Era of Disaster

Chapter 188: Quiet grass

"Bai Yi, no matter whether I find anyone else this time, I decided to enter LV2, and then find a way to go to Australia to see what is happening in the human world. After entering LV2, we can also have it in human society. It’s not a small self-protection ability. Maybe, we can use ourselves as an example to let ordinary humans accept us." Becky seemed to have made up his mind and said to Bai Yi.

"The same is true for me." Bemira stretched her head aside.

"Good." Bai Yi nodded. It is always necessary to go out, it is impossible to stay on Devil Island, New Zealand, but how to go out, still needs a perfect plan. In short, first go to Lake Hawea to see and say, this is a recent goal of Bai Yi.

Lake Hawea is located in the middle of the Southern Alps and is divided into left and right parts. In fact, these are completely two lakes, but there is a narrow angle between the left and right sides, connecting the two lakes very close. See on the map, It is exactly like a lake, so it is named after only one lake. Lake Hawea is a tourist attraction in itself, with a sparsely populated area and plateau lakes, and it still retains clear natural scenery.

Originally, Bai Yi did not think they could meet other evolutionary humans in Lake Hawea, but when Bai Yi arrived, the situation was more confusing than expected.

In the Hawea Lake on the right, there is a water grass plant named 1grass, which translates into Chinese, that is, Jingwei grass. After some evolutionary human tests, after taking the juice of Jingmian grass, it will enter a strange state, seeming to sleep instead of sleeping, life characteristics become very stable, calm and serene. The key is that if you take this sap of sedative grass before the metamorphosis, you can increase the probability of successful metamorphosis.

Smart people are more than Bai Yi, and Salva’s three idiots don’t take the news that came out seriously, but others are not so careless.

After the initial group of people got the quiet grass, and some people entered the LV2 safely, the news gradually spread out, thus attracting a large number of evolved humans to come here.

According to Bai Yi's estimates, there are more than 2,000 evolutionary humans here, and LV2 is estimated to be about 50 people. These numbers are estimated to be all evolved humans on the southern peninsula of Devil Island. The rest must have died forever in all kinds of dangers.

All evolved humans are basically in a period of drowsiness, or near the edge of metamorphosis, so they only gathered here after they learned the news of Tranquil Grass.

However, although gathered here, but no one got the quiet grass. Jingjingcao is a special aquatic plant that grows in Lake Hawea. The Jingbiancao on the lake can be collected, almost all of them are almost collected. The quiet grass in the center of the lake is not so easy to collect. Needless to say, how dangerous it is now on Devil's Island, let alone go to the inner lake that is five to 100 meters deep to collect.

Under the seemingly calm lake, unimaginable ferocious evolutionary creatures are hidden.

When Bai Yi came here, they only caught the attention of a small group of people. Lake Hawea is still very large. More than 2,000 people are divided into hundreds of large and small teams. They are stationed in different places and are looking for opportunities to see if they can gather some quiet grass from the inner lake. Then through the transformation, enter LV2.

When Bai Yi came to the southernmost lake, they met a team by accident. At the beginning, it was just a basic greeting. There is not much left for evolutionary humans, so if there is no hatred, it is generally friendly to each other. But after saying hello, this group of people was surprised and surprised, but did not expect that Bai Yi's team.

Bai Yi They stayed in Gladstone, the southernmost part of Lake Hawea, and the news that Bai Yi also came here was quickly spread and was known by the teams scattered around the lake. Of course, if you know what you know, you basically come over and say hello. Now no one is more noble than anyone. Bai Yi's reputation in evolutionary humans is good, but it is impossible for anyone to squint up and have to join Bai Yi.

After sorting out a place to settle down, Bai Yi and they are also ready to study this so-called tranquil grass.

"According to the information obtained from the outside world, Jingmian grass has the effect of increasing the probability of the evolutionary organisms' metamorphosis. The specific effect it plays is unknown. From the scattered data, Jingmian grass can let the evolutionary organisms enter a magical perception. State, under this state, the probability of success of metamorphosis can be greatly increased. This is also the source of the name of Jing Mi Cao." Bai Yi summoned everyone.

"Frankly, apart from the three Salva, I am not worried about whether you can succeed in transformation. However, the reason we came out is to find a way to make up for a perfect transformation. This quiet grass may be an opportunity "After Yi Yi settled down, Bai Yi began to discuss with everyone.

"I am more interested in this plant. In fact, I am also trying to formulate the potion that increases metamorphosis, but you know that progress is slow. This quiet grass may be an opportunity this time." Nancy Said, with a mature and intellectual body.

"But I know from other people that it is very difficult to collect this quiet grass." Bei Qi also said.

Everyone heard that when they looked at each other, the quiet grass grows in the center of the lake. If you want to collect it, you must be familiar with water. Among all people, the only thing that fuse aquatic genes is Woolf’s crocodile. Watching Woolf look like a fat dragon, everyone can't help but wonder, can Woolf really swim in the water.

"Am I?" Woolf still realized afterwards.

"Of course it is you. Of all of us, only you have fused the crocodile gene, which is barely aquatic animal, and you have entered LV2. Haven’t you always felt that you are very powerful recently? This time the task of collecting the quiet grass Here you are." Bemira came to Woolf's front, pretending to be mature and wanted to pat Woolf's shoulder. However, even if Woolf was sitting on the ground, Bemira's height was still a bit short of her boss. Bemira stepped on her feet and wanted to take pictures of her shoulders that she couldn't take, which made people feel very funny.

Everyone saw Bemira's appearance and suddenly laughed.

"Woolf, can you move freely in the water?" Bai Yi asked.

"Not tried." Woolf shook his head. Bai Yi and they did not move or fight in the deep water except for bathing along the way. Even during the time when the ship was repaired in Wellington, they did not go to the sea because the sea was too dangerous.

"Well, let's find a shallower place and try everyone's water-based properties. Remember, it's not about playing with water. It's for you to try and see if you can move and fight underwater." Bai Yi said.

"Understood!" Woolf said suddenly.

It didn’t take long. On the next day, Bai Yi found a suitable place next to Lake Hawea, a sunken lake bay, about thirty meters wide and about one hundred meters long, with a depth from one meter to six. Seven meters. This place has long been searched by other people. Except for a pile of scattered reefs, there is no silent grass growing, which is just used by Bai Yi to get familiar with water.

"Remember, the most important thing in water is to stay calm, because human beings do not live in water, so many times, they panic when they encounter danger, and they struggle arbitrarily. This is the biggest cause of drowning... …A bunch of bastards!” Bai Yi wanted to tell a few words before he came to the lake. A group of big and small guys jumped into Woolf and jumped into the lake, where they started to play.

Bai Yi thinks he is like a parent, but there are a group of disobedient children in the team.

"Dad, I want to go too." Mo Mo looked at Bai Yi with a longing in his eyes. Momo was still small. Although Bai Yi also took Momo to the beach a few times, he didn't really play well. For a child less than five years old, Bai Yike is not at ease, and at most he can make Momo pile up with sand.

"Go, be careful." Bai Yi also made the same group of mixed balls. Under Woolf's leadership, it is estimated that this water-based exercise was regarded as a play.

"Father is the best." Mo Mo heard Bai Yi agree, immediately rushed up, hugged Bai Yi and kissed, and then ran towards the cabin built next to him. Although it has become a monster, there are still several women in the team. They all made several underwear for themselves, and this time, they rushed to sew the so-called animal skin swimsuits with several animal skins.

After a while, a few women came Yi was stunned. Sure enough, it would be natural for women to dress up. A few women wore their own animal skin swimsuits, but they seemed to have a wild charm. In addition to the swimsuit on his body, Momo also has a white furry wristband on his hands, feet and wrists, which looks very cute.

But... Mo Mo actually carried a black sword and a black sword at this time. Compared with Mo Mo, the black knife is not much smaller than Mo Mo's back.

"Bai Yi, please persuade Mo Mo, it's all this time, still carrying Hei Ming, how to swim like this."

"The lake is not safe, we must have weapons." Mo Mo said seriously. Momo has not experienced the education of ordinary children since he was a child, and the children who grew up in Devil's Island have more serious safety awareness than those who grew up in the peaceful ages.

"If you play, wearing a black knife is really not suitable, bring this handle." Bai Yi said, passing a short knife, only more than twenty centimeters, two straps just tied, can be hung flat on the waist Above. Mo Mo saw the short knife, then looked at his black knife again, or nodded, removed the black knife, and replaced the short knife.

"I said, you father and daughter, it's really not saved!" Becky and Nancy saw Bai Yi and Mo Mo interacting and couldn't help covering their heads.

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