Era of Disaster

Chapter 444: Dungeon

When Palmyro tried his best to persuade Bai Yi to go out to save people, Bai Yi said a light ‘can’, but instead made him a little silly. Clearly Yi Yi agreed to come down, but Palmiro did not feel the slightest joy at all, but instead felt like a clown, being played by others. The kind of disgusting feeling like eating **** really made him uncomfortable. However, no matter how uncomfortable he was, he dared not say anything to Bai Yi, and could only pretend to be very happy, and said thanks to Bai Yi.

"Then I will go." Bai Yi said, and walked out.

"What about the plan?" Palmiro was stupid. He also needs to inform Bai Yi of their whereabouts to strive for a perfect ambush.

However, Bai Yi ignored him and walked out of the conference room.

Palmiro felt humiliated and shivered excitedly for a moment. However, he finally suppressed the anger in his heart. There is no reason to say, let's not say that Bai Yi's strength makes him dare not provoke, even if Bai Yi and Alodia come here, they are not attributed to them, just to help. He had no guts and no excuses to talk to Bai Yi.

"The Bright Council is independent, and even the countries it joins are not qualified to say anything to them." Luigi explained.

But it's okay not to explain. One explanation made Palmiro even more inflamed: "I really don't know what you asked them to do." After that, Palmiro left angrily and said, His rights here are still quite large.

Luigi watched Palmiro leave coldly in the back, a sneer appeared in his heart.


The news from the opposite side was still very concealed, only slightly revealed that Marissa was still alive. If too much information is revealed, it will be very false. Of course, Bai Yi and they all believe that the other party will gradually reveal the information, and may cooperate with Luigi’s actions.

This kind of situation that both parties know, but secretly must act unaware, and then cooperate with each other, feels very subtle.

As for Bai Yi and Alodia, they are completely free, without being controlled by anyone, and without reporting their whereabouts.

Soon, Bai Yi and Alodia came to Marsala below Italy. This is a harbour city. The news came from here. Both Bai Yi and Alodia changed their costumes, and then gradually explored the news in the city. Continuous wars also make the city very chaotic and the destruction is huge. Human beings in this era seem to have been stimulated by fierceness.

It took two days for Bai Yi to make little progress on their side, but Luigi knew where Marissa was being held.

"It's really subtle and weird." Bai Yi said after knowing the last place and the actions of the two parties for two days.

"It's very delicate, but the people below are very pitiful." Alotiya said quietly.

The upper layers of both parties know what the real situation is. One party deliberately leaked the news, and the other party got the news. For the sake of truth, the following people are unaware of them. For the relevant information, these people also engaged in a series of brutal spy wars. For these people, they are really fighting with their lives. If you let them know the facts, they don't know what it will become.

It is estimated that there will be a kind of sad indignation betrayed by the upper class!

"You are still so kind." Bai Yi's fingers provoked Alortia's hair.

Soon, Bai Yi and Alodia came to the place where Marissa was detained-Fort Golfoforte. This is the last place to learn, Marissa is in this city, but where it is detained, the other party seems unwilling to disclose more. Both Bai Yi and Alodia changed their outfits and secretly came here to explore the city.

Soon, the two found that the place looked very simple, but the security in secret was very strict.

"The outside is loose and the inside is tight." Alottia said.

"Well, Alotija, guess where the other party is holding people?" Bai Yi asked.

"Where is it held?" Alortia wondered, how could she guess.

"From the point of view of ambush, it is nothing more than high-tech weapons plus powerful evolutionary human beings. Obviously, it is impossible for the other party to directly fight me directly. In order for high-tech weapons to be effective, they need to be in a specific position. Generally speaking, underground, this kind of place not only limits my speed, but also allows science and technology weapons to exert great effects, such as nuclear bombs and the like. And just right, the Golfforge Castle was built extensively below the city, There is an underground bunker." Bai Yi said.

The two stood at the top corner of a building and looked at the city below.

"There is also a possibility that in order to ensure the complete killing of the adult, the other party estimates that it is not only as simple as placing a nuclear bomb in the dungeon. Perhaps, on that Marisa, the other party has also done things." Alotija also added.

"You are right!" Bai Yi nodded.

Alotija next to Bai Yi is definitely not simply because of familiarity. In fact, Alodija is also very capable. Although obsessed with Bai Yi, he is definitely not a vase.

Since Bai Yi and Alodia are going to save Marissa, the most direct point is that Bai Yi and they will make close contact with Marissa. The other party can do this on Marissa's body. Even if Bai Yi avoided the first ambush, they probably died in Marisa's hands when they were careless. However, now that it is known, will the other party succeed so simply.

"Can you hide your life field?" Bai Yi asked.

"Sorry, not yet." Alortia lowered her head.

"It doesn't matter, then follow me." Bai Yi said, opening the life field, and the surrounding buildings, crowds, and underground tracks suddenly appeared in his mind.

Bai Yi jumped suddenly after standing for a moment, then turned around and entered a street, and then disappeared from his blind spot before a dark whistle turned around. And Alottia followed Bai Yi similarly, fearing that he would be lost at this time.


When everyone enters LV3, the life field will break through the body and transmit to the outside of the body. For everyone, this is like a radioactive source. Generally speaking, as long as it is not a special evolutionary human being, the life fields of two people can perceive each other's existence when they superimpose each other.

This effect is good, and trouble is also trouble. For example, now Bai Yi needs to let go of the life field to clearly perceive the surrounding terrain, so as to avoid the dark whistle. However, there must be other LV3 people here. If the other party easily perceives the life fields of Bai Yi and Alodia, then the effect of hiding traces is lost.

Life Field Hidden——

In Japanese evolutionary humans, even if a woman has a life field open, no one else can perceive her. Moreover, her life field can also shield other people's life field perception. This woman was the dyed valley hidden fragrance that helped Master Kanda escape once.

Because this ability is very effective, Momo gradually analyzed her life field when she was in Japan, simulating a way to hide the life field. The life field is still open, and you can perceive the situation of the outside world, but you cannot find the existence of this life field in the perception of others.

This simulated way of hiding the life field is still very imperfect, too complicated and expensive to hide completely... However, even in this imperfect way of hiding life, few people can do it. However, this has already taken the first step at least, and there will always be time for improvement in the future.


Bai Yi walked with Alodia at high speed in the city, evaded, then came to a remote corner and opened the cover of a sewer.

Without any hesitation, the two entered the sewer, and the lid closed again before an electronic eye was transferred. The electronic eye turned around and found nothing, and then continued to search for other places according to the program.

Alodia followed closely behind Bai Yi with no change in her face. Even if this place is a sewer, Bai Yi and Alodia are not uncomfortable. Neither of them is the kind of spoiled person I didn't know how many things I experienced, how could I complain about this kind of thing.

After coming to a place in the sewer, Bai Yi pulled out a long knife and cut it slightly. A hole suddenly appeared on the wall of the sewer. After taking out the stone at the entrance, Bai Yicai reinserted the stone back to the original place.

An electronic radar swept through, and there were two signs of life running on it, but it was faint, similar to those of rat snakes. The person responsible for the observation glanced at it, and then he didn't care anymore, and continued to joke with the teammates next to him. The man didn't find out that the speed of these two lives was very abnormal, and the mouse could not run so fast.

This is entirely because Bai Yi's life field hiding is not yet perfect. If it is dyed by Gu Yin, there is simply no detector to find her.

Fortunately, the above people are also careless guys, and did not notice this clue at all. When he turned around again, there was no trace of Bai Yi and Alodia on the radar.

At this time, in the depths of the underground bunker, a woman sat quietly in the room. Looking at the weird arrangement around her inexplicably, in order to prevent her from escaping, it is not necessary to be so strict. And what's it like to help her before?

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