Era of Disaster

Chapter 1333: Rely on us


For the sudden addition of an opponent, Wu Shi did not speak, no expression on his face, and he looked very calm. Copy the URL to visit http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d Suddenly, the mouth without a big mouth split open, revealing an unusual terror Smile.

Introverted madness and extreme ridicule!


Clearly let everyone see his movements, but the next moment, disappeared in place without urgency. The speed is too fast, even if I have already prepared for it, it is too late to respond. The displacement is too fast, and even the body seems to be transformed quantitatively and incompletely. An arm appeared on Debarut's side, and the body behind it stretched like particles. At this time, Debarut didn't even change his expression, or even his thinking.


The smile on Wuxi's face is even more terrifying because of the distortion of the particles.

A few rays of light suddenly appeared when the electric-winding hand knife fell, and when Debarut was going to die directly.

The light was staggered instantly, and the speed was amazing.

There is no real opponent, Felix, they are already fighting with each other.

Di Barut, who had escaped the disaster, was a bit silly. The gap at this level was simply too great. If he really faced this saint alone, it is estimated that he would die without even having a reaction.

No, this is the most normal situation. The power of this saint is not only the powerful rules, but also the speed beyond the limits of thinking. Like their immortality, consciousness simply cannot keep up with each other's battles. This sacred person has the power of spike to the general sacred realm.

So, why can the people of Bai Ming Lou!

Realizing this, not only De Barut, but also those outside were shocked. In the turbulent light, Felix and the Godless three dolls resisted a holy saint.

The ring of tranquility above God's head floated up. If it was said that this was an imitation treasure before, then it is now a real treasure. Even, the ring of stagnation is not worse than that of An Ling. It's just that the stagnation's power is still open, and it still can't be locked without urgency. At most, it can only delay the opponent's speed slightly.

Inherent power!

Only when you really fight will you understand the meaning. Before this holy saint, whether you are in the realm of Prosperity or Proximity, whether you are the master of the Star Realm or the King of the Void, is actually just a part of the universe. When you are alive, there seems to be something like ‘ego’, but after death, no matter how powerful your body and soul are, it will always return to the universe and become part of the universe.

Even if some powerful parts can be preserved for a period of time, it is impossible to exist forever.

But this saint can!

Their life, their power, has become an inherent existence.


Shen Wu's right hand pressed down below, and a circle of transparent ripples expanded toward all sides. Everything in this range has become quiet, whether it is a flying boulder or a burst of energy, all is still in the air. Even the light seemed to be quiet. Even if it is not urgent, the speed at this time has also slowed down. Although it is still fast, it is completely different from before.

On the top of Wuxi's head, the entire blade of Lilian turned into a long black knife, and fell rapidly from the sky.

Everyone outside looked at this scene in shock, but suddenly found that Fia was just in front of Blade Lotus. A pity suddenly flashed in the hearts of many people. After all, it was a multiplayer battle, and there was a mistake in cooperation.

It was just that when they thought about it like this, the speed of the blade lotus did not slow down at all, and went straight towards Fia.

It's going to kill you, so even if your companion is in front of you?

The black long knife passed through Fiya's body instantly, but, without the blood splatter they thought, Fiya's body spread like flowing metal towards the surroundings, and became countless surrounding blade wings. Connected around the black blade.

Black bladed wings!

That magnificent power made everyone outside feel as if they were feeling tight, and their bodies became tight.

Laughing without excitement, he didn't do anything, but Shenwu felt more and more struggling. The buzzing sound from the body kept running to the limit. This is the power of the Holy Spirit. Although its own intellectual brain has reached its limit, it still cannot withstand this power.

The black blade hit the front without worries, and the shock was shocked.

At this time, Felix's figure rising from below ushered in the final blow.


This has completely exceeded the transmission of sound, everything around is broken. The blade formed by Fia took everything in, and nothing could escape.

Like the star burst, Di Barut, who had just joined the battle, had been blown outside. However, by this time no one had laughed at him, and all looked at the center without blinking. Such an amazing combination of attacks, the group of people outside can never answer themselves. Even, there is no need for a joint attack, just one of them, they are not necessarily opponents. Hmmm...not necessarily, at least you can't directly admit that you are inferior to the same one.

What about this Saint?

The first thing that made everyone aware of it was that it was not the central Felix, but the outermost god. The powerful force seemed to break something directly, and the ring of tranquility above God's head was dimmed. Everything that had been static was restored to its previous trajectory again, and countless broken materials and forces continued to burst. The most important thing is that the magical body seems to have been malfunctioned, and it slowly calms down.

Several people in the center also suddenly separated.

At this time, people outside saw the figure in the center.

Wu Jin seems to be injured, but it is clear that the injuries of several people in Bai Minglou are more in the eyes. Even wearing a costume, it can't completely defend against the imperative force.

But, unexpectedly, the injured Blade Lotus and Fiya, actually...not life!

For structures as small as atomic level, it is impossible to have a kind of whole mechanical arm or the like. However, although it seems extremely real, the core part of it can still be seen as not naturally formed. This point, absolutely can not hide so many outside masters.


"Puppets made of matter? The artificial products can be so powerful that it really surprised me." Wu Ke also looked at God and the three of them without surprise.

"Why, it's been so long, don't you know the composition of Bai Ming Lou." Felix opened his mouth.


"Finished puppets? Don't compare them to that kind of thing, bastard. In Bai Ming Lou, there is no such harshness. God is without them, but like Lao Tzu, the core members of Bai Ming Lou." Felix rough Said. Although the tone is violent, but the content of it makes people feel incomparable atmosphere.

"Aren't they artificial products?" Wu Ji didn't immediately attack, but continued to ask.

"Bai Minglou, the eldest maid, no god!"

"Bai Minglou, the big maidservant, Blade Lotus!"

"Bai Ming Lou, Ninth Guardian, Vice Captain, Fiya!"

At this time, the three people of Shenwu solemnly introduced their identities. Although there is nothing to explain, this has undoubtedly proved one thing. Although God’s life without them was not born naturally, in the Baiming Tower, it is definitely not a so-called puppet. The puppet family has long been a new life race in the Baiming Building. Moreover, in the Baiming Building, they also played a very important role.

"Ha, hahahaha." Wuxi laughed again.

"Okay, I don’t know the composition of the Baiming Tower, I actually treat the man-made product as a real member. But how about that. Even if you are not ordinary alchemy puppets, soul puppets or the like, but still Can’t change the fact that you can’t leave here.”

"Do not!"

"I will take Shen Yun away and return to the solar system. At this point, no one can stop it." Felix's thumb pressed **** his chest. The broken undergarment there has begun to close.

"It's up to you!"

"It's up to us!" said the three of Shen Wu, and his eyes changed rapidly.

The particles of energy flickered in the eyes, and the originally destroyed parts of the three people broke directly, extending new limbs. It is not a regeneration, but a direct replacement. As the core members of Baiming Building, they all have more than one body, and each one is different. It is up to them to judge how they can exert their greatest power in battle.

Not only the rapid replacement of the body, but at the core of the three, the brain of imitation knowledge also began to run at a rapid speed.

The power of intelligent life is usually impossible to obtain out of thin air. Even Bai Yi will spend a lot of time to accumulate.

However, as a man-made product, the strength of the puppets is different. Their strength is limited to technology and materials. If the level of technology is not enough, then no matter what, the strength will not go up. However, if technology keeps up, then their strength can undergo qualitative transformation in a short time.

After the completion of Ye Ye's Brain of Knowledge, this boundary was just broken.

The head maid of Bai Ming Lou is at the same level as the captain!

The previous wisdom brain gradually calmed down, but in the three people, the brain of imitation knowledge has started. Although it is not comparable to the brain of knowledge of Bai Yi and Ye Ye, it is definitely comparable to the captain's "Super Consciousness". Otherwise, how would they fight a Ben Sheng.


Superconsciousness: A biological self-control ability, a higher level of consciousness derived from normal consciousness.

Consciousness is the product of life, a physiological phenomenon that cannot exist independently. Superconsciousness is an independent existence above consciousness. Superconsciousness is similar to consciousness, but it has a higher and more accurate calculation ability.

The existence of superconsciousness gives creatures more powerful and accurate calculation capabilities than supercomputers. However, superconsciousness cannot be turned on for a long time, and it will bring a huge burden to itself. Therefore, superconsciousness is usually in a state of deep sleep. If you want superconsciousness to open for a long time, you need life to be stronger.

The higher order of superconsciousness, fixed form, Bai Yi has made an example for everyone.

The brain of knowledge!

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