Era of Disaster

Chapter 178: system

This chapter is some theoretical knowledge, please don't feel boring, after ‘seriously’ read it, you will comment again. m


Five people, all into LV2!

This is obviously a good thing, but it's not just other people who don't believe it, even Bai Yi, they look a little unbelievable. Could it be that there has been too much bad luck, and suddenly it has become so lucky, but Bai Yi they are unacceptable. However, after feeling silent again, all talents determined that they really entered LV2, and Bai Yi and the five of them together.

"Everyone summed up and thought about why such a result!" Bai Yi said.

This is very important. If you really find the reason, it means that to survive the transformation is not the poor data of 2.31% recorded in the night, but a stable and safe way.

A motor that had been sent here long ago was turned on. Because of insufficient raw materials, it is generally not used. But at this time, in order to let Ye Ye appear, it had to be so. The host is night and night, but if you want to come out night and night, the host alone is not enough. At least a speaker, a camera, and preferably a display are needed.

"It's been almost a year since I was called, and it's getting more and more rudimentary!" Ye Ye complained as soon as she appeared. Isn’t it? Ye Ye is the intellectual brain in the research institute, from running a half research institute, to a small research institute, to a few computers, and now a worn-out computer, it is really going back and forth.

"The conditions are poor, sorry!" Bai Yi said.

"However, there are indeed some important things now, so you need to let Ye Ye you be a staff officer." Bai Yi did not talk to Ye Ye for long. In fact, Bai Yi has insufficient raw materials, and even if there is a motor, it will not be able to come out for a long time. Every night the host starts, the power consumption is not ordinary.

"Well, you say it." Ye Ye saw Bai Yi's solemn look and couldn't help but put away her joke and complaint.

"Actually, it's like this...!" Bai Yi simply told the story of the new city of Christ, and then spoke of their changes. Including Bai Yi, Bai Yi, Mo Mo, Woolf, Shapi, Puff, all five of them have entered the abnormal period of LV2. After that, everyone started a detailed discussion on the current information about active cells.



Primary species-ordinary humans, animals, plant parasites successfully activated cells, the second generation of multiplication later.


Whether it is a common organism that is parasitic in the early stage or a secondary generation in the later period, the body contains active cells.

Active cells are usually in a state of deep sleep. If you want to wake up the active cells, you need to activate them. Early activation is not difficult, as long as the host is healthy and has enough nutrients to provide active cells, it can be activated. However, in the later period, the activation of active cells is becoming more and more difficult, and the ingredients required are becoming more and more precious.


Binge eating species-after activation of active cells, crazy conversion of heterogeneous energy requires a lot of nutrients, so it leads to very hunger. Genes will also be fused during the early binge eating period, leading to huge changes in morphology.


Ferocious species-each creature is naturally screened, stable life forms formed over a long period of time. When there is a sudden change, the disagreement with the soul will cause the creature to be inexplicably anxious and fierce, and it is easy to lose reason.


Sleepiness-When both the soul and the soul change, and grow to a certain level, the creature will instinctively sense the existence of the soul, and at the same time know what it needs to do... Let it become compatible with the soul again.

To achieve this, evolutionary creatures will instinctively feel lethargic!


Metamorphosis-Metamorphosis is a new balance mode that is reconciled with the soul to a certain degree and then reached.

After entering the drowsiness period, the evolutionary creature will first sense the existence of the soul. When the drowsiness period continues for a period of time, it will passively begin to metamorphose. The specific process is to perceive the existence of the soul, and then to reconcile the soul and form a new stable balance. At the moment of complete coordination with the soul, the entire life will sublimate instantly, opening an absolute life field.


Absolute life field: The scope is only in the whole body. Through the absolute life field, the evolutionary creature can actively mobilize and control the heterogeneous energy in the body, instead of passively using it as before. Another function of the absolute life field is to protect the ingredients from being controlled by others.

Passive use: Just like ordinary humans using strength, it is the instinct of the body. As for how to allocate it, it is not controlled by humans.

Free from being controlled: It is generally made up of substances, divided according to ingredients-water, blood, bone, protein, fat, muscle. If it is more carefully divided, it contains various element components-oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, magnesium... And these element components, because of genetic changes, are still constantly increase.

Some evolved humans and organisms can directly control water, blood, or some single element in the later period, and the absolute life field is to ensure that these components of their bodies are not easily controlled by people. The so-called absolute means inviolability. Of course, this is just a general case, and special cases are not listed here.

There is no absolute life field for ordinary life, which means that after transformation, the soul is not a kind of balance mode of ordinary life, but a new balance.


Consciousness: Consciousness is not consciousness, but an artificial measure of consciousness developed later, which is also called spirituality, spirit...etc.

Consciousness is very important. Almost any biological behavior is closely related to self-consciousness. The stronger the sense of consciousness, the stronger the control of self and energy, and the more energy that can be controlled at the same time. Consciousness does not consume as much energy as it does, but it also wears out. When the sense of fatigue is exhausted, even if the awareness is strong, the control will become insufficient.

The way to restore consciousness is to rest, the best thing is to deep sleep, fetal breathing, sleep.

1 Intensity of awareness: The total amount of energy and matter can be controlled at the same time, and it is also related to the strength of the life field.

1 Sense accuracy: the fine degree of energy control.

2 Sense of tenacity: You can continue to control the time of energy substances.

The three are closely related and influence each other, and are not independent.


The early evolutionary creatures were all passive, unable to choose independently, and did not know what to do at all, so the mortality rate was very high. It is only in the later period that human beings have come into being. If the degree of harmony between the sleepiness period and the soul is better, the difficulty of transformation becomes smaller, basically it is natural.


Metamorphosis—Life forms are not fixed after transformation, but continue to change. Heterogeneous energies, souls... Almost everything in life is constantly changing, so this stage is named metamorphosis.

After the transformation, through the co-ordination of the individual's absolute life field, energy, soul are constantly changing, toward a deeper passive metamorphosis, and they are more closely connected with each other.

1 Energy change:

The heterogeneous energy of all evolved organisms all comes from the transformation of active cells, which is the above transformation. If the heterogeneous energy is the universal energy in the evolutionary organism, then, because of the difference of the individual, after entering the metamorphic period, the individual's heterogeneous energy gradually shows different properties. These properties, like human fantasy in the age of science and technology, are divided into various attributes... high fever, low temperature, grass, cure, poison and so on.

The change of heterogeneous energy is a gradual change and does not suddenly become very dramatic. For example, high temperature energy will gradually increase, or the like, otherwise the creature itself can't bear it first.

2 changes:

The change in the nature of heterogeneous energies also gradually begins to change, making it more compatible with the unique energy. This itself is born at the same time, a complete life change process, there is no order.

For example: if the energy property changes to hyperthermia, the body's element composition and cell structure will gradually change, become more heat-resistant, and finally even become flame-free. Otherwise, if the energy transformed in your body can't bear it, it's like a joke.

Gradually changed, although there is not much difference in appearance, the content of basic elements and cell structure have been changing. Because of this change, the more powerful creatures become more and more difficult to reproduce normally.

3 Soul changes:

④Consciousness change:

⑤Absolute life field change:


Bai Yi, of course, could not have known so much after a consultation, but only summed up a small part of it from all the information.

"Maybe, metamorphosis is not as difficult as imagined. The change of life form is, after all, a natural evolution. Therefore, the better it is to reconcile with the soul, the less difficult the metamorphosis is. It can basically be said that it is natural." Bai Yi summarized all the data, and then compared the differences between his five people and those experimental said a word.

"Probably!" Ye Ye did not refute Bai Yi's conclusion.

"However, this is not the case. It is not enough for just a few of you. More people are needed to prove the correctness of this conclusion." Ye Ye said again.

"Well, in short, before you enter the drowsiness period, from today onwards, each of you will come to me every day to receive hypnosis, enter deep sleep, and reconcile." Bai Yi said to the four people.

All four nodded and had no objection to Bai Yi's decision. Although they did not fall into violence during this time, their physical feelings were not very good. If Bai Yi was not in a sleepiness period, I would have asked Bai Yi for help.

After negotiating and organizing, Ye Ye felt that this place was boring, so she shut down the host and went to bed. Bai Yi and they are constantly experiencing their own changes.


The basic system about LV2 has appeared. Although not all finished, you are welcome to look for unreasonable things.

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