Era of Disaster

Chapter 198: Mixed toxin

Quiet grass was stolen. There were not many people who responded at the time. When most people knew it, things were over.


"Bai Yi, the first batch of tranquil herbal medicine has been prepared, but the effect is still in need of someone to try." After a few days, Nancy came to Bai Yi. This is a problem. Any pharmaceutical research can't be separated from attempts, but obviously, this is not a general attempt. If it fails, it will either become a defective product of LV2.1 or die.

"Why don't you think I didn't kill them? Don't you think you can't get the quiet grass, now they have a chance." Bai Yi said indifferently.

Nancy glanced at Bai Yi, the meaning of Bai Yi, and the purpose of keeping those people down is to let them be the experiment body. This is indeed the best result, but Nancy was slightly surprised, it seems that Bai Yi changed a lot.

"Wait!" Nancy stopped Bai Yi who was ready to go out.

"what's up?"

"Are you planning to coerce the people?"

"Since you dare to do it, you must be prepared to undertake."

"Although that is said, you don't want to go anymore, Bai Yi, it's not good for your image, you know, other people have said recently that your character is actually very cruel."

"It doesn't matter!" Bai Yi said indifferently.

Nancy couldn't help shaking her head. The more familiar she was, the more she understood Nancy. Bai Yi's prestige was entirely due to the necessity, not Bai Yi really cared about other people's eyes. In his heart, Bai Yi actually has his own style. However, under normal circumstances, it is not easy to reflect it. "I'm going, I'm looking for Roman, don't worry, this matter will be dealt with."

Bai Yiwenyan glanced at Nancy, then nodded. Although Bai Yi does not pay much attention to the accident world, there can be a better way to solve it, and Bai Yi will not be so stubborn.

After this matter was handed over to Nancy and them, soon outside, rumors came out that those who had originally planned to steal the quiet grass were prepared to make up for it, and voluntarily became the first batch of quiet herbal medicine attempters. You have to know that the agent named t has just been successfully prepared, and the effect is not known. The first batch of people who test the drug will always be in danger.

Ha... Make up for it!

After hearing the news, Bai Yi just said a word in his heart, and ignored it at all. As for whether those people are willing or not, Bai Yi will not care.

After the matter here temporarily ended, Bai Yi visited Woolf again. The parasites grow very quickly, and begin to hatch in just two days in the abdomen, and then absorb nutrients from the host body. So far, a total of 173 people have been detected. Now other people are simply smelling the color of the water, and they dare not even approach the water. When Bai Yi came here, there was a humming noise throughout the treatment center, which was the pain of patience.

The parasite will not let the host die immediately, but the harm to the body is very huge and very uncomfortable.

Bai Yi came out of the treatment center and sighed before turning to the doctor's direction. Here is the responsibility of Ruri Thea. After all, the parasites involve more things. It is still her former doctor who is looking for ways to be more efficient. When Bai Yilai came, Liu Lixia was looking at a bunch of pathology sheets, carefully analyzing and summarizing the law from the inside. Now Liu Lixia looks a little messy. Obviously, she hasn't had a good rest during this time. It can be said that she devoted herself to it.

"When did you come!" After comparing the pathology list, Liu Lixia suddenly realized that Bai Yi was in the room.

"When you look at the pathology sheet."

"Ah, I'm so sorry. I didn't notice you. Do you want to drink something?" Liu Lixia greeted her, and now she feels more and more like she was in the hospital.

"No, what happened?"

"Hey, I have used some of the medicines that I have formulated, and they have no effect. Seriously, it can be said that I live in pain every day. Fortunately, this parasite will not be immediately fatal. But everyone knows that the longer it is, the more troublesome it will be. The most important thing is that they have caused great damage to their bodies." Liu Lixia sighed and shook her head.

"Oh by the way, Woolf's spirit is not bad, even if no medicine is used, the state is the best among all people." Liu Lixia thought Bai Yi was worried about Woolf, and could not help saying.

"No medication?"

"After all, it's someone in your team, so you can't just try the potion. Since Woolf is in good condition, of course you don't need to use the potion."

"Wait, is there anything special about Woolf?"

"Special, I don’t know. In fact, I am also analyzing Woolf’s situation, why he is much better than other people without medication. At first I thought it was the cause of LV2, but there are several LV2 in the parasitic people. Well, the situation of other people is not very good. Only Woolf, he has a small number of parasites and grows much slower than other people. I asked Woolf for a blood, which is still being tested, The result has not come out yet." Liu Lixia explained.

It is basic to find individual differences among groups and then find solutions.

"Are you going to see it, the test room we have recently built." Liu Lixia said.

"I think it's better for you to rest more." Bai Yi glanced at Liu Lixia.

"No, it's just a little tired on the face. After entering LV2, you also feel it. The body is no longer comparable to ordinary people." Liu Lixia smiled.

"Teacher, teacher." Suddenly, a girl rushed in from the outside.

"Sir Bai, Bai Yi!" The girl suddenly rushed in and immediately appeared Bai Yi, and then suddenly became vomiting. I have to be nervous. Because of her identity, she knows more about it. The guy who stole the quiet grass was mostly cut off by Bai Yi, this man.

"This is my student, Afra. Don't be scared." Liu Lixia introduced.

Bai Yi made a helpless gesture, in fact, he did not do well. After nodding to the girl, Bai Yi retreated. And this girl named Afra has stabilized her mind before speaking again.

"Teacher, the test results are out. The blood in that Woolf contains toxins. This toxin is very mild, which one has not been tested. In addition, we also tested it with the original liquid prepared by the blood. The eggs of the parasites will be inhibited from growing in the original solution. It is just that the concentration of this toxin is very low and cannot be effectively killed." Afra took a report sheet and reported seriously.

"Toxin?" Liu Lixia was a little surprised. She is familiar with Woolf. Woolf has never fused the genes of any toxic organism.

"Bai Yi, do you know anything?"

"Can't the toxin test come out?"

"Well, it looks like a mixed type of toxin. I say it is a mixed type. They always say that this is a new type of toxin. They say that I made a mistake." Afra immediately answered Bai Yi seriously. The problem.

"Hybrid...ah!" Bai Yi was slightly surprised.

"Bai Yi, did you think of anything?" Liu Lixia looked at Bai Yi with delight.

"Thinking of something, in fact, not long ago, we had eaten something, and that kind of thing contained eight highly toxic ingredients." Bai Yi said.

"Eating highly toxic?"

"It is highly toxic, but it cannot be said that it is to eat highly toxic, but to reconcile the taste."

"Harmonize the taste?" Liu Lixia and Aphra became more and more confused.

"Actually, we have a kind of food, which should be very useful, but the taste is very heavy and must be suppressed. But ordinary cooking methods have no effect at all, so in the end, we can only use several special cooking ingredients and toxic ingredients to suppress. Of course, because Reasonable combination and its own ability to bear, so although it is a toxic ingredient, it can also be eaten, but it can not be eaten. I am wondering whether the mixed toxin that Afra said is this kind of poison." Bai Yi Explained.

"Hey, there's still such a thing to eat, is it precious?" Liu Lixia patted Bai Yi's shoulder, a look you can't do.

"Really." Bai Yi also smiled. It was originally intended to be private, but now it is not suitable, especially when I saw Liu Lixia's serious investment.

"Baiwei highly toxic sushi-the main flavor is the huge smell of explosive shell fruit, which has explosive impact. The main ingredient is Shenze rice, and then it is combined with 21 other food ingredients, eight of which contain highly toxic and four are special Cooking ingredients, carefully combined with the recipe." Bai Yi explained Finally added a non-trivial sentence.

"Can increase the intensity of the absolute life field!"

Liuli Xia's eyes widened in amazement. Absolute life field. Only those who entered LV2 knew what it was like. It can be said that the driving and mobilization of energy and the control of matter are all done by the absolute life field. The strength of the absolute life field is related to the amount of matter and energy controlled at the same time, the carrying capacity... in short, it is very important.

"Thank you!" Liu Lixia couldn't help but thank you.

"Afra, don't tell anyone else." Liu Lixia said seriously.

"Yes, I will not talk nonsense." Aphra covered her mouth. Although I don’t know much about LV2, I still know a lot as Liulixia’s student. Today's Devil's Island, teachers and students are not like the school, but there is a retro kind of teacher-apprentice relationship, very intimate.

"In short, let's first try to see if this toxin is working." Liu Lixia said to Bai Yi.

"Huh!" Bai Yi nodded.

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