Era of Disaster

Chapter 165: Chinchilla activation

"I'm the manager and chef of the Devil's Restaurant-Becky!" said xìng chef Cat Cat. network

"I am Bai Yi!" Bai Yi stretched out his right hand and shook hands, a kind of etiquette in the East.

After Becky started the introduction automatically, Bai Yi knew that this time you should get the processing and cooking methods of these special ingredients. Sure enough, Betsy then negotiated with Bai Yi on the exchange of these recipes. It can be seen that the xìng sense cat chef is here to open a store alone, and his strength is very good, but now, in the face of Bai Yi, this momentum has been put down, for fear that Bai Yi will bully people.

No matter when the status of the two parties is not equal, the transaction will be carried out, and the party with the lower status should always be worried.

But Becky quickly let go of her uneasy heart. Bai Yi spoke better than expected, and promised to raise her and Bemira for a week. Bai Yi has calculated the time of the week, which can be prepared by Vera. After a week, he will leave the New City and go to the place that was prepared for sleepiness.

After the deal between the two parties was reached, Bai Yicai took Becky and Bemira back towards the rehabilitation center. Of course, before going back, Bai Yi went to the ingredients market again. If they want to teach, of course, it is impossible to just dictate. It is best if there are samples that can be used as exercises. Therefore, after entering the ingredients market, Bai Yi bought all the special cooking ingredients that they could buy.

When Bai Yi came to the booth of the guy selling evil vines again, the guy was still in a daze.

"Yo, haven't the evil vines been sold yet, five hundred devil coins, I want it." Bai Yi said.

"Okay, okay!" The man finally reacted, and then went to pack the evil vine in the animal skin bag. While packing the bag, this guy was still looking at Bemira. Becky didn't come out very much, he certainly didn't know, but since he had eaten at the Devil's Restaurant, he must know Bemira.

"How did you bring out the maid of the devil's cooking house?"

"Where, just come out and buy ingredients together." Bai Yi smiled.

"Ah, I know, you guys, you must be short of money. They were used as white food. After a fight, they were thrown out as coolies. Although I haven't seen the boss of the devil's restaurant, I heard that The boss is very powerful." This guy stretched out his finger and tapped hard, as I guessed, and then looked at Bai Yi playfully.

Bai Yiwen said, only smiled, without excuse, and this look made this guy think he was right.

Although there were not many special ingredients, Bai Yi bought a lot of them, and then hired a person to help them to the rehabilitation center. After that, Bai Yi took the two to the rehabilitation center. When Bai Yi came back, Mo Mo was being escorted to study, but after hearing Bai Yi came back, he immediately dropped the pen, ran out, and hugged Bai Yi at once. Alodia nodded at Bai Yi behind Mo Mo.

"This is my daughter, Momo! This is Alodia." Bai Yi introduced each other to each other.

"Miss Momo. Ms. Alordia." Becky and Bemira greeted immediately. It is not a secret that Bai Yi has a daughter, and everyone knows that the shape of Mo Mo has basically not changed. If it is not small, it is estimated that many forces have begun the idea of ​​marriage.

"Both are good." Mo Mo also responded immediately, elegant and elegant.

"I'm going to learn some cooking skills with Becky, Momo you while you play." Bai Yi said.

"Cooking, I want to see it, and try it by the way." Mo Mo heard his eyes suddenly. Not only has Mo Mo been raised as a foodie since he was a child, but this way he can escape the task of learning.

Of course, Bai Yi knew what Mo Mo's style was, and suddenly flicked Mo Mo's forehead. "If you want to see it, these are special ingredients. I also learn to cook, but it's not necessarily delicious. You won't regret it later." Bai Yi looked intimidated, but Mo Mo was obviously not afraid. Bai Yi knew that Mo Mo could not be scared. Who asked him to cultivate such a top grade daughter before.

"Just watch if you like," Bai Yi said.

The transaction between Bai Yi and Becky is that Bai Yi will not use these special ingredients to make money and spread it casually. As for the internal staff, it does not matter if they know it. In short, the contract is only oral, very loose, and to what extent Bai Yi will comply, it is entirely up to Bai Yi himself. This is the advantage brought by Bai Yi's status, Becky did not dare to ask for more.

Alotija now also follows Momo for a lot of time, both to look after Momo, but also to learn some more advanced knowledge while Momo is learning.

Bai Yi took Betsy to the kitchen before starting to learn how to cook these special ingredients. Bai Yi did not buy many special ingredients in the ingredients market, only six kinds. But with these six methods, the processing method is very complicated. Four of them have only one serving. If you make mistakes, you can’t eat them. Starting with those that have backups, Betsy will deal with them first, explain them in detail, and then turn to Bai Yi.

When it was Bai Yi's turn, Bei Qi watched Bai Yi and waited for Bai Yi's performance.

In fact, Bai Yi has rarely cooked food for more than a year. At this point in his status, cooking has become impossible to become Bai Yi's main job, just a hobby. However, at the moment when he took the knife, Bai Yi instantly felt a familiar feeling. After this year's precipitation, Bai Yi has a deeper grasp of the knife technique. Although it is not a red kiss, Bai Yi can feel the extension of the body when he gets the knife.

Bai Yi's kitchen knife dragged in the air, obviously moving slowly, but everyone seemed to see the afterimage.

Soon, Bai Yi followed Becky's demonstration to cook the ice turtle. This is a variant of the turtle living on the edge of the ice floes. If not handled properly, the cold will be lost and it will only become ordinary food. However, if handled properly, the cold can be kept for a long time, even if it is cooked, the meat of the ice turtle is cold. In the boiling soup, there is cold fresh meat. The strong contrast will definitely stimulate everyone's taste buds.

Bai Yi's movement stopped, and the second washbasin-sized ice turtle did not change much, but was still lying on the spot.


Everyone had this question, and then Bai Yi stepped back to wait for Betsy to check. Becky glanced at it before looking at Bai Yi in surprise. It was handled very well, it was incredible, strength, angle, no deviation. The most rare thing is that after being handled properly, the appearance of the ice turtle has not changed at all. Unlike her, there are obvious knife marks on the edge of the turtle.

Bai Yi's knife technique!

Becky thought of Bai Yi's special anomaly before picking up a kitchen knife, and immediately guessed what. The understanding of Bai Yi by outsiders is only against the pupil of the flower. Because Bai Yi rarely shot, so many people do not know that Bai Yi's knife surgery is so powerful. That quasi-power control can be compared with Bai Yi, and the current Devil Island definitely has no more than five.

"It's handled well, and cooking is next." Betsy quickly stabilized her mind and said calmly.

What kind of cooking, that kind of accurate grasp, is the same for Bai Yi, even Bai Yi himself is aware of it. What does this feel like? I haven't been in contact with cooking for more than a year, but at this time, Bai Yi seems to have a natural feeling, no matter what he does, it runs smoothly and smoothly. It was as if he could accurately grasp every change of the outside world.

"Another one!"

"Meow, meow!" Momo and Jinjila were sitting next to each other. They had no resistance to food, and they didn't know where to put so many things. Bai Yi couldn't help laughing. This foodie daughter, even Jinjila beside him, ate a small belly.

But soon, Jinjila couldn't eat it anymore. After all, Jinjila now behaves like an ordinary domestic cat, just a little smarter. Unlike Momo, after all, it has gone through the binge eating period. Although the binge eating period is over now, but it is free from appetite, and you can eat a lot of things.

A total of 21 dishes were prepared with six kinds of special ingredients. Bai Yi learned to use it all afternoon, and Mo Mo ate beside him for an afternoon. Betsy handed over all other special ingredients to Bai Yi, and then waited for Bai Yi to fulfill the transaction.

"Come with me, you two." Bai Yi said, and then walked towards the convalescence room with Betsy and Bemira.

Neither Alotija nor Momo followed, after all, they were not ordinary kids, even Momo knew that Becky would definitely not teach Bai Yi about the cooking methods of so many special ingredients for free~ You’re so pitiful when you’re full, and you’re so pitiful, so many foods that you can’t normally eat can’t eat the first portion. Mo Mo poked Jinjila with his finger, and the tumbling Jinjila suddenly rolled around on the ground and gave a meow.

Jinjila was lying on the ground, lazy, did not want to move, and soon fell asleep. Momo took Jinjila back to the cat's nest, and then went out for a walk.

No one has found that in Jinjila, some cells that originally appeared hidden, after absorbing the unique nutrition of this special ingredient, gradually began to become active.



The second generation of evolutionary organisms also contains living cells. Such living cells are usually in a deep sleep state, and if you want to wake the living cells, you need to activate them. Early activation is not difficult, as long as the host is healthy and has sufficient nutrients to provide to the living cells, it can be activated. However, in the later period, the activation of living cells is becoming more and more difficult, and the ingredients needed are becoming more and more precious. Guiqiu to share

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