Era of Disaster

Chapter 398: Carduelis

The first to learn the news is that Western Australia, which is the researcher's partner, undoubtedly got the most in this competition. Although the complete data chip was deliberately circulated to distract other people's attention, the data of the original research institute, as well as various equipment, mostly fell into their hands.

At this time, a group of senior executives in Western Australia were watching the so-called space compression.

Inside a huge instrument, a hollow metal ball covered with red powder, the size of a fist, was placed in the center.

A researcher was explaining next to him. This researcher was the researcher who first made a deal with Western Australia-Taki. Although he spoke very carefully, the people watching outside were obviously not interested. You let the seniors take the time to understand the theoretical knowledge... It's just **** ridiculous. What they really care about is actually the result of this thing.

"That's it. The red crystal we found can compress the space under the stimulation of powerful energy. For the time being, we call this crystal a space crystal," Taki explained. In the end, this guy finally understood what the principle said to a group of senior executives was purely to play the piano to the cow, and said the process directly. After he finished speaking, he motioned for an assistant next to him to pull down the switch.

The powerful current energy surged inside the instrument. After a few minutes, the iron ball covered with red powder suddenly shrank towards the inside, shrinking to about one tenth.

"This is space compression?" said Theo's leader, a mature and dignified middle-aged man.

"Yes, sir."

"Are you kidding me?" Genero Smolgon looked at Taki indifferently.

"No, sir, I don't understand what you are saying, how could I do such a thing." After being surprised, Taki explained in a panic. Just kidding, if the opponent is angry, he'll be done.

"Compressing an iron ball is called space compression. You're not playing me." Genero's face was disgusting.

"No, lord, this is really space compression. We use hollow iron **** with fragile things inside. As long as the surface crystalline powder is washed away, it will return to normal within two to three days. If you don’t believe it, you can check what’s in it and it’s definitely not crushed. We’ve done this kind of experiment, so the doctor judged it’s not just volume compression, but space compression.” Taki was scared. Half dead, explained immediately.

"Is that true, Doctor?" Genero asked Dr. Okafor on the side.

Okafor was also captured by Western Australia. In fact, the importance Australia attached to Okafor was far above the researcher Taki. After all, space research was always hosted by Okafor. But in any case, Taki is willing to be sincere and can never behave so coldly.

"Well, he was right." Okafor is relatively calm now. Although he was taken aback when he was initially arrested, he quickly calmed down. This is how the world is now. With power, you have absolute say. For him, it was just another place to study. Western Australia is much stronger than Hound Philipp’s site, and the resources are more abundant. There is nothing unsatisfactory about Okafor.

"Is that true?" Genero groaned slightly.

"After compressing the hollow iron ball, can I put things in, just like a space ring." Genero asked.

"We have tried this, too, but it certainly doesn't meet your requirements now." Okafor nodded and shook his head again. "We used to experiment with an iron drum. After compression, it was about one-twentieth in size. The liquid can be put in, and it is the volume of a normal iron drum. But the solid matter cannot be put in. After all, the iron drum is shrinking. Yes, but the things to be loaded can't be reduced. Forcibly stuffing in from such a small barrel will destroy the structure of the object."

"Can't you put it in?"

"Yeah, it won't fit in."

"Ha ha ha ha, you group of idiots, spent so much energy, it was such a thing that was snatched back." Genero smiled slightly madly, but the anger in the laughter, the people around were not shudder. Obviously, Okafor's explanation has made their boss angry.

"Master Genero, please be angry. After all, space compression technology has just been discovered. It can't be used now, and it can't be said that it can't be used in the future. As long as the research continues, whether it is space weapons or space items, it is possible to study them." The gentle man in servant clothes stood up and said something.

Genero took a deep breath, pressed his eyebrows, then nodded.

"From now on, Western Australia will provide you with all the resources to research this thing to a useful level as soon as possible. Whoever researches you is a step ahead, whoever becomes the research chief." Genero confronted Okafor and Tower Kee said.

"Yes!" Takie replied with excitement.

"Research is my interest." Okafor, the old man, is much calmer.

"Then I wish you a happy study here." At this time, Genero's expression became gentle and friendly, and even patted Okafor's shoulder, and then walked out.

Seeing Genero leave, everyone around was relieved slightly. Since the first two years, Genero’s mood has become very unstable, often easy to lose control, and sometimes anger and sometimes gentle, so that the people below are completely unpredictable.

After Genero left, the gentle man servant stayed again and asked for more detailed things, such as what the so-called spatial crystallization is, where it was collected, how much is left, and so on. These things are the basis of research. It can be said that the reason why Genero can sit in the current position, this gentle man occupies most of the credit.


The institute also needs time to transform into a space research style, so Okafor is temporarily thinking about something by himself. As for that Taki, the ambition is even greater. Several candidates have been selected from the following researchers. They are prepared to teach them the space compression knowledge they have discovered so far, and they can become suitable assistants in the future.

"Hello, Dr. Okafor." It was only after Okafor returned to Western Australia that the room was arranged for him that he discovered there was a man inside.

"Hello, is there anything else now." Okafor thought the man was sent by Western Australia to find him. Just caught here, Okafor didn't know anyone.

"Please ask the doctor to visit me." Humphries said.

"Guest?" Although Okafor has been studying all the year round, he is not stupid. He heard Humphries say this and immediately understood it. Where is this man from Western Australia, obviously someone from another force outside, I don’t know how I sneaked in here and wanted to take him away.

"It turned out to be the case. I turned into a steamed bun." Okafor said.

"Doctor, you are really well known now. After all, not everyone can develop space compression technology." Humphries nodded.

"Actually, I don’t mind studying somewhere, but I have a request. If I’m not sure, don’t take me away. When I was robbed here, I was almost killed by you guys several times. I don’t want to be heartbeat anymore. Once." Okafor said. There are indeed such people who don’t get it, so they don’t want others to get it. Okafor may be safe when he is acquired by other forces alone, but he may be killed directly during the fight.

"This is for the doctor to rest assured, and I guarantee that it is most appropriate for the doctor to study with me, because my life field is also related to space." Humphries said.

"Space related!"

"Yes, then, let's leave." Humphries didn't explain more, and put his hand on Okafor's shoulder.

At the next moment, Okaforton felt a trance in front of his eyes, and then the whole person appeared in the air more than 100 meters high. Before waiting for Okafor to scream in shock, there was another change in front of him, which appeared in the higher air. After several consecutive times, the two reached a height of thousands of kilometers.

After coming to this height, the building below is already very small, so high, no one pays attention to what is in the sky. Humphries handed Okafor to a subordinate waiting in the air, and the three immediately flew out into the distance.

"Every time is about 150 meters away, is it space transmission or space replacement?" Okafor had no fear of being hijacked, instead he looked at Humphries with great his research subjects are Space compression, if there is an evolved human being also related to space, can certainly complement each other.

"It really is a doctor." Humphries praised Okafor, but did not say whether he was a space teleport or space replacement.


More than an hour later, someone in Western Australia discovered that Okafor was supposed to be missing in the room. A group of people in Western Australia was extremely angry, who took Okafor away. At this time, the gentle male servant was more cautious, and took away the people silently. If such a person is an assassin...

After Genero knew the news, he was suddenly imagining a huge anger from his mind, and the objects he was imagining immediately began to twist. A violent pain seemed to come from the depths of the soul, and after a while, Genero stood on his head.

"Catch me, and kill it when you find it!" Genero was incredibly disgusted.

At this time, Bai Yi was taking Bellulu to find in the direction of Tobias' departure. I saw a lot of forests and cities destroyed by fighting along the way, but it was not so easy to find someone.

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