Era of Disaster

Chapter 1197: The way forward


The third doom point? Solution!

The third point of doom is unlocked, and Button's strength is raised again, but Button also knows that his state cannot last for much time. So, without any hesitation, Patton flashed out. In a continuous flash step, Button's figure ran through the air at high speed, and Oren and others in that direction suddenly raised an inexplicable panic.

That's the fear of facing an opponent who doesn't even want life.

The high-speed footsteps sounded like they were stepping on their hearts, pressing people completely out of breath.


When approaching several people, Button suddenly doubled his speed again, and his figure disappeared.

Extreme penetration? Art of collapse

Even in the siege of several people, Barton's movements are fierce. Without any weapons, his hands are his weapons, and the power of extreme penetration can be used to the extreme of his life, which is more powerful than weapons. No one has ever imagined that simple body surgery can be so powerful. Many of their treasures are too late to exert their effects, and the other party has already arrived.

Fist, knee, elbow, whip, hammer, lift, divide, drag... Barton almost formed a vortex around his body.

The vortex that pulled everyone into it. This is the realm of Barton's melee attack. Several people have a mystery and treasures. At this time, there is no chance to use it. It is completely involved. No one has ever used body surgery to this extent.

Push the mountain!

The two of them spit out blood and fell towards the back. Barton's battle was almost supernatural.

Oren took advantage of this opportunity to fall into the crowd below, although it is said to be a crowd, but they are all Warsaw believers, and those who surround them to watch are basically LV3-LV4. But after seeing Oro fall, Button didn't stop at all, continued a flash step, and rushed into the crowd. After a moment's stun, the followers rushed towards Barton. It should be said, are these people brave or stupid? At this time, they are still so loyal to sell their lives.

Without the slightest pity, as long as the people of Warsaw are killed, now one more person is killed here, and the power facing Baiminglou will be one point less in the future.

Fists, palms, claws, fingers... Barton's body passed through the battlefield and suddenly brought out a torn tunnel. Countless corpses fell around, but Button didn't stop at all.

The heart is like ice stone, very cold.

Too unavoidable to avoid Oren's attack, Barton leaned, as if he was about to fall. On Barton's side, a cultist's half-cutting knife flew in a swirl. Suddenly twisted, Patton grabbed the half-truncated knife-reverse wheel! With a sound of Zheng, the people around him suddenly fell again. Without stopping at all, a high-speed flash step stepped out again and seized the other half of the truncated knife.

Sliding? Double-edged? Walking? Dance?!

The two severing knives in Barton's hands danced cruelly and fiercely, and each knife brought blood from death.

Killing skills!

Button stained his blood and started an amazing killing on the battlefield. Every action has set off a whirlwind of death, it is just showing others what is called the skill of killing.

This is completely different from their cultivation life.

Although they are also crawling up, they have always been cautious, even if they are desperate, they are countless. But this time, Patton showed a completely different style to everyone. That kind of cruelty and fierceness, people can't help chilling from the bottom of my heart, and a horror rises.

However, there is another thrill of souls trembling!

"Don't do it yet!" Oren shouted suddenly, like the dog of the bereavement. He was scared, really scared, and he never thought that this opponent was so deadly.

"Shoot it, let him continue to make trouble, we all blame it." The man who had a direct fight also said.

"It's true!" Most of the actions I used to do were of the same kind, but they were all Warsaw religious people. If Barton really killed too many people, they would also be blamed. And the most important thing is, who knows when Barton will kill, now Barton, looks really dangerous.

Fourteen shots were made at the same time, and they were all watched here. Those with the strength of LV5. There are disciples and other disciples.

Fourteen people shot at the same time, and the stirring clouds made the sky completely discolored.

Unexpectedly, Patton, under the siege of fourteen people, did not retreat, and rushed towards them again. Everyone felt that Button must be crazy, but they had to be convinced by Button's spirit and will. If any of them were replaced, they would not be able to burn completely like Button.

The battle of 1V14 is like crazy.

Those believers and the like haven't known how far they have been hiding. The **** figure like a demon has left them with a psychological shadow.

No matter how powerful Patton is, one against fourteen people has also been attacked many times. If it weren't for his body to withstand most of the attacks, it is estimated that Button would not stand up long ago. But even so, Button was getting more and more tired, and the blood gradually soaked the whole costume, and finally, five of them were pressed together.

With a loud bang, Patton crossed his hands in front of him and was pushed backwards by the attack of five people.

Once again, hit the ancient monument.

Delimitation monument!

The powerful impact seemed to destroy the world completely. Barton slammed heavily against the delimiting monument, and the entire space around it seemed to shake a bit.

Just when everyone thought that Patton was suppressed, suddenly, Patton opened his mouth.

The fourth spot? Solution!

On Barton's face, the green muscles collapsed, and they looked terribly grim. Even without attacking, blood gradually flowed out of his eyes, but there was never any moment that made other people feel so terrified. Even those who besieged him stepped back involuntarily.

This guy is overdrawing his life!

Everyone has seen that Barton is overdrawing his life, and it is not a general overdraft. It is a special secret technique that is far more powerful than the general overdraft. Perhaps, soon after, Barton himself will die, but, before this time, Barton is absolutely terrible.

Come on, mourners!

Barton stepped out in front of him, completely revealing the human appearance. Even in the form of God, it is less than two meters tall, and it is really not particularly tall in the races of each star field. But it is this figure that makes everyone involuntarily worried.

Flash step? Instant sky!

A flash step, actually penetrated the space, which is not part of Barton's ability, but Barton actually used it in the case of undoing. The doomsday point is released, as if all the shackles on the body are gradually disappearing. Although it is the last splendor, it is indeed splendidly beautiful.

Fourteen people were actually beaten by Barton.

Such a situation, even if it happened in front of people, is incredibly incredible. If it were not for the fourteen people to cross cover each other, it is estimated that two more would die soon. And even so, these fourteen people also seemed precarious.

"Persevere more, his strength is fading." One of them shouted.

"I see it." Indeed, not only did this person see it, but others also saw it, and Button's power was fading. Every time a doom is unlocked, Button's strength is doubled, but the duration is also getting shorter and shorter.

"Of course, I know better than you!" Barton said with a cold smile on his face falling from the sky.


The following four people suddenly jumped in their hearts. This is a secret technique used by Barton himself. Do they still need to remind them? Sure enough, Barton's body collapsed again a desperate point.

The fifth point? Solution!

It can be said that Barton at this time is no less than the ordinary LV6, and then from the air, the following four people are almost doomed to death. impossible! Everyone said in horror, Is it that they are going to die here today, in the hands of a person of the same level.

Boundless waters!

At this moment, a transparent water curtain suddenly appeared, and then flew away in the direction of Button.

Unbelievably powerful, everyone was bombarded, but the people on the Warsaw side were inexplicably relieved. Sure enough, after seeing Barton showing his power, even those who watched behind the scenes could not sit still. This suddenly appeared person was first found by Patton and Kanda Kiyomizu-the northern waters tracing the water? Li Meng!

Everyone was relieved to see the lemon persimmon appearing. The five parties robbed the water and robbed the water. This is absolutely impossible for Patton to escape.

Patton did not expect that would actually appear to be the law of water robbery.

The body that flew out still wanted to move, but the aftereffects unraveled by Doomsday and the impact of the collision with the real strongman just now made him completely immobile. Mention it, how can my strength fall here, even if it falls, it must fall on the way forward. Barton's body was slightly taut, extremely difficult, struggling little by little to continue to stand up.

The water calamity looked coldly at Barton, without a trace of emotion.

If it weren't for grabbing the two and asking about their origins, she had just killed her hand just now. Now, she still wants to stand up, which is impossible.

"Ahhhh!" Barton snarled loudly, suddenly breaking away from his strength, and stood up again.

In Barton's body, the masquerade regrouped again, scorching. However, the change of this costume is not as obvious as that of Guan Shile. Despite the application of related technologies, when Barton and Kanda Kiyoshi left, the costume was only preliminary production, which was considered an early product. But even so, it made Patton stand up again, like the final God of War.

I... want to fall on the way forward!

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