Era of Disaster

Chapter 1178: 3 conjectures


As Mo Mo guessed, people from other forces did mix in the Baiming Building, and there was more than one party. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d These people have already started to act after receiving the orders behind the scenes.

But now, no matter who it is, you need to complete this divergent thinking question and answer first.

Question: When you are faced with an attack that is enough to wipe out all your soul, consciousness, and consciousness, please come up with how you can live, you can prepare in advance.

What the **** is this?

This is the first reaction countless people have seen this problem. However, it is impossible for them to actually write this idea on the answer sheet. Although the rumor has not been confirmed, most people think it is true. Although the open thinking problem is not scored, it is extremely important. If it is valued by the above people, it will be focused. So, after seeing this problem, everyone used their brains, even those geniuses.

In fact, those geniuses were shocked when they saw this problem. Not only the answer to this question, but also the meaning behind this question.

Under the attack of complete eradication, you can also guarantee a way to survive!

If there is such a method, does it mean immortality? Okay, immortality may not be counted, but if there is such a method, it means that it is possible to stay alive again under mortal circumstances, which is extremely important. The current world is very uneven, and no one dares to say that he can survive. Even those who are in the realm of the gods have fallen a lot. If there is such a way of life-saving, its importance is hard to say.

However, the premise is really there!

‘Bai Minglou is inexplicable, even if it is their internal high level, I am afraid there is no such exercise. If anything, I want to learn. I really don't know the meaning of Bai Minglou asking this question to them. Some of those low-level students have just begun to practice, are they qualified to think about such advanced questions. After seeing the problem, a person arranged behind the scene couldn’t help thinking of it, secretly taunting, and then casually wrote some content.

‘The above has made me start to act, but now this status is not inferior, I have to take a step forward. It seems that it is time to enter the sight of the high-rise of Baiming Tower. However, this question, even for me, has no clear answer. After all, how should I answer it? 'A quiet man thinks in his heart, and then thinks carefully.

The criminals who entered the Baiming Tower began to think seriously when they saw this problem. Because this question is really interesting, even if they carry the original memory, it is not so easy to answer. Even in their minds, there is no such exercise at all. The premises are fixed enough to eliminate all attacks of soul, consciousness, and since they are such attacks, how can they survive.

Not only are these people with previous life experiences struggling, but the real members of Baiminglou also opened their brains and began to dream wildly.

The mortal situation can survive again.

Well, it's complicated!


The next day, the test paper was received and reviewed by Mo Mo himself. The sea of ​​consciousness is fully unfolded. Although there is no such kind of knowledge brain as Bai Yi, dealing with such things is not a problem at all, even if there are so many people in Baiminglou. If you don't have this ability, you are ashamed to be the princess of Bai Ming Lou.

Soon, some worthless answers were screened by Mo Mo.

There are also some self-made smart bloggers eye-catching answers. Every time, there is no lack of such ‘smart people’, thinking that they can attract the attention above by virtue of their uniqueness. But unfortunately, their careful thinking really needs a lot of experience. The high-rise of Baiming Building is not a fool who has been lowered in IQ. Being able to stand up to now, where this little cleverness can be fooled, it is good not to take special care of them.

In fact, the following guess is also correct. The divergent thinking question and answer is indeed a screening. What is needed is the imagination of the sky and the sky.

Momo screens out all kinds of answers, and the speed of comprehensive processing of super-consciousness is almost comparable to the most sophisticated intellectual brain.

Moreover, all of these answers have been reviewed by Mo Mo himself, and there will certainly be no omissions.

In the end, Momo left more than 3,200 answers.

The above answers are very interesting. Although I don't know whether it can be implemented, but after passing the primary election, it shows that these people are still very talented. Soon, a point was added to the names of these people, and no one knew except the high-rise of Baiming Tower.

Although it is very interesting, it does not necessarily mean that it is suitable, Mo Mo began to carefully infer and choose.

With Momo's experience and mastery of the rules, although many of these answers are unreliable, Momo can also feel whether it is feasible.

Gradually, the answer sheets one by one were eliminated, and the remaining ones became less and less.

Of course!

So far, I haven't heard of any star field that really has this kind of exercise. In the most desperate attack, where all the essence of life is erased, you can still survive, which is a paradox in itself.


Therefore, if you want to refute the paradox, you can't do it through the normal way. In the end, Momo left three answers.

①《Striped like image》

Theoretically, in the time stream, the last second and the present self are real. In the past time, the traces that once existed in oneself can be called time images. "Time image stripping"-when it is safe, fix a time image in the time stream. At the time of self-death, this kind of exercise can forcibly strip out the time image in the elapsed time stream and reappear oneself.

② "Reunion of Sanhua"

It is based on matter, the soul is based on spiritual particles, and consciousness lies on both, based on the fluctuation of thought. Theoretically, no matter how a person is destroyed and died, regardless of whether the internal ravages become meat sauce or powder, as long as the process is completely reversed, and 100% follows the original law, a new body can be formed, no difference from the original body.

So it is with the soul!

Special refinement, solidification, soul and consciousness form a special connection between the form of soul and consciousness, mysterious and long. Even if it is destroyed to become the most essential particle, it can be reunited through this connection. If it is said that matter and spirit particles may also be completely destroyed and attributed to nothing, then consciousness itself is an intangible thing. Although it dissipates, it cannot be completely destroyed.

(Refer to the state of Bai Yi's consciousness)

"Reunion of Sanhua"-gradually reuniting the consciousness of Sanhua, and the soul will gradually absorb the remodeling of various elements in the universe with the solidified form.

③ "Retrospect of the Source"

Everyone knows that pure matter and spirit particles are dead, so why are these dead things combined to give birth to life?

What happened at the moment when the dead turned into life?

The beginning of life!

At that moment, it was the beginning of life. Although it was still weak at that time, maybe it was just a fertilized egg, but I believe that at that moment, something great must have happened.

"Original Trace"-find the origin of your life and engrave it in the universe. Even after death, it is possible to return to the original time with this inscription in the universe.

If it is said that the origin of ordinary life is accident, then the trace back of the origin is to make this accident into necessity. Moreover, the life born at the beginning is the self that once existed.

Mo Mo was a little surprised when he saw these three answers. Because, the above is not a random bullshit, but there are some existing laws as a basis. Although the profound principles therein cannot be confirmed, it can be said for certain that this is not pure bullshit, but realized. possible.

There are three kinds of answer sheets instead of three, because these three kinds of answer sheets contain a total of eight copies, but some of them appear jerky, and some only mention the possibility slightly. Only three of them are more detailed.

Momo wrote down the names of the three more detailed answers.

"Time Stripping"-Tang Wei-Human!

"Reunion of Sanhua"-Yang Sha-Humanoid!

"Original Trace"-Zhang Yangyu-Human!

In addition to these three people, the names of the other five copies of Mo Mo were also written down, Shu Hongli, Jia Misi, Ba Yi Ku Ming, Gong Ge Tian Xue, Ai Ming.

By the way, Momo also recalled the identities of these eight people. Seven of them had no record, but they had nothing to do with Baiminglou before. came in from the outside world. The Gongge Tianxue is a descendant of Gongge Meishazi. If Gong Gemei Shazi, in fact, can't be ranked in the Baiming Tower, that is, the hypnotized singer who was rescued by Bai Yi when they first entered Japan a long time ago.

Well, Gong Gemei Shazi had already died, but I never thought that there would still be descendants.

Mo Mo looked at the other answers again, almost everything, after all, it was an open mind question and answer. For example: the way of immortal rebirth, automatic rebirth after death can restore the original memory. For example: True Spirit Box, something similar to Lich Box, is to separate the real life from the body, the body dies, and does not die directly. There are other ideas that are very interesting.

However, it is only interesting, Mo Mo is not very important.

For example, immortal reincarnation has long been talked about, and there is nothing new.

There is also the True Spirit Box. This method is actually not difficult to complete, but it is simply to put your own destiny into another uncertain hand. If you don’t bother to find the life box by a small fish, you can threaten you. Momo directly passes. She is not bored to play the game of the protagonist.

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