Era of Disaster

Chapter 225: Ice Lake Monster

Becky is studying food tonic, Nancy is studying attribute potions, and others have their own thing, is to study how to fight. M. In the team of Bai Yi, everyone's knife skills are good, because in their team of Bai Yi, knife skills have formed a systematic practice. But after entering LV2, each person has different attributes, possesses abilities similar to those in fantasy novels, and the fighting methods are naturally quite different.

However, as to how to fight, you can only rely on yourself to explore again.

Compared with the slow changes of others, the biggest change is Mo Mo, which is almost the same every day. Now Mo Mo can even drive the soul to attack.

It stands to reason that the most powerful in the soul is, of course, Mayvis and those evolved humans who entered LV2. But Momo did not drive their souls, which was not appropriate anyway. In the end Momo only driven the souls of ordinary human soldiers. Now Momo has been surrounded by twenty-one mayfly spirits. This is the soul of twenty-one ordinary people selected by Momo.

The souls of these ordinary human soldiers are not very strong, so Mo Mo needs their own soul-purifying flames to warm up. However, there is also a benefit to using the souls of these ordinary people, that is, there is not much surplus in their psyche, and their memories are basically forgotten, and only simple spiritual wit is available.

Compared with Momo, other people also have their own explorations and gains. Of course, there is no such a huge change in Momo.

It has been half a year since Bai Yi re-entered the North Peninsula of Devil's Island. The Institute has searched for 23, and no trace of King R has been found so far. The reason for this slowness is because Bai Yi's various explorations along the way slowed down the speed.

Although it is slow, in these research institutes, Bai Yi also found many useful things. Although they are all active cells for research, the focus of each research institute is somewhat different for their own benefit. These data just complement the shortcomings of Yeye.


Bai Yi and a group of people advanced above the snowy mountains. This is the Mangawika Mountains in the middle of the North Peninsula of Devil Island. At an altitude of about 12m, there is already deep snow in the middle of the mountains. According to the map, there is an institute here, and I don't know what those people thought at first. I ran to the center of the mountain to establish such an institute. Fortunately, Bai Yi can run even in this kind of environment, otherwise it is called strenuous.

"Go on like this, don't know when to find."

Bai Yi stopped on a branch, and the snow on it fell suddenly, but all of them bounced off when they touched Bai Yi.

Bai Yi took the map, compared the theodolite, and took two shots.

"Bai Yi, what's wrong?" Woolf asked, sitting in the snow below.

"This place seems to have a strong magnetic field, which affects the effect of the theodolite. It is impossible to accurately measure the latitude and longitude and confirm the location of the research institute." Bai Yi looked at the changing numbers on the theodolite and frowned helplessly. The surface of Devil's Island doesn't look big, but a few people ran inside to see if it's big. If you don't know the exact location, how to find the research institutes hidden underground.

"What about then?"

"You can only look carefully. Since it is a research institute, there must have been some traces before." Bai Yi said a word, and then looked at others. "Separate, divide into four groups, and gather at that mountain two hours later." Bai Yi said, pointing to a dangerous mountain. Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and then divided into four groups, spreading all around.

Bai Yi and Alodia are in a small group. Since the last incident, the others did not say anything, but they are also creating opportunities for them to be alone.

Bai Yi did not refuse, but did not have a loving attitude towards Alodia. Alottia knew very well that Bai Yi must be thinking about the red Qihua. And Alottia, as she said, just looked at Bai Yi's back. Between the two, there is no such ardent love of the Shanmeng League, but this light and warm feeling is more ambiguous.


Bai stretched out his hands and looked at Alortia.

Alottia was a little shy at first, but soon she calmed down and came over. Bai Yi hugged a princess, hugged Alortia, and then spread the wings behind her, and flew into the sky at once. Alodia held Bai Yi's neck with both hands. After looking at Bai Yi's profile for a while, he began to concentrate and check with Bai Yi whether there was any trace of human activity in the Xueling below.

Bai Yi's flight speed is not fast, just glide slowly, the magnificent scenery of Xueling glides continuously under the two of them.

After looking for a while, Bai Yi couldn't help but confirm that he really couldn't find any trace of human life. These vegetations are fused with active cells and grow very fast, which has long completely covered the traces of human activities. However, at this time, Bai Yi saw a lot of snow mist far away to the east. Bai Yi's pupil turned against the flower and carefully looked at the reverse movement, as if there was no natural snow mist.

Bai Yi turned directly and flew towards there.

The closer they are to each other, the more certain Bai Yi and Alodia are, where there is clearly a fierce battle. When Bai Yi arrived, they discovered that fierce fighting was taking place on the edge of a broken ice lake. One side is six evolutionary humans with different appearances, while the other side is a creature covered with transparent ice on the back like a beetle. The creature's body is more than 30 meters long and more than 20 meters wide. There are dozens of long legs around the body that are sharp and fierce. There are four tentacles on the edge of the huge mouth.

When Bai Yifei came, he saw this beetle monster spraying frozen mist from the hole on the edge of the beetle. An unavoidable evolutionary human suddenly fell to the ground.

"Ariza!" the man's teammate shouted in horror.

But everyone only saw that Ariza started freezing from both legs and became frozen ice. At this time, a tentacle of the beetle rolled, rolling up this man named Ariza, and sent it towards his mouth.

Bai Yi and Alodia flew, and they could clearly see four consecutive rows of sharp teeth in the mouth, and can imagine what would happen if they were rolled into the mouth. Bai Yi pulled out a red kiss and immediately struck the giant tentacle. There was a dull impact with a snap, the tentacle just undulated a circle of ripples, and after a violent shock, it returned to normal.

Energy defense!

Bai Yi and Alodia said in their hearts that they have recently explored this type of defense, which can greatly resist the impact, but did not expect that this monster will. At this time, the tentacle had continued to roll the man named Ariza towards his mouth. If you delay for a while, this guy is definitely not saved.

"You go down first!" Bai Yi said to Alodia.

"Hmm!" Alodia nodded, then released her hands and fell from the height of more than 100 meters towards the ground.

At this time, Bai Yi's wings were shocked, and his right foot was kicked hard behind him, just like borrowing something on a hard object. Bai Yi's speed suddenly doubled, and instantly rushed into the monster's mouth. At this time, Bai Yi's wings had been put away. When flying, the speed of the wings was indeed very fast, but if you really fight in the air, if you only rely on the wings, the small-scale rotation and avoidance will be dull.

The air under his feet was controlled by Bai Yi to form a pedal in an instant. It seemed that Bai Yi was running in the air. Bai Yi instantly approached the tentacle that wrapped up Ariza, and then recovered his right fist.

Progress moves thrashing!

Now Bai Yi's Taijiquan they have learned has not followed the original routine of Taiji, but has entered a realm of divine form. Bai Yi's body tightened instantly, and the body was like a big bow. The strength of the whole body started from the heel and was instantly transferred to the right fist.

With a hum, the air swayed towards the surroundings in an instant, and the tentacle shivered abruptly, letting go suddenly. By this time, Bai Yi had taken advantage of the air, and his left hand was attached to the body of the frozen Ariza. A Tai Chi's softness sent Ariza out. The frozen Ariza flew out, while Bai Yi stepped on the air again, facing the monster inside the ice lake.

With a smile on his face, Bai Yi kept hiding in the air, his hands colliding with several tentacles of this monster. Tai Chi is used in Bai Yi's hands with great flexibility. Every time the body collides with these tentacles, a circle of airflow will sway. Every time this monster wants to curl Bai Yi, it is always easy Swing away.

"Is it possible to be quiet first? I don't mean to be enemies with you. When my daughter comes over, it will probably be Yini's pupil turned slightly, facing this weird one. The creature said. Bai Yi didn't see exactly where the creature's eyes were, and wasn't sure if the monster could understand what he meant, but Bai Yi did not have much fighting breath.

It happened that four tentacles were smashed down at the same time. Bai Yi pushed a hand and used the tentacle to force the air under his feet to condense again. Bai Yi's body jumped back quickly, stepped on the air and landed on the ground.

At this time, those five evolved humans had taken Ariza back and were anxiously helpless. All the people in Ariza are frozen in ice cubes, which is frozen so quickly. In addition, Ariza is an evolved human. There is a different kind of energy in the body. It must not be dead, but it is not good to go on like this.

At this time, the beetle-like monster also stopped, and his body was lying inside the ice lake, leaving only two tentacles swinging outside. This guy didn't understand Bai Yi's words, but was very alert to Bai Yi.

If he hadn't seen the face of this guy for a long time, it is estimated that Bai Yi would still regard this guy as a huge floating ice in the ice lake.

"Can you tell me how you got this guy?" Bai Yi didn't look back, but said to the five panicked people.

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