Jade Disc." Mo Mo said.

"Yes!" everyone answered immediately.

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