Era of Disaster

Chapter 253: family

Everyone moved, and Bai Yi took Alodia to fly out, ready to find others in the line. At the same time, Bai Yi is still thinking about the reason and purpose of the people behind this incident. Bai Yi was thinking, but he didn't lose his vigilance. During the flight, Bai Yi suddenly turned his head to the side. A mile away from the side, a flash of light flashed away.

Bai Yi looked down and found a young man with an oriental face.

The attack just now was obviously a hello, not to attack Bai Yi, so Bai Yi fell down below. The face of this man in his mid-thirties, with a smile on his face, seemed to show apathy and alienation. The two looked at each other and looked at each other carefully. The man on the opposite side should be in a high position for a long time. Just looking at each other calmly can bring pressure. However, this has no effect on people who have nothing to ask or fear.

"Your daughter is in that direction. The position of the others is unclear." The man pointed in one direction and said. Seeing that Bai Yi was still calm, the man added with a smile. "Your family is also very good." Bai Yi's face finally changed slightly, and by this time, the man had turned and left in another direction.

"Uncle Bai!" Alodia looked at Bai Yi worriedly. The family that the man added later is obviously not Momo.

"Well, I know." Bai Yi said heavily. Speaking Chinese, and then involving the family members that Bai Yi never mentioned, then it is not difficult to speculate on the identity and purpose of this man.

"Don't worry, there won't be such a situation of being threatened. Although my parents are just two ordinary people, they are very open-minded and they will support my choice. Anyway, I taught them. "Bai Yi said to Alodia. Alotija was relieved at first, but was quickly surprised...Uncle Bai's tone.

"Uncle Bai's parents are very kind.?


"Well, it’s very gentle. My family just opened a small restaurant. My dad is a little fat. I don’t always say that he has a wide body and a fat body, so there seems to be nothing to make him angry. The mom is just an ordinary woman. It was nagging at me, but it was all about caring..." Bai Yi and Alodia said about the past in their homes, and there was a nostalgic look on their faces. Bai Yi never said these things on Devil's Island, initially because Bai Yi didn't know if he could survive. After having a lot of power, Bai Yi still did not say, just thinking about the day when his parents would be used by others.

Really, are you here!


In the direction that Bai Yi and Alodia were heading for, Mo Mo sensed the position of several people through the Soul Butterfly, and immediately flew directly towards there without any hesitation. There is no doubt that these people are the ones who plan something behind them. Mo Mo is not a fool. Although they killed Isaac as they wished, they will not let them go.

Eat the soul!

Numerous spirit-eating butterflies and mayfly swarmed around in an instant and surrounded the five.

One of them drew his right hand, and a blaze of flame swayed around his body instantaneously, covering himself in. The other three also immediately launched their own defenses, apparently knowing the spirit-eating butterfly and the mayfly spirit very well. At this time, the headed man suddenly folded his hands and undulated a wave of ripples from his body. With a buzzing sound, all the spirit-eating butterflies and ephemera suddenly seemed to stagnate, all standing still in the air.

"Go, don't waste time here!" the man said, then walked out.

Momo drove in the direction of these five people, and in the institute, the guards went forward and succeeded in blocking Momo. Suddenly, various attacks flew around the institute, and it seemed that the whole institute would not stop unless it was destroyed.

"Go away!" Momo was also annoyed by this group of people after several consecutive times.

Soul charm? Sleep of death!

Mo Mo floats in the air, hair is scattered towards the back of the body, the whole person is as if completely free of gravity, the whole person is extremely quiet and sacred-but this is the sacredness that represents death!

Dead seal!

Momo made a seal with his right hand, and the life field fluctuated instantly. All the people who were still attacking Momo seemed to be penetrated by something in their minds, and then their eyes gradually became dull. These people gradually walked towards Momo, and only a few steps later, they fell to the ground one after another, and their souls went to Momo completely unaware. In less than a moment, the souls of these people disappeared directly in the White Nether Realm, and their corpses fell to the ground inanimately.

Among all people, only a few of them who entered lv3 were able to resist. At this time, they were frightened to avoid the distance. The strength gap is too big, and Mo Mo is still the most mysterious soul ability. After killing hundreds of people at a time, these people who have entered lv3 are not afraid to stop Mo Mo.

Everyone fell to the ground, Mo Mo did not fall from the sky, but flew out instantly.

The five people in the research institute just ran out of another secret exit and immediately saw Momo floating in the air. Before waiting for a shocked look on the faces of five people, Mo Mo immediately waved his sword.

Hellfire Sword? Gluttonous Evil Spirit!

A black streamer flashed instantaneously, and the person who rushed to the front suddenly felt a cold chest, and the upper body and the lower body instantly separated. Although the other four flashed in time behind, they were also taken aback. At this time, the cracks in the White Nether Realm instantly ignited a dark and transparent flame, and countless mayfly spirits swarmed out from inside. Although several people wondered how Mo Mo ran in front of them, they reacted instantly and immediately started to fight back.

Stagnant field!

The captain of the team led by Bazel suddenly slammed his hands together. In a flash, all the spirit-eating butterflies and ephemera were suddenly frozen in the air. Beside him, the flame-type Bohr's hands formed a few prints, and then his hands were suddenly pressed downwards-Dayan circle. Centering on Bohr, the huge flame suddenly involved all four of them, and then spread quickly towards the surroundings. Soul-eating butterflies and mayfly lingering in the air by the stagnation field were suddenly submerged in flames.

"Do I have to prepare?" Schmidt asked.

"Prepare first!" Bazel said.

Schmidt heard Basel say this, and immediately cut a wound in his heart, then took out a small bottle and dripped the blood on his wound. After touching the wound, the blood immediately integrated into Schmidt's body, and then Schmidt's body shook instantly.

Yu Yan Sword? Great shock!

Before waiting for several people to finish talking, Mo Mo had once again chopped a knife, and the dark white Hellfire cut in a ripple toward the front. But at this moment, the remaining woman, Octavire, suddenly rushed out, waving a white sword in his hand instantly. The knife qi of the two sides slammed together in the air. With a hum, a huge shock swayed towards the surroundings. On the side of Mo Mo, it was the quietly burning white ghost prison, and on the opposite side. , It is the condensation of frost.

The extremely cold energy system... But Mo Mo is not concerned about this, but the knife style used by the woman just now.

The same is a big shock wave!

Mo Mo's eyes were cold. The knife skills in Bai Yi's team had never been told to outsiders, and only the talents in the team knew all about it. Mo Mo had long felt wrong. Although Jinjila only had lv2, he never took a detour because it was later. He was even stronger than they were in lv2. How could he be brought to this place without such resistance. It turned out that there was a traitor in the team... No, it is estimated that it is only undercover.

At this time, the three maya spirits of Vera gathered from the surroundings to Mo Mo's side, and then said quietly.

Mo Mo's eyes changed a bit, so it turned out to be Roman!

"Great shock wave learns well!" Mo Mo said flatly.

The faces on the opposite side changed a few times, and Octavire flicked the long white knife in his hand, and the cold breath surrounded the body. "Thanks for the compliment, but it's still a lot worse than Miss Momo." On the ground is the impact range formed by the big shock wave of the two people just now. Momo's big shock wave completely suppressed Octavire, only around Octavire. A conical protective area is formed.

"I admit that I have played the sword technique to a very high level. Why is there such a huge difference? Am I not learning enough?" Oktaweier looked at Mo Mo in doubt.


"Hahahahahaha." Mo Mo wondered for a while and then laughed loudly. Obviously it was a But when Mo Mo smiled, he didn't seem crazy at all, but had a noble atmosphere. At least, the four people opposite felt this way, and they didn't feel disgusted at all.

"Incomplete learning, do you mean, do we hide the real knife skills from Roman."

"Roman... do you really know." Octavier was surprised before he said. The meaning is self-evident, since knowing that Roman is undercover, then the information brought back by Roman must be incomplete. Then the power of the big shock wave is not as natural as Momo.

"Poor mind!"

"Roman knows complete information. Everything in the team is not hidden or biased from anyone. Your big shock wave is not bad. Obviously Roman also brought you complete information. Not as good as me, but It's just a gap in strength, no need to find any reason. If I knew Romain was undercover, I wouldn't let him bring back any information, I would kill him directly." Mo Mo looked at several people proudly and contemptuously.

Mo Mo Hei Dao turned around, his left hand wiped from above.

Although the energy is now partial, you can use other attack methods, but Mo Mo still likes to use a knife.

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