Era of Disaster

Chapter 218: have eaten!

With a snapping sound, the air oscillated, and Bai Yi and Sarelli collided together in the air. Bai Yi dragged in a Tai Chi. Sareli suddenly felt that a huge force had passed over, and then flew out. A group of people suddenly divided into two groups, Bai Yi and Sarelli just fell in the middle.

"Bai Yi, what do you want to do?"

"What should you do?" Bai Yi said calmly.

"Of course, this fruit was picked. This kind of fruit of unknown effect must be handed in." Sarelli said of course.

At this time, Mei Weisi realized that among the dozen or so people who came here, it was not a team. Before Mei Weisi thought that other people were other companions that Bai Yi found during this time. Moreover, turn in? Did Bai Yi have merged into any large forces? Unlike, Bai Yi is not that kind of person.

Bai Yi glanced at the fruit in the crack. Like a heart, seven dry stems protruded from different directions of the crack and connected to it. Bai Yi was thinking about whether he would have any suspicions with the United Nations for this thing, but at this time, Mo Mo watched the fruit slowly walk by. How to say, if other people instinctively feel that this strange fruit is extremely precious, then Mo Mo feels that this fruit is indispensable to himself.

Mo Mo jumped up gently and picked towards the fruit.

Mo Mo's movement alarmed everyone. Everyone was tense, but this time, no one stopped it again. In the eyes of a group of Sarelli, Bai Yi will definitely hand over the fruit for them to take away.

Mo Mo lightly grasped the edge of the rift with his left hand, and extended his right hand towards the fruit. As soon as Momo grabbed the fruit with his right hand, the fruit automatically fell off the seven stalks. No wonder Mei Weisi said to let them collect the fruit first, this is clearly fully mature, if after a period of time, I am afraid that they will fall to the ground.

"Give us this fruit, and this Soul Release Tree, although it has died, but it must also be taken away." Sarelli said.

However, beyond all expectations, Mo Mo grabbed this heart-like fruit and bit it up. This heart-like fruit suddenly emitted a black smoke from where Mo Mo bite away. But it was smoke, but it did not spread out, just like smoke. The place that was supposed to be flesh is like a dark void, as if to draw all the eyes into it.

Everyone looked at Mo Mo's behavior in amazement. Does Mo Mo know what this fruit is? Impossible, Bai Yi knew that they had never seen this fruit before. However, Sarelli thought that Bai Yi knew what it was, and it was a very precious thing, so they let the Mo Mo eat it directly.

"What are you doing!" Sareli suddenly flew towards Momo.

This time it wasn't just Sarelli, but several others in their team also started. But unfortunately, in a moment of confrontation, several people were all blocked in an instant. Bai Yi, Shapi, Puff, Nancy, and Ulysses instantly blocked Sarelli's people from the outside.

Mo Mo still eats this fruit bite by bite.

"Bai Yi!" Sarelli shouted angrily.

But Bai Yi was not moved at all, but looked at Mo Mo quietly. Yes, many plants and animals are completely unknown on the current Devil Island. But after entering LV2, there will be an inexplicable feeling. For example, the fruit that Woolf found before, and the huge, stinky bombshells that are present when they are strongly needed, will form an inexplicable feeling for these things.

Mo Mo's energy belongs to the soul, and this fruit is grown from the Soul Release Tree. If it doesn't matter, Bai Yi can't believe it.

I just didn't expect that Momo would eat this weird fruit so directly. However, it also made Bai Yi they determined that this fruit is very important for Mo Mo.

Sarelli is very strong. After all, they need to take the Soul Wood out. This is their most important task and the only one. However, when facing Bai Yi, Sarelli weighed it, but felt that there was no chance of winning. Even as long as Bai Yi is still here, they will not work. In the battle between the evolutionary human and the experimental body, Bai Yi's combat power made many people feel deeply oppressed.

"Bai Yi, you have to think about what you are doing now." Sarelli said.

"Of course I know what I am doing. What the UN wants is Soul Wood. The condition I promised is to help you get Soul Wood. Others are not included." Bai Yi had a soft smile on his face. The threat was not taken seriously.


Sarelli wanted to say something, but in the end he restrained himself. The fruit has been eaten, and it is unbeatable to fight, and as Bai Yi said, their task is to take the Soul Retrieval wood back, but not others. "Okay, that's it. I will report everything truthfully."

"Huh." Bai Yi nodded lightly.

Between the two sides, the tense atmosphere gradually eased. Mei Weisi also roughly knew what was going on from the dialogue between the two parties. It turns out that Bai Yi and they are now cooperating at the United Nations. After alleviating, the two sides looked at Mo Mo, I don't know what effect the mysterious fruit would have after eating it.

Momo ate all the last fruit and licked his lips.

"how about it?"

"I don't know, it feels very important, but I don't feel anything when I eat it," Mo Mo replied.

This answer made everyone very surprised, but there was no feeling. Everyone thought... Why did they suddenly become elemental bodies, or rubbermen, or ghosts? Bai Yi couldn't help covering his forehead, and suddenly burst out laughing, really, why did he think that the anime from a long time ago had gone on, this is not the devil fruit inside.

"It does not matter, it is estimated that the response is not so fast." Bai Yi said. After that, Bai Yi looked at Mei Weisi.

"It seems that you have experienced a lot." Mei Weisi saw Bai Yi looking over and said.

"Well, I did experience a lot." Bai Yi nodded. "What happened here, how could it be like this?"

"Shortly after you left, there was fighting outside Wellington, and several buildings were collapsed by the fighting. From that time, it seemed that a gap had occurred. The scope of the ghost town was gradually narrowing down and returning to the ordinary environment. Because We cannot exist for an ordinary environment for a long time, and will gradually dissipate. So all souls, whether ordinary ghosts or fierce souls, gradually move toward the center." Mei Weisi asked Bai Yi and couldn't help explaining.

Everyone listened very carefully, even Sarelli, it was a rare opportunity to understand things that had never been known before.

"The more you move towards the center, the closer you are to the Soul Ghost Tree. As you know, the Soul Tree has a strong attraction to ghosts. Continuously, whether it is a fierce or a ghost, it is gradually attracted to the past, completely It disappeared. A lot of souls were absorbed. The soul tree grew longer and flourished. As a result, it rained one day and the soul tree was split by thunder and a crack was created."

"Since then, the Soul Tree has gradually turned yellow. We thought that the Soul Tree was killed by lightning. However, after a while, a strange fruit grew in the place where the lightning was split. After that, the scope of the ghost town continued to shrink, and more and more souls were sucked into the Soul Release Tree. The Soul Release Tree became yellow and yellow, and the fruit became more and more mature until it was just picked by Mo Mo." Mei Wei Thinking objectively talked about the changes in Wellington. Do not mix any of your own views, so as not to mislead Bai Yi.

"Absorb the fruits of soul growth?"

"Change after being cut by thunder?"

"I don't know this." Mei Weisi said with a smile. It looks like this on the surface, but it is impossible to confirm whether it is.

"Well, so many things happened." Bai Yi nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Mayvis asked.

"The United Nations needs the branches of the Soul Tree. When we die now, if there are such branches around us, the soul will be sucked into the branches of the Soul Tree without dissipating. Can we be resurrected? Well, so that group of people attaches great importance to this thing." Bai Yi said.

"So this is ah."

"But it also happened. Fortunately, I came back in time. From today, let's return to the team." Bai Yi said to Mei Weisi.

" So, what are you going to do with this Soul Release Tree?" Bai Yi asked Sarelli.

"Of course it was cut off."

"Exactly, this tree is more than three meters in diameter and more than thirty meters high, how much can you take away."

Everyone looks at this Soul Release Tree. Before, the United Nations only wanted some branches. After all, it is self-evident how precious the Soul Release Tree is. Even if it is a fool, it does not intend to cut it down. But now that the tree is dead, then there is no need to be so scrupulous. However, such a big tree can never be taken away at once.

"Cut the branch first." Sarelli hesitated and pointed to a branching branch. Although dead, the Soul Release Tree is still huge. As to how to deal with this precious tree, they have no decision-making power, but they should first take a branch of the tree back as the United Nations instructed.

Bai Yi pulled out a red kiss and waved a few knives directly into the air. The air cut through and dropped the tree branch that Sarelli said. Each section was about two meters long, and the mouth of the bowl was divided into three sections. Because he died, he didn't even have a few branches, but he didn't need any special arrangement.

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