Era of Disaster

Chapter 1193: 4th Guardian Pass Shile


In fact, it is not just Bai Minglou that started the action. After hearing the news that Bai Yi informed, many people in the solar system have their own actions. But only Barton and Kanda Ching Ying can break through into Warsaw. Bai Minglou's position above the solar system is not adulterated at all. It is impossible for other forces like Bai Minglou to have two secret ministers in front and behind to perform such tasks.

It's just that no one thought about how a huge existence was behind this scene. Perhaps, for them, I don't know, they are happier.

Guan Shile, Munar, Button, Kanda Kiyoshi!

Almost at the same time, they had to face an unimaginably powerful enemy, not one or two. This is a war with no chance of retreating, everyone can only try their best.


Guan Shile fought against two opponents in the Divine Realm, but did not fall into the disadvantage. Various combat skills come out one after another, and the battle is extremely fierce, but somehow, in the eyes of those masters, there is a little unreal feeling. However, they did not personally participate in the battle, so they could not feel more profound. The two who were fighting Guan Shile also felt unclear because of their strength.

However, when Guan Shile's long knife was suddenly raised, everyone felt that it was not true.

The previous Guan Shile still did not do his best, even when facing two opponents.

At this time, all the talents suddenly realized that the three Warsaw disciples were actually led to a line. Of course, a line here is not a straight line, but the law of attack.

Is it!

Seeing this scene, those masters who have been watching the battle can't help but take a step toward the front.

Guan Shile's long knife was raised, just such a simple action, the surrounding space was oscillating, and the people who fell on just a few positions suddenly understood what came over, and his eyes were very shocked. Guan Shile actually wanted to kill all of them at once. Not to mention whether Guan Shile has this power, but this ambition alone makes people feel extremely arrogant, so those masters who have just seen this scene will be shocked.

Completely smashed!

Guan Shile's long knife was not a hack, but was pushed out from under the body toward the front.

Starting with the tip of a long sword, the entire world seems to be collapsing. The ability to crack matter is greatly enhanced by the blessing of the moon with the treasure. The ancient one in the first place, like a war body, suddenly disappeared from the place of contact. The complete cracking directly disappeared into the finest powder.

Along the way, all the things disappeared in a rapid cracking, leaving nothing real.

The three people and the virtual beast that were shrouded in them all had their eyes widened, and there was obviously the surplus of action, but they were deterred by this power and actually lost the surplus of reaction.

how is this possible!

In the hearts of the three, only such a thought remained. This is impossible. They are the disciples of Warsaw's Supreme Warsaw. How could they be defeated in the hands of such a person, and still in such an absolute way of crushing.

Not only the three of them couldn't accept it, but there was also a man who supervised the war next to him. It was the one who was holding his hands proudly and arrogant. So, at this moment, the big shot suddenly shot. Although he was sent here to take charge of this matter, frankly speaking, he didn't think he needed to do it himself. But I didn't expect it to change like this.

It’s not just Warsaw people here, people from other big schools are watching.

The strength of He Daojing was forcibly suppressed. This great force not only had to save the three disciples, but also wanted to shoot Guan Shile directly to death, because only in this way can the prestige of the Warsaw religion be restored.

However, at this time, Guan Shile's long knife shuddered suddenly.

What a brilliant strategy, what a bold plan!

The eyes of the old man who interpreted the enlightenment suddenly lighted up, but there was no reminder.

When the rebellious power returned, the big shot captured by the palm was suddenly shocked. This guy... It turned out that Guan Shile's goal was not just the three disciples, but the beginning. It was shocking that there was not only this great trend, but also other people who watched the war. Seeing this scene, they were all amazed. Guan Shile should clearly feel that the great strength of the Warsaw religion was right, but actually put the goal directly on him, so he said that his plan was good. Bold.

Back to the blade!

All the power released is instantly recovered, and all the power is compressed to the extreme with the return of the blade. The goal is just the great momentum shot by this palm.

Zheng's voice cleared, the long sword returned to the sheath, and a right hand flew at the same time.

The entire battlefield was at a stagnation at this moment, and no one expected that he would be the first person to get hurt when he was shot. One hand was cut off. Although it is said that for a big one, it is not a serious injury, but it is definitely not a minor injury. The most important thing is that this is really a face.

‘Damn, **** it! "The full-faced consternation turned into incomparable anger, as if the entire heaven and earth were completely furious, and the sky changed rapidly.

‘Die to me! ’

Instead of picking up the broken palm, the gigantic trend quickly differentiated, and the right palm, which had disappeared, appeared again and became the palm of the sky.

Thousand hands!

Perhaps this is the scene, but compared with the legend, what is happening here is completely real, and these palms are definitely not just one appearance, but really have unparalleled power. Just as soon as it appeared, it did not fall completely, and the whole earth continued to collapse, along with everyone below.

Munal also wanted to use Aoki Dragon to block for a moment, but as a result, he just collided with one of the palm shadows and Aoki Dragon completely collapsed into wood slag.

And there are more than one thousand and ten thousand palm shadows covering the sky.

With a bang, it was as if the entire sky had been pressed down. In the entire enclosed space, all the ground was pressed down by the palm shadow. This is really an inch of place. If it is not the existence of a closed space, it is estimated that it does not yet know how much it will spread.

Guan Shile didn't expect that the opponent was so powerful as soon as he shot.

Sure enough, it is the right way!

Thanks to his careful calculations, it was because he was caught off guard by the other side, leaving him a little price first. Unexpectedly, it was actually the other side's least important arm. In fact, Guan Shile’s thoughts were bad. That’s not an unimportant arm. If the ten thousand palm shadows were cultivated, then the right hand that he cut off would be a thousand hands. To the arm above the body.

That arm is irreplaceable.

Thousands of palm shadows were pressed down with unparalleled power, and both Guan Shile and Munal put on their costumes and used all their strength to resist this force.

However, even so, the two did not block, and Munar's wooden goddess exploded directly, exposing the body inside. The other members of the Guardians are miserable. If it was not at this time that Munal did his best to carry out a wood healing treatment, it is estimated that these players will hang up completely under this attack.

Of course, not only some members of Baiming Tower, other ordinary people, but also those of the Karma Star Realm hung up in this attack. What can survive is not the strength to rely on. It is absolute luck, and buying a lottery ticket is beyond description.

The powerful palm shadow kept falling, and after a long time, it gradually subsided and became the only one.

This palm shadow is still pressed against the center, huge and unmatched.

has it ended?

A few surviving little prawns survived, looking at the palm shadow, two or three, and could not help saying something in their hearts.

Can't stand it, it really can't stand it. When did they become mortals inside the fairy fight against mortals? Nima they don't think they have the next good chance to hide. It is best if it is already dead, then the battle is over here, no matter who the final winner is, it is ten thousand times better than this.

The palm gradually lifted towards the sky, revealing the broken light below.

The unique defensive field that was completely in the Divine Realm, combined with the defense of the cloak, was actually broken. Guan Shile's long sword shattered the moon in front of him, and he oozed blood from the facial features. Even on the undercover, cracks appeared. After absorbing Guan Shile's blood, these cracks gradually light up, as if absorbing the nutrients of the blood.

Munal is behind Guan Shile ~ ~ is not much better, the state of the wooden goddess has been completely broken, looks more miserable than Guan Shile. If it is not the powerful healing ability of the wood department, it is estimated that she has already hung up just a moment ago.

Sure enough, it is still impossible to reverse this essential power gap!

The people who watched the battle said silently in their hearts, a slight regret, and the feeling of not knowing how to describe it appeared in the bottom of their hearts.

Only suddenly, Guan Shile's right hand shook slightly, and then with a jingle, the long sword broke the moon and stood on the ground.

Slowly, Guan Shile stood up, forcibly returning the crushed and broken body into place, the click sound continued, and everyone could feel the pain. However, Guan Shile's face did not change at all. Then, Guan Shile raised the long knife flat and pointed at the opposite thousand hands.


There was a shock in everyone's heart.

"Bai Ming Lou, the fourth Ming Wei, captain, Guan Shile!" A calm and unyielding voice sounded. The blood dripped down the ground with a long knife, and the body was straight like a green pine.

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