Era of Disaster

Chapter 53: hunting

Nothing happened at night. After washing in the morning, everyone was ready to go. The only episode is that Woolf's toothbrush is not very easy to use. Woolf grabbed his toothbrush and couldn't get to his own terrifying crocodile-like mouth.

"Asshole!" Woolf finally got anxious, angry for no reason, and smashed the faucet.


Bai Yi looked at Woolf slightly, observing Woolf's actions. Woolf is a little grumpy, is it because of the recent pressure, or... However, this is indeed a problem. As the size of the body changes more and more, the original human daily necessities have gradually become unsuitable for the current body shape. Woolf, for example, is not just a toothbrush, but even clothes and trousers are stitched together after several pieces of clothing are split.

"Okay, don't be angry, just wash it, we should start." Bai Yi patted Woolf's back, and then said.

"Well, I see." Woolf nodded, and some grumpy emotions gradually eased.

When Bai Yi saw Woolf calm down, he didn't continue to say anything, but Bai Yi's heart slightly raised his vigilance. The name of the group of researchers is definitely not a joke. In fact, an important criterion for researchers is to seek truth from facts. LV1-1 is the binge eating period, and LV1-2 is the violent period, then it will definitely appear.


Along the way, there was no moth, and Bai Yi and his party entered the next city smoothly along the road. As for the scene of the accident, it was not an accident at all. As soon as it entered the edge of the city, the sky began to drizzle, and the whole Tikuiti looked very cool.

Tikuiti is in a small basin surrounded by small hills. Because of geographic size, it is not a big city.

It was very quiet. The four or two cars gradually drove from Tikuiti, even the slightest movement of the creature was not found. Not only are there no evolutionary creatures, but also no human shadow.

"Strange, there should be no monsters in Tikuiti, and there are not many signs of major destruction here, people?" Sarah asked through the wireless communicator.

"No one is normal, because this is the city!" Bai Yi said.

"Why, shouldn't cities have more people?"

"I said... that was a normal city in the past. There are indeed a lot of people, but it is different now. Because of the huge consumption of ingredients in the binge eating period, there will not be many people in the city.

"Let’s tell you this, the general city is a pure consumer rather than a producer. Food stuff like this, because it has to be kept fresh, has always been mobile. Generally speaking, all food ingredients in a city, It won’t exceed everyone’s one-week limit."

"A week, so little?" Not only Sarah was shocked, but others also heard a surprised voice through the communicator.

"I see a lot of things in the supermarket. Why doesn't it look like it can only be used for a week." Heloise also added.

"So I said that the ingredients in the city are flowing. You usually see a lot because the ingredients in the city are being replenished from the outside world at any time, such as those farms and vegetable gardens. But now it is different. New Zealand has suddenly changed dramatically. This circulation is early. It’s over, and without the supplement of the outside world, the whole city is nothing more than a pure steel forest. Generally speaking, even the most stupid people, after finding that they can’t find food in the city, will gradually move towards the surroundings. Leaving, such as those farms, fields in the countryside, and even forests that humans don’t often set foot in."

"Therefore, it is only so quiet in the city. Of course there are people, but there must be very few." Bai Yi finally concluded.

"It turned out to be the case, it turned out to be the case."

"However, Bai Yi, I really don't see it. It turns out that you know a lot." Sarah immediately revealed the next half of the sentence and ridiculed Bai Yi with great care.

"I'm a chef, I know something about ingredients," Bai Yi said indifferently.

What Bai Yi did not say is that this city is also just quiet on the surface. In the era when New Zealand has completely collapsed, it is hidden in the dark, but it does not know what is happening. You know, in many ancient Chinese history, there was that kind of description of the extremely famine era.

Since nothing happened along the way, Bai Yi did not stop in this city and continued to drive towards the next city.

The next city is Taumarunui, this city is very far away, it can be said that it is the sum of several cities from Hamilton to Tikuiti. Moreover, there is no city in the middle that can be supplemented like before. Fortunately, there are also many residents in the middle, but they are all individual households and some small farmers.


"Martin, help me to stop. This guy has enough food for several days." Woolf roared, chasing behind a ``cow'' like an ancient beast.

All living organisms in New Zealand have parasitic active cells and have begun to undergo huge changes. But as Bai Yi said before, the'common sense' formed by the body before still affects these individuals. For example, these cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock, although their body shape has changed greatly, like monsters, but some still live on the original farm, eating grass.

Of course, by now, it is not easy to find such an original farm animal. Most of them either go further or are caught and eaten by humans.

The cow that Woolf chased was more than three meters high, with a pair of thin wings on his back, just like the kind of bullfly. But this guy couldn't fly at all, still ramming on the ground. However, this guy's quadruped became a little weird, and his jumping ability was terrible. One jump was more than ten meters, and he ran fast in the grass that grew more than one meter deep.

Seeing Martin stuck in the front, the cow didn't attack Martin. He bounced **** his hind foot and jumped directly into the grass so deep that he flew over Martin's head. Although he can't fly yet, the cow instinctively spreads its wings slightly, and has a tendency to glide.

Martin looked at the cow flying over his head, hoping to jump to catch the hoof, but he still didn't have the courage to look at the huge figure.

"Hey, I am grass, no wonder this guy stays here, exhausting me." Woolf stumbled again in the grass and nibbled the blade of grass before crawling up.

"Bai Yi, use a gun, it really can't catch up." Woolf shouted at Bai Yi over there.

In order to make everyone more familiar with his changing body, Bai Yi ordered that if it is not necessary, use as few guns as possible, but use his own body to hunt, this is the fastest way to get familiar with the body.

Bai Yi heard Woolf's cry, glanced over there, and didn't speak. In fact, with Woolf and Martin their current physical qualities, they can completely hunt this "less dangerous" cow empty-handed. It's just that Woolf and Martin's common sense is still restraining them, so they are shy and still dare not to do it, otherwise Martin can just pull the cow from the air just now.

"Continue, your task today is to hunt this cow, and be careful not to splash blood. Unless you want to fuse its genes." Bai Yi did not agree with Woolf's request.

Woolf and Martin saw Bai Yi's look and knew that this time they had no negotiation. They could not help but continue to chase the cow. Unconsciously, the cow ran deeper, and soon Woolf and Martin disappeared into the grass and bushes, making it impossible to see the figure.

"Hong Qihua, you help them." Bai Yi said.

"Huh!" Hong Qihua nodded, her body jumping gracefully like a cat, barefoot and silent, and then ran out quickly.

Cat elegance!

Soon, Hong Qihua caught up with the two, looking at the direction of the two and the cow running, Hong Qihua quickly ran towards a big tree, and then easily climbed up and quickly followed A branch ran towards the tip. During the spray run, Hong Qihua's eyes became extremely pure and reflected the surrounding conditions not only the two people and the cow they are chasing, but also the tree above movement.

A worm with wings and fangs suddenly flew out from under the leaves when Hong Qihua ran across the branches, but Hong Qihua's short knife had been cut.

With an undetectable sneer, the bug split in half. By this time, Hong Qihua had jumped lightly from the branches. At this time, the mutated cow ran right under the branch. Like a real cat, Hong Qihua landed lightly on the top of the cow's head. While the body squatted slightly, two short knives crossed its eyes from both sides.

"Moo...!" a shrill cow screamed.

Hong Qihua completely ignored the scream of the cow, and ran easily from the back of the cow before falling to the ground. Hong Qihua, who fell on the ground, waved her hands quickly, leaving a double image in the air. The blood stained on it was all dumped. Then Hong Qihua inserted two short knives into the scabbard on the back.

"Hong Qihua, why are you here."

"Uncle Bai said that the jungle is too dangerous for us now, let me help you, speed, kill this guy, and then go back quickly." Hong Qihua said, but did not continue to start. If a mutated cow with both eyes blind now cannot be solved, it is difficult for Bai Yi to train them during this time.

"Really, I'll ask you to help me again. Look at me." Woolf rushed up, grabbing his terrible heavy chopper.

Blind mutant cattle, of course, will not be the opponents of Woolf and Martin, but the two still spent a little effort. Because the two of them want to prevent being contaminated by the blood of the mutated cow, they still have some straitjackets. It is estimated that only after everyone's gene fusion position is full, can the body completely let go of the battle.

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