Era of Disaster

Chapter 660: stagger

"Eh, this guy has good strength, don't do it first, just try Shen Wu's fighting ability.

The battles here are handled night after night and should be enough.

Although Fang Jinshi looked a bit weird in the data, Bai Yi didn't pay much attention to it. After the identity is getting higher and higher, it is impossible to cover everything. Bai Yi's current identity is more important to the situation of the entire world. For example, the relationship between humans and human-like intelligent races, there is still the problem of shady.

The reported news was about Lin Yang and Novija who went to clear the shady remains. It's not as easy as expected. It took them several months to get started after they got the information. But now it seems that the other party is not as easy to deal with as expected. In particular, when knowing that it is impossible to escape, the other party is desperate.

"Send two more people in the past." Bai Yi didn't think long.

The newly dispatched people are the other two of the previous six candidates. Since it can be a backup candidate, it shows that their power must have merit. In fact, before the CEO is finalized, even Lin Yang and Novija cannot say that they will become CEOs, maybe there will be changes. Bai Yi dealt with this matter seriously, and did not know how well the fighting was going on.


In fact, even if he didn't use a Chinese realm, Fang Jinshi felt extremely difficult to fight. He believed that the killer's methamphetamine had no effect at all. After some fighting, Fang Jin breathed heavily. At this time, he was also more certain that poison can be used as a temporary rely, but if he wants to stand at the top, what he needs is kingship, which is absolute strength.

How to do?

In the short buffer, Fang Jinshi seriously thought that this Shenwu was completely different from the enemies he met before. Incomparably indifferent and rational, as if there was no emotion at all. Just like a computer, the kind of attack that can guarantee the most precision at any time makes Fang Jinshi's nerves tight, afraid that he might overturn the boat if he accidentally happens.

At this time, the battle between the other three and Lilian did not prevail. They want to help Fang Jinshi, but Lilian is enough for them to deal with. When I used to be a teammate, I still felt that Lilian was extremely reliable. At this time, after fighting, they found Lilian difficult. Is this the strength obtained by systematic education? Unlike their indiscriminate combat skills, Lilian's strength is the result of continuous improvement.

"Lilian, don't you explain?" Zhu Xiaoqiong asked angrily. How much can she not help in the battle? How much is she busy, but she has more time to let her mouth blow.

"Explain what?"

"You traitor, what do you say to explain."

"I've never been your teammate, remember what I said at the time, tentatively, following you for the time being." Lilian stepped on the chain in the air, avoiding Kunt's attack, and the chain scattered instantly. Form a defensive circle. Chain weapons are multi-end attacks, so they need a strong sense of self. Even during the battle, Lilian can still share her spirit and respond to Zhu Xiaoqiong's words.

"You...!" Zhu Xiaoqiong looked at Lilian angrily, but couldn't get in.

Perhaps, if Zhu Xiaoqiong grew up alone, it would be a lot harder, but that was also a good experience for her. But after joining Fang Jinshi's team, she gained enough protection, and she has become more and more delicate. Not to say strength, but mentality, has lost more and more autonomy. It seems that in her heart slowly came the idea that she should be protected by a man. There are also Liang Shengquan and Quint. Although the two easily obtained some powerful combat skills from Fang Jinshi, they lacked the experience and the spirit of their own research.

Seven Prison Locks? The realm of chains!

Suddenly, Lilian pulled her hands together, and the seven chains suddenly filled the surrounding space, covering all three of them. The three were suddenly taken aback, looking at the chains swimming around like snakes, and they couldn't help being surprised. Looking around, as if all around are chains, I don't know that it is hundreds of kilometers long.

How is it possible, how could it be so long?

However, Lilian obviously will not explain to them that with the continuous advancement of various technologies in the world, these refined weapons, combined with technology and new refining technology, have become more and more powerful, and various capabilities have become more and more powerful. comprehensive. It's almost like the magic weapon in the east, the magic weapon in the west, and so on. This seven prisoner lock, but a weapon made by Malvi, was redeemed by Lilian with a lot of points.

Lilian stood in the middle of the chain field and walked slowly towards the three people.

When the three people were in a bad situation, Fang Jinshi also felt a little difficult to support. If it weren't for the mad increase in strength during this time, I'm afraid he would have lost. However, he still feels that he has been exhausted very much until now. It is good that he merged Xiaoyu's original blood, but the level of active cells is improved step by step. Such a short time is not enough to instantly upgrade to a very high level. And the power of God is almost close to infinity. In the compressed space of the core, there is a small polymerization reactor.

What makes Fang Jinshi most difficult to deal with is that Shenwu's attack is too precise, with no deviation at all, and it is not like the level that humans can achieve.

Suddenly, Fang Jinshi shivered slightly.

Wait, it's not what humans can achieve, that is to say... Fang Jin suddenly recalled that there was no magic, and it was probably not human at all. Because as long as it is human, no matter how precise it is, there will always be a slight difference in movement. For example, if the same person does a very common chopping motion, there will be a slight difference at least seven or eight times out of ten. But smart puppets are different. Because of the program settings, their actions are very precise.

When Fang Jinshi remembered the previous life, at that time, because the Baiming Building fell apart, so there were not many dolls, but there were still many left. Basically, it's all the doll avatars called Ye Ye. Later, there were also large forces that imitated these puppets to make active puppets of similar abilities.

At the beginning, this kind of active puppet was very useful. It had no life and had a strong fighting power. But soon, its weakness was discovered. And this weakness is.

-Absolutely programmatic!

No matter how complicated an intelligent program is, it is always limited and cannot be as varied as humans. Programming can be an advantage, but it can also be a disadvantage. Especially when the opponent is targeted. As long as you seize the opportunity, you can find the opportunity under that absolutely accurate program and destroy their driving core.

Persecuted by God, Fang Jinshi's thinking quickly turned. The original blood of Xiaoyu fused in his body was also stimulated by this force, and began a deeper fusion, gradually improving Fang Jinshi's sense of consciousness. This is the so-called potential.

The magical attack just now!

Godless core!

In Fang Jinshi's mind, various ideas and pictures are becoming clearer and more concentrated.


At this time, Ye Ye hasn't noticed the change of Fang Jinshi, but just thinks this guy has half of Xiaoqiang's attributes. However, after all, it is an evolutionary human who grew up later, and it is still early to want to catch up with the top.

At this time, there was also a sudden battle in the school's canteen, which suddenly attracted attention.

The so-called battle is a scuffle between two active teams. Because of the last campus battle, there were some guys in the school who didn’t look at each other. Of course, it is only a competitive relationship, and occasionally let the other party show some ugliness or something.

And this time, it was this way. Originally, Salo was feeding Lunia, but Lunia was hit by someone and almost choked. Then I don't know what happened, it became a melee fight. The lower-class side, Salo, Runia, Ma Bao, swallow, and the upper-class side also has four people, which is a group that usually plays better.

At this time, the two sides did not move, but only used their own different energies to fight and blessed on various ‘weapons’. The so-called weapons are not even useful for knives and forks. They are actually all kinds of food. The ingredients in the college are very rich, including meat, fruits, desserts, etc.

Runia almost choked and coughed for several times before she stood up and came to the guy who just pushed him on purpose.

The people around him slowed down involuntarily, and then observed it interestingly.

&;~!&;Lunia pointed to McGee, then patted heavily on the desktop. With a snap, the soup on the table suddenly splashed away, and the people around immediately dodged towards the side. At this time, Lucia had grabbed a chicken leg and walked towards McGeeser. It's chicken legs, but it's bigger than the whole chicken.

Of course McGee wouldn't be left alone, and he immediately counterattacked. He also grabbed a steamed fish on the plate and fought with Lunia. The juice and seasonings were suddenly splashed. On Runia's side, it was frozen as soon as it flew out; on the other side, McGee's steamed fish was also blessed with heterogeneous energy, and its hardness was no less than a baseball bat.

Runia and McKee fought fast, and more and more things flew. Everyone around sees this situation and can't avoid it. Finally, after the two men fought back and forth, the chicken legs and steamed fish were broken at the same time, and then Lunia fell near the place where the fruit was placed.

"Bash them." Lunia shouted loudly.

"Oh!" Miao and Tong screamed excitedly.

"Humph, want to beat us, you are two years earlier." McGee squatted on the table and grimaced at Runia.

Runia stepped on the fruit field, and in an instant, countless fruits flew up, swallowing a tail, and pulled these fruits towards each other. Runia ran at high speed behind the fruit, grabbing two pieces of sugarcane from the side and cut it as a double knife. On the other side, McGee looked around and found that there was no unfinished dough over there. His eyes lit up. He immediately grabbed one end and threw it The dough was very soft After shaking, Ji became four or five meters long and could be used as a whip or a chain.

Although they are all fragile ingredients, they are no less than ordinary weapons under the blessing of heterogeneous energy. Of course, this is also a competition between the two parties for their own heterogeneous energy control and blessing capabilities.

Seeing Mara and Swallow rushing up excitedly, and the friend on the opposite side also joined the battle, Sarah knew that she couldn't stop. It's really quiet to be such a friend in the stall. Sarah looked around and directly picked two large watermelons, thrust her hands into it, and then lifted it up. Ha~ Look at my super watermelon punch. Speaking of which, although Sarah is calm, she is also a child.

Holding two watermelons twice as big as her head, Sarah rushed up.


Although the battle in the canteen seems to be a farce, it is much more interesting than the battle over there. Every night, I distracted involuntarily and watched the melee of a group of children with relish.

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