Era of Disaster

Chapter 425: harsh environment

Bai Yi and they are not ordinary people, so even if walking in the desert, the speed is very fast. It took several people a day to come to the center of Egypt. You know, this is completely manpower, not those flying vehicles.

"Isn't there a pyramid in Egypt? Why haven't you seen one along the way?" Woolf said as he hurried.

"Egypt's pyramids are all near Cairo, where it is estimated that there are five or six hundred kilometers away from us. How can we see some pyramids." Bai Yi explained.

"Is that true, I thought I could see the pyramid as soon as I came to Egypt."

"How is it possible, how wrong is your idea. Just as if the Great Wall is an ancient civilization in China, but you might be able to see the Great Wall when you go to China. You can't see it if you don't go to a specific place. Such a large building." Bai Yi couldn't help crying. Woolf had been out there for three years, but it turned out to be this kind of carelessness, which hadn't changed at all.

"If you want to see the ruins of ancient civilizations, isn't that the underground ruins we went to this time. We have enough time, we can find a good one to check it out," Alottia said.

"Well, when we set off a little earlier this time, there is also a reason to go there to find out the terrain first. After all, it will be very important for everyone in this place to gather, if there is any unknown danger in it, it will be everyone If it hangs, it's funny." Bai Yi said.

After a random conversation, more often, everyone is rushing to save their own power. The desert is really not a place for leisure and relaxation. If it were not for Bai Yi, as evolved humans, they have become very powerful, and it is estimated that they will not be able to sustain it for a long time.

After walking in the desert for four days, Bai Yi and they didn't meet anyone, and they came to the meeting place indicated on the electronic locator.

It is still a desert here, and it is still a huge desert basin. If it is not guided by an electronic map, Bai Yi they really don’t know that there will be a huge relic below this place.

"There are no relics," Woolf said.

"The real ruins are right underneath this desert. If it can be found outside, it won’t take long for no one to find it. As there is no one outside, it should be because the climate here is not suitable for sending people to stay behind. . And the number of people dispatched is small, and there is no effect outside. After all, even if there are people left, there is no guarantee that they will be able to meet people of other forces exactly." Alotija explained.

"So what should we do, how can we enter that ruin?"

Although the electronic locator is referring to this, but a small point on the map is above the real earth, but I don't know how large the range is. There is no exact place, so in this vast desert, it is indeed very difficult to find the entrance of a ruin.

"This should be agreed by everyone who arrived first." Bai Yi said suddenly.

"Agree, what do you agree with?"

"Probably a test. Let the people who come here find it by themselves. Even if they can’t find it, they should be led into the ruins at the end. In itself, choosing the desert means testing. The joint summit, the right division is also needed. Speaking in terms of strength. If you can’t find the entrance of the ruins, the momentum of the speech will definitely be very insufficient in the subsequent joint summit. After all, if you are embarrassed before the start of the joint summit, how is it not a A small blow." Alottia analyzed.

"That's it. This is an invisible test. It doesn't count when you come here. You still need to find a way to go to the ruins with your own strength." Bai Yi nodded.

"Use a circular search to carefully explore this desert basin, and then see if there are any special places. After discovering any differences, come back here." Bai Yi said to the four people in the dark department.

"Yes." The four dark parts immediately ran out, and then quickly disappeared into the distance.

"Then we are so immobile."

"Of course, there are four of them, so we don't need to act." Bai Yi nodded.

"Huh? This is not compatible with your character. At this time, shouldn't you all do it yourself?" Woolf looked at Bai Yi in surprise.

"How could it be impossible for me to do everything by myself. The key is that the identity I am representing now is the owner of Bai Ming Lou. If everything requires me to do it myself, it will undoubtedly give other people a sense-Bai Ming The building has no useful grassroots staff except those of us on the upper floors. So at this time, it is better to show yourself the pride of being a superior." Bai Yi said slowly.

"Unable to understand." Woolf didn't understand.

"It means doing what suits your identity best. Master Bai Yi is now the owner of Bai Ming Lou, and of course it is impossible to do everything by himself." Alotija easily understood Bai Yi's statement.

This area is big and small, and Bai Yi and they are waiting here quietly. Alotija controls the yellow sand on the ground, forming a small crystal house under a sand dune. Obviously this is a waste of power, but this time, even Bai Yi did not stop Alottia. After seeing Bai Yi calmly sitting inside, Woolf realized something more and more, and did something that suits his identity.

Now Bai Yi and they are different, and their status is already very high. If they are still as guarded as before, they will give people a sense of incompatibility.

Alodia took out a few glasses and poured a glass of water for everyone.

Time gradually passed in the waiting of three people. The environment in this desert seems to be even worse than expected, and within less than half an hour, Bai Yi and they encountered a large sandstorm that almost buried all of them. Fortunately, Bai Yi and the three of them were unaffected in the small house made by Alortia.

"No problem, the climate here is worse than expected." Woolf said worriedly.

"No problem, after all, they are also evolutionary humans, and they have entered LV3. Even if it is not a perfect evolution, this weather can still cope." Bai Yi said.

This kind of sandstorm is a fatal crisis for ordinary people, but if the dark part can't even pass this kind of thing, then it is too weak.

But the next time, Bai Yi and they realized that it seems that the environment here is worse than expected. This is a basin, a desert basin. From a canyon in the east, a gust of wind continued to flow in, and then flowed in this basin to form a tornado sandstorm. The time when Bai Yi came in just now, it was just the moment when they met the calm down. At ordinary times, such a stable climate will never exceed three hours in a day.

After waiting for four or five hours here, after the still fierce sandstorm around, Bai Yi couldn't help worrying about the four dark parts. Fortunately, these four people did not disappoint Bai Yi and they approached the evening. Finally, the four of them finally came back, and took other people with them.

"Bai Yi, really you." A woman headed by Bai Yi was very excited after seeing them.

"Doris." Behind the woman, another man immediately reminded.

"Ah, sorry, I'm so excited to see Master Bai Yi." The woman named Doris calmed down after the man behind him pulled himself away.

"Are you?" Bai Yi asked slightly suspiciously. He doesn't seem to know this woman, but why is the other party so excited?

"I'm Doris, the one in Taumarunui, don't you remember." Doris said.

"Oh, Doris!"

Bai Yi recalled immediately after such a reminder from Doris. At that time, the active cells had just erupted. At that time, in the binge eating period, many people even began to devour their own kind in order to compete for ingredients. Of course Bai Yi remembered that they had eaten human flesh there, but they lived with hope in despair to motivate a group of people who were still there. The woman headed is called Doris.

Since the separation at that time, Bai Yi and Doris have not seen each other for nearly fifteen years. Moreover, Bai Yi didn't hear much news about Toris. Bai Yi thought that Doris had become one of the countless people who had fallen. Unexpectedly, after so many years, they would meet again here. I don't know what kind of experience they have experienced.

" I am Bradley, now the leader of Cyprus." The man introduced himself to Bai Yi.

"I'm Bai Yi." Bai Yi didn't hold his own identity, and introduced himself.

There were also six people on the opposite side, and a group of people obviously could not all enter the crystallization room. Fortunately, a few people across were also prepared for this kind of thing. Bradley put his hands on the dunes outside, and the soft dunes immediately bulged towards the outside, forming a huge and spacious space.

"Trouble Miss Alottia fixed this space." Bradley said.

"Hmm." Alortia nodded.

The ability of everyone around Bai Yi is no secret to the outside world. After Alodia started, the huge space quickly solidified, and then a group of talents entered and started talking. Of course, the first question at present is how to find the so-called underground remains in such bad weather.

When it was agreed to be in this place before, Bright never said that. This is obviously a test that the Bright man especially gave to everyone. If you can't even get through this, then don't think of speaking loudly after the joint summit.

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