Era of Disaster

Chapter 1187: Hidden ambition


After a short period of calm, the three Warsaw disciples on the opposite side also lost their sense of superiority and became extremely cautious. After a simple battle, the three of them already knew that Captain Bai Minglou across from him would not lose to them. If you are proud and arrogant, it will be beaten hard.

The opponent who had been slashed by Guan Shile before hit his hands with two fists, and they oscillated around.

The sound of tight muscles sounded, and this person's body quickly grew larger, and soon became a creature hundreds of meters high, like a diamond. A brave metal armor made of metal and double fists are also wrapped in heavy gloves. The wild hair is blowing with the strong wind, giving people a feeling of being overbearing and wild-like a war body in ancient times!

Another person flicked his right hand, a long sword appeared next to him, and then instantaneously differentiated, in the blink of an eye, the entire sky was already occupied by the long sword, and it looked shockingly amazing-Wuming infinite sword array!

Finally, the man who fought with Munar also tore off the broken robe, and the black and white breath swirled around the body constantly. Then the man's movements kept on, and his right hand pressed on the ground. A huge magic circle spread out, and a fierce and powerful virtual beast emerged from the ground. As soon as it appeared, everyone could feel that the breath of this virtual beast was stronger than that of three people-the servitude of the virtual beast!

The five people looked at each other solemnly, and then started simultaneously.

The huge battle body burst into a right fist in an instant, obviously seemingly cumbersome body, but seemingly slow and fast. A halo appeared in front of the fist, creating a weird space pulling force. Bai Weilou's Ming Wei suddenly felt as if he had voluntarily slammed into his fist.

In the eyes of Ming Wei, there was an astonishment in his eyes.

Space pulling, although the attack seems heavy, but it is not slow. If this kind of attack is thought to be able to avoid by virtue of speed, it will definitely die miserably.

In fact, Guan Shile did not evade, the treasure broken moon lightly swayed, and immediately stepped forward, a long knife pressed against his fist.

The sound of the clang seemed as if the space was broken, and everything around it burst. Even the Ming Wei of Bai Ming Lou was shocked. At this time, in the surrounding space, countless transparent long swords instantly fell towards the overwhelming people of Baiming Tower. Of course, the main goal is Guan Shile, and the others in Bai Ming Lou are just incidental.

Guan Shile's long sword was wiped out instantly, and his body seemed to rotate slowly and slowly, so he had to block the long sword.

However, when Guan Shi's long sword came into contact with the long sword for the first time, it felt wrong.

There is no sense of collision with weapons!

At this time, Guan Shile saw more transparent long swords completely ignoring the enemy, penetrated the guy on the opposite side, and fell towards him.

No entity!

However, this is wrong!

Guan Shile's life field suddenly changed, and the absolute life field appeared outside the body. Sure enough, this time, although these transparent long swords could not be touched from the outside, they finally showed up when the long sword touched his body. It is impossible to describe the current movement of Guan Shile. It is as gorgeous and exciting as the blade dance. It can only be touched when the long sword touches the body. The stimulation and danger are completely beyond description.

While Ziah blocked the transparent sword, Guan Shile's left hand also grabbed another person's big fist, and his body spiraled up like a spiral.

The long sword crossed the opponent's battle armor and made a sneering noise.

Guan Shile's body spun, and after sliding twice, he suddenly let go, and his head and feet flew towards the sky.

The skyless Wuming infinite sword array chased Guan Shile, flying from all directions. But at this moment, the huge battle body on the opposite side could just see Guan Shile's calm eyes and quiet temperament. Obviously in the battle, Guan Shile also seemed so elegant. However, this kind of thought was just thrown away from the bottom of my heart in an instant, because Guan Shile's long knife had been drawn out slowly.

Seven blades!

Seven rays of light flew out simultaneously from seven directions at once, completely blocking all retreats, like a cage.

On the other side, Munal's opponent is to control the fierce beast, and the overbearing destruction power collides with the two green wood dragons beside Munar. Just after contact, one of the heads of Aoki Dragon was torn fiercely by this virtual beast. Although it was an instinctive melee combat, this virtual beast was amazingly powerful.

However, Munar did not panic at all. The scepter of the wooden goddess was raised, and another green wood dragon rose quickly. At the same time, Munar also focused on his opponent.

Black and white color!

The real battle broke out completely, which was completely different from the previous temptations. Bai Ming Lou's Ming Wei has already retreated aside, because they all know this level of fighting, and they have no room to intervene. Even the inexhaustible infinite sword array just injured more than ten people.

After entering the body, it will become a physical attack. Even if the Baiweilou's guardian responds quickly, it is inevitable to be injured.

However, even if they were injured, they did not stop. The captain-level battle is a captain-level battle. These people in the industry also have many subordinates.

The people of the Fourth Nether Guardian looked at the subordinates of the Karma Star Region.

"All, kill!" The captain and the deputy captain were fighting, and Wei Wenxuan, the number one in the fourth Mingwei, stood up and said seriously.

"Yes!" The Mingwei scattered everywhere heard the sentence and answered at the same time.

At almost the same time, regardless of whether they were injured or not, all the guardians of the Hades killed all their opponents. Here is only a small part of the fourth guardian, only a hundred people. But it was just such a hundred people, but it brought up a brutal fighting spirit.

Those who lived in the field of snakes suddenly felt great pressure.

The power of Bai Ming Lou Ming Wei, now no star field will doubt. Unless the strength is really higher than the opponent's level, otherwise the fighting strength of this group of people is simply staggering. Excluding other establishments, Mingwei is the absolute guarding force of Baiminglou, specializing in combat. You say maid? The maid of Bai Ming Lou was really not born to fight. Although in the outside world, the maid of Bai Ming Lou is actually very strong, but it is different from Ming Wei itself.

Pure, breath of killing towards the enemy.

Even those who watched the battle behind the scenes turned their attention to these guardians. For them, perhaps the strength of these Mingwei is really nothing, but what they care about is the fighting quality of Mingwei.

In all fairness, when most people have the same strength, they will definitely not be the opponents of the Guardian.

The same strength is not equal to the strength of the battle. The combat qualities of the Ming Wei are really surprising. Of course, that kind of genius is definitely better than Ming Wei. However, if there are many such people, they are not called geniuses. Here, the Guardian, but almost everyone has such a quality. Moreover, if you look closely, you will find that a small number of them are already well-deserved geniuses.

A very energetic and potential race, if not already that agreement...!

A veteran of the interpretation of the war thought silently in his heart.

In fact, many people's hearts are not bad. The birth of this time was born. Although the script has already been determined, but to be honest, this is not their decision. Because there are always only a few of them, and there are always only a few people.

For example, this old interpretationist never thought that it was worth praising the destruction of other stars.

It's just that his identity is destined to be seen only, and he can't object to the resolutions of several supreme masters of the inner universe, because even if he disagrees, it's useless. He can only ignore his conscience and become a member of the vested interests in this script. Although their strength has already surpassed the world, but it is not at all the point of desirelessness among the heavenly masters extolled by the world.

That is simply to deceive the world!

In the final analysis, the world is still a world of intelligent creatures, the epitome!


Although amazing fighting has erupted here, Bai Minglou has not received any special messages. The power beyond the imagination of the solar system is beyond everyone's expectations. Even the Eye of the World network has been observing the entire world, but has not received any abnormal information.

If there is no information at all, it can be found that it is wrong, but this closed space actually transmits a false message back, and even the network of the Eye of the World cannot distinguish it.

Power beyond the level!

On the other side, Winod has received a request for support from Bai Ming Lou. Winod received this request and sent a team of fighting forces. These people did not really take this seriously. Everyone knows that Bai Minglou does not necessarily need help to make this request, just in case.

However, there are still a few people in this team who know some clues.

For example, Willie Polgara’s new apprentice, Ye Shuang.

While moving forward, Ye Shuang was still thinking about the information revealed from the mysterious man, giving him a chance, an opportunity to enter the mysterious teaching.

["You don’t have to doubt our strength, what the solar system is, don’t be so narrow-minded. If you don’t believe it, take a good look at our strength this time."

"Who will prove your strength."

"Is a captain of Bai Ming Lou qualified? Of course, you don't need to do more, delay the power of Vinod a little. This is for your own good, otherwise you are not going It’s the one who saved people, but the one who died, you should understand.” The man said, his voice gradually disappearing. 】

Understand, of course, what the captain of Bai Minglou represents. In fact, Ye Shuang feels that if a captain of Bai Ming Lou fights with Willie, the final defeat is not necessarily the captain of Bai Ming Lou, although the identity of Willie and Bai Yi are both the same. This is the sense and confidence that Bai Ming Lou has always given to the outside world.

Therefore, Bai Ming Lou does not really need the support of Winod, but just routinely just in case. If this mysterious behind the scenes really has the power to easily kill a captain in Bai Minglou.

Don't be so narrow-minded!

Thinking of the mysterious man, Ye Shuang closed his eyes for a moment, and then continued to follow the team.

At this time, Willie Polgara had long forgotten Bai Yi's reminder and paid attention to the apprentice he had collected. You know, among the four people Bai Yi selected, there was no Ye Shuang, even if his talent was the best. Bai Yi's vision cannot be said to be 100% accurate, but it is definitely not bad. Some people may not have changed, but that is just that they did not meet the right opportunity.

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