Era of Disaster

Chapter 1244: 7 Realms


The battle in which all the humanoid temples have joined is simply incredible. If it wasn’t their Saint Ruby who opened the “Seven Realms”, it is estimated that this sky had already been completely broken. But even so, that amazing battle still makes everyone look at it.

Tearing the sky, breaking the earth, breaking the world!

The most important thing is that the cruel and **** will belongs to the human temple. In order to protect the human temple, everyone can dedicate their lives and throw their own blood.

Gradually, the outsiders who watched the battle also became more and more quiet.

Whether it’s Bai Yi or the humanoid Saint Ruby, they all emphasize one thing: see the end. However, no one can understand what is finally seen. But now, these people seem to understand something, but they don't seem to understand anything. But there is no doubt that on the current battlefield, everyone can bring them completely different touches. The more people look at the battle, the more the heart is constantly agitated, as if something is about to break out.

What is this feeling?

When Tong Zi and his companions broke through their own limits, and they were about to die together while dying together; when a warrior spurted blood, but rushed forward without any turning back, nailing himself and his opponent on the sky at the same time Time; when a warrior was surrounded by numerous enemies, wrapped in countless chains on his body, and finally stopped completely exhausted, but with a peaceful moment on his face; when the black-eyed deputy director of the holy squint hugs Great consciousness, when scrolling an opponent falling from the sky, hitting the earth like a star...

Scene by scene, when these pictures appeared in front of everyone, these talents gradually became calm.

Despite the chaos in the solar system, the environment is peaceful. Once upon a time, ordinary people living in a peaceful world have seen such a fierce battle.

See the last!

Everyone still doesn't know the deeper meaning, but this does not hinder the clearest understanding in their hearts. Guardian, guard the star field of the solar system, guard their world.

The outside world is very noisy, countless people are jumping up and down, but it seems that they have forgotten a profound fact. Whether it is the current humanoid temple or the Baiming Tower, they are the guardians of this world. Outsiders only saw their power, their status, and who could understand their responsibilities. This status is not used to show off, but represents the responsibility assumed by the body.

Ronglian Wuhua!

Ruby pressed down from the sky, and the colorful force was counted behind to pull, spread like a colorful wing. However, the lotus blooming in the right hand of Ruby is as transparent and white as the purest power. The huge holy lotus formed by pure energy is as if every petal is extremely transparent.

In an instant, the fantasy world of Xian Liu Luo was depressed, and then landed and bloomed!

Numerous transparent petals fluttered all around as if withered, unbelievably beautiful. The pure and transparent holy lotus, colorful power as its nutrients, the world around wither with the withering of this holy lotus. The whole heaven and earth seemed to be left with that holy lotus flower.

Even Xian Liuluo was very surprised.

Complex and pure!

This is itself two contradictory forces. It is only when the forces of different attributes are fused together that it seems complicated. Pure, generally speaking, should appear on a single power.

However, when used in ruby, it seems harmonious and coordinated.

No matter what kind of power is on the battlefield around, all are converging towards here, forming a colorful halo, which is the soil belonging to the power of ruby. Obviously, countless different kinds of powers, and even completely contradictory powers, have become so pure after passing through ruby.

It's unbelievable. But Xianluo Luo had to believe that Ruby could really master all the powers, and could perfectly sublimate the powers of these different attributes into pure self.

Ruby: The daughter of the mother's daughter, the only bloodline, has the most perfect multiple attributes and the most perfect compatibility.

Just when Xian Liuluo was surprised, Ruby's right hand was pressed one after another, and the Hua Hua power hidden in the lotus suddenly started. Wuhua, Hong Qihua's gift to Ruby. Knowledge, Bai Yi and Hong Qihua's selfless teaching of ruby. Therefore, Ruby is completely unaffected by this level of illusion power, and is clear and clear.


The world of illusion twisted suddenly, drifting away like a retrospective, and then the ruby ​​was pressed in front of Xian Liuluo.

As if still!

"If I take back the previous words, you are not only the only one." Xian Liuluo looked at a lotus that was pressed on his chest and slap, and said seriously. With the power of LV5, she directly broke her fantasy world from the front. Such a gesture is enough for her to pay attention and truly become her opponent.


The world around him gradually began to break like a mirror, including Xian Liuluo himself. Then these broken fragments quickly gathered together, and gradually formed a new world.

Star Venerable of Xigu Star Territory, Fantasy Star Vendor-Xian Luluo!

No one has ever known whether the Xianluo Luo who fought with them is the real body. Because no matter what era, even when Xianluo Luo has not grown up, her countless opponents will always see the broken picture at the end of the year. Even, many people at the same level suspect that Xian Liu Luo itself does not exist.

At this time, he hadn't made any shots, and Chi Yan, who secretly watched the battle, narrowed his eyes.

is not!

Of all the Star Venerables, the most incomprehensible to Chi Chang is the Star Venerable Celeste. He has long coveted the power of Xian Liuluo, but he has never seen through Xian Liuluo's body. Originally, he thought that Xian Liuluo was only proficient in illusion, and exerted this power to the maximum, but now it seems as if Xian Liuluo itself is not real. But how could that be possible, as a star statue in the Xigu Star Territory, how could it be fake.

However, Chi Chen didn't know that the most impossible thing in his mind was true reality.

Vision of fantasy!

The body of Xian Liu Luo comes from a person's longing for women. In her mind, the most perfect woman is not an idol, a friend, or a wife. It is just the most anticipated and longed-for individual in my mind. Then, by accident, let this vision have its own life.

"Do you have your own longing in your heart!" A murmured voice swayed in Ruby's ear.

Ruby didn't hesitate at all, his hands changed rapidly, and the world under his feet began to surge like waves. At this time, Ruby only admitted that Hedao Realm is Hedao Realm, and the strength of LV6 is really not so easy to deal with. Harmony is compatible with a law that you have combined. As long as this law continues, you will not die completely. If you want to contend with this power, you must have the same level of power.

The originally calm world suddenly began to violently surge like waves. Everyone feels that the world is beginning to change. But this change is like false.

The original sky is the earth is the earth, the ocean is the ocean, but at this time, this boundary seems to be completely broken.

The three environments seem to merge together, as if completely independent.

The whale-haishalin's huge body suddenly rose into the air and swam through the air. In the empty sky, he suddenly rolled up countless transparent vortices. As if the sky was full of heavy seawater.

However, in the vicinity, the figure of Yufeng Tiger-Tema became more light. Several people who had just been flicked out clearly backed away by less than a few hundred meters, but suddenly felt heavy pressure around the empty body, as if sinking more and more below.


As if I couldn't breathe, the feeling of being squeezed around and sinking constantly made people palpitate.

"Seven Realms"

At this time, all talents found that this formation is not just about changing the environment. As a formation that evolved from the killing array, the humanoid temple was only used for the first time, which shocked everyone.

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