Era of Disaster

Chapter 362: Icethorn

So far, many of the evolved humans have become celebrities, with strong fighting power, Zhang Kuang’s uniqueness, which is completely different from the singers and movie stars in the peaceful era. M♠ doesn't need to preach specifically, as long as you have longing and longing for that power, ordinary people will take the initiative to collect their information. Among these people, the most famous are obviously Bai Yi and Mo Mo who have appeared in Qatar and Rìben.

People may not be able to recognize them after they are far away, but for Shapi they are such special beasts, they will definitely not be mistaken.

Although Bai Yi did not intend to fight here, in fact, it was not intended to fight. But at the moment when Sharpi and Moxibustion appeared, the nearby crowd began to panic. Just kidding, now the Fuji Volcano has not stopped erupting. God knows how these people came to China again. No matter what they do in China, it is definitely not a good thing for ordinary people.

After confirming this, the ordinary people around them suddenly began to run away frantically, avoiding the center of the city in panic.

So Momo said that it caused a lot of trouble to the ordinary people, because the following cities are more chaotic than imagined, they simply regarded Momo as a plague, and they escaped. Only those who are courageous and curious about Momo are still quietly looking at Momo.

The black halo opened, and Shapi and Ertai Lynx both returned to the Netherworld. The moxibustion bird then worked hard again and took three people back to the black market. They have not forgotten the fighting in the black market, and do not know what impact this sudden situation will have on Ningxue's actions. After returning to the black market, Momo immediately contacted Ningxue, and then Alotija and Ningxue talked.

"Sorry, it disrupted your plan of action."

"No, it's nothing. Although the black market has been destroyed, the goal has been achieved. In fact, I don't have the right force to manage such a black market now. If there is not enough power in this place, it will soon cause a lot of The annexation of forces. However, Bai Yihe is indeed a culprit, and it really happens wherever he goes." Ning Xue said jokingly. The reason why Alodia and Ning Xue talked is entirely because of this time together, Alodia and Ning Xue are already very familiar.

"No, it's actually something I drew." Alortia's voice was very low.

"Well, what happened?" Ning Xue suddenly heard it and asked subconsciously. But soon, Ning Xue knew that his question was obviously not the right time to ask. "Sorry, I didn't ask it on purpose. Don't say it if you don't want to."

"So, Princess Momo is also nearby, and I happen to want to tell a few things."

"Well, what's the matter?" Mo Mo asked.

"Actually, yesterday, the second rule of law appeared." Ning Xue's tone was solemnly solemn.

After Momo and his wife heard Ning Xue's words, their pupils contracted suddenly, and the previous depression disappeared instantly. After Ning Xue said this, he stopped for a while, apparently waiting for the three people to digest the news. Soon, Momo and his three men recovered.


"Grevis, the treasure of law-the thorns of the ice pattern! According to the message above, it should be a lance weapon, but the specific situation is not known." Ning Xue said.

"Grevis?" Momo three were slightly surprised.

Graves, the proud guy they met with Bai Yi on the devil's island ice lake, the first cultivation of the original atlas was summed up by this man. It can be said that Grevis is definitely a true genius. It is more difficult to perfect from scratch. After hearing the name Grevis, Momo and the three were surprised, but did not feel unacceptable.

"How did he awaken the law treasure?" Mo Mo asked.

"Well, it's very sad. I believe that if he can do it again, he will definitely not be willing to awaken the law treasure at such a price." Ning Xue said quietly.

"He, what happened?" Mo Mo asked quietly. Even if it is not particularly familiar, but Mo Mo can still guess how Grevis happened. Hearing Mo Mo's inquiry, Ning Xue was very surprised. Did Momo guess what happened to Grevis, but she hasn't said it yet. Thinking of Momo as the first treasure of the law of awakening, Ning Xue thought that Momo must have known something.

"The place chosen by Grevis is Switzerland, but he underestimated the power at the top of Switzerland, and there was a fierce battle between the two sides. In the battle, Graves' teammates died more than half, and even his wife died. Inside his arms." Ning Xue paused for a moment, and said incomparably.

Even if I didn't see this scene with my own eyes, several people can imagine how it would feel if his wife died in his arms. The deeper the love, the deeper the pain! Coupled with the death of more than half of his teammates, strong despair and regret, he called for the strength of his heart, and then awakened the rule of law. However, at this cost to awaken the rule of law, if you can choose again, it really is...

"What is the law treasure?" After a while, Ning Xue said quietly.

"Everyone in a large cosmic environment is bound to be bound by the laws of the universe. The laws of time, the law of cause and effect, the law of energy, the law of gravity, the law of life...

If it was a previous human being, it can only be passively subject to these laws-contact with flame will burn, low temperature environment will freeze, life will gradually age, and soul will naturally dissipate... However, after life is powerful, with a deeper perception of the entire world, in addition to still being constrained by various cosmic laws, life has also begun to feel these laws naturally, and has a touch of ability to stir.

The ultimate call of the soul, then there is an opportunity to sway the trajectories of the laws he perceives, and provoke this powerful force. This power represents the understanding of the laws of the universe by every life, and is a manifestation of power. "


After Momo finished talking about his understanding of the rule of law, his tone suddenly changed and said a but. Even Ning Xue, who first heard about this theory, knew what was behind it. The ultimate call of the soul is not just a simple word, but represents a memorable memory. Human feelings, the most extreme and pure feelings, usually occur at the moment of sorrow, such as despair, death, seeing through...

"At present, this news is only circulating among the top group of people in the world. For details, it is inconvenient to say this, and I will let people send the information." After a long time, Ning Xue said again.

"Well, trouble you." Mo Mo said.

"No, it's nothing. However, although others don't know Princess Momo's words, there are a lot of smart people, and you can definitely guess something from the situation of the two of you awakening law. Just don't know, in After speculating on this news, will they still yearn for the law treasures." Ning Xue said in a mocking tone.

"Of course... yearning!" Mo Mo said immediately.

Everyone suddenly fell silent again. Mo Mo was right, no matter how heavy the cost of this power is, but as long as it is power, someone will pursue it. However, this is obviously not something that can be obtained by simply chasing and yearning. In the moment of despair, it is caught in the ultimate and pure spiritual call. That is not something that can be pursued by deliberate pursuit. But if you really meet, maybe you won’t have time to change, and you will die completely. It seems that everyone is desperate before they die, but so far, only Momo and Grevis have awakened the treasures of the law.

"Then that's it, don't disturb a few." Ning Xue said.

"Huh." Mo Mo also nodded.


After ending the call, Ning Xue fell silent again. Fighting and conflicts are taking place in many parts of the world, and Switzerland is just one of them. Originally, this did not have any eye-catching features, but now, Grevis actually awakened the law treasure in the battle, then it is likely to have an impact on the current world pattern again. Mo Mo was right in saying that as long as it is power, someone will chase it, not to mention, this overwhelming power.

After Gravis awakened the thorns of the ice pattern, he regained the victory of the battle.

Overwhelming power!

Ning Xue sighed inwardly, then called out, and soon came a capable woman.

"Master Evil Princess!"

"Go to the black market and sort out a copy of Bai Yi's reasons for their runaway. Don't disturb Bai Yi and Mo Mo." Ning Xue said.

"Yes!" The woman replied respectfully, then exited the room.

Although Ning Xue had previously told Alotiah what was happening but as Ning Xue's current identity, he had to understand this matter. Although Bai Yi and her personal relationship are still quite good, but after all, it is not that kind of intimate relationship. On the contrary, between the two, they cannot be measured by simple enemies and friends. Knowing what Bai Yi encountered in the black market, Ning Xue could make a more accurate judgment.

One day later, Ning Xue only knew from the information reported below what had happened-Bai Yi actually hit the Hehuan mandala!

The battle triggered by the black market was actually a few women fighting against each other for jealousy. Not only did Bai Yi's personal secretary Alotiya, but even his daughter Mo Mo was involved. Ning Xue couldn't help laughing when she saw the news. This young feeling made her absolutely miss and absurd. However, when Ning Xue saw the final report that Hong Qihua really appeared, he was very solemn.


Ning Xue said this in her heart, when she watched Yu Han kill Hong Qihua herself. Is Hong Qihua really resurrected, or is the living xìng cell really so powerful that even people who have died can be resurrected? Ning Xue thought of Yu Han who was buried, and suddenly raised the urge to return to Devil Island immediately.

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