Era of Disaster

Chapter 196: Dangerous judgment

Momo's crisis awareness is very strong, because when New Zealand had a mutation, Momo was only four years old and nearly five years old, just when a child's personality began to take shape. . Mo Mo did not kill before, she was just to drag this group of people here. Even when facing four people and falling into a disadvantage, Momo is the same. However, after the poisoning, the string in Mo Mo's heart called "Alert" was suddenly moved.

Poisoned. Although the antidote formulated by Nancy is effective for many toxins, many of the toxins are also insoluble. Mo Mo immediately judged that she must win or lose in a short time, otherwise she would be truly in danger.

If you continue this way, you will probably die!

With such a judgment in mind, Mo Mo immediately revealed his little fangs.

The nature of energy belongs to the soul and has the effect of slashing spirits. In fact, in the team of Bai Yi and their team, the most deadly injury is Mo Mo. It's just that Mo Mo has always been well protected and rarely shows up in the eyes of outsiders. The four people fighting Mo Mo felt the change of breath in an instant, and the little girl rushed out, and the black knife pointed at Agnes.

Butterfly Sanwu!

The black knife cut through, and a large afterimage appeared in the air instantly. Agnes did not expect that the poisoning not only did not hit Mo Mo, but made Mo Mo's attack more severe. After avoiding the blade in a hurry, before waiting for Agnes to relax, the four beautiful butterflies spread their wings from the shadow of the black knife and flew slowly, beautifully. It is a pity that Momo's Soul Eater only has four on her body, otherwise the scene will be much more beautiful and deadly.

What is this?

Before Agnes wanted to understand, the four Soul Eaters fell on him suddenly. The pain, which was a hundred times more violent than the sting of the bee, instantly made Agnes scream, and his hands scratched irregularly, trying to stop this pain. This is a real injury to the soul, and the pain that rises above the soul is definitely not comparable.

When Agnes screamed, Momo's black knife shrank suddenly, and then spurted out quickly. This is the bee sting, the stabbing change in the knife skill.

With a ding, Kawata Ryota reacted, and quickly crossed the front with two knifes. In fact, the four people worked together with Alcott, but they were not very close to each other. It is better to say that they can't wait to see one of them get ugly and injured. But at this time, Kawada instantly judged that if they continue to look at the lively heart, then it is likely that Agnes is not injured, but is actually dead.

With a bite, Kawada felt a sudden shock in his body, a trembling sound came from his bones, and a powerful puncture impact instantly passed from the black knife on the opposite side.

With two clicks, the two long knives that block the Momo black knife snapped off from the middle and fell to the ground.

Bee stings-based on the stabbing in the knife technique, the penetrating power and attacking force are the strongest in Bai Yi's knife technique at one point.

Kawada and Momo groaned at the same time. Kawada looked at the small spot on his chest that was gradually oozing with blood, and took a breath of cold air. If it wasn't for the two knifes in front, it was probably not so simple. Mo Mo felt that breathing was not smooth at that moment. Sure enough, Nancy's antidote had little effect on this particular toxin, Agnes.

"Damn little girl, I will torture you to death today." Agnes said after a sigh of relief. Agnes twisted the blue muscles on her face and looked very painful. But at this time, Agnes shivered and stretched out her right hand. The color lines on it gradually lightened up, and bubbles appeared slowly, and then it was about to burst. Even the three Kawada who were originally teammates were stunned and then retreated towards the back in an instant.

They can resist the toxin before, but they must avoid it.

It didn't die. Sure enough, the number of Soul Caterpillar is too small. But... Mo Mo depressed the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, and his heart was suddenly ruthless.

Eat the soul!

The soul-eating butterfly itself grows by absorbing the soul, but the spirit-eating ability of a single spirit-eating butterfly is not very strong. Soul Eater survives in the ghost town of Wellington, relying on a huge base. However, at this time, the four spirit-eating butterflies were driven by Mo Mo, and they suddenly sucked Agnes's soul crazy.

Agnes, who was still clamoring, suddenly hugged her head in pain, fell to the ground, gasped for a drink, but couldn't even scream. Seeing Agnes's painful appearance, the others felt terrified. At this time, Mo Mo looked at Agnes extremely coldly.

In just a few seconds, Agnes held her head and her body gradually stopped twitching.

At this time, four Soul Eaters flew slowly out of Agnes, and now the four Soul Eaters seem to be too full and seem to be quite fat. Although the fat butterfly is also pretty, Mo Mo knows that the four spirit-eating butterflies are temporarily unavailable.

"Boss, feed Boss, what's wrong with you," the team members next to Agnes looked at the place from afar, shouting in horror. These people want to be close, but they are afraid of being attacked, so they are very hesitant.

"What is this ability?" The three of Bethes looked at Mo Mo in amazement.

"It seems to be something like a parasite." Julian thought of what Woolf had encountered.

"Regardless of his ability, go ahead and delay for a long time, and she is also poisoned. Solve early and leave early." Kawada also felt a sense of crisis at this time.

However, Momo's movements were quicker before waiting for a few people to do it. Sensing her own changes clearly, Mo Mo knew that the previous poison was more powerful than she had imagined, and the longer it was delayed, the more unfavorable it was for her. The black knife backed into the sheath, Mo Mo breathed deep, and the heavy breath made everyone feel involuntarily depressed.

Kawada was shocked when he saw Momo's movements, bad! Kawada popped out instantly, pulled out two knives from his men, and then stood in front of him.

"Dodge!" Kawada roared loudly, tilting the four knives in the same direction.

Four sword flow? Dragon roll!

Collapse? Great shock!

With the sound of Zheng, three shock waves instantly collided with a huge tornado gas. The strong airflow and cutting raged towards the surroundings instantly, and the surrounding trees instantly showed numerous cracks. Within a range of more than 100 meters, it was like a huge mixing field. After tens of seconds, the confusion subsided, and all the talents found that within a hundred meters of the surrounding area, the various big trees were as if they had been stirred in the mixer, and they shattered all over.

At this time, the four-handed knife in Kawada's hand suddenly clicked, and then all were broken. On Kawada's body, three huge wounds broke open from his body, and blood ran out continuously. Kawada looked at the little girl standing on the opposite side, and there was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.


However, Kawada was very unwilling to lose. This time it was because the weapon was completely lost.

However, the idea of ​​the girl opposite was really dangerous. Under normal circumstances, if other people are poisoned, it should be avoided temporarily, but Mo Mo’s attack just now was intended to wipe out all the dangers before the outbreak. Kawada also used a knife, and he can feel it even more. Mo Mo's move was just for everyone present.

At this time, Bases and Julian climbed up in distress, and swallowed. Looking at the chaotic battlefield, it was really amazing. Although they barely resisted these attacks just now, they thought of their own strength and could not help themselves. Both of them couldn't help but glance at Kawada and Momo. Before they sneered at Kawada's tireless practice of knives every day, but now suddenly a kind of understanding came up in his heart.

They are completely different from ordinary people, standing on a higher level of life, but they still use their previous ideas to constrain their potential.

Bethes looked at his right hand, the high temperature mist was constantly transpiring. He was still rejoicing because of his ability, but now it seems that his use of his ability is still at a superficial level.

"What's wrong with her?" Julian asked Momo, who saw the opposite Momo holding the black knife, motionless.

"The toxin is deep. Everyone knows that it should be quiet after the poisoning. This violent attack, the blood flows at a high speed, but it makes her toxin spread faster." Kawada gasped.

"What should I do, do you want to do it?" Bethes asked. At this time, he hesitated instead.

"Pete, feed Pete, what's the matter with you?" Under a broken tree, a guy got up and saw a **** face next to him, then hesitantly called his companion. "Kill you, I'm going to kill you." After a long time without the answer from his companion, this guy shouted horribly and then rushed towards Momo.

Seeing Agnes's men rushed over, UU read books www.uukanshu. com did not know why, the three of Kawada did not stop, let alone take the lead, the three of them all had a kind of fear for Mo Mo.

However, before this guy had rushed to Momo, he suddenly flew a dark red light from the sky at high speed. This ray of light pierced the guy in an instant, and then inserted heavily into the ground. Several people in Kawada saw the half-bladed blade exposed outside and couldn't help but take another breath.

Red kiss!

Bai Yi's Sabre, it is estimated that no one in the current evolution of humans does not know.

Alcott is even more familiar with this knife. Anyway, he and Bai Yi are far more familiar than others. When he saw the knife, Alcott instantly felt a sense of despair. When it was over, he was dragged here for a while, but Bai Yi came after him without thinking.

But what about Bai Yiren?

When everyone thought this way, there was a strong wind in the air suddenly, everyone couldn't help closing their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, they found that Bai Yi was standing on the handle of the red kiss, and a pair of dark crystals were behind him. The wings closed slowly, and those eyes were extremely cold.

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