Era of Disaster

Chapter 1219: Our home


Don't you believe it!

Becky looked at Bai Yi, her eyes not fluctuating at all. Pinshu Betsy is a member of Baiming Building, but also, it is also the pillar of Dongming tomorrow, so he just sits here as an individual.

After Becky asked this question, everyone was very quiet, waiting for Bai Yi to answer.

This is very important.

"I believe it has never changed." Bai Yi said, closing his eyes.

"If it is just me, I am willing to give everything to this world. Because no matter what the world looks like, this is the home of everyone." Bai Yi said quietly, with no exaggeration. No one doubts the authenticity of Bai Yi's words, because they have witnessed everything Bai Yi has done for this world.

Bai Yi was so quiet, with her eyes closed and a long silence, before looking up: "But, this is not just a decision I can make alone. You know, when I saw Xiao Yiyun, Xiu'an and Qianya What was my mood like when they were crying. In the end, we are not saints, there may be some noble consciousness, but when facing friends, family, and a group of ordinary people, we How would you choose."

Betsy and the others seemed extremely silent. How to choose? Their consciousness is not as high as Bai Yi's. They are paying for a group of ordinary people.

If it is not Bai Yi's influence, don't even think about it.

"The news is definitely not false. The incident from Guan Shile can already prove the strength of the other party. So, this is not something that can be decided simply by blood. Once the decision is made, it may decide all of us. Fate. And this fate is...death!" Bai Yi looked at everyone quietly.


Very far away, it seems very close.

For them, death is not common and not uncommon. Along the way, countless family members and friends have seen the fall. But there has never been a crisis like this one. This comparison of strength even makes people feel unbearable.

"I ask a question, why do you have to be an enemy with each other, can't you retreat?" Willie said.

Others heard the words and immediately glanced at Willie, with a hint of teasing in their eyes. This guy, should he be lucky or unlucky? If you are not in the Broken Age, as one of the seven leaders of the human race, with strong strength and subordinates, it is estimated that this guy has already died of nothing. With this IQ, I feel almost helpless.

"It's impossible to retreat." Xiaoyu shook his head.


"Let me explain." Bai Yi said.

"First of all, the pattern of the solar system is very special. It is a world supported by four pillars, eight poles and twelve pillars. They cannot leave, nor can they leave. As long as they stay here, they will inevitably become the target of the other party and draw spiritual luck. Of course, Perhaps people from all directions will not be killed directly, but they may be suppressed and then enslaved like slaves." Bai Yi said, pausing slightly.

"Slave, you said it too easily." Ning Xue added with a smile.


"Willie Polgara, don’t underestimate the inferiority of intelligent creatures, the inferiority hidden beneath your face. If we are enslaved, it’s not just the degree of servants. You can’t die, you can only let the other party humiliate . At that time, what are the four pillars, eight poles and twelve pillars, it is not even as good as..." A trace of sarcasm flashed on Xie Fei's face, and then he said.

Hearing Ning Xue say this, some people have calm faces, but there are also some people who are thoughtful. If the four pillars, eight poles and twelve pillars cannot leave, then others. Even Bai Ming Lou can actually be said to be not within the twelve pillars. They are not bound, can they leave?

"You can leave!" Just as other people thought about it, Bai Yi suddenly opened his mouth and let them jump.

"It's okay to leave." Bai Yi added again, proving that they were absolutely right.

"It is true that everyone except the four pillars, eight poles and twelve pillars can leave. However, where can you go? Afterwards, the inner universe world, almost all the star fields will be reconstructed, and where can you go? Go. Of course, with the strength here, it is no problem to find a place to live, even if it is not as big as those denominations, but you can definitely find a place to live." Bai Yi said, mouth opened slightly , Without sorrow and joy.

"Luck!" Dorothy raised an important point.

"Spiritual luck, although invisible and intangible, does indeed continue with the entire race. Although I don’t know very well, if the spiritual luck is smelted, even if you escape and find a place to steal and steal, you should still live. It's harder," Humphries added.

"Tough?" Frida questioned slightly.

"Have you ever seen those endangered races, above the earth." Chang Huarong said, right hand moved, and a giant panda appeared.

This analogy is really vivid.

In the age of the earth, on the eve of the outbreak of living cells, there are almost countless endangered organisms. Although many people have not seen it with their own eyes, there are definitely not many similar reports. Such a world, such a thing, in a broken world, looking for a humble hiding place, and then persevere, persevere, and finally die small and powerless. In other words, being in captivity by other people is like watching pets.

Can not accept!

Yes, everyone thinks of the scene, and it is totally unacceptable.

No wonder from the beginning, no one said anything about escape, although the absolute strength of the people here might not be as great as the other party. But they are different from those people, and their minds and hearts are independent. As the leader of one party, even if it is not as good as the other party, but there is no constraint on it, the thinking is also different.

"Since you can't escape, what else do you believe or don't believe, do you have to fight differently?"

Bai Yiwen said that his eyes suddenly swept over everyone: "Yes, they all have to fight, but, if I want to, I would rather fight for the true hope of humanity than this."

Others heard silence suddenly.

"It seems that the design of the other party is really interlocking, and almost guessed any response. If it is not the information that Kanda Kiyoshi and Patton will return, Bai Yi, how would you choose." Bright is curious. Asked.

"If the people betray their relatives and are abandoned by the world..." Bai Yi raised his mouth, and said the second half of the sentence.

"I will smelt spiritual fortune, nothing else, just to save the people who are worth saving!"

"Sure enough, you have changed too." Bright smiled suddenly.

"However, this makes people feel more real. If you still said that you would sacrifice Baiminglou for the world at that time, I would only think that you are really hopeless." Ning Xue Also added a sentence.

"Don't treat me as a stubborn old man." Bai Yi said casually.

"Aren't you stubborn? You are so embarrassed to say that." Cecilia spit out with a squint.

"Bai Yi, even if you say that, there will never be anyone here who believes it. Whoever hasn't seen you here, actually said that he is not stubborn, it is really not ashamed." Bright looked at Bai with contempt. Easy, make up the knife plus one.

I don't know what, simply speaking, the atmosphere seems to be relaxed. Headed by Bai Yi, Bright, Ning Xue, Humphries, Ruby, etc., people gradually became relaxed. Only a few guys whose heads are not so flexible are still surprised. This picture is wrong, isn't it just talking about such a heavy topic, how suddenly became so easy, whether they are wrong or their heads are too dull.

Bai Yi came to the edge of the sky courtyard, and then faced the world below, his hands spread towards both sides: "This is our world!"

"From the earth to the solar system, my home." Ning Xue also said.

"Human race from birth to the present, the real experience time is only a few hundred years, how can I abandon this birth world." Humanoid saint, Hongyu (Xiaoyu) also said.

"That's sensational, it's going to die anyway!" Bright sneered, and also came to the edge of the courtyard, looking at the outside world.

"Don't say that, after all, it is difficult to choose." Sabbatino came to the side with a cigarette in his mouth.

One by one, everyone else came to the edge of the sky and then looked at the world below with Bai Yi. The virtual world inside the Eye of the World has penetrated, and the real solar system star field outside appears in everyone's eyes.

Bai Yi opened his hands to both sides.

At this time, those dull people only realized why the atmosphere just became relaxed just now. It turned out that in such a short moment, they had already made a decision. Even without word-for-word discussion, the same decision has already been made.

Really, do these guys have a good heart?

However, these slow-reacting people are just vomiting. Similarly, they also looked at the world below, which belongs to them.

It is not impossible to choose, but it is too easy to choose!

This is our homeland!

Bai Yi's open hands slowly closed, just like a hug, embracing the whole world. Others also stood beside Bai Yi, quietly, looking at the world.

So, let you see, the strength of the human and humanoid races of the solar system.

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