Era of Disaster

Chapter 1309: Powerful insight


Soon, the six Supreme Lords in the center discovered one thing-they were used!

The purpose of the solar system is definitely not to simply use the extermination caused by these twelve people to cause harm to them, but to use their power to resist the extermination. Please search (Product#书……网) to see the most complete! The fastest update novel [, after knowing this, all six people were extremely angry. This feeling of being exploited, I am afraid that no one can be happy to accept it. Not to mention, the six of them think highly of themselves and claim to be the highest saint in the inner universe.

At this time, they also understood why things became like this.


Their contempt for the solar system is the source of everything. In itself, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, the comparison between the solar system and the Seven Religions is really too big. However, it is precisely because of this contempt that the solar system has been given the opportunity to reverse the situation in a desperate situation.

The six people didn't say anything, just glanced at Bai Yi and the other people in the solar system in the chaotic wave, and then immersed wholeheartedly to deal with the destruction. Being able to reach this point, their talents and mentality are amazing. At this time, it is decided not to make the previous mistake again. What Bai Yi understands, they also understand that as long as they come out of this extermination, no matter how well planned the solar system is, it will be in vain.

As long as it comes out of the universe.

This idea is good, but when they really faced the annihilation of the universe, they realized that it was not that simple.

I don’t know how people in the solar system discovered this kind of thing. Its power is simply amazing, and it can completely destroy the level of the ordinary saint. Until this time, the six talents scolded the maid and maid to death in their hearts. It is the biggest mistake to hand over everything to the maid and the maid. Sure enough, the woman just can't do it. There is such a big mistake. After waiting to go out, this woman... must be kept in the dark inside.

When embarrassed to resist, everyone is still calculating and thinking about what kind of attack this is. Until suddenly, the taboo of the wheel of fortune suddenly lighted up. At this time, there was another person who remembered something with him.

‘This kind of fluctuation, is it! ’

‘What do you remember? ’The Lord Shini passed a glance.

‘You should have thought about it too. ‘Fate Taboo has the same look.

‘There will be nothing wrong. "The two are determined at the same time.

The exchange between the two was very fast, and it was only for a moment, and the eyes were staggered. The two had already determined what the fluctuations caused by the twelve people in the solar system were.

The six Highest Saints do not know how long they have lived. The long life brought them a sense of numbness and arrogance, but it also brought them a wealth of experience and insight.

The cultivation system of the inner universe is basically perfect, but for such a long time in history, there must be a lot of amazing geniuses or ghost talents. Some people do not want to do something unique like others.

Promoting to the realm of God is a way of doing things together, so the opposite is the most basic idea.

This is not a strange idea. Some people who have claimed to be geniuses have tried it. However, the final result of these so-called geniuses is undoubtedly all dead to death. Because no one can face the annihilation of the universe and can resist it.

Someone once calculated that it is not impossible to cut the way. However, there are only three ways to succeed completely.

1 Completely cut off all the laws of the universe at once. This is the most reasonable. As long as all the connections of the whole person are completely absent from the universe, then there will be no basis for the extermination of the universe. Otherwise, no matter what rule you cut, as long as the rest of your life still exists in the universe, it will inevitably be affected. No one can resist this kind of law from the inside out.

2 The supreme power can help and resist the impact of the universe annihilation.

Beheading is a way to promote lv5 to lv6. In theory, as long as there is a higher level of resistance, it can be successful. However, this is only theoretical. Because lv5 and lv6 are already very rare masters. And who is higher than them, is there anyone other than Ben Sheng?

Let this saint come to stop the cosmic annihilation for the people who are in the divine realm... No one has that face, especially after the lucky encounter with a cosmic annihilation, even this saint does not want to stick to this thing.

3 Special law of beheading.

In theory, there is no absolute thing in the world, as long as it is a road, there is always the possibility of promotion. However, this is just a rational judgment. The inner universe is not lacking in a way of promotion, so why do you have to try something hopeless? After all, the Prosperity Realm is basically at the top of the world. No one is so bored to die.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there may be such a madman, but occasionally one of them is still dead. Over time, the way of slicing is completely taboo.

Where did the solar system get this thing?

The taboo of fate and Lord Nirvana are still thinking about this problem while they are carrying the destruction. At this time, they looked at Bai Yi in the center. Yingying Chuanchuo, the whole person seems to be completely disappeared in this world, but, when you take a closer look, it becomes more and more mysterious.

Could this guy be!

If it were not forced to a desperate situation, no one would make such a choice. The only thing that everyone didn't think of was that Bai Yi was successful.

Blurred realm!

To a certain extent, the real and nihilism are intertwined, and this is the'special rule of beheading' judged by those powerful. At that time, Basil Gaman judged that Bai Yi was a ‘people who do not live in destiny’, which might have already stated. At this time, the taboo of destiny saw Bai Yi's destiny trajectory in an instant... The person who does not exist in destiny, that is to say, the existence of this person is an exception.

It is a pity that if I saw this guy earlier, he would never let him give birth to so many things.

But now, no matter how angry or regretful they are in their hearts, they have no extra energy to do anything. At this time, the six Highest Saints could only resist the impact of extermination and insisted on not dying here. Perhaps, this time, not only to prove their previous calculations, the special law of decapitation can survive, but also to prove another possibility-the help of the powerful to resist the looting.

However, it's really a dog.

If someone else did this test, they would only watch with interest. However, when they become one of them, no one can be happy.

Bai Yi did not get involved, and there was no him in the deduction system of the solar system. At this time he intervened, but it just stirred the water more. At this time, Bai Yi has more important things.

Shen Yun!

The magical and mysterious breath in the center, like the light scattered towards the surrounding things.

As the six Sovereign Saints used to build the foundation of the shrine, Bai Yi believed that even the universe could not be destroyed. However, under such a huge impact, it is hard to say whether these things will disappear. Therefore, at this time, Bai Yi is working hard to gather these charms. Otherwise, whether the solar system can have a future depends on these charms.

Seeing Bai Yi's movements, Warsaw's eyes flashed with hatred and killing intent. In the chaotic twelfth universe annihilation, Warsaw also pulled out his hand and launched an attack on Bai Yi.

Time Warsaw!

Bai Yi was immediately set in just like the hourglass of countless hours came into effect at once.

It's just that Warsaw was too late to be happy, and a more powerful anti-bite force suddenly came from the universe annihilation, and this anti-bite was stronger than his time Warsaw. With a grunt, Warsaw's expression suddenly deflated, which was almost impossible for them. From this, it can be seen how powerful Warsaw has received backlash. Coupled with the way he originally wanted to leave with time, he has suffered many injuries.

Absolutely not as dead as this guy!

The other five Highest Saints saw the tragic appearance of Warsaw and couldn't help saying it in their hearts.

At this time, Bai Yi's figure fluctuated a little. Although it seemed that the nothingness seemed to disappear, he continued to collect charms. Seeing Bai Yi's movements, the other five people moved a bit, still sticking to the previous ideas, and don't die at this time.

As long as we have survived the universe annihilation, everything is easy to say, the solar system can never come out with a more amazing thing. And as long as they pass this level, everything else is secondary, no matter what the front of the solar system is, it is always in vain.

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