Era of Disaster

Chapter 1207: stop


Bai Yi's flying speed is very fast, meandering, distance twisting and space penetration. If we simply talk about speed, it must be inferior to Mastic's technique of fascinating light, but the limitation of that kind of flying technique is too large, it has not reached LV6, and it is impossible to learn without the power of the light. Unlike Qutuo, this is a universal, penetrating high-speed flight technique.

Study the principles of various forces in detail, organize and merge them into different systems, even if it is not a person of this ability, you can use it as long as you learn it. This is the accumulation of Bai Ming Lou, a study of various forces.

Quotuo flying has never appeared in the outside world, because it is an unfinished escape technique.

The distance seemed to be automatically twisted. Around Bai Yi's body, the distance of thousands of kilometers seemed to become a step. In just a moment, Bai Yi didn't know how many kilometers he crossed, and then disappeared in the distance. Even if something hits halfway, it seems to penetrate, and Bai Yi appears directly behind the object.

Bai Yi was very anxious because he didn't know how long Guan Shile could last.

Until, Bai Yi directly hit the barrier that sealed the space. It is not a physical impact as powerful as a solid barrier, but a huge twist and deflection. On the surface, Bai Yi is still flying toward the front, but he has not entered the closed space at all. It happened to be similar to the principle of Qutuo, so Bai Yi noticed it in an instant.

Block the space!

A word suddenly appeared in Bai Yi's mind, even if this was the first time such a thing was encountered.

Bai Yi stopped and put her right hand in the air. Soon, Bai Yi's body twisted slightly, and then penetrated the barrier like a film. As soon as he appeared inside, Bai Yi immediately felt a completely different breath from the outside. Searing, powerful, and chaotic, it is difficult to imagine what kind of battle can bring such an amazing breath. At this time, it was on the other side, when people from other denominations discovered that Bai Yi was here.

In fact, when Bai Yifei came, they found out, but all of them did not expect that Bai Yi actually penetrated the closed space so quickly, as if it did not exist.

Everyone looked at Xiao Bi, some gloating. This has nothing to do with the position. Although the purpose is the same, they belong to different denominations after all. In the script, when each denomination is responsible for things, and the division of interests afterwards, it has already been determined. And this first act was performed by Warsaw, they just need to ensure that the entire script is constructed according to plan, and in this scene, they don’t care how many people died in Warsaw.

Well, it's better to say that they die more happy.

Xiao Bi also knows that at this time, other people will not start. Therefore, he had to give an order, and he had already waited for the three laymen in that direction to greet Bai Yi immediately.

It's good to block for a while, they only need a while, they can complete the layout here.

As for the three laymen, everyone knows that they cannot come back alive. Before this scene began, they never thought of such a result, but now, no one thinks that they can survive Bai Yi, at most it is how much time to support.

As soon as Bai Yi penetrated the barrier of the closed space, three people appeared in front.

The unique image of the Karma Starfield, the previous conflict, was also caused by the Karma Starfield. Obviously, Warsaw has already been prepared.

The industry is also the first to have come to the solar system. Even when Bai Yi was in the hall of knowledge, he had also communicated with the line scales of the Karma Star Territory.

The three stopped, and just wanted to say a few words to delay the time, but Bai Yi had no pause at all, and even had no interest in speaking.


In an instant, it appeared on the side of the frontmost person. When the two passed by, the master of this industry was still stunned. Then he reacted in an instant, and their task was to prevent Bai Yi from passing by and delay it for a while. Thinking of this, the master turned around immediately, but only turned around.

Following the inertia, the master turned his body, and Bai Yi also appeared behind him.

Then, it stopped!

Because, Bai Yi seemed to be a virtual shadow from his right hand, which grasped a beating brain. It is different from the human brain, but it is also the absolute key to a life. There were no wounds, but the brain appeared in Bai Yi's hands.

Gently exerted, this powerful and resilient brain will completely become a splashed brain plasma.

On the back side, the two people who caught up in the industry are slightly stunned, and then immediately want to escape. They are not stupid. Obviously, Bai Yi and they are completely in a different state. If they continue to block them, they will be dead. Bai Yi's speed did not slow down at all, nor did he chase the two, just a virtual seal road sign popped up.

Immediately on the arms of the two, a branded logo appeared.

Then Bai Yi continued to fly towards the center.

Everyone who hadn't left in that direction was stunned. So quickly, there was no slight deceleration at all. The three people arranged by Xiao Bi had no use at all.

"Thousand hands!" Xiao Bi said to Thousand Hands.

"Master Robbery...!" Thousands of hands looked at Xiao Bi in amazement. Xiao Bi meant to let him stop Bai Yi. If it were before, if you hold your own LV6, Thousand Hands will not have the slightest fear, but after the previous battle, Thousand Hands will not have this confidence at all. If left, it is estimated that he will die here.

"Don't worry, after you cast the Divine Court, you can survive through the Divine Court even if you die in a powerful manner. And because of the influence of the Divine Court, you can also achieve a kind of eternity in disguise." Xiao Must be gentle to say a thousand hands.

"...!" Qianshou did not speak. Thousand hands is so powerful that it knows some things, but it doesn't know everything. As far as he knew, it seemed that Casting God Court had such a role, but death or something was always scary. In addition, he also heard some news from other places, saying that he entered the court, which is not a good thing.

"You have to think clearly about what happens to you if you go back if this incident fails. It was the task that you took over yourself. I just came to watch and prevent accidents." Xiao Bi said.

Thousand hands knew that he had no choice, the overall level of the solar system was at the level of LV5, so he applied for this task. I originally thought this was an opportunity to make great achievements, but who knew it would develop into this. If it really fails, even if he goes back, he will not get any good ending. Rather than doing this, it might as well be a fight. Moreover, it's just blocking, it only needs to delay the time, it doesn't mean that he can't run away.

With this idea, thousands of hands know how to choose.

"Yes!" Qianshou said.

"Then speed." Xiao Bi said, looking at thousands of hands.

Thousand hands nodded, without any hesitation, and immediately ushered in the direction of Bai Yi. Xiao Bi and them started the layout quickly. Fortunately, it was almost completed before, so it didn't take much time.

Bai Yi hadn't flew far away yet, and an imposing guy appeared again in front of him.

Thousand hands!

This is the title of a thousand hands, and his move.

Countless golden palm shadows instantly filled the sky, completely blocking the entire space and suppressing the space, making it absolutely impossible for Bai Yi to escape. Although Thousand Hands did not perform very well in the previous battle, it was the result of Guan Shile's eruption of life and complete awakening of the underworld. In fact, he is a real LV6, this absolute strength is not a joke.

Even Bai Yi was surprised when she first met her.

Twisting in stride, Bai Yi withdrew thousands of kilometers towards the back, and then stopped.

Bai Yi doesn't want to be entangled with this guy who appears again, and rushing to Guan Shile in time is what Bai Yi is doing now. However, Bai Yi found that the guy on the opposite side just folded his hands and stood quietly in the air, as if completely closing all the space around him.

"LV6!" Bai Yi's eyes instantly changed, and the inverse flower pupil appeared, but nothing more than the previous inverse flower pupil.

Hand of the Nightmare!

In just a short moment, Bai Yi fought fiercely with Thousand Hands. Bai Yi's purpose was to break forward, while Thousand Hands was to stop Bai Yi for a period of time, which was not a desperate fight. However, in such a short moment, thousands of hands felt the amazing danger of Bai Yi's ability. If it wasn't for absolute strength, maybe he didn't know how to die, and his brain would be caught by Bai Yi.

After discovering that the time delay was enough, Thousand Hands immediately sold a flaw and let Bai Yi pass.

When Bai Yi passed by, it happened to be intertwined with the eyes of a thousand Time...... Such an obvious way of delaying time, Bai Yi may not know how. But now, Bai Yi really doesn't want to fight Qianshou head-to-head, so when he staggered, he also left a beacon mark on the wrists of Qianshou.

Bai Yi flew towards the middle instantaneously, while Thousand Hands looked at the mark on the left wrist. With his higher level of strength, it is not impossible to erase this thing, but it takes a little time for everything. Bai Yi is not a weak person, and he will take a day or two to get rid of the brand left behind. Therefore, these two days, if he can not hide well, it is estimated to be very dangerous. A brand left by LV5 will make him feel in danger. He never felt that way in the past, but he now feels extremely profound.

Without thinking too much, a thousand hands flew out directly.

On the other side, after breaking through the block, Bai Yi finally came to the place where Guan Shile fought.

A meditative costume, suspended in the air quietly, sitting in a cross-seated position, fully awakened, and solemnly treasured. However, the only regret is that there is no breath of life.

Bai Yi raised his head towards the sky and sighed indescribably.

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