Era of Disaster

Chapter 665: Everyone's secret

The data is not very long, but everyone takes it very seriously and seems to want to discover something from it. When looking at it, everyone is also thinking about how these things will affect them and the earth. Are there any connections between the two things? After a while, all the talents put down the information one after another, and then looked at Bai Yi.

"Although only I am currently in lv4, I believe you will not think that you will be worse than me. What you lack is only time." Bai Yi said slowly.

"From the situation of Grevis and I, it is estimated that you can also guess that it is very difficult to enter lv4. It is a deeper transformation., Soul, consciousness... Everything needs to reach a new level. And To reach this level, all that is needed is a lot of grabbing from the outside world. The two, just me and Grevis, have such a huge impact. If it is twenty or two hundred... Even more, what would happen to the earth if everyone grabbed a party like this?"

Bai Yi said slowly and clearly that everyone became different with Bai Yi's words.

They don't know what they think, but everyone here is calm and will not panic because of something that hasn't happened yet. However, apparent calmness does not mean that they do not take it seriously. As long as you think about the consequences carefully, you know that it is definitely not something that one can bear.

"Any mature world is the result of slow evolution. There is no doubt that the development of the earth in the past few decades is a mutation, and the result of this mutation, although it has led us to a path of self-evolution, but the same It may also bring total destruction." Darren said lazily, leaning on the chair.

"Destruction is just a guess, who can be sure?" Bright retorted.

"Oh, is it." Darren did not refute, but looked at Bai Yi instead. "President Bai Yi, can I ask a question."

"what is the problem?"

"How much energy do you consume and consume now?" Darren asked seriously.

"A lot!" Bai Yi answered, but there was no obvious number.

"Hehehe, then I know." Darren thanked Bai Yi with a smile.

Everyone looked at Bai Yi, and at the same time a slight guess in his heart. Evolutionary humans can cause great damage, the earth cracks, triggers tsunamis, and tears the sky, and these actions, according to the law of conservation of energy, consume a terrible amount of energy. Of course, energy needs to be obtained. All the energy originally comes from the transformation of active cells. After lv3, everyone's life form has changed, but it still has not got rid of the original life mode. And these converted energy, the resources ingested from outside, are also a terrifying quantity.

Although there is no obvious number, everyone here can understand what Bai Yi's words mean. After all, they are all people standing on top of the world. In fact, the energy they ingest from the outside world is enough to scare a large group of people. If it were not for the spread of living cells in the world today, supporting the entire biological chain of the earth, the earth would have already dried up.

The mutated active cells brought a leap of qualitative change, but if it is not handled well, it is just the splendor of the fireworks. Behind the gorgeousness is destruction.

Not to mention the mutation, even on the original earth, energy is also limited. Very early, scientists calculated how long the oil, coal, nuclear energy, geothermal, etc. on the earth can support humans. After these times, if humans do not make changes, they will usher in a large decline, and then perish.

In the current situation, the sudden evolution of human beings is just to make this process faster.

"What is President Bai Yi's plan?" Beros looked at Bai Yi.

"Actually, human beings have had a direction very early. The resources on the earth are not enough to sustain human development, so we turn to the outside. We now have two choices. The first one is to follow the original idea, Thinking about how to develop towards the outer planet. And the second kind..." Bai Yi pointed to the second data.

Everyone immediately looked at Bai Yi, the inexplicable jump in his eyes-space crack!



All kinds of evaluations suddenly appeared in everyone's minds, but no one showed it, but began to think about this possibility seriously.

Indeed, the direction of the original research on the earth is how to move towards outer space. However, this idea has been in the human world for a long time, and various ideas and fantasy works have also been derived, but in fact, humans have not advanced far along this path. Even the few moons of the earth have not been there.

And now the second kind, space cracks, although seemingly incomparably dangerous, may be easier to reach than the first kind.

Bai Yi only found one thing after carefully sorting out the memories after Fang Jinshi. Spatial cracks are just an external factor, the most obvious. However, under this obvious crisis, another hidden crisis is the depletion of life on Earth. But at that time, the crisis was completely hidden under the surface, so it was not very conspicuous. However, if this crisis is not resolved, the earth may be delayed for hundreds of years, but in the end it may still be destroyed.

"This is too arbitrary, who knows what is behind the space crack."

"Yes, I just don't know, so I don't know if it's an endless void, or whether it's another vast world. So it's necessary to explore." Bai Yi nodded.

Darren couldn't help but smile bitterly. What he meant was that he didn't know anything behind the space crack, and Bai Yi's idea was too risky. Why did you turn around in Bai Yi's words, it became precisely because of the unknown, so it has the value of exploration.

At this time, Bright was in a spirit. "Maybe, there is a wider world." Bright said to himself, and after he finished, he realized that everyone was watching him.

"No, I'm just guessing." Bright explained immediately.

Everyone was just weird, but they didn't follow up on this. However, Bright thought at this time, but another thing, the undead of the underground palace. The underground palace in the Sahara Desert was used once to discuss the current situation and establish the Bright Council. Since then, no one has gone to that place, but not long ago, after Bright went there, he found a soul.

If it were before, Bright would definitely not find this soul, but as the strength grows, it is not difficult to see the soul directly.

Suddenly found a soul, Bright will certainly be very curious, but after the exchange, Bright found that the soul may be too old, or may be the reason to dissipate, not much is known. After communicating with this soul in the ancient language of South America, what Bright had drawn was also a little bit upside down, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

But now, Bai Yi suddenly mentioned the space crack, and Bright immediately remembered it.

The information in the soul mouth that is upside down and incomprehensible is another world?

Everyone is synthesizing the secrets in their hearts when discussing, and then constantly measuring and thinking. Just as Bai Yi suddenly met a rebirth, and Bright discovered an ancient undead in the underground palace, other people have more or less their own opportunities. These are all secrets in everyone's own heart and will not be easily told to others. However, these secrets are affecting everyone's judgment and decision.

After some serious discussions, the results came out.

——The stability of the earth is the most important thing, and everything else comes after this. In addition, for the cracks in space, if there is no first crisis that Bai Yi said, maybe everyone feels that they can just find a way to seal it. But now, everyone agrees to study to see if there is another world behind the cracks in space.


After the meeting, everyone left and started to prepare. And first of all, what they need to do is to appease the situation in the world and the conflict between human and humanoid intelligent races. Some of these people were discriminatory, but now, these people have to suppress the thoughts in their hearts. Bai Yi made it very clear that the present earth can't stand more fierce battles, which will bring everyone to destruction.

The boat has turned There is no coast around, and there are a few people who can live in the void ocean all the time.

"President Bai Yi, although we will advocate peace, but this is not just what we can decide, the attitude of the human race is also very important." Darren said. His territory is close to Willie Polgara, but he knows that the ambition of the guy is not small.

"Leave it to me, I will seriously discuss with the first mother." Bai Yi said.

"President Bai Yi knows who the first mother is?" The others were slightly puzzled. The appearance of human-like intelligent races is not short, they also know that there are seven leaders, but the first mother behind is always a secret.

"Well, it is." Bai Yi smiled softly. This look makes other people feel even more strange.

Whether it is selfishness or the overall situation, Bai Yi is unwilling to fight between humans and humanoid intelligent races. In the situation in Fang Jinshi's memory, Bai Yi will never let him perform. Just kidding, if he really fought, he, as the chairman of the Bright Council, represents humanity, and Hong Qihua is the first mother, representing the human race of human wisdom. Isn't his feelings even more hopeless?

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